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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Denis Trček

AbstractUbiquitous digitization enables promising options for cultural heritage preservation. Therefore, a new approach is presented that considers deployment scenarios by linking heritage science to tourism. Such an approach is necessary because neither technology nor society views can be treated separately to obtain deployable solutions of a wider social, and even national importance. Clearly, while the traditional approaches to cultural heritage preservation will remain a gold standard, they will be increasingly complemented by digital preservation techniques. Thus, based on practical implementations and lessons learnt in other areas, this multidisciplinary framework paper analyses existing disruptive information technologies deployments. In line with the findings it presents a novel technological architecture tailored to the needs of cultural heritage preservation that deploys an open blockchain architecture. The architecture preserves the advantages of traditional blockchains, which made this technology so important, while enabling energy efficient implementations that can be deployed in mobile applications. By additionally using the contribution-ware principle it links it to tourism, where the identification of users focused incentives and business models play a central role. It is obvious that tourism is a good candidate in such preservation efforts due to the organic links between it and cultural heritage and can support further developments in the heritage preservation domain.

2021 ◽  
Lydia Verschaffelt

<p>Austen and Eliot register the turbulence and transformation of their respective historic moments in the portrayal of a young heroine on the cusp of adulthood with a number of potential paths ahead of her. The heroines, like their societies, are caught between old and new as they seek to acknowledge the ties that bind them to the past and simultaneously create a future of their own. This dilemma reveals the nineteenth-century novel’s concerns of the individual’s ability to grow while being enmeshed in a network of relationships, and the place of the past in an increasingly unstable future.  Beginning with Emma (1815) and The Mill on the Floss (1860), and concluding with a comparison of Persuasion (1817) and Middlemarch (1871), this thesis tracks Austen and Eliot’s depiction of female development which moves from a focus on the centrality of the childhood home, and in particular the heroine’s relationship with her father, to a narrative which ends on a more conscious note of ambiguity and broadening prospects. Emma and Mill both depict heroines who find their future in their past. Emma and Maggie develop and assert their own agency, but their circumstances and experiences of childhood bind them to their site of origin.  Conversely, both Austen and Eliot’s later works enact a deliberate loosening of the hold the heroine’s childhood has on her, and Anne and Dorothea end up in very different places to where they began. They both reject their position as part of the rural landed gentry to instead gain entry into a more dynamic and inclusive community. This personal transition is accompanied by a more explicit delineation of the evolving socio-political landscape, an increase in the heroine’s mobility and fluidity, and an ending that frustrates a sense of stable closure in preference for one of more open possibility. Thus, so far from being read simply as ‘marriage plots’ Austen and Eliot subversively depict the young woman’s changing position and prospects as a matter of national importance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Lydia Verschaffelt

<p>Austen and Eliot register the turbulence and transformation of their respective historic moments in the portrayal of a young heroine on the cusp of adulthood with a number of potential paths ahead of her. The heroines, like their societies, are caught between old and new as they seek to acknowledge the ties that bind them to the past and simultaneously create a future of their own. This dilemma reveals the nineteenth-century novel’s concerns of the individual’s ability to grow while being enmeshed in a network of relationships, and the place of the past in an increasingly unstable future.  Beginning with Emma (1815) and The Mill on the Floss (1860), and concluding with a comparison of Persuasion (1817) and Middlemarch (1871), this thesis tracks Austen and Eliot’s depiction of female development which moves from a focus on the centrality of the childhood home, and in particular the heroine’s relationship with her father, to a narrative which ends on a more conscious note of ambiguity and broadening prospects. Emma and Mill both depict heroines who find their future in their past. Emma and Maggie develop and assert their own agency, but their circumstances and experiences of childhood bind them to their site of origin.  Conversely, both Austen and Eliot’s later works enact a deliberate loosening of the hold the heroine’s childhood has on her, and Anne and Dorothea end up in very different places to where they began. They both reject their position as part of the rural landed gentry to instead gain entry into a more dynamic and inclusive community. This personal transition is accompanied by a more explicit delineation of the evolving socio-political landscape, an increase in the heroine’s mobility and fluidity, and an ending that frustrates a sense of stable closure in preference for one of more open possibility. Thus, so far from being read simply as ‘marriage plots’ Austen and Eliot subversively depict the young woman’s changing position and prospects as a matter of national importance.</p>

