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therapy model
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2021 ◽  
pp. 106648072110524
Lauren R. Ahlquist ◽  
Terry D. Hargrave

The present study represents one of the first empirical studies of an intensive model of Restoration Therapy (RT), an integrative couples’ therapy model built on attachment theory, mindfulness, and emotion regulation. We hypothesized that participation in intensive RT would be associated with increased marital satisfaction both at one-month and twenty-four months post-treatment. Using two-year longitudinal self-report data collected from heterosexual, married couples ( N   =   118), the current study's findings extend previous work by demonstrating the effectiveness of RT performed in an intensive model to improve couples’ reported sense of marital satisfaction following completion of the intensive, a result that was sustained twenty-four months after completion of treatment.

Biomolecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1831
Felix B. Meyer ◽  
Christian Marx ◽  
Sonja B. Spangel ◽  
René Thierbach

The BALB/c cell transformation assay (BALB-CTA) considers inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneities and affords the possibility of a direct comparison between untransformed and malignant cells. In the present study, we established monoclonal cell lines that originate from the BALB-CTA and mimic heterogeneous tumor cell populations, in order to investigate phenotype-specific effects of the anti-diabetic drug metformin and the short-chain fatty acid butyrate. Growth inhibitory effects were measured with a ViCell XR cell counter. The BALB/c tumor therapy model (BALB-TTM) was performed, and the extracellular glucose level was measured in the medium supernatant. Using a Seahorse Analyzer, the metabolic phenotypes of four selected clones were characterized, and effects on energy metabolism were investigated. Anti-carcinogenic effects and reduced glucose uptake after butyrate application were observed in the BALB-TTM. Metabolic characterization of the cell clones revealed three different phenotypes. Surprisingly, treatment with metformin or butyrate induced opposite metabolic shifts with similar patterns in all cell clones tested. In conclusion, the BALB-TTM is a relevant model for mechanistic cancer research, and the generation of monoclonal cell lines offers a novel possibility to investigate specific drug effects in a heterogeneous tumor cell population. The results indicate that induced alterations in energy metabolism seem to be independent of the original metabolic phenotype.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1863 (12) ◽  
pp. 183773
Anita Wnętrzak ◽  
Agata Kubisiak ◽  
Anna Filiczkowska ◽  
Agnieszka Gonet-Surówka ◽  
Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz ◽  

Safitri M ◽  
Sulis Mariyanti

At this time there are at least 6 psychological impacts encountered, namely learning problems, especially in children and adolescents, general stress, anxiety, mood swings, anxiety disorders and somatic. These problems if not treated immediately can continue to become a more serious disorder. Thus, efforts are needed to overcome , including counseling from people who can help.The purpose of this study is to apply an art therapy model with visual media in overcoming psychological problems in the Covid-19 pandemic.This research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative, with the results of descriptive analysis for the implementation of art therapy with visuals and a description of the results of therapy based on the level and ability to overcome problems before and after therapy.The sampling technique is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling, where the respondents are 5 residents who live in RW 06 Medang Pagedangan Tangerang.Art therapy using photocard tools from Point of You that explores awareness. Art therapy model with visual media through photocard from Point of You in coming psychological problems that have been done looks effective, looks like the counselee can determine the perceived problem solving, there is a decrease in the value of the problem and an increase in the value of problems solving abilities and the steps to be taken.Keywords: Art therapy, awareness, point of you Pada saat ini setidaknya ada 6 dampak psikologis yang ditemui yaitu masalah belajar khususnya pada klien anak dan remaja, keluhan stress umum, keluhan kecemasan, keluhan suasana hati yang berubah-ubah/mood swing, gangguan kecemasan dan keluhan somatic. Masalah-masalah ini jika tidak segera mendapat penanganan dapat berlanjut menjadi gangguan lebih serius. Dengan demikian diperlukan usaha untuk untuk menanggulangi, diantaranya adalah melakukan konseling dari orang yang bisa membantu. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikan model terapi seni dengan media visual dalam mengatasi masalah psikologis pada pandemi Covid 19. Metode penelitian ini adalah gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dengan hasil analisa deskripstif untuk pelaksanaan terapi seni dengan visual dan gambaran hasil terapi berdasarkan tingkat dan kemampuan mengatasi masalah sebelum dan setelah terapi. Teknik sampling non-probability sampling dengan purposive sampling, dimana responden adalah 5 warga yang tinggal di RW 06 Medang Pagedangan Tangerang. Terapi seni menggunakan tools kartu bergambar dari Point of youyang mengeksplore awareness. Model terapi seni dengan media visual melalui gambar dari Point of You dalam mengatasi masalah psikologis yang telah dilakukan terlihat efektif, terlihat konseli bisa menentukan pemecahan masalah yang dirasakan, ada penurunan pada nilai masalah dan kenaikan pada nilai kemampuan pemecahan masalah serta langkah yang akan dilakukan Kata Kunci: Terapi seni, awareness, point of you

