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lexical meaning
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Erkenntnis ◽  
2022 ◽  
Marina Ortega-Andrés

AbstractCopredication is the phenomenon whereby two or more predicates seem to require that their argument denotes different things. The denotation of words that copredicate has been broadly discussed. In this paper, I investigate the metaphysics behind this question. Thus, mereological theories of dot objects claim that these nouns denote complex entities; Asher (Lexical meaning in context, Cambridge University Press, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511793936) thinks that they denote bare particulars; and the Activation Package Theory contends that they stand for multiple denotations. According to the Activation Package Theory, copredicative nouns stand for complex knowledge structures that offer a range of multiple potential denotations. In this paper, I claim that the Activation Package Theory contributes to solve some of the metaphysical questions that arise from copredication.

Obidov Izzatjon Muhiddinovich

Abstract: The mythological concept is considered in the work as a type of linguocultural concept, which is characterized by a three-part structure with a well-developed figurative, conceptual and mandatory value components. Keywords: mythological concept, linguocultural concept, mythological conceptual sphere, mytholexeme, lexical meaning, fairytale discourse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Salliyanti Salliyanti ◽  
Robert Sibarani ◽  
Hariadi Susilo ◽  
Nurhayati Harahap

This research was field research taken from the Daily News Sinar Indonesia Baru, Medan. The problems to be discussed were association, ambiguity, and lexical meaning. The purpose of this study was to explore or find out the meanings contained in the Daily News headlines in the Sinar Indonesia Baru Medan. To analyze the meaning of the Daily News headlines of the Sinar Indonesia Baru, a structural-semantic theory was used which referred to Abdul Chaer's view. The method used in data collection was the listening method by listening to the collection of existing materials on the daily news headlines of the Medan Sinar Indonesia Baru, then proceeding with the note-taking technique.After that, they were grouped based on the uses of association, ambiguity, and lexical meanings found in the headlines. The equivalent method was a method whose determination tool was outside and did not become part of the language in question (Sudariyanto, 1993:13). In this case, the basic technique used was the determining element sorting technique. As a continuation, a qualitative description method was used. This means that this qualitative method as a whole makes use of interpretive ways of presenting in the form of a description.

Nafilaturif'ah Nafilaturif'ah ◽  
Mohamad Irham Poluwa

This study is conducted in order to know the collocations of ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ as well as to explore the lexical meaning of those collocations. Corpus-based approach is employed in this study since the sole source of the data is the corpus data. Qualitative research method is used in order to find the hypotheses from the corpus data which is taken from Sketch Engine. The results demonstrate that the collocations of two node words are dissimilar in the categorization. ‘healthy’ node word indicates that three major semantic preferences are associated with it - human, animal, disease. On the contrary, the semantic preferences of ‘unhealthy’ node word are diverse. Thus, the classification is based on the meaning of the collocations. The collocations with negative meaning occur more frequently than those with positive meaning. It is due to the fact that they use the prefixes –in and –un which create the opposite meaning of the original word. Therefore, the negative semantic prosody is more frequently found the two node words – ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’.

Ekaterina M. Nedopekina

Fashion is a rather significant mechanism that organizes the life of any society and regulates the social behavior of people. It subordinates not only the choice of clothing, interior, personal hygiene items, gastronomic tastes, musical preferences, but also the way of thinking, the formation of criteria for assessing the phenomena of reality. At the same time, fashion is not only a powerful social regulator, but also a significant cultural phenomenon, the study of which is of particular importance nowadays. In this context, the vocabulary of fashion is interesting, as, on the one hand, it enriches the Russian language due to the abundant borrowing of foreign words, on the other hand, it indicates how actively the Russian language adapts new names for fashion items, and demonstrates how Russian mentality and culture accept this vocabulary. In order to consider the Russian vocabulary in the sphere of fashion in all three aspects, it is important to trace the derivation of the lexical meaning of the denotations of the fashion semantic field in their connection with the historical period and the change in the native speakers way of thinking in different historical times of the country. To this end, it is necessary to turn to the etymology of the basic elements of the Russian wardrobe, identify their coherence with the gender of their owners and trace how this coherence has been changing over time, as well as analyze the ways of grammatical adaptation of borrowed vocabulary in the Russian language, and finally, note the functional specifics of the same lexemes in Russian and other donor languages.

