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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-178
Risky Novialdi ◽  
Isvarwani Isvarwani ◽  
Fauzi Fauzi ◽  
Ilyas Ismail ◽  
Muammar Qadafi

Disabilitas menjadi topik permasalahan yang serius periode belakangan ini, hal tersebut dikarenakan penyandang disabilitas rawan akan berbagai tindakan diskriminasi secara fisik maupun mental, bahkan difabel rentan menjadi korban pelecehan seksual dalam ruang lingkup keluarga ataupun non difabel. Para disabilitas menghadapi berbagai problematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penyandang disabilitas seringkali di tolak dengan alasan keterbatasan mereka, bahkan ada beberapa yang menjadikan sehat jasmani dan rohani sebagai syarat utama untuk bisa mangakses bidang-bidang tertentu. Bahkan pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) terhadap penyandang disabilitas masih dijumpai di lokasi sekitar. Kesenjangan yang diterima oleh penyandang disabilitas menjadi tekanan tersendiri bagi para difabel untuk memenuhi segala aspek kebutuhannya. Pemenuhan hak-hak disabilitas masih kurang diperhatikan, baik dalam sarana bangunan atau infastruktur, maupun fasilitas-fasilitas di tempat umum. Ketidaksetaraan juga terjadi dalam sektor pendidikan, lapangan pekerjaan, politik, dan aksesibilitas terhadap transportasi. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya perlakuan yang berbeda yang diterima oleh penyandang disabilitas terhadap layanan publik yang ramah bagi penyandang disabilitas.Disability has become a serious problem topic in recent times, this is because people with disabilities are prone to various acts of discrimination physically and mentally, even people with disabilities are vulnerable to being victims of sexual harassment within the family or non-disabled spheres. People with disabilities face various problems in their daily life. Persons with disabilities are often rejected on the grounds of their limitations, there are even some who make physically and mentally healthy as the main requirement to be able to access certain fields. Even human rights violations against persons with disabilities are still found in nearby locations. The gap that is accepted by people with disabilities is a separate pressure for people with disabilities to meet all aspects of their needs. Fulfillment of disability rights is still lacking in attention, both in building facilities or infrastructure, as well as facilities in public places. Inequality also exists in the sectors of education, employment, politics, and accessibility to transportation. This shows that there is a different treatment received by persons with disabilities towards public services that are friendly to persons with disabilities.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Vincenzo D’Auria ◽  
Pierluigi Bruzzone ◽  
Mickael Sebastian Meyer ◽  
Enrique Rodriguez Castro ◽  
Stefano Sgobba

This manuscript reports on the application of copper thermal spraying in the manufacturing process of an electrical connection between Nb3Sn cables for superconducting magnets of fusion reactors. The joint is realized through diffusion bonding of the sprayed coating of the two cables. The main requirement for such a connection is its electrical resistance, which must be below 1 nΩ at B = 8 T, I = 63.3 kA and T = 4.5 K. Micrographs of the joint prototype were taken to relate the joint resistance with its microstructure and to provide feedback on the manufacturing process. Optical microscopy (OM) was used to evaluate the grain size of the coating, presence of oxide phases and to analyze the jointed surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and, in particular, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used to confirm the elemental composition of specimens extracted from the prototype. It is shown that the copper coating has an oxide concentration of 40%. Despite this, the resistance of the prototype is 0.48 nΩ in operating conditions, as the oxides are in globular form. The contact ratio between the jointed surfaces is about 95%. In addition, residual resistivity ratio (RRR) measurements were carried out to quantify the electrical quality of the Cu coating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 198
Aglis Andhita Hatmawan ◽  
Abdul Rohman Taufiq

This study is meant to develop a TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) by integrating a VAM (Value-based Adoption Model), PAM (Pos Acceptance Model) and security perceptions. The frameworks of the theories are expected to deeper explain the perspective perceived by fintech services users in terms of security, perceived value, benefits, and satisfaction in using fintech. Survey through a quantitative approach combined with explanatory research in Madiun Residency. The results showed that all hypotheses proposed in this study were accepted. Security is the main requirement for people to continue or discontinue using fintech services. Perceived value is a comparative result influenced by the amount of sacrifice that is given and the perceived benefits. People who are satisfied and tends to assume that the fintech service is valuable, will most likely continue using the fintech service. Therefore, it can be concluded that TAM, VAM, PAM and security perceptions are a unified whole in understanding one's behaviour in adopting technology such as fintech services. Keywords-TAM; VAM; PAM; Security Perception; Fintech

