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allometric relations
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Plants ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Rocco Bochicchio ◽  
Rosanna Labella ◽  
Antonella Vitti ◽  
Maria Nuzzaci ◽  
Giuseppina Logozzo ◽  

Early root traits and allometrics of wheat are important for competition and use of resources. They are under-utilized in research and un-explored in many ancient wheats. This is especially true for the rhizosheath emerging from root-soil interactions. We investigated root morphology, root/shoot relations and the amount of rhizosheath of four tetrapoid wheat seedlings (30 days after emergence): the italian landrace Saragolle Lucana and modern varieties Creso, Simeto and Ciclope, and tested the hypothesis that inoculation with Trichoderma harzianum T-22 (T-22) enhances rhizosheath formation and affects wheat varieties differently. Overall growth of non-inoculated plants showed different patterns in wheat varieties, with Saragolle and Ciclope at the two extremes: Saragolle invests in shoot rather than root mass, and in the occupation of space with highest (p < 0.05) shoot height to the uppermost internode (5.02 cm) and length-to-mass shoot (97.8 cm g−1) and root (more than 140 m g−1) ratios. This may be interpreted as maximizing competition for light but also as a compensation for low shoot efficiency due to the lowest (p < 0.05) recorded values of optically-measured chlorophyll content index (22.8). Ciclope invests in biomass with highest shoot (0.06 g) and root (0.04 g) mass and a thicker root system (average diameter 0.34 mm vs. 0.29 in Saragolle) as well as a highest root/shoot ratio (0.95 g g−1 vs. 0.54 in Saragolle). Rhizosheath mass ranged between 22.14 times that of shoot mass in Ciclope and 43.40 in Saragolle (different for p < 0.05). Inoculation with Trichoderma increased the amount of rhizosheath from 9.4% in Ciclope to 36.1% in Simeto and modified root architecture in this variety more than in others. Ours are the first data on roots and seedling shoot traits of Saragolle Lucana and of Trichoderma inoculation effects on rhizosheath. This opens to new unreported interpretations of effects of Trichoderma inoculation on improving plant growth.

Yao Anicet Gervais Kouamé ◽  
Mathieu Millan ◽  
Aya Brigitte N’Dri ◽  
Adama Bakayoko ◽  
Jacques Gignoux ◽  

Background: Biotic and abiotic disturbances such as frequent wildfires and herbivory contribute to maintain trees and grasses coexistence in savanna ecosystems. In comparison to stems and leaves, exposed to fire and herbivory, the roots, protected by being belowground, are less affected by these disturbances. Therefore, indirect estimation of belowground biomass (BGB) of savanna trees from simple allometric relations based on stem measurements can lead to major biases. Aims: In this study we explored how the Leaf ontogenetic change index (LOCI), a quantitative index based on leaf heteroblastic development, can provide an accurate estimate of BGB in Cussonia arborea, a widespread species in West African humid savannas. Methodology: We examined leaf morphometrics on post-fire resprouts of 40 individuals to assess whether LOCI can inform on plant age. We then analyzed by log-level regressions the variation of LOCI in relation to plant stem volume. Subsequently, we studied the variation of BGB according to stem volume, and as a function of both stem volume and LOCI, which allowed us to evaluate the contribution of LOCI to BGB estimation. BGB was obtained destructively by digging up roots and weighing total dry mass of 25 individuals including small and large trees. Statistical analyses were done with the R software. Place and Duration of Study: Study was performed in the Lamto Scientific Reserve, Côte d’Ivoire, between May 2020 and June 2021. Results: Using the stem volume as single explanatory variable of BGB, the regression model provided an adjusted R2 of 0.71. Association of the stem volume with LOCI increased the adjusted R2 from 0.71 to 0.90. Conclusion: Combining LOCI with a measure of stem size provides better estimate of BGB in C. arborea compared to estimate based on stem size only. Since a large proportion of woody species in frequently disturbed environments exhibit an overall strategies promoting persistence, future works should evaluate how these strategies are modulated during ontogeny and can explain biomass variation over time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Petia Simeonova Nikolova ◽  
Jan Geyer ◽  
Peter Brang ◽  
Paolo Cherubini ◽  
Stephan Zimmermann ◽  

Silvicultural interventions such as strip cuttings can change the resource availability of the edge trees. This may alter tree allometry, as light regime, water, and nutrient availability can change at the forest edge. Increased root growth may optimize resource uptake and/or enhance tree anchorage to withstand the altered wind regime. However, little is known about the patterns of the root–shoot allometric responses to strip cuttings. In three alpine stands differing in climate, site productivity, and stand characteristics, we selected 71 Norway spruce trees and took increment cores from stems, root collars, and main roots. This enabled us to study changes in the long-term root-stem allometry for 46 years and short-term allometric responses to intervention. The effects of cutting were compared between edge trees and trees from the stand interior in 10 years before and after the intervention. The long-term allocation to roots increased with stem diameter, with the strongest effects on the regularly managed stand with the tallest and largest trees. These results support the allometric biomass partitioning theory, which postulates resource allocation patterns between different plant organs to depend on plant size. Strip cutting on north-facing slopes boosted edge-tree growth in all plant compartments and enhanced allocation to roots. This change in allometry started 2 years after cutting but disappeared 7–8 years later. In the post-cutting period, the highest root–shoot increase was observed in the small trees independent of the site. This indicates the change in growing conditions to have the strongest effects in formerly suppressed trees. Thus, the effect of such acclimation on the wind firmness of subdominant spruce trees is a question with high importance for optimizing cutting layouts in lowering post-cutting vulnerability to disturbance. The results from this case study contribute to a better understanding of the structural acclimation of spruce trees from high-elevation forests to new forest edges. However, for a more mechanistic understanding of environmental drivers, further analyses of tree-ring stable isotopes are recommended.

