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total fixation
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2022 ◽  
pp. 174702182210751
Louise Humphreys ◽  
Sarah Jade Higgins ◽  
Emma Victoria Roberts

The current experiment examined the effect of task demands on attention to emotional images. Eighty participants viewed pairs of images, with each pair consisting of an emotional (negative or positive) and a neutral image, or two neutral images. Participants’ eye movements were recorded during picture viewing, and participants were either asked 1) which picture contains more colour? (colour task), 2) are the images equally pleasant? (pleasantness task), 3) which picture do you prefer? (preference task), or 4) were given no task instructions (control task). Although the results did not suggest that emotional images strongly captured attention, emotional images were looked at earlier than neutral images. Importantly, the pattern of results were dependent upon the task instructions; whilst the preference and colour task conditions showed early attentional biases to emotional images, only positive images were looked at earlier in the pleasantness task condition, and no early attentional biases were observed in the control task. Moreover, total fixation duration was increased for positive images in the preference task condition, but not in the other task conditions. It was concluded that attention to emotional stimuli can be modified by the demands of the task during viewing. However, further research should consider additional factors, such as the cognitive load of the viewing tasks, and the content of the images used.

Li Zhu ◽  
Gaochao Cui ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Jianhai Zhang ◽  
Wanzeng Kong ◽  

AbstractWith the popularity of smartphones and the pervasion of mobile apps, people spend more and more time to interact with a diversity of apps on their smartphones, especially for young population. This raises a question: how people allocate attention to interfaces of apps during using them. To address this question, we, in this study, designed an experiment with two sessions (i.e., Session1: browsing original interfaces; Session 2: browsing interfaces after removal of colors and background) integrating with an eyetracking system. Attention fixation durations were recorded by an eye-tracker while participants browsed app interfaces. The whole screen of smartphone was divided into four even regions to explore fixation durations. The results revealed that participants gave significantly longer total fixation duration on the bottom left region compared to other regions in the session (1) Longer total fixation duration on the bottom was preserved, but there is no significant difference between left side and right side in the session2. Similar to the finding of total fixation duration, first fixation duration is also predominantly paid on the bottom area of the interface. Moreover, the skill in the use of mobile phone was quantified by assessing familiarity and accuracy of phone operation and was investigated in the association with the fixation durations. We found that first fixation duration of the bottom left region is significantly negatively correlated with the smartphone operation level in the session 1, but there is no significant correlation between them in the session (2) According to the results of ratio exploration, the ratio of the first fixation duration to the total fixation duration is not significantly different between areas of interest for both sessions. The findings of this study provide insights into the attention allocation during browsing app interfaces and are of implications on the design of app interfaces and advertisements as layout can be optimized according to the attention allocation to maximally deliver information.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0259987
Ehab W. Hermena ◽  
Sana Bouamama ◽  
Simon P. Liversedge ◽  
Denis Drieghe

In Arabic, a predominantly consonantal script that features a high incidence of lexical ambiguity (heterophonic homographs), glyph-like marks called diacritics supply vowel information that clarifies how each consonant should be pronounced, and thereby disambiguate the pronunciation of consonantal strings. Diacritics are typically omitted from print except in situations where a particular homograph is not sufficiently disambiguated by the surrounding context. In three experiments we investigated whether the presence of disambiguating diacritics on target homographs modulates word frequency, length, and predictability effects during reading. In all experiments, the subordinate representation of the target homographs was instantiated by the diacritics (in the diacritized conditions), and by the context subsequent to the target homographs. The results replicated the effects of word frequency (Experiment 1), word length (Experiment 2), and predictability (Experiment 3). However, there was no evidence that diacritics-based disambiguation modulated these effects in the current study. Rather, diacritized targets in all experiments attracted longer first pass and later (go past and/or total fixation count) processing. These costs are suggested to be a manifestation of the subordinate bias effect. Furthermore, in all experiments, the diacritics-based disambiguation facilitated later sentence processing, relative to when the diacritics were absent. The reported findings expand existing knowledge about processing of diacritics, their contribution towards lexical ambiguity resolution, and sentence processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Julia Trabulsi ◽  
Kian Norouzi ◽  
Seidi Suurmets ◽  
Mike Storm ◽  
Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy

