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administrative district
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Yeon-woo Choi ◽  
You-jeong Hong ◽  
Mijin Choo ◽  
Dong Keun Yoon

Natural disasters whose scale of damage exceeds the level that regional governments can afford are increasing. As such disasters have increased, the damage to local communities tends to be prolonged. Accordingly, it is important to prevent prolonged disaster damage and secure resilience to ensure quick recovery from the damage. This study analyzed the regional factors that can affect resilience to disaster, quantifying the regional resilience of each sigungu administrative district in Korea that suffered damage from natural disasters during the period 2010-2017 using the resilience cost index (RCI). We investigated the relationship between change in resilience cost index by year and changes in regional factors by year to identify the regions where industrial diversity was secured so as to reduce the exposure of each industry to disaster, budgets for social welfare were increased, and participation in volunteer activities was expanded, all of which tend to improve regional resilience.

Muhammad Ayman Al-Akiti ◽  
Che Mahzan Bin Ahamad ◽  
Che’ Razi Bin Jusoh ◽  
Ismail Bin Mamat ◽  
Aliza Bin Elias @ Mayah ◽  

This article analyses the roles of the mosque committee in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes in Gombak, Selangor. Gombak as an administrative district that is located inside the hectic and modernized area of Klang Valley is prone to foreign ideologies and socio-cultural issues. This study aims to broaden the understanding of how the mosque committee in Gombak could empower the mosque’s educational programmes in addressing these issues. This study also aims to discover creative improvision that the committee could make in making the mosque’s educational programmes attractive to the surrounding community. This study focuses on the role of the mosque committee in improving their mosque’s educational programmes with a specific case study on selected mosques in the Gombak district. It is a qualitative study that utilizes the deductive and inductive methods derived from surveys collected from Focus-group Discussion (FGD) and literature studies. Recordings from the FGD survey and recent literature studies related to this topic are examined and analysed according to its appropriation. The result indicates the importance of the mosque committee and their significant roles in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes such as adjusting the curriculum to cater the diversity of people and continuously improvising the lesson through feedback taken from the surrounding community. Keywords: Mosque Educational Programme, Mosque Committee, Islamic Education, Gombak District, Majlis Agama Islam Selangor. Abstrak Artikel ini mengkaji peranan yang boleh dimainkan oleh ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam usaha penambahbaikan program pendidikan masjid di sekitar kominiti Gombak, Selangor. Gombak merupakan sebuah daerah pentadbiran terletak di dalam kawasan Lembah Kelang yang sibuk dan moden terdedah kepada ideologi asing dan permasalahan sosio-budaya. Kajian ini bermatlamat untuk memperluaskan kefahaman berkaitan tentang bagaimana ahli jawatankuasa masjid boleh menambahbaik program pendidikan masjid untuk menanggapi permasalaha-masalah tersebut. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk menemukan kaedah penambahbaikan kreatif yang boleh dilakukan oleh ahli jawatankuasa masjid untuk menjadikan program pendidikan masjid menarik bagi masyarakat sekitar. Kajian ini juga memfokuskan kepada peranan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam menambahbaik fungsi program pendidikan masjid dengan kajian kes keatas masjid terpilih di daerah Gombak. Ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunapakai kaedah deduktif dan induktif yang berasal dari hasil dapatan tinjauan Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus (FGD) dan juga kajian literatur. Rakaman dari tinjauan FGD dan kajian literatur terkini yang berkaitan dengan topik ini akan dikaji dan dianalisa mengikut kesesuaiannya. Hasil menunjukkan kepentingan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dan peranan besar mereka dalam menambahbaik program pendidikan masjid contohnya dalam menyesuaikan kurikulum untuk menyantuni kepelbagaian masyarakat dan penambahbaikan berterusan pengajian melalui maklum balas yang diperolehi dari masyarakat setempat. Kata Kunci: Program Pendidikan Masjid, Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid, Pengajian Islam, Daerah Gombak, Majlis Agama Islam Selangor.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002076402110656
Mohammed A. Mamun ◽  
Md. Al Mamun ◽  
Ismail Hosen ◽  
Tanvir Ahmed ◽  
Istihak Rayhan ◽  

