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business plan
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2022 ◽  
pp. 245-267
Galinoma Gahele Lubawa

Writing of business plans ensures performance of a business and contributes to enabling countries to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). The latter are intended, in part, to promote industrialization, and improved human living and working standards. This chapter identifies and analyses the importance of business plan for family-owned food processing small and medium enterprises (Fo-SMEs). It advocates for the establishment of an “integrated planning” strategy to link Fo-SMEs and government support system for business development. Business-planning forecasts industrial production based on consumers' demands. Integrated planning ensures sustainability of Fo-SMEs, farmers' economic growth, and consequent achievement of SDGs. Tanzania Fo-SMEs serve as a useful lesson for developing economies. Future studies should consider Fo-SMEs' succession planning framework.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 734-747
Dilek Erdoğan ◽  
Sabiha Annaç Göv

In recent years, the number of both co-authored publications and authors per publication in the national and international literature has increased. Co-authored publications are a result of voluntary research collaboration among academics. This study aims to investigate the reasons for research collaboration, the factors affecting the success of research collaboration, and the disadvantages of the collaboration perceived by researchers. For this purpose, qualitative research was conducted, and interviews were conducted with ten academics with different titles working in different disciplines. Among the reasons for collaboration, the most frequently reported reasons were increasing the quality of publications, ensuring learning and development, improving social relations, expertise, and access to resources. Factors such as being honest and trustworthy of the research partner, fulfilling the responsibilities of the parties, interpersonal harmony, complying with the business plan and calendar are among the factors considered to affect the success of the collaboration. Some of the perceived disadvantages of research collaboration are the low reliability of the contribution to multi-author studies, the division of academic achievement score by the number of authors, the difficulty of proving individual achievement in co-authored studies, and problems related to the research partner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 172-177
Frangky Selamat ◽  
Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari

ABSTRACT Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the largest part of Indonesia's existing business units. Its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) also continues to increase from year to year. Even though there are many MSMEs in quantity, they can still be improved from the aspect of business scale, in order to strengthen competitiveness and sustainability. To be able to increase the scale of business, planning is needed. The planning involves the necessary preparations so that the business is ready to grow and has the potential to become big. In the plan, which is usually called a “business plan”, business owners are encouraged to know more about the business they are running. Marketing, sales, operations, resources and finance aspects are the main focus. Each aspect is discussed in detail about what can be done, not only in the short term, but also in the medium and even long term. Forward projections based on reasonable assumptions. This is where accuracy and thoroughness are needed in preparing plans so that the steps compiled can be implemented, not only beautiful on paper. This is also found in MSMEs in Jambi Province. On this basis, the Community Service Team (PKM) together with the Center for Entrepreneurship Studies (PUSWIRA) of Tarumanagara University provided training and assistance in the preparation of business plans to 150 Jambi MSMEs. The activity, which lasted for one month, in July 2021, has helped MSME owners develop a simple but applicable business plan so that the managed business is on the right track to grow and be sustainable. ABSTRAK Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) adalah bagian terbesar dari unit usaha yang ada Indonesia. Kontribusinya terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) juga terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Walau secara kuantitas berjumlah banyak UMKM masih dapat ditingkatkan lagi dari aspek skala usaha, agar dapat memperkuat daya saing dan keberlanjutan. Untuk dapat meningkatkan skala usaha diperlukan perencanaan. Perencanaan tersebut menyangkut persiapan yang diperlukan agar usaha siap untuk tumbuh dan berkemungkinan menjadi besar. Di dalam perencanaan yang biasa disebut “business plan” pemilik usaha didorong untuk mengenal lebih dalam mengenai usaha yang dijalankan. Aspek pemasaran, penjualan, operasi, sumber daya dan keuangan menjadi fokus utama. Setiap aspek dibahas secara rinci mengenai hal yang dapat dilakukan, tidak hanya dalam jangka pendek saja, tapi juga menengah bahkan panjang. Proyeksi ke depan berdasarkan asumsi yang masuk akal. Di sinilah diperlukan kecermatan dan ketelitian di dalam menyusun rencana agar langkah-langkah yang disusun dapat dilaksanakan, tidak hanya indah di atas kertas. Hal ini yang juga ditemui pada UMKM di Provinsi Jambi. Atas dasar itu Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) bersama dengan Pusat Studi Kewirausahaan (PUSWIRA) Universitas Tarumanagara memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan rencana bisnis kepada 150 UMKM Jambi. Kegiatan yang berlangsung selama satu bulan yaitu pada Juli 2021 ini telah membantu pemilik UMKM menyusun rencana bisnis sederhana namun aplikatif agar usaha yang dikelola berada di jalur yang tepat untuk tumbuh dan berkelanjutan.

