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academic goals
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Santiago Mendo-Lázaro ◽  
Benito León-del-Barco ◽  
María-Isabel Polo-del-Río ◽  
Víctor M. López-Ramos

Cooperative learning encourages the development of interpersonal skills and motivates students to participate more actively in the teaching and learning process. This study explores the impact of cooperative learning on the academic goals influencing university students’ behavior and leading to the attainment of a series of academic objectives. To this end, a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was used, with a sample of 509 university students from Preschool, Primary and Social Education undergraduate degree courses. Using the Academic Goals Questionnaire (AGQ), pretest and posttest measures were taken via self-reports to evaluate three types of academic goals: learning goals, social reinforcement goals and achievement goals. The results show that cooperative learning is an effective tool for encouraging university students to develop academic goals that motivate them to fully engage with the tasks they are set in order to acquire knowledge and skills (learning goals). In addition, when students are asked to work as part of a team on an autonomous basis without the structure and supervision necessary to ensure a minimum standard of cooperation, they display a greater tendency toward social reinforcement goals than toward learning and achievement goals. These findings contribute new knowledge to the conceptual framework on cooperative learning. Goals may be considered one of the most important variables influencing students’ learning and the use of cooperative learning techniques in university classrooms creates the necessary conditions for encouraging students to develop goals oriented toward learning.

Sanna Tiikkaja ◽  
Ylva Tindberg

Poor school-related well-being may influence adolescents’ school performance and lifestyle. Adolescents having disabilities or ADHD are in a vulnerable situation for having poor school-related well-being, compared to adolescents not having disabilities. We used cross-sectional data from a school-based survey among 15–18-year-olds (N = 4071) in Sörmland, Sweden, to analyse the association between poor school-related well-being and disabilities or ADHD. The analyses were carried out by logistic regression models, adjusting for background factors, school-related factors, and health-compromising behaviours. Adolescents having disabilities (n = 827) or ADHD (n = 146) reported that their disability had a negative influence on school. Compared to peers without disability, those having disabilities had an increased chance (OR = 1.40 95% CI: 1.17–1.68) of poor school-related well-being. The corresponding OR was doubled for adolescents reporting ADHD (2.23 95% CI: 1.56–3.18). For the ADHD group, the adjOR for poor school-related well-being remained significant (1.67 95% CI: 1.13–2.50) after adjustments for school-related factors and health-compromising behaviours, but not for the disability group. In conclusion, adolescents having ADHD are a particularly vulnerable group at school, having a greater risk of poor school-related well-being. Schools should actively work to achieve school satisfaction for adolescents having disabilities, to ensure that all students have similar opportunities for favourable development, health and achievement of their academic goals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Rutthaphak Huttayavilaiphan

During this COVID-19 pandemic, no one can deny the value of online communication. It has saved our lives by preventing us from going outdoors and becoming infected, while also facilitating achievement of various personal and professional goals. Online communication can also assist us with our academic goals, whether it is used to communicate with supervisors or with people from other lingua-cultural backgrounds to practice the language. This form of communication is emphasized in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) framework, which is one of the most significant guidelines for language teaching and learning throughout the world. The present research has two aims: first, to determine the extent to which CEFR-based online intercultural communication can improve Thai students’ communicative language competence, and second, to investigate Thai students’ attitudes toward CEFR-based online intercultural communication and international volunteers. The results received from 15 fifth-year dual B.A. (Chinese) and B.CM. (Traditional Chinese Medicine) students and international volunteers using various research instruments revealed that Thai students could increase their communicative language competence after participating in CEFR-based intercultural communication activities. This encompassed linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic abilities that correspond to the CEFR (2001) scales. In terms of attitudes, the study indicated that, because they were more confident in their communicative language ability, they had a positive attitude toward the CEFR-based online intercultural communication activities and their international volunteers. Finally, further research on this topic should include a proper design of online communication activities as well as methods for assessing students’ competency both before and after participation.