Background: Students are one of the most vulnerable groups to suicide. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, a Bangladeshi study was conducted assessing their suicide patterns regarding gender-based associations. But how has the pandemic changed the Bangladeshi students’ suicide patterns is not studied yet, which is investigated herein. Besides, for the first time, this study provides GIS-based distribution of suicide cases across the country’s administrative district. Methods: As Bangladesh has no suicide surveillance system, this study utilized media reporting suicide cases following the prior studies. A total of 127 students’ suicide cases from March 2020 to March 2021 were finally analyzed after eliminating the duplicate ones, and data were synthesized following the prior studies. Arc-GIS was also used to distribute the suicide cases across the administrative district. Results: Results revealed that female (72.4%; n = 92/127) was more prone to die by suicide than males. About 42.5% of the cases were aged between 14 and 18 years (mean age 16.44 ± 3.512 years). The most common method of suicide was hanging (79.5%; n = 101), whereas relationship complexities (15.7%), being emotional (12.6%), not getting the desired one (11%), conflict with a family member (9.4%), academic failure (9.4%), mental health problem (8.7%), sexual complexities (6.3%), scolded or forbidden by parents (3.9%) were the prominent suicide causalities. In respect to gender and suicide patterns, only the suicide stressor was significantly distributed, whereas the method of suicide was significantly associated with GIS-based distribution. However, a higher number of suicide cases was documented in the capital (i.e. Dhaka) and the northern region than in its surrounding districts. Conclusions: The findings reported herein are assumed to be helpful to identify the gender-based suicide patterns and suicide-prone regions in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic to initiate suicide prevention programs of the risky students.

Aelton Dias Costas ◽  
José Augusto Lopes da Silva ◽  
Rita Denize de Oliveira ◽  
Jorge Sales dos Santos

The discussions permeate the municipal emancipation of Icoaraci, the current administrative district of Belém, capital of the state of Pará, and gain prominence due to its historical context, where there are several attempts that propel in this same direction, district emancipation. In this sense, the purpose of this work is to try to understand the discourses that promoted these movements, in order to examine the regionalist issue employed in them, together with the icoaraciense indemnity process. For this, a bibliographical and documentary research was carried out, also starting with digital media. There is a strong influence of the power groups present in the region, which end up shaping the regionalist and emancipationist discourse, selling them to the rest of the population.

Abdulameer Layth Saeed Abdulameer ◽  
N. Dzhumagulova

Для решения проблемы дефицита воды на орошение сельскохозяйственных земель в административном округе Кербель в Ираке было принято решение использовать повторно очищенные сточные воды, качество которых удовлетворяет требованиям, предъявляемым для полива воды сельcкохозяйственных культур. Рассмотрены два варианта расходов очищенных сточных вод: со старых очистных сооружений производительностью 1,16 м3/с и второй вариант с расходом 4,63 м3/с с учетом старых и новых очистных сооружений. В работе предпринято обоснование выбора оптимального диаметра и материала труб для обоих вариантов с учетом снижения затрат на транспортировку очищенных сточных вод до места назначения с использованием модели WaterCAD V8i. Выбор производился между трубами из следующих материалов: ковкий чугун, стеклопластик GRP, бетон и пластик. Произведены гидравлические расчеты работы системы подачи воды на орошение. Стоимость транспортировки воды рассчитывалась для каждого диаметра и типа трубы для обоих вариантов. Результаты показали, что диаметр трубы 1000 мм для пластика является оптимальным для первого варианта, а диаметр 2000 мм для материала из ковкого чугуна – оптимальным для второго варианта. Впервые рассматривается вопрос повторного использования очищенных сточных вод для решения продовольственных, социальных и экономических проблем для данного региона и предлагается схема трассировки магистрального трубопровода для повторного использования сточных вод для орошения.

