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postseismic relaxation
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Fred F. Pollitz ◽  
Charles W. Wicks ◽  
Jerry L. Svarc ◽  
Eleyne Phillips ◽  
Benjamin A. Brooks ◽  

ABSTRACT The 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence involved predominantly right-lateral strike slip on a northwest–southeast-trending subvertical fault in the 6 July M 7.1 mainshock, preceded by left-lateral strike slip on a northeast–southwest-trending subvertical fault in the 4 July M 6.4 foreshock. To characterize the postseismic deformation, we assemble displacements measured by Global Positioning System (GPS) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar. The geodetic measurements illuminate vigorous postseismic deformation for at least 21 months following the earthquake sequence. The postseismic transient deformation is particularly well constrained from survey-mode GPS (sGPS) in the epicentral region carried out during the weeks after the mainshock. We interpret these observations with mechanical models including afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and mantle asthenosphere. During the first 21 months, up to several centimeters of horizontal motions are measured at continuous GPS and sGPS sites, with amplitude that diminishes slowly with distance from the mainshock rupture, suggestive of deeper afterslip or viscoelastic relaxation. We find that although afterslip involving right-lateral strike slip along the mainshock fault traces and their deeper extensions reach a few decimeters, most postseismic deformation is attributable to viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and mantle. Within the Basin and Range crust and mantle, we infer a transient lower crust viscosity several times that of the mantle asthenosphere. The transient mantle asthenosphere viscosity is ∼1.3×1017  Pa s, and the adjacent Central Valley transient mantle asthenosphere viscosity is ∼7×1017  Pa s, about five times higher and consistent with an asymmetry in postseismic horizontal motions across the mainshock surface rupture.

Matteo Albano ◽  
Salvatore Barba ◽  
Christian Bignami ◽  
Eugenio Carminati ◽  
Carlo Doglioni ◽  

Summary The preparation, initiation, and occurrence dynamics of earthquakes in Italy are governed by several frequently unknown physical mechanisms and parameters. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing new techniques and approaches for earthquake monitoring and hazard assessments. Here, we develop a first-order numerical model simulating quasi-static crustal interseismic loading, coseismic brittle episodic dislocations, and postseismic relaxation for extensional and compressional earthquakes in Italy based on a common framework of lithostatic and tectonic forces. Our model includes an upper crust, where the fault is locked, and a deep crust, where the fault experiences steady shear. The results indicate that during the interseismic phase, the contrasting behavior between the upper locked fault segment and lower creeping fault segment generates a stretched volume at depth in the hanging wall via extensional tectonics while a contracted volume forms via compressional tectonics. The interseismic stress and strain gradients invert at the coseismic stage, with the interseismic dilated volume contracting during the coseismic stage, and vice versa. Moreover, interseismic stress gradients promote coseismic gravitational subsidence of the hanging wall for normal fault earthquakes and elastic uplift for reverse fault earthquakes. Finally, the postseismic relaxation is characterized by further ground subsidence and uplift for normal and reverse faulting earthquakes, respectively, which is consistent with the faulting style. The fault is the passive feature, with slipping generating the seismic waves, whereas the energy activating the movement is stored mostly in the hanging wall volume. The main source of energy for normal faulting and thrust is provided by the lithostatic load and elastic load, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Augusto Mazzoni ◽  
Marco Fortunato ◽  
Alberico Sonnessa ◽  
Giovanna Berrino ◽  
Filippo Greco ◽  

