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backbone curve
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Geosciences ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Virginio Quaglini ◽  
Carlo Pettorruso ◽  
Eleonora Bruschi ◽  
Luca Mari

Past earthquakes have highlighted the seismic vulnerability of prefabricated industrial sheds typical of past Italian building practices. Such buildings typically exhibited rigid collapse mechanisms due to the absence of rigid links between columns, beams, and roof elements. This study aims at presenting the experimental and numerical assessment of a novel dissipative connection system (DCS) designed to improve the seismic performance of prefabricated sheds. The device, which is placed on the top of columns, exploits the movement of a rigid slider on a sloped surface to dissipate seismic energy and control the lateral displacement of the beam, and to provide a recentering effect at the end of the earthquake. The backbone curve of the DCS, and the effect of vertical load, sliding velocity, and number of cycles were assessed in experimental tests conducted on a scaled prototype, according to a test protocol designed accounting for similarity requirements. In the second part of the study, non-linear dynamic analyses were performed on a finite element model of a portal frame implementing, at beam-column joints, either the DCS or a pure friction connection. The results highlighted the effectiveness of the DCS in controlling beam-to-column displacements, reducing shear forces on the top of columns, and limiting residual displacements that can accrue during ground motion sequences.

2021 ◽  
Zarrin Karimzadeh ◽  
Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany ◽  
Afshin Kalantari ◽  
Sahar Shokuhirad

Abstract One of the main components for the development of regional seismic risk models is the fragility functions for common building types. Due to the differences between the national design codes, construction practices, and construction materials, it is necessary to develop specific fragility functions for the common building types which are constructed in each region. One of the existing challenges is the lack of classified, reliable, and cogent local seismic fragility functions for common buildings in Iran. For this reason, the present study is devoted to filling this essential gap. Therefore, at the first step, a comprehensive study was performed on the existing building types in the country. Finally, the Iranian common buildings are classified into 35 categories regarding material, lateral-load-resisting system, age, height, and code level. Also, by conducting comprehensive studies on all previously performed researches in the country, structural and dynamic parameters have been collected for buildings in each class. This information was used to compute a large set of backbone curves for Iranian buildings taxonomy. In the next steps, a large set of ground motion records were selected. Then non-linear time-history analyses were performed on the generic backbone curve for each type of building, and the structural responses were used to derive fragility functions for building classes. Then nearly three hundred appropriate fragility functions were generated for Iranian common buildings considering both record-to-record and building-to-building response variability using cloud analysis. Based on the existing empirical data from past earthquakes in the country, the validation of the resulting fragility functions was carried out. The resulted fragility functions can be utilized in seismic risk assessment studies in the country.

Jitendra Bhatta ◽  
Joshua Mulligan ◽  
Rajesh P. Dhakal ◽  
Timothy J. Sullivan ◽  
Hans Gerlich ◽  

This paper identifies the inherent strengths/weaknesses of rigid timber-framed partitions and quantifies the onset drifts for different damage thresholds under bi-directional seismic actions. It reports construction and quasi-static lateral cyclic testing of a multi-winged timber-framed partition wall specimen with details typical of New Zealand construction practice. Furthermore, the cyclic performance of the tested rigid timber-framed partition wall is also compared with that of similar partition walls incorporating ‘partly-sliding’ connectiondetails, and ‘seismic gaps’, previously tested under the same test setup. Based on the experimentally recorded cyclic performance measures, theoretical equations proposed/derived in the literature to predict the ultimate strength, initial stiffness, and drift capacity of different damage states are scrutinized, and some equations are updated in order to alleviate identified possible shortcomings. These theoretical estimates are then validated with the experimental results. It is found that the equations can reasonably predict the initial stiffness and ultimate shear strength of the partitions, as well as the onset-driftscorresponding to the screw damage and diagonal buckling failure mode of the plasterboard. The predicted bi-linear curve is also found to approximate the backbone curve of the tested partition wall sensibly.

2021 ◽  

The response of exposed column base connections for L-shaped column is investigated through finite element analysis (FEA) in this paper which is affected by complex interactions among different components. Three finite element models are constructed to simulate the response of these connections under axial and cyclic horizontal loading, which interrogate a range of variables including anchor rod strength, base plate size and thickness. The results of the simulations provide insights into internal stress distributions which have not been measured directly through experiments. The key findings indicate that thicker base plates tend to shift the stresses to the toe of the base plate, while thinner plates concentrate the stresses under the column flange. Base on the analytical results, a hysteretic model is proposed to describe the cyclic moment-rotation response of exposed column base connections. The core parameters used to define the backbone curve of the hysteretic model are calibrated through configurational details. The comparison between the simulation and the calculated values indicates that the hysteretic model is suitable to characterize the key aspects of the physical response, including pinching, recentering and flag-shaped hysteresis phenomenon. Limitations of the model are outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (11) ◽  
pp. 3405-3420
Mohd Aftar Abu Bakar ◽  
Noratiqah Mohd Ariff ◽  
Andrew V. Metcalfe ◽  
David A. Green