Pavlo Mikhno ◽  
Inna Shelkovska ◽  
Valentyn Kozar ◽  
Serhii Lashko

The actual problem of securing the proper functioning of the NGN of Ukraine takinginto account regional peculiarities are studied.The analysis of the state of NGN of Ukraine on the territory of Poltava region by types ofcenters, external geodetic signals, methods of determination of coordinates is carried out in the work.The general problems of functioning of NGN in the territory of Poltava region are established.It is established that in a significant amount of points there are no external geodetic signals.The centers that fix the points of the NGN are represented by more than 40 different types. The centersdiffer in design and size. Some of them are at the same time is references of leveling II category.It is proposed to plan perspectiving measures for the modernization of the NGN on the reasonof the calculation of indicator of regional compliance of the NGN with regulatory requirements forthe density of stations to secure the implementation of topographic surveys. This indicator iscalculated as the ratio of the real amount points in the newly created administrative district to thenormative amount, and is reflected as a percentage. The normative amount is determined on the basisof the area of the respective area and the normative density of stations for the suitable scale of survey.In case of provision of stations at the level of less than 100 % it is necessary to determine theamount of points required to bring the real density in accordance with the normative. Then theexisting NGN needs modernization. Such modernization can be carried out not only in the form of renewal of existing and restoration of lost points, but also through the design and fixation ofadditional points of the calculated number.The analysis of securing of the territory of Poltava region with NGN points for implementationof topographic survey in scales 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000 is carried out. Specific proposals toachieve one hundred percent provision of stations in the Poltava region have been developed. Anexample of a possible realization of the respective proposals is illustrated by the design scheme ofadditional stations of the 3 class, developed on the basis of the scheme of the NGN of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Fengshan Jiang ◽  
Xiaoai Dai ◽  
Zhiqiang Xie ◽  
Tong Xu ◽  
Siqiao Yin ◽  

Abstract The Sichuan-Tibet region of China has always been an area with frequent earthquake disasters, accompanied by the occurrence and collapse of dammed lakes. The collapse of dammed lakes seriously threatens the lives and property safety of downstream personnel. At the same time, domestic and foreign scholars are concerned about the surrounding dammed lake there are few ecological studies on the lake, and the impact of the dammed lake on the ecology has very important enlightenment significance for our lake construction project. It is the purpose of this article to scientifically predict the risk of dam break in a barrier lake, explore its impact on the ecological environment and put forward control measures. Based on the four major dammed lake events of Diexihaizi, Tangjiashan dammed lake, and Hongshihe dammed lake in the Sichuan-Tibet area, this paper extracts water bodies from remote sensing images and uses the HEC-RAS model to determine whether there is a risk of the dam break and whether Forecast the route of the dam; and use the InVEST model to evaluate and analyze the habitat of the smallest administrative district (county/district) where it is located from 1990 to 2020 and make an evaluation based on the results of flood inundation. The results show that the stable dammed lake (Diexi Haizi) after engineering treatment has a stabilizing effect on the habitat quality index. The formation of the dammed lake has changed the nearby land-use types and the regional landscape ecological pattern. The habitat quality index will decrease slightly in the 1 km area around Sai Lake, but the habitat quality will increase in the 3 km area and the 5 km area. Artificial flood discharge and engineering reinforcement of barrier lakes are necessary. In this paper, the areas with strong human control will recover better than other regions' habitat quality index.