<p>In 2018 INGV funded a project aimed to detect gravity variations and ground deformations over different time-scale possibly associated with the postseismic relaxation affecting the area where the recent seismic events of L'Aquila (2009 Mw 6.3) and Amatrice-Norcia (2016 Mw 6.1 and 6.5) took place. To this aim a network of five absolute gravity stations was realized (Terni, Popoli, Sant’Angelo Romano, L’Aquila University and L'Aquila Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso). The site of L'Aquila University was chosen since location of the permanent GNSS station (AQUI) managed by the Italian Space Agency and contributing to the EUREF network. AQUI is continuously operating on the roof of the Science Faculty (Coppito, L'Aquila).</p><p>In the basement of the same building we realized the absolute gravimetric station (AQUIg), indoor the Geomagnetic laboratory of the Physics Department. This is one of the numerous applications where satellite systems must be integrated with traditional terrestrial surveying techniques. These include the case of underground or indoor gravimetric surveys, where the height of the gravimetric reference point should be determined precisely starting from an outdoor reference point with known coordinates. In this case, the use of classical observation techniques and instruments (e.g., total stations, levels) is crucial to measure the height difference between a reference GNSS station and a gravimetric benchmark. We will draw the steps followed to estimate the height difference between AQUIg and AQUI by a classical topographic survey and therefore the height of AQUIg from estimating first the height of AQUI.</p>

2020 ◽  
Matteo Albano ◽  
Salvatore Barba ◽  
Christian Bignami ◽  
Carlo Doglioni ◽  
Eugenio Carminati ◽  

<p>Earthquakes are the result of the strain accumulation in the earth's crust over a variable decade to millennial period, i.e., the interseismic stage, followed by a sudden stress release at a crustal discontinuity, i.e., the coseismic stage, finally evolving in a postseismic stage.</p><p>Commonly, the seismic cycle is modelled with analytical and numerical approaches. Analytical methods simulate the interseismic, coseismic and postseismic phases independently. These models impose the slip of single or multiple planar sources to infer fault geometry, slip distribution and regional deformations to fit the available geodetic or seismological measurements, often regardless of the magnitude and orientation of the interseismic gravitational and tectonic forces. Numerical approaches allow simulating complex geometries in heterogeneous media and at different modelling scales, assuming various constitutive laws. Such models often impose the slip on the fault plane to simulate the observed coseismic dislocation or the propagation of the seismic waves, or they adopt ad-hoc boundary conditions to investigate the interseismic stress accumulation or the postseismic relaxation for specific cases.</p><p>We contribute to the understanding of the seismic cycle associated to a single fault by developing a numerical model to simulate the long-term crustal interseismic deformation, the coseismic brittle episodic dislocation, and the postseismic relaxation of the upper crust within a unified environment for both normal and reverse fault earthquakes in Italy, including the forces acting during the interseismic period, i.e., the lithostatic load and the horizontal stress field, the latter simulated with the application of a shear traction a the model’s base. We adjusted the setup of our model to simulate the interseismic, coseismic and postseismic phases for two seismic events: the M<sub>w</sub> 6.1 L’Aquila 2009 normal fault earthquake and the M<sub>w</sub> 5.9 Emilia-Romagna 2012 reverse fault earthquake.</p><p>The simulation results show that the applied basal shear traction is fundamental to model the large-scale interseismic pattern since it allows for a first-order simulation of the ongoing crustal interseismic extension of the Central Apennines and compression of the Adriatic foreland and the north-eastern part of the Italian territory. The action of shear tractions and lithostatic forces generates a local concentration of stresses and strains in the presence of local heterogeneities or discontinuities, i.e., at the transition between the brittle locked fault and the ductile unlocked slipping fault during the interseismic stage. Such an interseismic strain partitioning provides maximum horizontal stress sufficient to exceed the friction on the locked brittle part of the fault, with the subsequent collapse of the hangingwall in case of extensional earthquakes or the expulsion of the hangingwall in case of compressional earthquakes. The instantaneous slip of the hangingwall perturbs the crustal pore fluid pressures, triggering groundwater flow in the postseismic phase from regions of higher pore pressures, which further compress, to regions of lower pore pressures, which further dilate. As a result, displacements gradually accumulate in the postseismic phase, according to the dissipation of pore pressure excess. Once the postseismic phase terminates, a new cycle of interseismic loading can start again.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. eaaw1164 ◽  
J. Muto ◽  
J. D. P. Moore ◽  
S. Barbot ◽  
T. Iinuma ◽  
Y. Ohta ◽  