Svitlana Novytska ◽  
Lyubov Yankovs'ka ◽  
Ihor Vitenko

The article presents a component-by-component analysis of natural recreational resources of the newly created territorial and administrative unit –Chortkiv district of Ternopil region. Geomorphological, water, biotic recreational resources are described. It is proposed to allocate the Chortkiv recreational area, which will include three recreational complexes: Monastyrysk and Buchach, Borshchiv and Zalishchyky, Chortkiv and Husyatyn. For the selected recreational complexes and nodes the types of recreational occupations according to the main groups of recreational resources are offered.The Monastyrysk and Buchach recreational complex has recreationally interesting landscapes that are part of the Dniester Canyon Landscape park, in particular the cascades of Rusylivsky and Sokiletsky waterfalls, the Zholoby cave (for cognitive recreation), and the mass recreation territory in the area of ​​the Lisova camp site, as well as the valley of the Strypa River from the village of Skomorohy (Buchach territorial community) to the village of Lytychi (Zalishchyky territorial community) for water tourism. Borshchiv and Zalishchyky recreational complex includes Borshchiv and Zalishchyky recreation centers and is characterized by very high recreational potential due to the aesthetic appeal of landscapes, a large number of living and inanimate objects, high climate comfort. The Dniester canyon, saturated with natural protection objects along its entire length, is favorable for the development of ecotourism, tourist and excursion cognitive recreation.Zalishchyky recreational center. Within the valley of the Dniester River in the vicinity of the village Khmelev, the valley of the river Dzhuryn near the village Nyrkiv and village Nahoryany (Chervonogorod waterfall) of Tovste territorial community, areas for mass recreation. The development of cognitive tourist and excursion recreation is promoted by Zhyzhavsk and Obizhevsk botanical reserves of national importance, in which forest and meadow and steppe groups with valuable relict shrubs are protected: Polish spiraea, Cyticus Podilskyy, dwarf cherry. Kasperivtsi Landscape Reserve of national importance with unique natural complexes in the valley of the Seret River with a picturesque reservoir, the presence of geological, paleontological and botanical objects of nature is a place of short-term recreation. In the valley of the Dniester and its tributaries there are ways to the surface of mineral waters – sulfate, chloride, like "Naftusya" or "Druskininkai" (Zalishchyky, Tovste), as well as medicinal peat bog (Tovste), which, in combination with a warm climate (climatotherapy), is the basis for the development of health and recreation.The unique flora of Western Podilsk Transdnistria is represented in Zhyzhavsk, Obizhevsk, Shutromyntsi, tract "Hlody" botanical nature reserves, can be the object of scientific and cognitive tourism for botanists, teachers, students, students of profile and secondary schools.Borshchiv recreation center also has a high recreational potential. Extremely interesting for the development of scientific and cognitive tourism are the outcrops of sediments belonging to the Paleozoic era (Trubchyn tract, Dzvenyhorodsk Silurian outcrops, Silurian and Devonian deposits in the Dniester, Khudykivsk outcrops of Lower Cretaceous deposits). In terms of completeness, number of fossil fauna and flora, accessibility for observation, most of them are of international importance and are stratotypes for the Eastern European platform.Chortkiv and Husyatyn recreation complex includes Husyatyn and Chortkiv recreation centers. Husyatyn recreation center specializes in the development of health and recreation. Husyatyn is a balneological resort with the use of low-mineralized water with a high content of organic substances such as "Naftusya" called "Novozbruchanska" and brines of high mineralization such as "Druskininkai" called "Husyatynska". Chortkiv recreational center specializes in short-term recreation, development of sports and recreation, which is facilitated by areas of river floodplains, slopes covered with forests, the river Seret for various types of water tourism.Key words: recreational resources, administrative district, recreational district, recreational complex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (2) ◽  
pp. 022113
D Rudoy ◽  
V Pahomow ◽  
T Malceva ◽  
D Sarkisian ◽  
S Saakian

Abstract The problem of reducing losses and using grain remains one of the most pressing problems of national importance. To prevent the occurrence of unacceptable quantitative and qualitative losses of grain, a timely and correctly carried out post-harvest processing plays an important role. This article discusses the methods of conservation of wheat by various methods at the early stages of ripeness: grain preservation by drying method, convective method, conductive method, thermoradiation method, grain preservation by silage method and freeze preservation, reveals their advantages and conducts an analytical analysis. Harvesting cereal crops in the phase of milky-wax and waxy ripeness allows you to get a crop with an increased content of nutrients in comparison with full ripeness wheat grain. The article describes the biochemical processes occurring in the grain during its ripening. Harvesting grain in the phase of milky and waxy ripeness makes it possible to prepare raw materials for production with a higher content of protein, fats and nutrients, which is the relevance of the study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-37
С.А. Жбанова

В статье рассмотрены формы реализации государственной политики в области обеспечения безопасности дорожного движения, направленные на предупреждение и профилактику дорожно-транспортных происшествий. В настоящее время довольно остро стоят вопросы, касающиеся безопасности дорожного движения. Несмотря на предпринимаемые меры, ситуация, которая сложилась на дорогах Российской Федерации, далека от совершенства. В связи с этим обеспечение безопасности дорожного движения выходит на первый план и становится одной из первоочередных задач страны, имеющих общенациональное значение. The article considers the forms of implementation of the state policy in the field of road safety aimed at the prevention and prevention of road accidents. Currently, there are quite acute issues related to road safety. The situation that has developed on the roads of the Russian Federation is far from perfect, despite the measures taken. In this regard, ensuring road safety comes to the fore and becomes one of the priority tasks of the country, which is of national importance.

