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cultural order
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Evgeniy Karchagin ◽  
Svetlana Tokareva ◽  
Dmitriy Yavorskiy ◽  

Introduction. The article analyzes the transformations of the concept of justice in early Byzantine thought. The purpose of the article is to test the hypothesis that the semantic shifts in the meaning of the concept of justice in the philosophical and theological literature were due to political processes and events. Methods. The article analyzes the political philosophical and political theological texts of the fourth century: “Oration in Honor of Constantine on the Thirtieth Anniversary of His Reign” by Eusebius of Caesarea; “Panegyric in Honour of Constantius” and “The Heroic Deeds of Constantius” by emperor Julian (“The Apostate”); “On Kingship” by Synesius of Cyrene. In the course of the analysis, the methodological tools of the history of concepts were used. Analysis. The analysis revealed a conflict between the concepts of “justice” and “piety”. It was found that the analyzed texts violate the ancient political and philosophical correlation of these concepts in which piety is considered as a form of justice. In the texts of Eusebius of Caesarea, piety is presented as a particular virtue without any connection with justice. Moreover, the frequency of using the concept of “piety” in the sense of the ruler’s virtue significantly exceeds the frequency of using the concept of “justice” in the sense of political virtue. In the texts of the Emperor Justinian, the discursive status of “justice” is restored. However, in the political philosophy of Synesius of Cyrene, the correlation of the concepts of “justice” and “piety” prescribed by Eusebius of Caesarea is fixed. Results. These processes is due to the influence of religious discourse on political one which is quite understandable in the works of theologians, on the one hand, and the crisis of polis and republican political technologies and discourses in the situation of increasing complexity of administrative tasks faced by the Roman emperors of the 4th century, on the other hand which subsequently led to the formation of a specific Byzantine “taxis” – a socio-cultural order. In this regard, the texts of Emperor Julian can be considered as an unsuccessful attempt to restore the previous discourse, an attempt to restore justice to a dominant place among the virtues of the ruler. The failure of this attempt is attested from the texts of Synesius of Cyrene. All the above allows us to conclude that a new Christian-imperial political discourse is being generated in the corpus of philosophical and theological texts in which the concept of justice is given a relatively modest place.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 819
Umma Farida ◽  
H Hardivizon ◽  
Abdurrohman Kasdi

Revealing the Prophetic Maqasid in the Hadith About Relationships between Men and WomenThe textual reading of the Prophet's hadith about the relationship between men and women often results in discriminatory and subordinating attitudes towards certain genders. This article aims to reread the hadith about the relationship between men and women. It emphasizes the disclosure of prophetic Maqasid or the orientation and purpose of prophethood in the hadith. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method by criticizing the traditions about the relationship between men and women contained in the books of Sunan Abi Dawud, al-Tirmidzi, and al-Darimi. The result shows that revealing the prophetic Maqasid in these traditions is urgent considering that the purpose of Muhammad's sending was to spread love to the universe based on monotheism (Tawhid). Tawhid is not only a verbal statement. It becomes the main foundation in building a socio-political-cultural order that promotes equality and balance between men and women. A balanced and harmonious relationship between the two becomes the Maqasid of the Prophet in every utterance and policy he established. The balance of relations between men and women by relying on a correct and comprehensive understanding of the hadith of the Prophet opens opportunities for women to perform and play the roles that need them for the good of humanity universally

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-62
Siti Rahayu NM

This paper entitled "The Role of Islamic Education Teachers in Helping Students Respond to Global Challenges", is described specifically in the learning process in schools, especially in a global era that is full of various kinds of challenges. This paper is based on literature studies, for example about globalization, the description of rural and urban communities, as written by Eko Budiharjo in Urban Reform, about education, about learning, and others. Globalization is one of the foundations, because we live in the era of globalization, so a study of this will provide an overview of the times, for ISLAMIC EDUCATION (Islamic Education) teachers. A little study of rural and urban communities is also the basis of the study, because now there has been a shift in the way of life of the community towards urban communities. And also provides an overview, the differences between villages and cities, differences in value order, cultural order, mindset order to behavior patterns, especially students. This knowledge is needed by teachers to use as a basis for acting or making decisions. The study of education or learning, is a sure thing for teachers. This paper is also based on the experience and observations of the author, when he was a teacher several years ago, for approximately 20 years. Between experience, observations, and literature in the form of theoretical studies are mixed into writing.


