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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 157-171
Dina Mahesti ◽  
Andhita Risko Faristiana

Abstract The development of technology today has been increasingly advanced and developed, especially social media that greatly impact and affect people's lives. The development of technology also has an impact on marketing, especially in the process of buying and selling, Digital Marketing is one of the marketing strategies that can reach the wider community from the top to the bottom. Research in this training uses the ABCD method or this training using the ABCD approach that is Asset Based Community Development, which prioritizes the utilization of assets and potential that exist around and owned by the community. Marketing planning in this study aims to develop MSMEs Bakpao Ijo Lumer in Milangasri District Panekan which due to pandemic vovid-19 began to decrease sales, the problems faced by bakpao ijo sellers one of them is in marketing or marketing, With this research bakpao ijo sellers can better know the benefits of technology, especially digital marketing to advertise or sell their bakpao ijo lumer food products, so that with this digital marketing sales turnover and public interest to buy bakpao ijo lumer increases, besides that sellers also get a lot of useful knowledge about digital marketing technology to be able to compete with the market and compete with other bakpao ijo products or other food products that are similar or different.   Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah semakin maju dan berkembang, terutama media sosial yang sangat berdampak dan mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat. Perkembangan teknologi juga berdampak pada pemasaran terutama dalam proses jual beli, Digital Marketing merupakan salah satu strategi pemasaran yang dapat menjangkau masyarakat luas mulai dari kalangan atas sampai bawah. Penelitian dalam pelatihan ini menggunakan metode ABCD atau Pelatihan ini menggunakan pendekatan ABCD yaitu Asset Based Community Development, yang mengutamakan pemanfaatan aset dan potensi yang ada di sekitar dan dimiliki oleh komunitas masyarakat. Perencanaan marketing dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UMKM Bakpao Ijo Lumer didesa Milangasri Kecamatan Panekan yang akibat pandemic vovid-19 mulai menurun penjualannya, permasalahan yang dihadapi penjual bakpao ijo salah satunya adalah dalam pemasaran atau marketing, dengan penelitian ini penjual bakpao ijo bisa lebih mengetahui manfaat dari teknologi terutama digital marketing untuk mengiklankan atau menjual produk makanan bakpao ijo lumer miliknya, sehingga dengan digital marketing ini omset penjualan dan minat masyarakat untuk membeli bakpao ijo lumer meningkat, selain itu penjual juga mendapat banyak sekali ilmu yang bermanfaat mengenai teknologi digital marketing untuk bisa bersaing dengan pasar dan bersaing dengan produk bakpao ijo lain ataupun produk makanan lain yang serupa maupun berbeda.

Monalisa Monalisa ◽  
Muhammad Akhyar ◽  
Musa Pelu

<em>Being a millennial entrepreneur who serves as a professional CEO, despite his young age as a millennial generation, there are several main approaches to leadership that need to be done by a millennial CEO that is seen from the point of view of millennial netizens. So how millennial entrepreneurs have a leadership attitude to become a millennial CEO who can increase professional value among relationships, customers and the wider community. The method used in this study is case studies with qualitative approaches. The type of data used is primary data through instagram social media surveys to see the activities of millennial entrepreneurs who reflect the leadership attitude of a millennial CEO. The sample of concern is CEO Indra Kesuma, a millennial entrepreneur from the field with his business instagram account kursustrading.id, action.kindness and others. And Esther Nathalia who became the CEO of millennials of my produktifkuy Instagram account. The results of the research findings are that millennial entrepreneurs with ceo positions in their businesses, have an advanced leadership attitude. Millennial CEOs are hardworking, resilient, responsible, and still care about the people below by helping and helping them both help in the form of money, open jobs and provide very useful knowledge through instagram content shared. In conclusion, although millennials are considered a vulnerable generation of despair, they show their own value through their leadership attitude in developing their entrepreneurship.</em>