2021 ◽  
Jessica Maynard

<p>This thesis examines the development of recreational amateur swimming in New Zealand between 1936 and 1956. During this period, swimming ability and drowning prevention became issues of national importance and extensive measures were introduced to encourage the expansion of amateur swimming culture. The growth of interest in swimming was partly a response to the perception that drowning deaths were too common. This thesis discusses the trends and characteristics of deaths by drowning. The extension of swimming was also largely thanks to the efforts of the Labour Government, elected in 1935, which instituted a new and active approach to enabling leisure. In 1936, just months after being elected, Labour made its first move towards extending New Zealanders’ opportunities for aquatic recreation by offering greater support to voluntary swimming and lifesaving associations. In 1938, under the newly enacted Physical Welfare and Recreation Act, the Government launched the Learn-to-Swim campaign, followed by the Prevent Drowning campaign in 1949. These campaigns helped to establish ‘proper’ swimming as a valuable part of modern life, an increasingly popular leisure pursuit, and an expected skill, as well as advocating the necessity of ‘water wisdom’. By 1956, the perceived need for government intervention into leisure had diminished and swimming and drowning prevention were once again viewed as private matters, the concern of the individual and not of the state. Consequently, the Government (now that of the National administration) withdrew its support from the campaigns. However, swimming was firmly established as an enjoyable, valuable, and important recreational pursuit. Thus, the Water Safety campaign was launched by voluntary swimming and lifesaving organisations to take the place of the Learn-to-Swim and Prevent Drowning campaigns. This thesis argues that the 1936-1956 period was one of significant growth in recreational swimming and the state was an important and active agent in this process of modernising New Zealand’s swimming culture.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jessica Maynard

<p>This thesis examines the development of recreational amateur swimming in New Zealand between 1936 and 1956. During this period, swimming ability and drowning prevention became issues of national importance and extensive measures were introduced to encourage the expansion of amateur swimming culture. The growth of interest in swimming was partly a response to the perception that drowning deaths were too common. This thesis discusses the trends and characteristics of deaths by drowning. The extension of swimming was also largely thanks to the efforts of the Labour Government, elected in 1935, which instituted a new and active approach to enabling leisure. In 1936, just months after being elected, Labour made its first move towards extending New Zealanders’ opportunities for aquatic recreation by offering greater support to voluntary swimming and lifesaving associations. In 1938, under the newly enacted Physical Welfare and Recreation Act, the Government launched the Learn-to-Swim campaign, followed by the Prevent Drowning campaign in 1949. These campaigns helped to establish ‘proper’ swimming as a valuable part of modern life, an increasingly popular leisure pursuit, and an expected skill, as well as advocating the necessity of ‘water wisdom’. By 1956, the perceived need for government intervention into leisure had diminished and swimming and drowning prevention were once again viewed as private matters, the concern of the individual and not of the state. Consequently, the Government (now that of the National administration) withdrew its support from the campaigns. However, swimming was firmly established as an enjoyable, valuable, and important recreational pursuit. Thus, the Water Safety campaign was launched by voluntary swimming and lifesaving organisations to take the place of the Learn-to-Swim and Prevent Drowning campaigns. This thesis argues that the 1936-1956 period was one of significant growth in recreational swimming and the state was an important and active agent in this process of modernising New Zealand’s swimming culture.</p>

2021 ◽  
Paraskevi E. Mpeza

Greece has today about 400 large and small wetlands. Some of them are international importance and some are considered as national importance. Several of them are composite and form wetland mosaics or complexes. The most common wetland types in Greece are: rivers, estuaries, deltas, lagoons, shallow lakes, shallow marine formations, marshes. Their total area is still quite large (210,000 ha) in spite of the heavy losses that occurred during the last two generations Threats of degradation are drainage, dam construction, irrigation networks, alteration in river morphology such as diversion flow, clearing of natural vegetation which alter hydrological regime and affect wetland function. Sustainable agriculture in the hydrological basins of important wetlands should be considered because these systems are threaten most.

Irina Shashkova ◽  
Serhii Buravchenko ◽  
Oleksandr Khliupin ◽  
Оleksandr Pyvovarov

The article reveals and highlights the methods of adaptation of castles for cultural and tourist complexes. Examples from the practice of adapting European castles, in particular for cultural and tourist complexes, are analyzed. The main methods of adaptation of castles, identified as a result of research, after the necessary conservation and restoration of buildings are the following: museification, theatrical performance, mythologizing, adaptation to modern needs. Additional methods of revitalization, in particular the activation of cultural and tourist functions should be: the creation of a hotel on or near the complex, cafes and restaurants, arrangement of a system of paths, stairs and observation decks, ordering and ensuring the transformability of prefabricated structures for festivals, use of lighting installations and projections on the facades of castles, it is also important to place souvenir and grocery stores, parking spaces. Based on this experience, NSAU “Competition for the best design proposal for the restoration of the adaptation to the cultural and artistic center of the architectural monument of national importance - the castle of the XV - XVII centuries. (oh.№481) in the village. Svirzh, Lviv district, Lviv region ”the authors of the article developed a project to adapt the castle in Svirzh, Lviv region. Thus, analytical research and systematization of European experience are introduced into the real adaptation of the castle and its integration into the cultural life of the region.

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