Н. Гезайли

Постановка задачи. В предлагаемой статье мы подвергаем прагматическому анализу употребление стилистически окрашенных языковых единиц в политическом дискурсе жанра устной речи: на материале телевизионных выступлений (таких, как заседание и интервью) Президента России. Исследование окрашенных языковых единиц в рамках политического дискурса представляет собой особый интерес, поскольку данные единицы обслуживают прагматику языка. Результаты. Прагматическая информация в политическом дискурсе распределена между всеми языковыми единицами. Однако стилистически окрашенные языковые единицы, под которыми мы подразумеваем коннотативно насыщенные слова, выражения, фразеологизмы и афоризмы, несут в себе наибольшую прагматическую нагрузку. Именно они способствуют не только привлечению внимания адресата, но и воздействию на него. Выводы. Политический дискурс, представляя собой специфический и комплексный вид коммуникации, требует особого подхода к его исследованию. Роль стилистически окрашенных языковых единиц в реализации речевой интенции адресанта в политическом дискурсе велика. В ходе исследования было констатировано, что использованные Президентом России слова, выражения, фразеологизмы и афоризмы носят в целом оценочный характер, точнее ироническую окраску (в частности, отмечается довольно частотное употребление фразеологизмов (81.81%), а иногда стилистически сниженных слов и выражений (6.06%)). Это возможно объяснить тем, что фразеологизмы, в отличие от афоризмов, являются носителями лексического значения и могут выступать в качестве эквивалентов слов. Кроме того, степень сочетаемости компонентов во фразеологизмах неодинакова, т.е. в них могут входить несвободные, но легко отделяемые по смыслу слова, и употребляться в переносном значении. Следовательно, они с большей лёгкостью создаются в процессе речи, способствуя достижению иллокутивной цели адресанта. Тем не менее фразеологизмы и афоризмы, а также стилистически сниженные слова благодаря своей экспрессивности способствуют не только привлечению внимания адресата, но и воздействию на него, производя при этом определённый прагматический эффект. Problem statement. In the proposed paper, we subject to a pragmatic analysis the use of stylistically colored linguistic units in the political discourse of the genre of oral speech: based on the material of television speeches (as meeting and interview) of the President of Russia. The study of colored linguistic units within the framework of political discourse is of particular interest, since these units serve the pragmatics of language. Results. Pragmatic information in political discourse is distributed among all linguistic units. However, stylistically colored linguistic units, by which we mean connotatively saturated words, expressions, phraseological units and aphorisms, carry the greatest pragmatic load. They contribute not only to attracting the attention of the addressee, but also to influencing him. Conclusion. Political discourse, representing a specific and complex type of communication, requires a special approach to its study. The role of stylistically colored linguistic units in the realization of the addressee's speech intention in political discourse is huge. In the course of the study, it was stated that the words, expressions, phraseological units and aphorisms used by the President of Russia are generally evaluative, more precisely, ironic (in particular, there is a fairly frequent use of phraseological units (81.81%), and sometimes stylistically reduced words and expressions (6.06%)). This can be explained by the fact that phraseological units, unlike aphorisms, are carriers of lexical meaning and can act as an equivalent of words. In addition, the degree of compatibility of components in phraseological units is not the same, i.e. they may include non-free, but easily separable words, and be used in a figurative sense. Consequently, they are more easily created in the process of speech, contributing to the achievement of the illocutionary goal of the addressee. Nevertheless, phraseological units and aphorisms, as well as stylistically reduced words, due to their expressiveness, contribute not only to attracting the attention of the addressee, but also to influencing him, while producing a certain pragmatic effect.

Ferawaty Puspitorini ◽  
Haris Hamdani

The purpose of this study was to know the kinds of figurative language used in selected lyrics of Coldplay song. This research was designed to identify some figurative language by understanding the general meaning when they are used in the lyrics of songs. The technique of descriptive analysis offered to analyze data by reading the data, then identifying the figurative language used in the lyrics of the song. After identifying some figurative languages then they are categorized into some kinds of figurative languages. Then, the general meaning of figurative language by identifying the lexical meaning and contextual meaning of the four selected lyrics of the song are used to analyze the data got from the song. Based on research findings, some figurative languages were found in Coldplay’s selected songs. Most of the figurative language which is used in the lyrics of Coldplay’s selected songs is “Hyperbole” which has a great exaggeration used to emphasize a point, and used for expressive or comic effect. The meanings which were found from the song are classified into connotative meanings. The lyrics of Coldplay’s selected songs tell us about humanity’s social life which contains love, sadness, happiness, spirit and others. In the lyrics of Coldplay’s selected songs, figurative languages are helpful to understand the song. The existence of figurative language is not to complicate the understanding of lyrics but to simplify and clear the understanding of lyrics. The song is very suitable for English Learners who want to improve their English skills in analyzing lyrics that contain figurative language. From the explanation above can be concluded that in analyzing lyrics besides finding figurative language in lyrics, the meanings of the song that contain figurative languages and messages of the song can be understood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Diah Iskafatmawati Saputri ◽  
Wihadi Admojo

AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas mengenai relasi makna leksikal lirik lagu pada kesenian rodad sekarwangi  yang terletak di desa Kendelban, Kecamatam Kemusu Kabupaten Boyolali. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori dari I Dewa Putu Wijana dan Josh Daniel Parera. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari dokumentasi dan  diperkuat dengan wawancara serta observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan (1) mengumpulkan data dari lirik lagu kesenian rodad, (2) melakukan klasifikasi dari data yang termasuk ke dalam bagian relasi makna leksikal, (3) menyajikan data dalam bentuk tabel dan analisis, kemudian (4) menyimpulkan temuan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dalam lirik lagu kesenian rodad terdapat relasi makna leksikal berupa, antonimi 12 data, sinonimi 32 data makna denotasi sebanyak 72 data dan konotasi 13 data. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, bahwa makna denotasi dominan guna mengetahu makna secara kongkrit sehingga merepresentasikan budaya masyarakat, agama masyarakat, kondisi bahasa, proses pembentukan kata dan penuturan yang berbeda. Kata kunci: semantik, relasi makna, rodad AbstractThis study discusses the relation of the lexical meaning of song lyrics in the Sekarwangi rodad art located in Kendelban village, Kemamatu Kemusu, Boyolali Regency. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The theory used is the theory of I Dewa Putu Wijana and Josh Daniel Parera. Data collection was obtained from documentation and strengthened by interviews and observations. Data analysis was performed by (1) collecting data from the lyrics of the rodad song, (2) classifying data included in the lexical meaning relation, (3) presenting data in tabular form and analysis, then (4) summarizing the data findings. The results showed, in the lyrics of the rodad art song there is a relation of lexical meaning in the form, antimony 12 data, synonym 32 data meaning denotation as much as 72 data and connotation of 13 data. So it can be concluded, that the meaning of the dominant denotation in order to find out the meaning concretely so that it represents the culture of the community, the religion of the people, the condition of the language, the process of word formation and different speech. Keywords: semantics, lexical relation, rodad  

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Svitlana Kovtiukh

The article is concerned with consideration of specific characteristics of militi- pseudonyms as of made-up personal names of the military, the focus is made on the fact that the problem of normative reproduction of such proprieties in orthography is not set up. It is also emphasized that militi-pseudonyms of Ukrainian heroes of different times, in particular of liberation struggle in 1917–1922, 1938–1950, of today’s Russian-Ukrainian war, are to be written with capital letters and without inverted commas. It is recommended that such information and examples be added to the corresponding paragraph in «Ukrainian Orthography» and determined as a grammar standard. The publication involves a detailed analysis of relevant factors system necessary to define elementary paradigmatic classes of militi- pseudonyms. On the whole, there have been defined 23 out of 33 possible nouns in the modern Ukrainian literary language, which can be changed, 6 being considered as potential. Noun declension of proprieties, functioning as the military’s names, is influenced by part of speech characteristics (lexico-grammatical class of nouns, in particular substantivized verbs, numerals, adjectives, participles, adverbs, interjections, etc), by declension type (those of a noun, adjective or referred to differently declined), by lexical meaning, by belonging to a definite class or subclass of onyms, to the person category, definite gender, declension, declension group, short paradigm (only singular word forms), by different word formants, definite stem finals, identity of all word forms or inflexional rows integrity (with or without variant or analytical forms, priority of some of them) within declension paradigm, accentual, contextual, orthographic, morphological, dialect factors, possible deviation from expected forms and changes in the paradigm caused by extra lingual factors (political, military, social, cultural, religious, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ilmi Solihat ◽  
Farid Ibnu Wahid

This study was conducted to determine the functions and meanings contained in the traditional expression of the text of the Saweran wedding ceremony in Kadu Gedong Village, Pandeglang, Banten. The text studied is the kawih text, which will be analyzed with a semantic approach. The values of character education are also important points in this study, such as religious values, honesty, and tolerance in order to advance a person's basic potential to behave well and think positively, as well as develop the behavior of the nation's multicultural children. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the narration of symbols and meanings in the Saweran text at the wedding ceremony in Kadu Gedong Village will be associated with existing competencies in junior high school, then a literary module, especially poetry learning, will be made. The results of the analysis show that first, the text of kawih saweran marriage has a function as a mandate to the bride and groom, and becomes a provision in the household, as well as a form of joy carried out by the two couples. Second, it has an inherent meaning, such as lexical meaning, direct meaning, figurative meaning, grammatical meaning, and cultural meaning. Third, it has character education values that are in accordance with the VII grade VII Junior High School learning implementation plan.

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