В последние два десятилетия Франция стала страной западного мира, где происходит, пожалуй, наибольшее количество актов индивидуального террора, который связан с мусульманской миграцией и часто выступает под религиозными лозунгами. Очерчивая общие причины современного терроризма, автор сосредотачивается на анализе причин и триггерах, прямых ситуационных факторах, провоцирующих терроризм в современной Франции. В качестве основной причины называется недостаточная, неэффективная интеграция мигрантов, у которых, как следствие складывается кризисная идентичность, ранимость и повышенная реактивность на некоторые категории событий, которые представляются оскорблением. In the past two decades, France has become a country in the Western world with perhaps the largest number of acts of individual terror associated with Muslim migration and often carried out under religious slogans. Outlining the common causes of modern terrorism, the author focuses on the analysis of the causes and triggers of the ethno-cultural order, direct situational factors provoking terrorism in modern France. The main reason is the insufficient, ineffective integration of migrants, who, as a result, develop a crisis identity, vulnerability and increased reactivity to some categories of events that seem to be an insult.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-399
Liza Sapir Flood

Abstract“Oprys” are public musicking events found in Appalachia and beyond. They facilitate regular embodied sociality between strangers and friends in a region often characterized by the social fallout of neoliberal economic trends. Drawing on ethnographic research in Tennessee and elsewhere, I show that oprys constitute rural working-class public space where participants negotiate a precarious cultural order through the affordances of live country music performance. But political discourse in these spaces is articulated primarily through embodied, performative, and aesthetic realms which are not captured in a delimited and classed notion of discourse as primarily text or talk. As such, oprys offer a corrective to our understanding of what counts as discursive contestation. I foreground two particular cultural imperatives that structure oprys: participation and accommodation. These imperatives produce a socio-cultural event that characteristically refuses the monetization of space and privileges dialogic sociality over the production of artistic sound. Approaching oprys through the frame of “counterpublic” reveals a different way of imagining public space, public music making and sociality, and the terrain of political discourse.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174165902110306
Murray Lee

The first half of this article makes that case for, and develops, a preliminary conceptual framework for a ‘musicriminology’. A response to recent provocations for a more sensorially orientated criminology, and more general appeals for cultural criminology to engage rigorously with popular music and sound, a musicriminology could constitute significant contribution to the cultural criminological field. The article proposes two key conceptual themes, culture and co-production that underpin such a framework. Into these broad ( Double-C) themes are incorporated theories of the cultural, material, aesthetics, sonics, and the sensorial. The second half of the article uses drill music, a subset of rap or hip-hop music, as a case study. The focus is on the popular western Sydney drill group OneFour, who have recently been subject to police attempts to suppress them on the basis that their lyrics ‘incite violence’. With dark, nihilistic and sometimes violent lyrics typically narrating street life, drill is often characterised by performers’ relationship to place –groups are sometimes even named after their postcode. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia drill music has attracted the attention of police, politicians, and mainstream media for artists’ alleged relationship to street-based violence. The article suggests that OneFour’s music challenges an accepted aesthetic and cultural order. However, somewhat ironically the group has become more popular as a result of police attempts to criminalise them and to re-assert such an order.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 491
Rinchen Dorje

The eighteenth century witnessed the continuity of Geluk growth in Amdo from the preceding century. Geluk inspiration and legacy from Central Tibet and the accompanying political patronage emanating from the Manchus, Mongols, and local Tibetans figured prominently as the engine behind the Geluk influence that swept Amdo. The Geluk rise in the region resulted from contributions made by native Geluk Buddhists. Amdo native monks are, however, rarely treated with as much attention as they deserve for cultivating extensive networks of intellectual transmission, reorienting and shaping the school’s future. I therefore propose that we approach Geluk hegemony and their broad initiatives in the region with respect to the school’s intellectual and cultural order and native Amdo Buddhist monks’ role in shaping Geluk history in Amdo and beyond in Tibet. Such a focus highlights their impact in shaping the trajectory of Geluk history in Tibet and Amdo in particular. The historical and biographical literature dealing with the life of Jikmed Wangpo affords us a rare window into the pivotal time when every effort was made to cultivate a vast network of institutions and masters across Tibet. This further spurred an institutional growth of Buddhist transmission, constructing authenticity and authority thereof, as they were closely tied to reincarnation lineage, intellectual traditions, and monastic institutions. In doing so, we also have a good grasp of the creation processes of Geluk luminaries such as Jikmed Wangpo, an exemplar scholar and visionary who faced great opposition from issues with his lineage legitimation at Labrang and among the larger Geluk community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15
RR. Erna Sadiarti Budiningtyas ◽  
H. Muhammad Sirod