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Discovering and using valuable and meaningful data which is hidden in large databases can have strategic importance in the managerial decision making process for organizations to gain competitive advantage. With the increasing data flow, it has become more difficult for organizations to store this data and gain useful knowledge to manage their business operations and functions. Knowledge discovery process that is based on data mining methods has widely been used in business operations and management functions.This paper investigates formal concept analysis which is a powerful tool in knowledge representation and discovery and explains association rule mining based-on formal concept analysis. An experimental study is given for employee selection function ofHRM by using formal concept analysis method to model the qualifications of candidates which are needed for the job position. The qualifications of the candidates are modelled with concept lattices and the qualifications of the candidates are matched with the ones determined in the job specification.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

One of the most critical activities of revealing terrorism-related information is classifying online documents.The internet provides consumers with a variety of useful knowledge, and the volume of web material is increasingly growing. This makes finding potentially hazardous records incredibly difficult. To define the contents, merely extracting keywords from records is inadequate. Many methods have been studied so far to develop automatic document classification systems, they are mainly computational and knowledge-based approaches. due to the complexities of natural languages, these approaches do not provide sufficient results. To fix this shortcoming, we given approach of structure dependent on the WordNet hierarchy and the frequency of n-gram data that employs word similarity. Using four different queries terms from four different regions, this approach was checked for the NY Times articles that were sampled. Our suggested approach successfully removes background words and phrases from the document recognizes connected to terrorism texts, according to experimental findings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 1089-1097
Haitham ABDELRAZAQ ◽  
Ashraf JAHMANI ◽  

The objectives of this paper are to explore the understanding of tourism through business sustainability through the management of the environmental and operating practices of five-star hotels in Aqaba Jordan. Data would be obtained from a variety of outlets, including paper analyses, impressions, and questionnaires. Semi-structured interviews are typically used to retrieve and supply details. The primary purpose of such interviews is to collect contextual knowledge from the sampled community. It also seeks to include useful knowledge on specific problems and to gain a range of perspectives on specific issues. It is planned to pilot the paper and pencil surveys and the test details to be gathered by field visits and semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal that hotels in Aqaba have used reuse or recycle glass or plastics. In order to encourage sustainable practices in the hotel industry in Jordan, we need to build distinction and competitive advantages by cost savings. The sustained success of economic operations is of utmost importance to companies, whether in the production or service sectors. This emphasis on sustainability is especially relevant to the growth of tourism and hospitality destinations. Established and Emerging economies have embraced environmental and organizational sustainability as a core.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-260
Hina Jabeen ◽  
Akhtar Rasool ◽  
Rakhshinda Sadiq

Abstract Composting is an environment friendly phenomenon which recycles the organic materials such as plants converting them to beneficial fertilizers. Hence composting limits the use of toxic chemical fertilizers. The aim of the study was to prepare compost/bio-fertilizer from nutrient rich plant, the pennywort, for organic crop production and to reduce the plant wastes by reusing them for environmental benefits. For this purpose, the plants were mixed with different other additives like rock phosphate, urea, cow dung and sludge to boost up the quality of compost. Pennywort plant compost alone (without any additive) was considered as a control and aerobic conditions were maintained. Physico-chemical parameters like organic matter, ash content, total nitrogen, pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and level of heavy metals and micronutrients were taken into account. All tested parameters showed a beneficial level in the amended plant composts compared to plant alone. Therefore, the prepared compost could be very promising for crops improvement. Hence, the present study would prove a significant advancement in the pool of efforts to enhance the agricultural welfares. Moreover, the current study provides useful knowledge about enhancing the properties and profile of natural composted products because it can provide an alternate source to increase the fertility of the soil and also a good approach to reduce the pressure of solid waste on environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 376
Peter Macsek ◽  
Jan Skoda ◽  
Maria Krchniakova ◽  
Jakub Neradil ◽  
Renata Veselska

