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regional resilience
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Yeon-woo Choi ◽  
You-jeong Hong ◽  
Mijin Choo ◽  
Dong Keun Yoon

Natural disasters whose scale of damage exceeds the level that regional governments can afford are increasing. As such disasters have increased, the damage to local communities tends to be prolonged. Accordingly, it is important to prevent prolonged disaster damage and secure resilience to ensure quick recovery from the damage. This study analyzed the regional factors that can affect resilience to disaster, quantifying the regional resilience of each sigungu administrative district in Korea that suffered damage from natural disasters during the period 2010-2017 using the resilience cost index (RCI). We investigated the relationship between change in resilience cost index by year and changes in regional factors by year to identify the regions where industrial diversity was secured so as to reduce the exposure of each industry to disaster, budgets for social welfare were increased, and participation in volunteer activities was expanded, all of which tend to improve regional resilience.

2021 ◽  
pp. 277-304
Edurne Magro ◽  
Elvira Uyarra ◽  
Jesus M. Valdaliso

AbstractRegional resilience, understood as the regional ability to resist, adapt to, and create new regional paths from external shocks, is one of the most explored issues in the last years in the literature of evolutionary economic geography. However, most of the literature has focused on analysing the regional responses in terms of structural economic change, underplaying the role that institutions and agency play. This chapter will deepen into the role that policy and agency play in two different types of regional resilience, namely resilience to macroeconomic fluctuations and resilience to structural changes. Specifically, it focuses on the role of institutional entrepreneurs and collective agency as mechanisms of change. This means adopting a systemic understanding of regional resilience. The chapter contributes with an historical analysis of the Basque Country region, an old industrial region that has been able to resist, recover and renew after different shocks (economic and financial crisis and structural changes) in the last forty years. The case will shed light into the different institutional and agency factors that shape different types of resilience (adaptation and adaptability capacities), which are intrinsically linked to exploration and exploitation capabilities. Indeed, the chapter focuses on the different policy responses and on the role of agency in shaping resilience, both from an ex-ante and an ex-post perspective. Even though policy denotes a high degree of publicness, the chapter highlights the role of other actors (i.e. private actors, individuals and KIOs) in regional resilience.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Patrizio Bianchi ◽  
Raffaele Giardino ◽  
Sandrine Labory ◽  
Alberto Rinaldi ◽  
Giovanni Solinas

2021 ◽  
Yi Lu ◽  
Xiaoyuan Shi ◽  
Xiai Mao ◽  
Shihang Wang

Abstract Regional resilience after a disaster is a process that encompasses resistance, recovery and redevelopment. However, there have been few longitudinal dynamic analyses using resilience indicators after a disaster. This research proposes an ordination and clustering-based method for regional resilience evaluations focused on short-term disaster-resistance and long-term disaster-recovery capacities in the affected counties. This method was proven to be effective on data from 55 counties before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (2005-2016) in Sichuan Province, China. It was found that: (i) economic related indicators were often negatively affected by the disaster over the short term, especially in the severely affected counties; (ii) the degree of economic development and the devastation extent significantly affected the recovery trends of two macro-economic indicators: the primary industry and the private economy; and (iii) the recovery trends in most counties for some economic and social indicators were initially stagnant or had a slow recovery for 1-3 years, after which there was a rapid recovery process. The intuitive and informative results from this evaluation provide a better understanding of the dynamic regional resilience process after a disaster.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 4660
Jonathan R. Barton ◽  
Felipe Gutiérrez-Antinopai ◽  
Miguel Escalona Ulloa

Regional resilience refers to an immanent condition for facing multiple risks on a permanent basis, both episodic and incremental. These risks are not only linked to natural disasters and climate change, but also to poverty and inequality of access to services such as health, and personal safety. This article considers the underlying conditions that shape regional resilience in Chile, based on inter-regional and intra-regional comparisons in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago and the Region of Araucanía. Instead of viewing resilience in terms of an ability to counter a single risk, the article highlights the fact that risks are multiple and overlapping over time and generated at different scales. Municipal level data on poverty, health, and public finances in the two regions reveal the contrasting underlying inequalities that point to regional mosaics of resilience rather than homogeneity. Different threats are superposed on these preexisting conditions of resilience. The article refers to three in particular: the 2010 Chilean earthquake (episodic); climate change (episodic and incremental); and the Covid-19 pandemic (episodic). The findings point to high levels of urban versus rural differentiation, and also high differentiation within the Santiago Metropolitan Area based on socio-economic conditions. This regional mosaic of underlying structural conditions suggests that regional resilience can be enhanced by engaging with structural socio-spatial inequalities rather than a focus on managing risks via siloed, threat-by-threat responses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 025
Roni Lukum

The research objective is expected to find out how the Tri Rukun village government efforts in building harmony between Gorontalo local ethnicities and Balinese ethnicity in realizing a multiculturalism state and its implications for regional resilience. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the harmonious relationship between the local ethnic Gorontalo and the Balinese is in a very strong qualitative position in realizing a multiculturalism country, because the indicators of competition, acculturation, cooperation, accommodation, assimilation, conflict are not found in Tri Rukun village. Likewise with the indicators of regional resilience, the ideological dimension, the political dimension, the economic dimension, the socio-cultural dimension and the defense and security dimension, there are no threats and obstacles in realizing a multiculturalism state. Thus the results of research in Tri Rukun village show that the condition of regional resilience has a very strong index in building a multiculturalism country where the Tri Rukun village community highly upholds egalitarian attitudes, tolerance, cooperation, autonomy and accommodative attitudes as the principles of a multiculturalism state. Hopefully the achievements of the Boalemo district government will succeed in maintaining the harmonious relationship that has been achieved by the Tri Rukun village government in realizing a multiculturalism country can be maintained.Tujuan penelitian diharapkan dapat mengetahui  bagaimana upaya pemerintah desa Tri Rukun dalam membangun keharmonisan antar etnis lokal Gorontalo dengan etnis Bali dalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme dan implikasinya terhadap ketahanan wilayah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan hubungan harmonis antar etnis lokal Gorontalo dengan etnis Bali berada pada posisi kualitatif sangat tangguh didalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme, karena indikator kompetisi, akulturasi, kerjasama, akomodasi,  asimilasi, konflik tidak ditemukan di desa Tri Rukun. Demikian halnya dengan indikator ketahanan wilayah dimensi ideologi, dimensi politik,  dimensi ekonomi, dimensi sosial budaya dan dimensi pertahanan dan keamanan tidak ditemukan gangguan ancaman dan hambatan dalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian di desa Tri Rukun menunjukan kondisi ketahanan wilayah memiliki indeks sangat tangguh dalam membangun negara multikulturalisme dimana masyarakat desa Tri Rukun sangat menjunjung tinggi sikap egalitarian, sikap toleransi, sikap kerjasama, sikap otonom dan sikap akomodatif sebagai prinsip dari negara multikulturalisme. Semoga prestasi pemerintah kabupaten Boalemo berhasil menjaga hubungan harmonis yang telah dicapai oleh pemerintah desa Tri Rukun dalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme dapat dipertahankan.

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