Ірина Федоренко ◽  
Євгенія Шкарупа ◽  
Катерина Шляпцева

The article investigates the financial and economic essence of investment design and proves that having the diversity and abundance of sources of financing of various projects and programs in industrial enterprises there is an urgent need to form their investm ent attractiveness, which should be embodied in the form of an investment project. The main approaches to the definition of the concept of investment project are analyzed and the author's definition of this concept is given. The groups of methods for assessing the economic efficiency of investment projects, which allow to assess its economic efficiency, which increases the investment attractiveness of prospective domestic and foreign investors. Typical errors that may occur in the calculation of performance indicators of the investment project and adversely affect the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise are highlighted. It is proved that one of the most important and defining stages of the project cycle of investment design is project analysis, which is a set of methodological measures and techniques used for the preparation and justification of investment decisions. The main types of analysis that should be included in the project analysis of the investment project ar e defined. It is concluded that after all the studies preceding the investment decision, it is necessary to draw up a certa in final document that will allow the investor and the entrepreneur not only to accept, but also to fix, and when to be done to justify the hopes for the effective ness of the investment project. For this purpose, a standard document is drawn up, in which the concept of a real investment project – a business plan-is substantiated in detail. The business plan developed in the article makes it possible to find out the viability of the project in the conditio ns of market competition, contains guidelines for the further development of the enterprise, and is the main condition for the formation of investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise in the modern investment climate of Ukraine.

A. A. Osipova ◽  

In world practice, a business plan has long become a generally accepted way of providing commercial information and the basis for business negotiations. With the development of market relations and the expansion of international economic relations, business planning becomes one of the important elements of ensuring the competitiveness and successful production and financial activities of an enterprise. On the basis of the business plan, the calculation of the economic efficiency of business ideas and investment decisions, the assessment of the commercial feasibility of investing in their implementation is carried out. A well thought out business plan can be a key step in building a successful and sustainable agricultural enterprise. Business plans, as objects that reflect the characteristics of the field of activity, must be developed not in a template, but based, first of all, on the intended purpose. In this case, the number of sections is regulated. It is one thing when a business plan is developed with the aim of introducing a highly effective innovation, and quite another when it is created for the financial recovery of an organization. A business plan is a document that defines the future goals of a business and a strategy for achieving them. Description can take two forms: narrative and financial. A business plan includes the following documents: resume, business introduction, market analysis, competitor analysis, products and services, marketing and sales strategies, organizational structure, and financial projections. Thus, a business plan is an invaluable tool that helps a grower to be on track to achieve the goals of an agricultural business. Regardless of whether you are a cattle farmer, raising products or processing, it is an agricultural business.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Laura Gonzalez

PurposeAcademic innovation strives to benefit from an ample talent pool, and entrepreneurship and research competitions constitute an integral part of the effort. This prompts discussions about how to optimize the impact of interdisciplinary learning, especially for less-traditional participants. The main purpose of this article is to describe how synergies between research and business plan competitions can facilitate inclusive engagement and enhanced development of transferable skills.Design/methodology/approachA case illustration addresses the following questions: (1) what skills can be enhanced through a single project toward parallel participation in research and business plan competitions? (2) How can synergies between research and business plan competitions support more inclusive student development? The case illustration outlines the process and outcomes of an initiative with three first-gen business students, two female and two international.FindingsThe case illustration describes how synergies and alignments of deadliness between research and business plan competitions enhanced the learning process by facilitating more opportunities to showcase learning and receive feedback. In addition, the parallel preparation facilitated student inclusion by providing purposeful authentic practice in a project envisioned by the students. As a result of the 2019 learning experience, students and their employers continue to value in 2021 the effective development of transferable skills.Originality/valuePrevious studies examine independently entrepreneurship initiatives, science technology engineering arts and mathematics (STEAM) initiatives, transferable skills and pedagogy that support inclusive education. This manuscript describes the option of synergies between research and entrepreneurship competitions to support more inclusive student development. In addition, it provides recommendations for impact when scaling-up synergies.

2021 ◽  
Ayesha Ahmed Abdulla Salem Alsaeedi ◽  
Eduard Latypov ◽  
Manar Elabrashy ◽  
Mohamed Alzeyoudi ◽  
Ammar Al-Ameri ◽  