2021 ◽  
Djoko Pinartjojo ◽  
Edison Tamba Tua Hutahaean ◽  
Ian McManus ◽  
Aphrizal S. I. N. Nerwan ◽  
Rudiny Hansen

Abstract Exploration drilling obviously requires a robust drilling fluid system to be a key factor in overcoming both the known and unexpected challenges of a structure that consists of reactive clay and lost circulation zones. Extra consideration has to be given to regulatory environmental requirements and complications resulting from regional politics. A High-Performance Water Based Mud (HPWBM) system was selected to address the aforementioned issues. The HPWBM was customized to respond to the subsurface conditions with the main requirement to provide maximum shale inhibition through a non-dispersed environment. Polyamine was utilized to stabilize all types of clay; an encapsulation polymer and a non-ionic polymer were included to prevent dispersion and to seal micro-fractures. A complete shale study was performed to determine the optimum concentration of the base fluid and each shale inhibitor. Then hydraulic behaviour of the mud was simulated with contractor proprietary software to understand the parameters for optimal hole cleaning as well as Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) simulation. The HPWBM system successfully facilitated the execution of the exploration well and provided highly effective clay stabilization. No Non-Productive Time (NPT) was recorded as a result of reactive clay issues. The mud system also facilitated a good rate of penetration (ROP), formation stability, and lubricity. Waste cuttings transportation was not required. In addition, there is also no requirement for costly base oil including its associated transportation costs. The successful implementation of the HPWBM yielded an estimating saving of 25% compared to invert emulsion fluids, prior to considering costs associated with an expensive Liquid Mud Plant (LMP), environmental, and freight costs. Significant cost savings were achieved by eliminating the need for LMP rental, mobilization and demobilization. Another notable saving was realized from the reduced system maintenance of the HPWBM as less dilution was required compared to a regular Water Based Mud. Thinking outside of the box and embracing the departure from the default consideration of an invert system with a thorough risk assessment augmented value to wellbore construction. A smartly designed HPWBM system provided performance comparable to an invert emulsion system but with superior benefits with respect to environmental protection, simplified logistics and lower costs.

2021 ◽  
Ifeoluwa Odesina ◽  
Nenyinka Gonzuk ◽  
Elizabeth Daodu ◽  
Sheyi Akintunde

Evaluating the genetic diversity of landraces has exposed us to the diverse relevance of wild line contributory to a wide range of systems ranging from morphology, physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, toxicity, etc., allowing to their genetic constituent. Today, the world is facing many global challenges. This has put the world in disarray and poses a threat via its impact leading to non-promising food security for a rapidly growing population, an increase in the production and release of greenhouse gases as a consequence of anthropogenic activity, and an increase in the level of pollutants in the environment. A well-characterized crop genetic resource is a precondition for effective breeding and genetic conservation in the world of legume security. There is a need to collect, study and conserve legume genetic resource to tackle future challenges. This will help project latent benefits of undescribed leguminous lines of various crop species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 312-318
Novita Dewi Masyithoh ◽  
Sut eki ◽  
Yuna nto ◽  
Briliyan Ernawati ◽  
Nur Hidayati

Unregistered polygamous marriage carried out by civil servants has serious implication for wives’ financial problem, social fate and loss of children’s welfare. The Marriage Law allows polygamy with very strict requirements. In the Government Regulation governing civil servant polygamy, justice is the main requirement in polygamy, because it really determines welfare in polygamy families. Based on the results of in-depth interviews and participant observation by using the constructivism paradigm and socio-legal approaches, it was found that unregistered polygamous marriages carried out by civil servants have implication for the disciplinary punishment of employees, so the polygamists got the sack. This implies their family economic problems, because there is not enough income to meet the needs of family life. Finally, neglect and divorce occur. Wives and children will be victims. Hence, it is necessary for the government to regulate particular policies for the polygamists of civil servants, to save their wives and children’s life. Firing the polygamists is not such a solution, but will instead create more complicated problems for their families.