2021 ◽  
Penelope Baines

<p>University art galleries are the most common form of campus museum in New Zealand and are increasingly viewed as alternative and innovative interdisciplinary teaching tools. Much of the literature concerning university art galleries discusses the potential of these organisations to act as forums, laboratories and portals for the presentation of diverse ideas within institutions of higher education. Yet these organisations are often overlooked by their parent organisation and considered superfluous to the university’s core business. Despite the ubiquity of university art galleries, little research has been undertaken regarding these organisations within the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. This dissertation explores this issue by examining the ways in which university art galleries have integrated themselves into their university communities.  This dissertation provides a general and concise overview of university art galleries in New Zealand and then presents two in-depth case studies, examining first the Gus Fisher Gallery and then the George Fraser Gallery at the University of Auckland. By utilising a wide range of sources including international and local theoretical literature, interviews, and documentation of public programmes and exhibition histories, these two case studies demonstrate that university art galleries contribute to their parent organisation in a variety of ways. These include serving as an important public interface for the university by showcasing academic and creative scholarship undertaken by the institution’s staff, students, and alumni; acting as a vehicle through which the university can achieve strategic and academic goals and objectives, and assisting the university in fulfilling its duty to act as the “critic and conscience of society”.  This dissertation makes a contribution to museum studies and current museum practice by addressing a gap in the New Zealand literature on this topic. It is the first critical academic analysis of university art galleries in this country situated in relation to British and American theory. In particular, it builds upon and refines Janet Marstine’s argument that university art galleries can lead in the development of the Post-Museum and questions whether Marstine’s theories can apply to the New Zealand context.</p>

2021 ◽  
Penelope Baines

<p>University art galleries are the most common form of campus museum in New Zealand and are increasingly viewed as alternative and innovative interdisciplinary teaching tools. Much of the literature concerning university art galleries discusses the potential of these organisations to act as forums, laboratories and portals for the presentation of diverse ideas within institutions of higher education. Yet these organisations are often overlooked by their parent organisation and considered superfluous to the university’s core business. Despite the ubiquity of university art galleries, little research has been undertaken regarding these organisations within the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. This dissertation explores this issue by examining the ways in which university art galleries have integrated themselves into their university communities.  This dissertation provides a general and concise overview of university art galleries in New Zealand and then presents two in-depth case studies, examining first the Gus Fisher Gallery and then the George Fraser Gallery at the University of Auckland. By utilising a wide range of sources including international and local theoretical literature, interviews, and documentation of public programmes and exhibition histories, these two case studies demonstrate that university art galleries contribute to their parent organisation in a variety of ways. These include serving as an important public interface for the university by showcasing academic and creative scholarship undertaken by the institution’s staff, students, and alumni; acting as a vehicle through which the university can achieve strategic and academic goals and objectives, and assisting the university in fulfilling its duty to act as the “critic and conscience of society”.  This dissertation makes a contribution to museum studies and current museum practice by addressing a gap in the New Zealand literature on this topic. It is the first critical academic analysis of university art galleries in this country situated in relation to British and American theory. In particular, it builds upon and refines Janet Marstine’s argument that university art galleries can lead in the development of the Post-Museum and questions whether Marstine’s theories can apply to the New Zealand context.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anam Mehmood ◽  
Tianyi Bu ◽  
Erying Zhao ◽  
Viktoriia Zelenina ◽  
Nikishov Alexander ◽  

The I-PACE (interaction of person-affect-cognition-execution) model explains that the causes of addiction are the result of individual susceptibility (genetic and personality), psychopathological factors (negative emotions), and cognitive and affective factor interaction. The issue of smartphone addiction and its emerging effects are now becoming an essential social enigma. This study is aimed at exploring how personal, affective, cognitive, and execution factors accelerate the mechanism of smartphone addiction among international students. Randomly selected, six hundred international students have constituted the population for our study. All participants were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaire included demographics (gender, place of stay, educational level, and reason for smartphone usage), Mobile Phone Addiction Index, Loneliness Scale (UCLA), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Perceived Stress Scale, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, and Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. 20.3% (n = 122) of international students are agonized with smartphone addiction, while 79.7% (n = 478) use smartphones at an average level. Students’ place of stay, neuroticism personality, social desirability, self-esteem, loneliness, depression, perceived stress, and passive coping are associated with smartphone addiction. Loneliness and depression show a strong positive significant correlation, among other variables while loneliness, neurotic personality, depression, low self-esteem, stress, and passive coping are risk factors for smartphone addiction. This study reveals that international students are a high-risk group for smartphone addiction. It has a great deal of impact on students’ behavior and psyche. Multiple social, psychological, affective, and cognitive factors affect smartphone addiction. It would be beneficial to direct the students to limit their phone usage and indulge in other healthy physical activities to complete academic goals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Danella Merdiasi ◽  
Lilyantie ◽  
Nika Kristiani

