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work routines
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Colleen Carraher-Wolverton ◽  
Jim Burleson

Although initial adoption of an information system has been shown to influence system success, further value can be obtained when end-users move beyond adoption, utilizing more features of the system and integrating it into their work routines. Organizations can increase the post-deployment utilization of their systems by emphasizing continued interaction between developers and end-users. In this study, we develop a research model investigating the influence of shared understanding, faithfulness of appropriation, and consensus on spirit on post-deployment system utilization. Using a sample from a healthcare organization, we show that increased end-user postdeployment interaction with developers supports a shared understanding between the two groups, which ultimately impacts both the routinization and infusion of a system. This study provides a contribution by demonstrating the impact of developer/user interaction in the post-implementation phase of systems development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 155
Louise Rodrigues Campos ◽  
Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira

Objetiva-se, neste texto, discorrer sobre os ensinos e as aprendizagens vivenciadas por cinco mulheres erveiras que trabalham no Ver-o-Peso. Ao tratar-se de lugares da EJA (Educação de jovens e adultos) pontuam-se os cotidianos familiar e de trabalho em que são vivenciados ensinos e aprendizagens e são compartilhados saberes culturais. Diante disso, pondera-se que este trabalho resultou de uma pesquisa de mestrado no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade do Estado do Pará PPGED - UEPA, realizada no período de 2018 a 2020. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, com abordagem qualitativa (MINAYO, 2009); observação in loco (MINAYO, 1994) e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Na sistematização e na análise dos dados foram construídas categorias analíticas e temáticas (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011). A construção das categorias teve como referência técnicas da análise de conteúdo, (BARDIN, 2011). Diante disso, a pesquisa indicou os seguintes resultados: no processo de manipulação das ervas medicinais destaca-se a conexão entre corpo e mente, nos momentos saber identificar, diferenciar e combinar raízes, cascas e suas propriedades medicinais, pela textura, pela cor, pelo aroma e pelo formato. Os ensinos e aprendizagens vivenciados por elas ocorrem por meio da oralidade, do registro escrito, da observação e da gestualidade. Assim, os ensinos, as aprendizagens e os saberes constituem as autonomias de ser erveira, referente à memória, à herança familiar e ao sustento material, a partir do trabalho no setor das ervas.Palavras-chave: Educação de Jovens e Adultos; Saberes Culturais; Mulheres erveiras.Between places and subjects of EJA: Women herb handlers and their cultural knowledge in Ver-o-PesoABSTRACTThe objective of this text is to discuss the teachings and learning experienced by five women herb handlers, who work at Ver-o-Peso. When dealing with EJA (Youth and Adult Education) places, the family and work routines are highlighted in which teaching and learning are experienced and cultural knowledge is shared. Therefore, it is considered that this work resulted from a master's research in the Postgraduate Program in Education of the State University of Pará PPGED - UEPA, carried out from 2018 to 2020. It is a field research, with a qualitative approach, (MINAYO, 2009); observation in loco (MINAYO, 1994) and semi-structured interviews. In the systematization and analysis of data, analytical and thematic categories were built (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011). The construction of the categories was based on technical content analysis (BARDIN, 2011). Therefore, the research indicated the following results: in the process of handling medicinal herbs, the connection between body and mind stands out, at times knowing how to identify, knowing how to differentiate and combine roots, bark and leaves and their medicinal properties, by texture, by color, by aroma, by shape. The teachings and learning experienced by them occur through orality, written record, observation, and gestures. Thus, teachings, learning and knowledge constitute the autonomy of being women herb handlers, referring to memory, family inheritance, and material support, from work in the herb sector.Keywords: Youth and Adult Education; Cultural Knowledge; Women herb handlers.Entre lugares y temas de EJA: Herbolarias y sus conocimientos culturales en Ver-o-PesoRESUMENEl objetivo de este texto es discutir las enseñanzas y el aprendizaje experimentado por cinco mujeres herbolarias que trabajan en Ver-o-Peso. Cuando se trata de lugares de EJA (Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos), se destacan las rutinas familiares y laborales en las que se vive la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y se comparte el conocimiento cultural. Por lo tanto, se considera que este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación de maestría en el Programa de Posgrado en Educación de la Universidad Estatal de Pará PPGED - UEPA, realizada de 2018 a 2020. Es una investigación de campo, con enfoque cualitativo, (MINAYO, 2009); observación in loco (MINAYO, 1994) y entrevistas semiestructuradas. En la sistematización y análisis de datos se construyeron categorías analíticas y temáticas (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011). La construcción de las categorías se basó en el análisis de contenido técnico (BARDIN, 2011). Por tanto, la investigación arrojó los siguientes resultados: en el proceso de manipulación de las hierbas medicinales se destaca la conexión entre cuerpo y mente, en ocasiones saber identificar, saber diferenciar y combinar raíces, corteza y hojas y sus propiedades medicinales, por textura, color, aroma, forma. Las enseñanzas y el aprendizaje experimentado por ellos ocurren a través de la oralidad, el registro escrito, la observación y los gestos. Así, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y el conocimiento constituyen la autonomía de ser herbolaria, referida a la memoria, la herencia familiar y el apoyo material, del trabajo en el sector herbáceo.  Palabras clave: Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos; Conocimiento cultural; Herbolarias.