Zaverukha O.Ya.

In the article the author conducts a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on the definition of self-realization of a young person, reveals its structure, shows the areas where it works. And also shows the place of self-education in the structure of self-realization of the individual.Purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of readiness for self-education in the structure of self-realization of a young person.Methods. To achieve our goal, we used the following research methods: analysis, synthesis of theories of self-actualization and readiness for self-education, structuring scientific and psychological sources of information, which allowed to generalize and systematize the views of scientists on the research.Results. The author argues that the concept of self-realization in modern psychological science is under development, that is, there is still no generally accepted definition of this term. The most commonly used definition is the realization of the possibilities of self development through effort, co-creation, cooperation with other people, society and the world at large. The author argues that the features of personal self-realization are influenced by external and internal factors that hinder and contribute to the factors of self-realization, because each person by nature has a huge potential, which in the process of human life is realized under external influences. The degree of capacity development also depends on personal factors, external environmental conditions and their interaction with each other. He states that the mechanism of self-realization is launched in the case when the individual reaches the appropriate level of development. Orientation is based on self-determination and self-knowledge of the individual. Personal self-realization is individually special, manifested in the components of its structure and in quantitative indicators. There are different levels and types of self-realization, the highest of which meets the criteria of usefulness and satisfaction of self-realization for the person as a whole and for the environment.Conclusions. It was found that the readiness for self-education lies in the plane of additional areas of self-realization on a par with social interaction, social activity, hobbies, etc. Since self-education is motivated by intrinsic motivational factors of self-improvement and requires the use of special means of finding and mastering social experience, the author concludes that the readiness for self-education should be developed at student age, as during this period a person is able to overcome obstacles. her intellect is the basis for choosing the means and forms of active self-educational activity. Thus, the readiness for self-education has every chance to become a stable personal characteristic. Readiness for self-education is a system consisting of the following components: skill, efficiency, awareness, awareness and is represented by the unity of moral and volitional, cognitive and motivational components. The study of those components and individual aspects of self-education is the main requirement for their knowledge in the relationship and unity.Key words: self-realization, self-education, readiness for self-education, self-improvement, professional development, competitiveness. У статті представлено теоретичний аналіз дефініції самореалізації молодої особистості, розкрито її структуру та сфери, де вона працює, а також місце самоосвіти у структурі самореалізації особистості. Мета статті – розкрити сутність готовності до самоосвіти у структурі самореалізації особистості молодого віку. Методи. Для реалізації мети використано такі методи дослідження, як аналіз, синтез теорій самоактуалізації та готовності до самоосвіти, структурування науково-психологічних джерел інформації, що дало змогу узагальнити та систематизувати погляди вчених із досліджуваної проблематики.Результати. З’ясовано, що поняття самореалізації в сучасній психологічній науці перебуває на стадії розроблення, тобто загальноприйнятного визначення цього терміна досі немає. Найбільш уживаним є визначення про здійснення можливостей розвитку «Я» через зусилля, співтворчість, співдію з іншими людьми, соціумом та світом загалом. Визначено, що на особливості особистісної самореалізації впливають зовнішні та внутрішні чинники, що перешкоджають та сприяють чинникам самореалізацій, адже у кожній людині природою закладено величезний потенціал, який у процесі життя людини реалізується за умови зовнішніх впливів. Міра розвитку потенціалу також залежить від особистісних чинників, зовнішніх умов середовища та їх взаємодії. Констатовано, що механізм самореалізації активується тоді, коли особистість досягає відповідного рівня розвитку. Спрямованість відбувається на підставі самовизначення та самопізнання індивіда. Особистісна самореалізація особлива, вона виявляється у компонентах її структури та у кількісних показниках. Є різні рівні та види самореалізації, найвищий із яких відповідає крите-ріям корисності та задоволеності самореалізації як для особи загалом, так і для оточення. Висновки. З’ясовано, що готовність до самоосвіти лежить у площині додаткових сфер самореалізації разом із соціальною взаємодією, суспільною активністю, захопленнями тощо. Оскільки самоосвіта спонукається внутрішніми мотиваційними чинниками самовдосконалення та потребує використання особливих засобів пошуку та засвоєння соціального досвіду, авторка доходить висновку, що готовність до самоосвіти необхідно розвивати у студентському віці, позаяк у цей період людина здатна долати перешкоди на шляху свого становлення та самовдосконалення, її інтелект є основою для обрання засобів та форм активної самоосвітньої діяльності. Таким чином, готовність до самоосвіти має всі шанси стати стійкою особистісною характеристикою. Готовність до самоосвіти є системою, що складається з таких компонентів, як умілість, дієвість, усвідомленість, обізнаність, та представлена єдністю морально-вольових, пізнавальних та мотиваційних складників. Саме вивчення цих компонентів та окремих сторін самоосвіти є головною вимогою їх пізнання у взаємозв’язку та єдності.Ключові слова: самореалізація, самоосвіта, готовність до самоосвіти, самовдосконалення, професійний розвиток, конкурентоздатність.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2086 (1) ◽  
pp. 012126
S R Abdurakhmanova ◽  
G D Bukharov ◽  
Z S Gheisser ◽  
V V Davydov ◽  
V Yu Rud