Systems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 54
Kalyan Annamalai

The biology literature presents allometric relations for the specific metabolic rate (SMRk) of an organ k of mass mk within the body of mass mB: SMR_k ∝ mBfk (body mass allometry, BMA). Wang et al. used BMA, summed-up energy from all organs and validated Kleiber’s law of the whole body: SMRM ∝ mBb’, b’ = −0.25. The issues raised in biology are: (i) why fk and b’ < 0, (ii) how do the organs adjust fk to yield b’? The current paper presents a “system” approach involving the field of oxygen deficient combustion (ODC) of a cloud of carbon particles and oxygen deficient metabolism (ODM), and provides partial answers by treating each vital organ as a cell cloud. The methodology yields the following: (i) a dimensionless “group” number GOD to indicate extent of ODM, (ii) SMRk of an organ in terms of the effectiveness factor; (iii) curve fitting of the effectiveness factor to yield the allometric exponents for the organ mass-based allometric laws (OMA); (iv) validation of the results with data from 111 biological species (BS) with mB ranging from 0.0075 to 6500 kg. The “hypoxic” condition at organ level, particularly for Covid-19 patients, and the onset of cancer and virus multiplication are interpreted in terms of ODM and glycolysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 429
Tian Lan ◽  
Qian Peng ◽  
Haoyu Wang ◽  
Xinyu Gong ◽  
Jing Li ◽  

Allometric scaling originates in biology, where it refers to scaling relations between the size of a body part and the size of the whole body when an organism grows. In cities, various allometric relations have also been discovered, such as those between the complexity of traffic networks and urban quantities. Metro networks are typical traffic networks in cities. However, whether allometric relations with metro networks exist is still uncertain. In this study, “fractal dimension” was employed as the complexity measure of metro networks, and potential allometric relations between fractal dimensions and urban indicators in 26 main cities in China were explored. It was found that fractal dimensions of metro networks had positive allometric relations with gross domestic product (GDP), population, particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), the road congestion index and the average price of second-hand housing (with Spearman’s R of 0.789, 0.806, 0.273, 0.625 and 0.335, respectively) but inverse allometric relations with sulfur dioxide (SO2) and residential satisfaction (with Spearman’s R of −0.270 and −0.419, respectively). Such discoveries imply that allometric relations do exist with metro networks, which is helpful in deepening our understanding of how metro systems interact with urban quantities in the self-organized evolution of cities.

Ray Brasil Bueno de Souza ◽  
Vanessa Maria Gomes Bonfim ◽  
Vitor Passos Rios ◽  
Wilfried Klein

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Franziska Taubert ◽  
Rico Fischer ◽  
Nikolai Knapp ◽  
Andreas Huth

Remote sensing is an important tool to monitor forests to rapidly detect changes due to global change and other threats. Here, we present a novel methodology to infer the tree size distribution from light detection and ranging (lidar) measurements. Our approach is based on a theoretical leaf–tree matrix derived from allometric relations of trees. Using the leaf–tree matrix, we compute the tree size distribution that fit to the observed leaf area density profile via lidar. To validate our approach, we analyzed the stem diameter distribution of a tropical forest in Panama and compared lidar-derived data with data from forest inventories at different spatial scales (0.04 ha to 50 ha). Our estimates had a high accuracy at scales above 1 ha (1 ha: root mean square error (RMSE) 67.6 trees ha−1/normalized RMSE 18.8%/R² 0.76; 50 ha: 22.8 trees ha−1/6.2%/0.89). Estimates for smaller scales (1-ha to 0.04-ha) were reliably for forests with low height, dense canopy or low tree height heterogeneity. Estimates for the basal area were accurate at the 1-ha scale (RMSE 4.7 tree ha−1, bias 0.8 m² ha−1) but less accurate at smaller scales. Our methodology, further tested at additional sites, provides a useful approach to determine the tree size distribution of forests by integrating information on tree allometries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (5) ◽  
pp. 601-615
Rüdiger Grote ◽  
David Kraus ◽  
Wendelin Weis ◽  
Rasmus Ettl ◽  
Axel Göttlein

Abstract Process-based models are increasingly applied for simulating long-term forest developments in order to capture climate change impacts and to investigate suitable management responses. Regarding dimensional development, however, allometric relations such as the height/diameter ratio, branch and coarse root fractions or the dependency of crown dimension on stem diameter often do not account for environmental influences. While this may be appropriate for even-aged, monospecific forests, serious biases can be expected if stand density or forest structure changes rapidly. Such events occur in particular when forests experience disturbances such as intensive thinning or during early development stages of planted or naturally regenerated trees. We therefore suggest a calculation of allometric relationships that depends primarily on neighbourhood competition. Respective equations have been implemented into a physiology-based ecosystem model that considers asymmetric competition by explicit simulation of resource acquisition and depletion per canopy layer. The new implementation has been tested at two sites in Germany where beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings have either been planted below a shelterwood of old spruces (Picea abies) or grown under clear-cut conditions. We show that the modified model is able to realistically describe tree development in response to stand density changes and is able to represent regeneration growth beneath a gradually decreasing overstorey of mature trees. In particular, the model could represent the faster crown size development in saplings until full ground coverage is established and a faster height growth afterwards. The effect enhances leaf area and thus assimilation per tree and increases carbon availability for stem growth at early development stages. Finally, the necessity to consider dynamic allometric relations with respect to climate change impacts is discussed, and further improvements are suggested.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (10) ◽  
pp. 1040-1049
Guo-Peng CHEN ◽  
Ke-Tong YANG ◽  
Li WANG ◽  
Fei WANG ◽  
Xiu-Wen CAO ◽  

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