The study of consumer responses to advertising has recently expanded to include the use of eye-tracking to track the gaze of consumers. The calibration and validation of eye-gaze have typically been measured on large screens in static, controlled settings. However, little is known about how precise gaze localizations and eye fixations are on smaller screens, such as smartphones, and in moving feed-based conditions, such as those found on social media websites. We tested the precision of eye-tracking fixation detection algorithms relative to raw gaze mapping in natural scrolling conditions. Our results demonstrate that default fixation detection algorithms normally employed by hardware providers exhibit suboptimal performance on mobile phones. In this paper, we provide a detailed account of how different parameters in eye-tracking software can affect the validity and reliability of critical metrics, such as Percent Seen and Total Fixation Duration. We provide recommendations for producing improved eye-tracking metrics for content on small screens, such as smartphones, and vertically moving environments, such as a social media feed. The adjustments to the fixation detection algorithm we propose improves the accuracy of Percent Seen by 19% compared to a leading eye-tracking provider’s default fixation filter settings. The methodological approach provided in this paper could additionally serve as a framework for assessing the validity of applied neuroscience methods and metrics beyond mobile eye-tracking.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-60
Sylwester Białowąs ◽  
Adrianna Szyszka

Eye movements provide information on subconscious reactions in response to stimuli and are a reflection of attention and focus. With regard to visual activity, four types of eye movements—fixations, saccades, smooth pursuits and blinks—can be distinguished. Fixations—the number and distribution, total fixation time or average fixation duration are among the most common measures. The capabilities of this research method also allow the determination of scanpaths that track gaze on the image as well as heat- and focus maps, which visually represent points of gaze focus. A key concept in eye-tracking that allows for more in-depth analysis is areas of interest (AOI)—measures can then be taken for selected parts of the visual stimulus. On the other hand, the area of gaze outside the scope of analysis is called white space. The software allows for comparisons of static and non-static stimuli and provides a choice of template, dataset, metrics or data format. In conducting eye-tracking research, proper calibration is crucial, which means that the participant’s gaze should be adjusted to the internal model of the eye-tracking software. In addition, attention should be paid to such aspects as time and spatial control. The exposure time for each participant should be identical. The testing space should be well-lit and at a comfortable temperature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-132
Inga Hennecke ◽  
Harald Baayen

Abstract N Prep N constructions such as Sp. bicicleta de montaña ‘mountain bike’ are very productive and frequent in Romance languages. They commonly have been classified as syntagmatic compounds that show no orthographic union and exhibit an internal structure that resembles free syntactic structures, such as Sp. libro para niños ‘book for children’. There is no consensus on how to best distinguish lexical from syntactic N Prep N constructions. The present paper presents an explorative eye-tracking study on N Prep N constructions, varying both lexical type (lexical vs. syntactic) and preposition across three languages, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The task of the eye-tracking study was a reading aloud paradigm of the constructions in sentence context. Constructions were fixated on less when more frequent, independent of lexical status. There was also modest evidence that a higher construction frequency afforded shorter total fixation durations, but only for lower deciles of the response distribution. The (construction-initial) head noun also received fewer fixations as construction frequency increased, and also when the head noun was more frequent. The second fixation durations on the head noun also revealed an effect of lexical status, with syntactic constructions receiving shorter fixations at the 5th and 7th deciles. The probability of a fixation on the preposition decreased with preposition frequency, but first fixations on the preposition increased with preposition frequency. The prepositions of Portuguese, the language with the richest inventory of prepositions, received more fixations than the prepositions of French and Spanish. The observed pattern of results is consistent with models of lexical processing in which reading is guided by knowledge of both higher-level constructions and knowledge of key constituents such as the head noun and the preposition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 718-726
Jin Hui Lee ◽  
Ji Young Na ◽  
Su Hyang Lee ◽  
Bong Won Yi

Objectives: This study aims to investigate patterns of visual attention on a target object in VSDs (Visual Scene Displays) when they are designed with/without an action of usage of the object. We used eye-tracking technology to evaluate how the action of usage of an object in still photographs influenced the visual attention of adults without disabilities. We tried to examine visual attention on the contents of visual scene displays (VSDs).Methods: 25 college students participated in the study. Eye-tracking technology recorded point-of-gaze while participants viewed 20 photographs. Data from eye-tracking provided information on where participants were visually fixated and paid more attention on the presented VSDs including a target object.Results: Both total fixation duration and average fixation count were statistically significant. Participants visually fixated on the target object longer and more often when the object was being used in the presented VSDs. For AOI (Area Of Interest) time of the first fixation, after analyzing only a partial group that had the data match due to the difference in gaze pattern per subject, the average AOI time of the first fixation was shown to be faster when using an object in 6 out of 10 objects.Conclusion: This study supports the inclusion of an action of an object usage in VSDs suggesting that the act of object usage can partially influence the visual attention pattern of a user.