Svitlana Novytska ◽  
Lyubov Yankovs'ka ◽  
Ihor Vitenko

The article presents a component-by-component analysis of natural recreational resources of the newly created territorial and administrative unit –Chortkiv district of Ternopil region. Geomorphological, water, biotic recreational resources are described. It is proposed to allocate the Chortkiv recreational area, which will include three recreational complexes: Monastyrysk and Buchach, Borshchiv and Zalishchyky, Chortkiv and Husyatyn. For the selected recreational complexes and nodes the types of recreational occupations according to the main groups of recreational resources are offered.The Monastyrysk and Buchach recreational complex has recreationally interesting landscapes that are part of the Dniester Canyon Landscape park, in particular the cascades of Rusylivsky and Sokiletsky waterfalls, the Zholoby cave (for cognitive recreation), and the mass recreation territory in the area of ​​the Lisova camp site, as well as the valley of the Strypa River from the village of Skomorohy (Buchach territorial community) to the village of Lytychi (Zalishchyky territorial community) for water tourism. Borshchiv and Zalishchyky recreational complex includes Borshchiv and Zalishchyky recreation centers and is characterized by very high recreational potential due to the aesthetic appeal of landscapes, a large number of living and inanimate objects, high climate comfort. The Dniester canyon, saturated with natural protection objects along its entire length, is favorable for the development of ecotourism, tourist and excursion cognitive recreation.Zalishchyky recreational center. Within the valley of the Dniester River in the vicinity of the village Khmelev, the valley of the river Dzhuryn near the village Nyrkiv and village Nahoryany (Chervonogorod waterfall) of Tovste territorial community, areas for mass recreation. The development of cognitive tourist and excursion recreation is promoted by Zhyzhavsk and Obizhevsk botanical reserves of national importance, in which forest and meadow and steppe groups with valuable relict shrubs are protected: Polish spiraea, Cyticus Podilskyy, dwarf cherry. Kasperivtsi Landscape Reserve of national importance with unique natural complexes in the valley of the Seret River with a picturesque reservoir, the presence of geological, paleontological and botanical objects of nature is a place of short-term recreation. In the valley of the Dniester and its tributaries there are ways to the surface of mineral waters – sulfate, chloride, like "Naftusya" or "Druskininkai" (Zalishchyky, Tovste), as well as medicinal peat bog (Tovste), which, in combination with a warm climate (climatotherapy), is the basis for the development of health and recreation.The unique flora of Western Podilsk Transdnistria is represented in Zhyzhavsk, Obizhevsk, Shutromyntsi, tract "Hlody" botanical nature reserves, can be the object of scientific and cognitive tourism for botanists, teachers, students, students of profile and secondary schools.Borshchiv recreation center also has a high recreational potential. Extremely interesting for the development of scientific and cognitive tourism are the outcrops of sediments belonging to the Paleozoic era (Trubchyn tract, Dzvenyhorodsk Silurian outcrops, Silurian and Devonian deposits in the Dniester, Khudykivsk outcrops of Lower Cretaceous deposits). In terms of completeness, number of fossil fauna and flora, accessibility for observation, most of them are of international importance and are stratotypes for the Eastern European platform.Chortkiv and Husyatyn recreation complex includes Husyatyn and Chortkiv recreation centers. Husyatyn recreation center specializes in the development of health and recreation. Husyatyn is a balneological resort with the use of low-mineralized water with a high content of organic substances such as "Naftusya" called "Novozbruchanska" and brines of high mineralization such as "Druskininkai" called "Husyatynska". Chortkiv recreational center specializes in short-term recreation, development of sports and recreation, which is facilitated by areas of river floodplains, slopes covered with forests, the river Seret for various types of water tourism.Key words: recreational resources, administrative district, recreational district, recreational complex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 510-518
Yeonjae Park ◽  
Young Pyo Jun ◽  
Hongrae Lee ◽  
Young-Rae Cho

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012065
A V Koshelev ◽  
N A Tkachenko ◽  
M O Shatrovskaya

Abstract The paper presents the results of decoding the current condition of protective forest plantations of the Volgograd region and their digital inventory mapping on the basis of remote sensing methods and GIS technologies. We have applied a three-level analysis of the system of forest belts located within an administrative district, a farmstead, and a single forest belt. The laboratory visual interpretation of space images has allowed us to analyze the horizontal projection of the forest belts canopy and crowns, their placement in the canopy, as well as pattern and structure. We have also deciphered the signs of the prevailing patterns of tree species mixing. As a result of the research, we have created digital cartographic models of forest belts, compiled digital standards of elm stands in a given age period, assesse taxation and reclamation features of the current state of plantations. The results obtained can be used to monitor the state of plantings and create a local agroforestry GIS.

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