Abstract The necessity of increasing the stability of the parameters of pulsed and cw laser radiation when operating at peak powers is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the parameters of pulsed laser radiation in systems with semiconductor pumping. The main requirement in this case is the repeatability of the parameters of the output pulses with high accuracy. This condition is ensured by the stability of the diode supply drivers, especially at peak powers, which are required for scientific research. It was found that even a short-term excess (about 1 ms) of the upper range of the permissible current leads to damage to the laser diode, which instantly degrades the parameters of laser radiation. The developed technique can significantly reduce the likelihood of these phenomena and increase the reliability of the laser.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-151
Martini Martini ◽  
Sardiyo Sardiyo ◽  
Reza Septian ◽  
Devi Anggreni sy ◽  
Deni Nurdiansyah

This study investigates the effect of fintech on financial inclusion, and financial literacy, it was able to influence financial literacy on financial inclusion in Lubuklinggau. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to eight districts in the city of Lubuklinggau with a total sample of 401 people who use fintech as the main requirement. Data analysis was carried out with WarpPLS to identify direct and indirect effects on the tested variables. Based on the results, the perception of the ease and effectiveness of using fintech does not affect financial inclusion in Lubuklinggau. People are still not familiar with fintech and consider fintech as a new financial system and not easy to use. The level of risk and interest in using fintech has a significant influence on the financial inclusion variable in the Lubuklinggau. The indirect analysis explains it proves that financial literacy is able to moderate perceptions of the ease of using fintech and reduce the risk of fintech itself on financial inclusion. However, financial literacy is not able to moderate the effectiveness of using fintech and interest in financial inclusion to use of fintech after understanding financial literacy, people become more selective in using fintech.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 448-454

This article is devoted to the problem of translation of linguistic realities in English, Russian and Kyrgyz cultures. The article is an overview of the realities in the mentioned cultures. An attempt is made to find ways to overcome the linguo-ethnic barrier when translating concepts from the Kyrgyz language, reflecting the national character. The essence of this problem boils down to the fact that the main requirement of translation is to preserve the originality of the translated text and to study the cultural component of the text. It should be aimed at identifying the differences between the original and the translation, not only because of the linguistic form, but also because of the cultural one. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the elements of the linguistic specificity of translation of realities in English, Russian and Kyrgyz cultures. The subject of the research is ethnic elements — objective problems arising during translation, and methods of their solution, that is, the transfer of cultural realities during translation. The article examines the theory of cultural realities in the translation aspect and analyzes the main features and methods of translating words-realities. The selected realities are analyzed from the point of view of their translation methods to identify the most effective ones. To solve the set specific tasks, the following methods were used in the work: analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization of the data obtained. As a result of the study, material was obtained, the analysis of which made it possible to conclude that the choice of one way or another way to overcome the linguo-ethnic barrier depends on the situation of intercultural communication, as well as on the goals of the participants in the communication.

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