Abstrak Kawasan cagar budaya Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta yang disebut Baluwarti merupakan kawasan permukiman tradisional yang banyak dihuni oleh abdi dalem dan sentana dalem Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta. Menyadari potensi budaya yang dimiliki, masyarakat berupaya untuk mengembangkan pariwisata. Akan tetapi sudah satu dekade, usaha tersebut belum juga memberikan hasil nyata. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis peluang dan tantangan pengembangan pariwisata di kawasan permukiman yang berada dalam pengaruh penguasa lokal tradisional. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk mendapatkan data mendalam melalui wawancara, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan narasumber dilakukan dengan teknik snowball purposive. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif analitis Miles dan Huberman. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagai permukiman yang berada di kawasan cagar budaya Keraton Kasunanan, Baluwarti memiliki banyak potensi budaya. Namun norma-norma dan pandangan budaya yang melekat kuat dalam diri masyarakat Baluwarti terhadap tatanan budaya keraton, menyebabkan pariwisata sulit berkembang di Baluwarti. Masyarakat memerlukan keterbukaan pihak Keraton sebagai panutan untuk bersama-sama membangun pariwisata Baluwarti agar Keraton dan masyarakat mendapatkan manfaat pariwisata. Kata kunci: Baluwarti, Kawasan Cagar Budaya, Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta, Pengembangan Pariwisata, Penguasa Lokal Tradisional. Opportunities and Challenges of Tourism Development in the Cultural Heritage Area of the Kasunanan Surakarta PalaceAbstractThe cultural heritage area of the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace which is called Baluwarti is a traditional settlement area which is mostly inhabited by abdi dalem and sentana dalem Kasunanan Surakarta Palace. Realizing the cultural potential they have, the community strive to develop tourism. However, for a decade, these efforts have not yielded tangible results. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the opportunities and challenges of tourism development in residential areas that are under the influence of traditional local authorities. A qualitative approach is used to obtain in-depth data through interviews, observations, and documentation. The selection of sources was carried out using the snowball purposive technique. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analytical methods by Miles and Huberman. This research shows that as a settlement located in the cultural heritage area of the Kasunanan Palace, Baluwarti has a lot of cultural potential. However, cultural norms and views that are strongly inherent in the Baluwarti community against the palace's cultural order, make it difficult for tourism to develop in Baluwarti. The community needs the openness of the Keraton as a role model to jointly build Baluwarti tourism so that the Palace and the community can benefit from tourism.Keyword:  Baluwarti, Kasunanan Surakarta Palace, Preserve Area, Tourism Development, Traditional Local Rulers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-57
Jason Allen-Paisant

Reflecting on Derek Walcott’s early relationship with movement, dance and ritual, this article sheds light on the centrality of embodied memory in Walcott’s work for the stage and reflects on the relationship between memory and materiality in his epistemology of performance. Walcott’s ideas shaped his approach to dramaturgy in the late 1950s and position his work in relation to global debates around materialism (Brecht) and ritualism (Grotowski) in the theatre. A discussion of two plays, Dream on Monkey Mountain and Pantomime, examines the use of gestural language in specific performances of each. Such an approach demonstrates that the importance of embodied memory, as reflected in the staging of these plays, relates to certain Afro-Caribbean belief systems, which have exerted much influence on Walcott’s work. The article also emphasizes how Walcott’s theatre functions as a decolonial praxis that fosters the emergence of empowered subjectivities and Africanist modes of humanness that challenge the cultural order of colonialism. Jason Allen-Paisant is a lecturer in Caribbean Poetics and Decolonial Thought at the University of Leeds, and Director of the Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. He is currently at work on the monograph Staging Black Futures in the Twenty-First Century.

Anduli ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 235-251
Marta Pérez-Castro

Relationships among visual signs, society and memory reveal the dominant cultural order in a given context as well as the causes that maintain it (influence and imposition) and the effects on the population where it occurs (alienation and cultural resilience). Therefore, it is possible to identify deeper social processes with a purely visual and symbolic reading. Visual signs (two-dimensional), in addition to configuring the way space is understood (three-dimensional), reflect social and political dynamics (the time factor). To have a more complete vision of the moment and context, it is necessary to interrelate art with sociology and history. In the specific case of al-Andalus, there is a turning point at which there are changes in visuality that are mainly reflected in writing (Arabic and Latin), the use of symbols (the Mudejar, the cross) and the organization of the spaces designated for art (temples, museums, exhibition halls); hence, these changes function as visual indexes of social dynamics that reach to the present day. The visual supports the social and vice versa, configuring and maintaining a certain worldview. If there is visual continuity, there is continuity in the social sphere.

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