Self-regulated learning is a process of regulating and controlling, monitoring motivation and academic goals, managing human and material resources, as well as becoming a determining behavior in the decision-making process and implemention when the learning process is received. This study aims to determine the level of self-regulated learning in students who take the Christian Religion Education Subject at SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya. The research method used is quantitative-descriptive. The population in this study were 81 students with a sample of 68 respondents. The researcher conducted a right-tailed t-test and looked for the t-value of the entire obtained data. The results of the calculation of the One Sample T-Test in this study is obtained from the t-table < from the t-value (1.66792 < 37.202). The highest level of self-regulated learning is 47.1%, the medium level is 41.2% and the lowest level is 11.8%. It can be concluded that self-regulated learning owned by students who take the Christian Religion Education Subject at SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya has a high level of 47.1% during online teaching and learning activities. Self regulated learning merupakan proses mengatur dan mengontrol, memonitor motivasi dan tujuan akademik, mengelola sumber daya manusia dan benda, serta menjadi perilaku yang menentukan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan pelaksana ketika proses belajar yang diterimanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat self regulated learning pada siswa yang mengikuti mata pelajaran pendidikan agama kristen di SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif-deskriptif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 81 siswa dengan sampel 68 responden. Peneliti melakukan uji T pihak kanan dan mencari nilai thitung dari keseluruhan data yang didapat. Hasil perhitungan uji One Sample T-Test penelitian ini diperoleh ttabel < dari thitung (1.66792 < 37,202). Terdapat tingkat self regulated learning tertinggi sebesar 47,1 %, tingkat sedang sebesar 41,2 % dan pada tingkat terendahnya berada pada 11,8 %. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Self Regulated Learning yang dimiliki oleh siswa- siswi yang mengikuti Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya memiliki tingkat yang tinggi yakni 47,1 % selama kegiatan belajar mengajar secara online atau daring.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009155212110476
Amanda N. Nix ◽  
Tamara Bertrand Jones ◽  
Hollie Daniels ◽  
Pei Hu ◽  
Shouping Hu

Research Question: A sizable portion of college students experience food and housing insecurity, which poses a roadblock to fully and successfully engaging in higher education. In light of these complex challenges, we ask: How do Florida College System (FCS) institutions meet the basic needs of their students? Methods: To answer the question at hand, we conducted an embedded single case study of the FCS. Between 2014 and 2019, researchers traveled to 21 Florida colleges on one or more occasions to speak with college presidents, administrators, faculty members, advisors, academic support staff, and students. In total, we gathered data from 1,379 people through 213 focus group sessions and 20 individual interviews. Results: From these data emerged evidence of the extensive services and support programs provided by FCS institutions, ranging from food and housing assistance to clothing, transportation, and childcare. Such initiatives aim to meet the chronic, daily needs of students and their families, as well as acute needs that arise out of local disasters and crises. Contributions: The findings of this study contribute to the literature on the mission of community colleges. While these support programs address needs traditionally considered non-academic, participants suggest that they are essential to fostering student success. By meeting students’ physiological and safety needs, institutions can better accomplish their academic goals of remediation, transfer, vocational training, and contract education, particularly among students who have been traditionally excluded from higher education. The findings also highlight the importance of acknowledging the needs of students’ families when providing support.

Apertura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-53
Jorge Espinoza-Colón ◽  
Luis Medina-Gual ◽  

This article aims to present the results of a study on the learning process of informational competence in the Universidad José Vasconcelos, Oaxaca, Mexico. From a qualitative research approach, semi-structured interviews, and requests for drawings were applied, and non-participant observation of six students’ information search practices was carried out. The findings made it possible to identify quantitative and qualitative changes in the declarative, procedural and attitudinal components of the competence, which differentiate three levels of performance: low, medium, and high. The critical element to understand the competence learning process is in its attitudinal component since this determines the amount and type of declarative knowledge, as well as the procedures that the student is willing to deploy in a coordinated way to search, evaluate and use the information to achieve your academic goals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136216882110471
Rui Yuan ◽  
Art Tsang ◽  
Sifei Li

The study examined international and home students’ perceptions of intercultural collaborative learning in an English as a medium of instruction (EMI) environment in a Chinese university. Drawing on data from in-depth interviews, the findings showed that international students held a positive view, reporting gains from the cultural, subject knowledge and language learning dimensions but also hurdles which impeded intercultural communication and content learning in the EMI curriculum. The Chinese students were less positive, viewing such a mode of learning somewhat as a ‘burden’ due primarily to the differences in their and international students’ academic goals and expectations. In response to the negative experiences, the Chinese students demonstrated resilience and ingenuity in devising strategies for achieving their own academic goals. This article concludes with practical implications for EMI teachers and curriculum designers regarding how to improve EMI instruction and intercultural learning in higher education.

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