Despite constant advances in the field of pediatric oncology, the survival rate of high-risk neuroblastoma patients remains poor. The molecular and genetic features of neuroblastoma, such as MYCN amplification and stemness status, have established themselves not only as potent prognostic and predictive factors but also as intriguing targets for personalized therapy. Novel thiosemicarbazones target both total level and activity of a number of proteins involved in some of the most important signaling pathways in neuroblastoma. In this study, we found that di-2-pyridylketone 4-cyclohexyl-4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazone (DpC) potently decreases N-MYC in MYCN-amplified and c-MYC in MYCN-nonamplified neuroblastoma cell lines. Furthermore, DpC succeeded in downregulating total EGFR and phosphorylation of its most prominent tyrosine residues through the involvement of NDRG1, a positive prognostic marker in neuroblastoma, which was markedly upregulated after thiosemicarbazone treatment. These findings could provide useful knowledge for the treatment of MYC-driven neuroblastomas that are unresponsive to conventional therapies.

Владимир Арнольдович Биллиг ◽  
Николай Васильевич Звягинцев

В настоящее время накоплено значительное количество экспериментальных данных, фиксирующих процесс протекания химических реакций. Анализ этих данных комплексом алгоритмов Data Mining дает важную практическую информацию для поиска эффективных условий проведения реакций, при которых получается максимальное количество целевого продукта при минимальных затратах. В данной работе на примере работы с базой, содержащей данные о протекании реакции карбонилирования различных олефинов, показано, как разработанный нами программный комплекс позволяет извлечь полезные знания, способствующие повышению эффективности химических реакций. At present, a significant amount of experimental data has been accumulated, recording the process of the occurrence of chemical reactions. Analysis of these data by a set of Data Mining algorithms provides important practical information for finding effective conditions for carrying out reactions, at which the maximum amount of the target product is obtained at minimal cost. In this paper, using the example of working with a database containing data on the course of the carbonylation reaction of various olefins, it is shown how the software package developed by us allows us to extract useful knowledge that contributes to an increase in the efficiency of chemical reactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 61-97
Francesca Bellino

Abstract This article frames the Kitāb al-Maʿārif of Ibn Qutayba (d. 276/889) against the background of the evolution of the Abbasid historiography and the emergence of early forms of Islamic universal histories in particular. It also provides an analysis of the work in terms of its aim, recipients, structure, contents, sources, and style. It draws attention to the three main dimensions of chronology, genealogy and onomastics that so deeply characterize Ibn Qutayba’s general approach in his sketch of the outline of Islamic history. It shows that it is an adab work insofar as it offers a set of useful knowledge needed by the non specialist reader, namely the non-historian, whether he is a kātib, an adīb, or any other figure working in the Abbasid bureaucracy. The final part of the article looks at the inclusion of materials related to the centuries preceding the rise of the Prophet Muḥammad and Islam as they are presented in the chapter on the mulūk.

2021 ◽  
Dharma Kusala

Credibility Account TikTok Social Media Marketing Social Media TikTok Video Shares to Video Comments Ratio Akun Tutorial Memasak There are so many social media platforms that can be used as a means of communication in the 4.0 era, from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to TikTok. TikTok is a social media platform from China that allows users to create 15-second videos accompanied by music, filters, and other creative features. In 2021 TikTok will become one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide. In Indonesia alone TikTok has been downloaded by 30.7 million Indonesians. Seeing the large number of Tiktok users in Indonesia, people are starting to try to take advantage of the TikTok social media platform to gain fame or even share useful knowledge such as easy and fun cooking tutorials. There are 5 tiktok accounts about cooking tutorials that are in great demand by the Indonesian people, including: querrkunoichi, garciandyyy, yackikuka, makfoodies, felya_ng. This research is expected to determine the credibility of the performance of 5 TikTok cooking tutorial accounts using quantitative exploratory methods. The results obtained from this study indicate that the TikTok makfoodies account occupies the highest rank and has good account credibility.

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