Abstract There are several operational challenges associated with a gas field producing in recycle or depletion mode, including a reasonable forecast and a robust production strategy planning. The complex reservoir dynamics further demands faster and reasonable analysis and decision-making. This paper discusses an all-inclusive integrated modeling approach to devise a production strategy incorporating the detailed compressor design requirements to ensure that a consistent production-stream is available in the long-term considering technical and economic aspects. The proposed production strategy is a two-fold approach. In the first step, the process utilizes the current reservoir simulation data in the production-forecast model. This history matched model captures the reservoir dynamics such as reservoir pressure decline and accounts for future wells drilling-requirements. However, the detailed production hydraulics in wellbore and surface facilities is not captured in the model. Further, to consider the declining well-performance and facility bottlenecks, integrated analysis is required. So, in the second step, the reservoir simulation model is dynamically integrated to take the input from the production model, encompassing detailed well and surface facility digital twins. The continuous interaction provides a highly reliable production profile that can be used to produce a production strategy of compressor design for the future. A strong interactive user-interface in the digital platform enables the user to configure various what-if scenarios efficiently, considering all anticipated future events and production conditions. The major output of the process was the accurate identification of the pressure-profile at multiple surface facility locations over the course of the production. Using the business-plan, field development strategy, production-profile, and the reservoir simulation output, reliable pressure-profiles were obtained, giving an indication of the declining pressures at gathering manifold over time. A well level production-profile-forecast helped in prioritizing wells for rerouting as well as workover requirements. As an outcome of this study, several manifolds were identified that are susceptible to high-pressure decline caused by declining reservoir pressures. To capture this pressure decline, a compressor mechanism was put in place to transfer the fluid to its delivery point. As this study utilizes several timesteps for the production forecast estimation, flexible routine options are also provided to the engineers to ensure that backpressure is minimized to avoid a larger back pressure on the wells for quick gains. This solution improves the efficiency of the previous approaches that were entirely relying on the reservoir simulation model to capture the pressure decline at the wellhead to forecast the compressor needs. In this methodology, the pressure profile at each node was captured to simulate a real production scenario. This holistic approach is in line with Operator's business plan strategy to identify the needs of external energy-source to avoid production-deferral.

Cleginaldo Pereira de Carvalho ◽  

Nowadays, when competitiveness has become a frequent factor among companies, they must be prepared and structured, in order to acquire competitive advantages in the market. The present work aims to analyze the restaurant market in the commercial center of the city of Lorena, state of São Paulo - SP, providing information on the profile of consumers, companies that compete in the market and influencing aspects in decision making in choosing the preferred establishment, thus providing the necessary subsidies for the elaboration of a possible business plan. The investigation was conducted through a bibliographic review and a market research applied to regulars in the commercial center of the municipality. The results obtained demonstrate the existence of a heterogeneous market, composed of consumers of the most varied ages, occupations and preferences for companies already established in the local commerce. The study also presented as the most relevant factors in the process of choosing the preferred restaurant the quality of the products, the service and the variety. Thus, the feasibility of proceeding to a detailed business plan, incorporating financial and marketing aspects, is concluded.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-172
Moh. Zaenal Abidin

Entrepreneurship is an activity to meet the needs of human life. With the existence of entrepreneurship, unemployment can be reduced, considering that in Indonesia the unemployment rate is very high. Especially with the Covid-19 outbreak, the unemployment rate has increased. In starting a business, careful planning is needed, so that the business we run is in accordance with the goals and expectations we want. In addition, the existence of a business plan can make it easier to evaluate the shortcomings of the business that we are running. Therefore business planning lies at the very top before doing or starting a business. The business plan or business plan includes a vision and mission, an overview of the company, marketing, goods and services produced, efforts to increase sales and capital.   Berwirausaha merupakan kegiatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia. Dengan adanya kewirausahaan pengangguran dapat berkurang, mengingat di Indonesia tingkat pengangguran yang sangat tinggi. Terlebih dengan adanya wabah covid-19 ini, tingkat pengangguran meningkat. Dalam memulai sebuah usaha maka perlu perencanaan yang matang, agar usaha yang kita jalankan sesuai dengan tujuan dan harapan yang kita inginkan. Selain itu dengan adanya perencanaan usaha dapat mempermudah dalam mengevaluasi kekurangan terhadap usaha yang sedang kita jalankan. Oleh karena itu perencanaan usaha terletak pada posisi paling atas sebelum melakukan atau mengawali sebuah usaha. Dalam business plan atau perencanaan usaha didalamnya mencangkup visi dan misi, gambaran tentang perusahaan, pemasaran, barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan, usaha untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan permodalan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-259
Rizky Dwi Putri ◽  
Rizza Megasari ◽  
Dian Rachmawati ◽  
Ro’ufah Inayati ◽  

This article aims to identify how entrepreneurship literacy could trigger the emergence of potential entrepreneurs from students. This paper presented a case study of the implementation of learning innovations for entrepreneurship courses using the project-based learning (PjBL) models. The implementation of PjBL on entrepreneurship subjects aims to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in students and motivate them to become entrepreneurs. This phenomenology research uses primary data through observation and interview with respondents that attended entrepreneur courses. The result of the business plan arranged by the student was analyzed and the internalization measurement of entrepreneurial spirit was conducted through student activities in class. This study has identified the criteria such as discipline, creativity, responsibility, leadership, decision-making, learning motivation, and communication skill through classes. Based on the in-depth interviews with eight students of entrepreneurship courses, the PjBL could stimulate students to improve entrepreneurial character, mindset, and skill to support participation and performance in a range of entrepreneurial activities. The entrepreneurial spirit showed a significant difference between before and after class which can see not only in the business plan and student’s presentation skills, also in their dream to continue the business there has been started. Furthermore, this study alternated formulation for entrepreneur courses in higher education.

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