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power and authority
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2022 ◽  
pp. 107780042110668
Elizabeth Mackinlay ◽  
Karen Madden ◽  
Renee Mickelburgh ◽  
Mel Green

In a short essay titled “Why,” Virginia Woolf daringly questioned the ways in which knowledge is produced, performed, and proclaimed as particular kinds of truths in institutions of power and authority, including academic writing. She subversively suggested, “The little twisted sign that comes at the end of the question has a way of making the rich writhe” and advised that such questions choose their “asking place with care”. In this article, we suggest that the “post” scholarship moment is the moment to ask new questions about the ways Woolfian inspired life-writing as a performance of self and social worlds might be engaged to trouble and open up what the “product” and performance of academic work, words, and worlds might come to be.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
دقيل نبيل محمد

نسق السلطة عند العسكريين : دراسة تطبيقية على الجيش السوداني This study tries to shed some light on the theme: system of authority in the military. Much discussion has taken place about the usefulness of the rigid and restricted way of power and authority in the Armed Forces. Some writers were in favor (pro), while others were against the implementation of authority and power in the Military in such a rigid way. Many writers pointed out a distinction between Military bureaucracy and the civilian counterpart. It is clear that authority and power in the Army is legitimate and has its justification

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Ega Azaria Airlangga ◽  
Susanto . ◽  
Warto ,

Bangsal Tosan (Tosan Ward) is one of European Architecture-Style buildings existing in Pura Mangkunegaran palace complex, Surakarta, Central Java. This article discusses the symbolic meaning of Bangsal Tosan’s architecture and ornament. Bangsal Tosan as a European architecture building and a part of Pura Mangkunegaran Palace building. As a European-architecture building, Bangsal Tosan belongs to neoclassical architecture-style building functioning as marquise and symbolizing an independent and sovereign state. As a part of Pura Mangkunegaran Palace building, Bangsal Tosan is a part of pendapa called kuncungan and symbolizes Mangkunegaran as a genuine state led by a legitimate ruler getting God’s mandate. Despite varying meanings, taken together Bangsal Tosan has the same meaning, i.e. as the symbol of Mangkunegaran Ruler’s power and authority.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-194
Badrut Tamam ◽  
Hariyanto Hariyanto

Artikel ini mengelaborasi konsepsi dan internalisasi nilai power and authority dalam konteks pendidikan di pesantren. Kekuasaan (power) adalah kesempatan amanah bagi individu atau sekelompok orang untuk menyadarkan individu atau kelompok lain untuk menerima kemauan yang mereka inginkan baik dengan cara memaksa ataupun legitimasi kesadaran dari individu lainnya. Authority atau otoritas yakni hak untuk melakukan sesuatu atau memerintahkan orang lain untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan tujuan agar misi dari lembaga tercapai dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan   penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Tipe atau sumber power and authority yang digunakan oleh kiai pondok pesantren Miftahul Ulum yakni, referent power, reward power, coercive power, legitimate power dan expert power. Ke lima tipe dan sumber kekuasaan dan otoritas tersebut menjadi penguat dalam peran manajerial seorang kiai dan bagi pengembangan pondok pesantren.

2021 ◽  
Ega Azaria Airlangga ◽  
Susanto ◽  

Bangsal Tosan (Tosan Ward) is one of European Architecture-Style buildings existing in Pura Mangkunegaran palace complex, Surakarta, Central Java. This article discusses the symbolic meaning of Bangsal Tosan’s architecture and ornament. Bangsal Tosan as a European architecture building and a part of Pura Mangkunegaran Palace building. As a European-architecture building, Bangsal Tosan belongs to neoclassical architecture-style building functioning as marquise and symbolizing an independent and sovereign state. As a part of Pura Mangkunegaran Palace building, Bangsal Tosan is a part of pendapa called kuncungan and symbolizes Mangkunegaran as a genuine state led by a legitimate ruler getting God’s mandate. Despite varying meanings, taken together Bangsal Tosan has the same meaning, i.e. as the symbol of Mangkunegaran Ruler’s power and authority.


Abstract The concept of ḥākimiyya (sovereignty), as understood by its leading proponents, refers to the notion that it is God, rather than humans, Who possesses the prerogative to make laws. A concomitant of this is that Muslims with political power and authority must recognise the supremacy of Islamic law. This notion, perhaps most notably articulated in modern times by Abū al-Aʿlā Mawdūdī, may be viewed as the rearticulation of ideas latent in the premodern Islamic juristic tradition, but whose modern incarnation as ḥākimiyya emerged in response to the legislative norms of the liberal colonial state. Despite its modern articulation, and against the views of several scholars, I argue that ḥākimiyya qua sovereignty finds its antecedents quite clearly in the Islamic scholarly tradition. Such an understanding leads into a discussion of how Islamic conceptions of sovereignty can help us reassess influential Western articulations of the concept. I also show that Mawdūdī's influential younger contemporary, the Islamist alim Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī Nadwī, upholds ḥākimiyya despite his critique of Mawdūdī and Sayyid Quṭb's conceptions of it. I conclude with a brief reflection on how our understanding of ḥākimiyya as sovereignty can help us provincialise Europe in global historical studies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009145092110589
Alissa Greer ◽  
Marion Selfridge ◽  
Tara Marie Watson ◽  
Scott Macdonald ◽  
Bernie Pauly

Many young people who use drugs are structurally vulnerable to policing powers given the ongoing criminalization of drug possession. Police authority limits and the expression of that authority may play a significant role in police encounters among young people who use drugs. This qualitative study explores the views of young people who use drugs toward police power and authority in their recent encounters with police officers. Interviews were conducted with 38 young people who recently used illegal drugs in British Columbia, Canada. We found five interrelated themes related to perceptions of police authority: (1) skepticism and distrust toward authority; (2) paternalism and authority over drug use; (3) officer use of force; (4) police as power-hungry; and (5) officers above the law. Participants described police authority as limitless, unpredictable, untethered, easily abused, and lacking accountability. Participants feared holding police officers accountable to power abuses in a criminal justice system that they saw as stacked against them. Moving forward, institutional reforms may consider and account for the expression, limits, and use of police authority among young people who use drugs and other structurally vulnerable communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Soran Faraj Abdullah ◽  
Ibrahim Salih Abdula

There is no doubt gathering humanity in groups is a natural thing and the inner side of humanity needs that. It is real that gathering and grouping needs a power and authority to organize that. By passing time, that authority changes and improves to state. After that the philosophers and scientists improves them until becomes a civil state. Islam as a great program for our life includes the all sides of our life and our activities. Fortunately Islam specified all things for Muslims and other religions in it's state. The best evidence for that speech and opinion is the text of Quran, Hadith, compromise of Madinah, peach of scientists and Righteous Caliphs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-184
Asep Hidayat

This research is motivated by the fact that in the State and society, it is still far from expectations; of course, this should be accountable by the government to the people who have voted for it because they have contributed their voices and in other aspects, the community has handed over their power and authority to the government. The problem in this research is that the government's accountability to the community is still low. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the duties and functions of accountable government administration. This study uses a normative juridical qualitative approach based on legislation. Data collection techniques used are documentation/library studies. The results showed that the function of government administration was not optimal, so it had an impact on the level of public trust in the government.

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