Modeling of postseismic deformation following great earthquakes has revealed the viscous structure of the mantle and the frictional properties of the fault interface. However, for giant megathrust events, viscoelastic flow and afterslip mechanically interplay with each other during the postseismic period. We explore the role of afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation and their interaction in the aftermath of the 2011 Mw (moment magnitude) 9.0 Tohoku earthquake based on a detailed model analysis of the postseismic deformation with laterally varying, experimentally constrained, rock rheology. Mechanical coupling between viscoelastic relaxation and afterslip notably modifies both the afterslip distribution and surface deformation. Thus, we highlight the importance of addressing mechanical coupling for long-term studies of postseismic relaxation, especially in the context of the geodynamics of the Japan trench across the seismic cycle.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (11) ◽  
pp. 4375-4383 ◽  
R. Bendick ◽  
S. F. Khan ◽  
R. Bürgmann ◽  
F. Jouanne ◽  
P. Banerjee ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 297-327
M. Dragoni ◽  
E. Lorenzano

Abstract. A fault containing two asperities with different strengths is considered. The fault is embedded in a viscoelastic shear zone, subject to a constant strain rate by the motions of adjacent tectonic plates. The fault is modelled as a discrete dynamical system where the average values of stress, friction and slip on each asperity are considered. The state of the fault is described by three variables: the slip deficits of the asperities and the viscoelastic deformation. The system has four dynamic modes, for which the analytical solutions are calculated. The relationship between the state of the fault before a seismic event and the sequence of slipping modes in the event is enlightened. Since the moment rate depends on the number and sequence of slipping modes, the knowledge of the source function of an earthquake constrains the orbit of the system in the phase space. If the source functions of a larger number of consecutive earthquakes were known, the orbit could be constrained more and more and its evolution could be predicted with a smaller uncertainty. The model is applied to the 1964 Alaska earthquake, which was the effect of the failure of two asperities and for which a remarkable postseismic relaxation has been observed in the subsequent decades. The evolution of the system after the 1964 event depends on the state from which the event was originated, that is constrained by the observed moment rate. The possible durations of the interseismic interval and the possible moment rates of the next earthquake are calculated as functions of the initial state.

2013 ◽  
Vol 118 (7) ◽  
pp. 3691-3706 ◽  
Mikhail G. Kogan ◽  
Nikolay F. Vasilenko ◽  
Dmitry I. Frolov ◽  
Jeffrey T. Freymueller ◽  
Grigory M. Steblov ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 1119-1134 ◽  
C. D. Reddy ◽  
P. S. Sunil ◽  
Roland Bürgmann ◽  
D. V. Chandrasekhar ◽  
Teruyuki Kato

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 431-441
C. D. Reddy ◽  
S. K. Prajapati ◽  
P. S. Sunil ◽  
S. K. Arora

Abstract. Throughout the world, the tsunami generation potential of some large under-sea earthquakes significantly contributes to regional seismic hazard, which gives rise to significant risk in the near-shore provinces where human settlements are in sizeable population, often referred to as coastal seismic risk. In this context, we show from the pertinent GPS data that the transient stresses generated by the viscoelastic relaxation process taking place in the mantle is capable of rupturing major faults by stress transfer from the mantle through the lower crust including triggering additional rupture on the other major faults. We also infer that postseismic relaxation at relatively large depths can push some of the fault segments to reactivation causing failure sequences. As an illustration to these effects, we consider in detail the earthquake sequence comprising six events, starting from the main event of Mw = 7.5, on 10 August 2009 and tapering off to a small earthquake of Mw = 4.5 on 2 February 2011 over a period of eighteen months in the intensely seismic Andaman Islands between India and Myanmar. The persisting transient stresses, spatio-temporal seismic pattern, modeled Coulomb stress changes, and the southward migration of earthquake activity has increased the probability of moderate earthquakes recurring in the northern Andaman region, particularly closer to or somewhat south of Diglipur.

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