Sophia Vijayananthan ◽  
Bharathy R ◽  
Mary Jancy Joy ◽  
Ilavarasi Jesudoss

The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China in 2019, has now spread to every corner of the globe. Nurses dealing with COVID patients, in particular, are overburdened around the world. Nurses have been forced to make unavoidable lifestyle adjustments due to disruptions in their everyday work routines and active changes in procedures and policies. This study aimed at determining psychological impact of COVID 19 pandemic (perceived stressors, stress reducing factors, coping strategies) among nursing personnel involved in caring patients with COVID 19. Nursing staff who had taken care of patients with COVID 19 for minimum period of two weeks completed the self-administered instrument. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Inconvenience due to constant use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) (94 %) and lock down restrictions (93 %), vaccine unavailability (90%), and uncertainty of treatment steps were the main sources of stress for the nurses (89 %). The majority of the nursing staff (72%) was stressed about the risk of developing an infection and 75 % of the staff was concerned about the risk of transmitting COVID to their family members and friends. Trusting GOD for protection, adhering to strict infection control measures and lockdown restrictions were all coping strategies that helped them deal with the pandemic. More than 90% of nurses accepted that their coping mechanisms included engaging in relaxation/diversional activities, maintaining a well-balanced diet and getting adequate rest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 243-253
Juho Pääkkönen

This article discusses how an analogy between algorithms and bureaucratic decision-making could help conceptualize error management in algorithmic systems. It argues that a view of algorithms as irreflexive bureaucratic processes is insufficient as an account of errors in complex public sector contexts, where algorithms operate jointly with other organizational work practices. To conceptualize such contexts, the article proposes that algorithms could be viewed as analogous to more traditional work routines in bureaucratic organizations. Doing so helps clarify that algorithmic irreflexivity becomes problematic when the coordination of routine work around automation fails. Thus, also the challenges of error management come to concern the wider context of organized work. This argument is illustrated using known examples from the critical literature on algorithms. Finally, drawing on recent studies in routine dynamics, the article formulates empirical research directions on error management in algorithmic systems.

Challenges ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Emelie Mannebäck ◽  
Ali Padyab

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2019 surprised information security practitioners in the organizations due to the change imposed on employees’ work routines. Employees were asked to work from home, and therefore changes were necessary to reduce information security risks actively. The abrupt change of work environments brought many challenges to the practitioners, which caused them to make decisions regarding organizational information security. This article aims to uncover those challenges through an ethnography study within an organization during the fourteen months of teleworking. On an overarching level, we found four challenges to be of concern: technical security, regulations and policies, employee awareness of security issues, and, finally, preparedness for the new work environment of teleworking. We believe that the challenges brought by the analysis will inspire discussions about the future of research and practice regarding information security management in case of disasters.

2021 ◽  
Ramkumar Aishworiya ◽  
Michael Teik Chung Lim ◽  
Mahesh Babu Ramamurthy ◽  
Anh Phuong Tran ◽  
Dimple D. Rajgor ◽  

Work ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Larissa Brentini de Almeida ◽  
João Alberto Camarotto

BACKGROUND: The work organization not only comprises the formal structure but also social interactions, which are developed according to its own rules based on variabilities and professional competences. During real work, there are regulatory processes that result in the development of strategies to meet the requirements of the work organization and maintain health status. OBJECTIVE: To understand the regulatory processes involved in work activities and analyze the extent to which the developed strategies are sufficient to protect employees’ integrity and guarantee performance. METHODS: This study was carried out in an agricultural implement manufacturing company, whose qualitative procedures were analyzed by combining activity observations, interviews, and self-confrontation. RESULTS: In view of the interaction of logic, operators comply with some rules to the detriment of others, based on the decision processes of their individual and collective experience. The availability of resources compatible with activity demands increases the possibility of action and competence development. The cost of regulations for less experienced operators is higher, taking into consideration the level of uncertainty resulting from contradictions and variabilities. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to discuss the contradictions manifested in operators’ work routines through interactions between heterogeneous rationalities. From this, it is possible to construct a common reference about the activity and increase the possibilities of action during real work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
Valéria Aydos ◽  
Daniela Navarini ◽  
Bernardo Oliveira

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have adopted social isolation as a strategy to fight and limit the spread of the global crisis of Covid-19, which has impacted organization processes and employee's relationships with one another. Several issues such as the lack of accessibility and adaptations on work routines, that were already present in people with disabilities' life in the work environment are now highlighted, bringing to light theoretical debates and practical discussions about the experience of using technological accommodations as possible strategies for promoting accessibility and inclusion. Based on narratives of people with different corporalities in this contemporary shifting reality, in this article, we aim to reflect on how accessibility issues are being managed in labor practices in Brazil. More precisely, we seek to understand the role and effects of this new use of technology on social inclusion and exclusion of people with disabilities in the times and spaces where they work remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Journalism ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 146488492110362
Keren Henderson ◽  
T Makana Chock

Market-driven changes to local television news content can come with consequences to viewers in terms of understanding, remembering and subsequently deliberating about news information. This study focuses on the effects of television news packages on viewers with the understanding that ‘high-effort’ storytelling is not supported uniformly across stations. Using an experiment, this study compares the effects of high- and low-effort storytelling on viewers’ memories for story facts, reported emotional states and perceptions of the importance of stories to determine whether cost-cutting measures will have important consequences for the half of US adults who report relying regularly on local television news for their civic information and for the multi-platform audiences whose preferred content originates from traditional television news work routines.

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