2021 ◽  
Kritika Nayar ◽  
Frederick Shic ◽  
Molly Winston ◽  
Molly Losh

Abstract Background: Social attention differences, expressed through gaze patterns, have been documented in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with subtle differences also reported among first-degree relatives, suggesting a shared genetic link. Findings have mostly been derived from standard eye-tracking methods (total fixation count or total fixation duration). Given the dynamics of visual attention, these standard methods may obscure subtle, yet core, differences in visual attention mechanisms, particularly those presenting sub-clinically. This study applied a constellation of eye-tracking analyses to gaze data from individuals with ASD and their parents. Methods: This study included n=156 participants across groups, including ASD (n=24) and control (n=32) groups, and parents of individuals with ASD (n=61) and control parents (n=39). A complex scene with social/non-social elements was displayed and gaze tracked via an eye tracker. Eleven analytic methods from the following categories were analyzed: 1) standard variables, 2) temporal dynamics (e.g., gaze over time), 3) fixation patterns (e.g., perseverative or regressive fixations), 4) first fixations, and 5) distribution patterns. MANOVAs, growth curve analyses, and Chi-squared tests were applied to examine group differences. Finally, group differences were examined on factor scores derived from a principal component analysis (PCA) that reduced variables to distinct dimensions.Results: No group differences emerged among standard, first fixation, and distribution pattern variables. Both the ASD and ASD parent groups demonstrated reduced social attention over time and atypical perseverative fixations. Lower social attention factor scores derived from PCA strongly differentiated the ASD and ASD parent groups from controls, with parent findings driven by the subset of parents demonstrating the broad autism phenotype.Limitations: To generalize these findings, larger sample sizes, extended viewing contexts (e.g., dynamic stimuli), and even more eye-tracking analytical methods are needed. Conclusions: Fixations over time and perseverative fixations differentiated ASD and the ASD parent groups from controls, with the PCA most robustly capturing social attention differences. Findings highlight their methodological utility in studies of the (broad) autism spectrum to capture nuanced visual attention differences that may relate to clinical symptoms in ASD, and reflect genetic liability in clinically unaffected relatives. This proof-of-concept study may inform future studies using eye tracking across populations where social attention is impacted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Nayeon Kim ◽  
Hyunsoo Lee

This study aims at investigating how consumers experience the retail environment visually, thus establishing a foundation for deeper insights into visual merchandising strategies. Specifically, we experimentally recorded and analyzed the visual attention and emotional arousal of the consumers in a test setting and examined the influence of various elements as well as gender differences in the recorded consumer responses. We conducted an experiment utilizing eye-tracking and virtual reality to analyze visual attention and emotional arousal in response to spatial and design elements in an immersive retail environment. We examined real-time measures of consumer interest and emotional responses during the retail experience. Valid gaze data from 24 male and 22 female participants were used for the analysis of total dwell time (TDT), total fixation count (TFC), and average pupil diameter (APD). The visual attention and emotional arousal of consumers showed different responses to specific areas of interest according to different spatial arrangements in the sales and service areas. This study statistically analyzed gender differences in consumer responses and performed a correlation analysis between visual attention and emotional arousal. Our findings provide insight into improving the design of retail environments for target consumers and contribute to building visual merchandising strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Grimar Abdiel Perez ◽  
Pumipat Tongyoo ◽  
Julapark Chunwongse ◽  
Hans de Jong ◽  
Anucha Wongpraneekul ◽  

AbstractThis study explored a germplasm collection consisting of 112 Luffa acutangula (ridge gourd) accessions, mainly from Thailand. A total of 2834 SNPs were used to establish population structure and underlying genetic diversity while exploring the fruit characteristics together with genetic information which would help in the selection of parental lines for a breeding program. The study found that the average polymorphism information content value of 0.288 which indicates a moderate genetic diversity for this L. acutangula germplasm. STRUCTURE analysis (ΔK at K = 6) allowed us to group the accessions into six subpopulations that corresponded well with the unrooted phylogenetic tree and principal coordinate analyses. When plotted, the STRUCTURE bars to the area of collection, we observed an admixed genotype from surrounding accessions and a geneflow confirmed by the value of FST = 0.137. AMOVA based on STRUCTURE clustering showed a low 12.83% variation between subpopulations that correspond well with the negative inbreeding coefficient value (FIS =  − 0.092) and low total fixation index (FIT = 0.057). There were distinguishing fruit shapes and length characteristics in specific accessions for each subpopulation. The genetic diversity and different fruit shapes in the L. acutangula germplasm could benefit the ridge gourd breeding programs to meet the demands and needs of consumers, farmers, and vegetable exporters such as increasing the yield of fruit by the fruit width but not by the fruit length to solve the problem of fruit breakage during exportation.

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