This study investigates the wavelet-based system identification capabilities on determining the system nonlinearity based on the system impulse response function. Wavelet estimates of the instantaneous envelopes and instantaneous frequency are used to plot the system backbone curve. This wavelet estimate is then used to estimate the values of the parameter for the system. Two weakly nonlinear oscillators, which are the Duffing and the Van der Pol oscillators, have been analyzed using this wavelet approach. A case study based on a model of an oscillating flap wave energy converter (OFWEC) was also discussed in this study. Based on the results, it was shown that this technique is recommended for nonlinear system identification provided the impulse response of the system can be captured. This technique is also suitable when the system's form is unknown and for estimating the instantaneous frequency even when the impulse responses were polluted with noise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1203 (3) ◽  
pp. 032043
Iacopo Costoli ◽  
Stefano Sorace ◽  
Gloria Terenzi

Abstract Observation of damage caused by recent earthquakes highlights, once again, that the presence of infills significantly affects the seismic response of reinforced concrete (R.C.) frame buildings. Therefore, in spite of the fact that infills are non-structural elements, and thus they are normally not considered in structural analyses, in many cases their contribution should not be neglected. Based on these observations, the study proposed in this paper consists in the evaluation of the seismic response of infills in time-history finite element analyses of R.C. frame structures by means of a two-element model, constituted by two diagonal nonlinear beams. A “concrete”-type hysteretic model predicts the in-plane state of infills, through a force-displacement backbone curve expressly generated, and scanned in terms of performance limits, to this aim. This model is demonstratively applied to a real case study, i.e. a R.C. frame building including various types of brick masonry perimeter infills and internal partitions, damaged by the 30 October 2016 Central Italy earthquake. The time-histories seismic analyses carried out on it allows checking the influence of infills on the response of the structure, as well the effectiveness of the proposed model in reproducing the observed real damage on the masonry panels.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 7213
Xuhui Zhang ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  
Lin Wang ◽  
Luyang Chen ◽  
Xiaoyu Chen ◽  

This paper proposes a parameter identification method for the multiparameter identification study of the linear–arch composite beam piezoelectric energy harvester. According to the voltage response characteristics of the system under short-circuit conditions, the mechanical equation is solved by transient excitation, combined with the backbone curve theory and logarithmic attenuation method, to obtain the system’s linear damping, linear stiffness, and nonlinear stiffness. According to the voltage response characteristics of the system under open-circuit conditions, combined with the electrical equations, the system electromechanical coupling coefficient and equivalent capacitance coefficient are obtained; numerical simulation results show that the identification parameters have good accuracy. Finally, an experimental platform was built for verification, and the results show that the method has high accuracy and practicability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 8987
Zunan Fu ◽  
Guoshuai Wang ◽  
Wenbo Song ◽  
Yanming Yu ◽  
Pengfei Wei ◽  

Under long-term traffic loading, the soil elements in subgrade are subjected to continuous principal stress rotation. In order to study the deformation properties of soft clays under traffic loading with principal stress rotation, a series of cyclic torsional shear tests were conducted on Wenzhou soft clays under different torsional cyclic stress ratios and degrees of principal stress rotation. The test results showed the stiffness softening of soil under long-term traffic loading. In addition, the principal stress rotation induced by traffic loading aggravated the deformation of clay samples and pore pressure accumulation. A modified dynamic pore pressure model was applied to consider the effect of principal stress rotation on undrained cumulative pore pressure, predicting the growth of cumulative pore pressure at different cycles. Considering loading cycles and the principal stress rotation, a modified Hardin–Drnevich (H-D) backbone curve model under traffic loading with principal stress rotation was proposed, and the predictive values of this model agreed well with the experimental values. Compared with the traditional H–D model, this model better reflects the cyclic deformation of soft clays under long-term traffic loading with principal stress rotation.

Robotica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-34
Xiaobo Zhang ◽  
Jinguo Liu ◽  
Yangmin Li

Abstract This paper proposes a kinematic obstacle avoidance algorithm for Space hyper-redundant manipulators, and its basic idea is to use a static and a dynamic curve to constrain the macroshape of the manipulators simultaneously. The static curve is constructed based on a traditional rapidly exploring random tree algorithm, and a backbone curve is utilized as the dynamic curve. For these two curves, two novel shape control methods are proposed to accomplish the shape constraining process. Finally, we verify the reliability and effectiveness of our algorithm through simulations.

Dongxiao Hong ◽  
Thomas L. Hill ◽  
Simon A. Neild

Targeted energy transfer (TET) represents the phenomenon where energy in a primary system is irreversibly transferred to a nonlinear energy sink (NES). This only occurs when the initial energy in the primary system is above a critical level. There is a natural asymmetry in the system due to the desire for the NES to be much smaller than the primary structure it is protecting. This asymmetry is also essential from an energy transfer perspective. To explore how the essential asymmetry is related to TET, this work interprets the realization of TET from a symmetry breaking perspective. This is achieved by introducing a symmetrized model with respect to the generically asymmetric original system. Firstly a classic example, which consists of a linear primary system and a nonlinearizable NES, is studied. The backbone curve topology that is necessary to realize TET is explored and it is demonstrated how this topology evolves from the symmetric case. This example is then extended to a more general case, accounting for nonlinearity in the primary system and linear stiffness in the NES. Exploring the symmetry-breaking effect on the backbone curve topologies, enables the regions in the NES parameter space that lead to TET to be identified.

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