Blood ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 138 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 560-560
Naoya Uchida ◽  
Ulana Stasula ◽  
Malikiya Hinds ◽  
Paula Germino-Watnick ◽  
Allen E. Krouse ◽  

Abstract Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy is now curative for multiple genetic diseases; however, it is limited by morbidity and mortality from cytotoxic chemotherapy-based conditioning. To overcome these limitations, we developed an antibody drug conjugate (ADC) targeting CD117 (c-Kit) to specifically deplete both HSCs and progenitor cells. In our preliminary study, 0.2 mg/kg CD117-ADC conditioning resulted in >99% bone marrow depletion, detectable engraftment of gene-modified cells (vector copy number per cell (VCN) ~0.01), and minimal toxicities in a rhesus HSC gene therapy model (ASH 2019). In this study, we investigated escalating doses of CD117-ADC to determine the optimum conditioning dose to enable engraftment of gene-modified CD34+ HSCs in rhesus macaques. We evaluated autologous CD34+ cell transplantation with lentiviral gene marking following conditioning using a single injection of CD117-ADC at the 0.3 mg/kg dose for ZL13 and ZJ62, and the 0.4 mg/kg dose for H635 and H96G. The extent of gene marking was compared with myeloablative busulfan conditioning (5.5 mg/kg x 4 days) for 12U018 and 12U020. Mobilized rhesus CD34+ cells (ADC 3.8±1.9x10e7 vs. Busulfan 2.9±0.2x10e7, n.s.) were transduced with a lentiviral vector encoding BCL11A-targeting microRNA-adapted short hairpin RNA (shmiR-BCL11A) co-encoding a truncated human erythropoietin receptor (thEpoR) for stable fetal hemoglobin (HbF) induction (Sci Transl Med. 2021). These cells (in vitro VCN 10.1±3.8 vs. 10.2±7.3, n.s.) were transplanted into autologous animals 6 or 10 days after ADC conditioning (0.3 or 0.4 mg/kg, respectively) or 1 day after busulfan conditioning. Blood counts, gene-marking levels, and HbF induction were evaluated for 0.3-1.2 years post-transplant in ADC conditioning and for 1.5 years in busulfan conditioning. After a reduction of blood counts post-transplantation with ADC or busulfan conditioning, all lineages recovered. Granulocyte (>500/μl, day 6-9 vs. day 8-9), reticulocyte (>50,000/μl, day 10-14 vs. day 11), and platelet (>30,000/μl, day 2-8 vs. no reduction) recoveries were similar for ADC and busulfan conditioning, respectively. Only ADC conditioning resulted in a reduction of platelet counts as well as a novel transient rebound in all major lineages. Two months post-transplant, efficient gene marking (VCN in granulocytes 0.28±0.16 vs. 0.44±0.17, n.s.) was observed in 3 of 4 animals in ADC-conditioning (ZJ62 with 0.3 mg/kg ADC, and H635 and H96G with 0.4 mg/kg ADC). This marking level was similar to busulfan conditioning (Left panel in Figure). Robust and durable HbF induction was also detected by both HbF-positive percentages (F-cell 8.5±1.8% vs. 13.7±5.8%, n.s.) and HPLC-quantitated HbF amounts (8.0±2.9% vs. 11.1±5.2%, n.s.) in these 3 animals, similar to busulfan conditioning (Right panel in Figure). In ZL13 (1 of 2 animals in 0.3 mg/kg ADC), lower gene marking (VCN in granulocytes 0.02) was obtained, along with low HbF induction (F-cell 1.0% and HbF amounts 0.9%), suggesting that 0.3 mg/kg ADC is marginal and 0.4 mg/kg ADC is sufficient for robust engraftment of gene-modified cells. Importantly, CD117-ADC conditioning resulted in minimal toxicities unlike busulfan conditioning. In summary, we demonstrated that a single dose of CD117-ADC allows for efficient engraftment of gene-modified CD34+ HSCs in a rhesus gene therapy model, achieving a similar level as myeloablative busulfan conditioning. Robust HbF induction was also confirmed at the protein levels in this rhesus gene therapy model with ADC conditioning. This targeted approach for safer conditioning could improve the risk benefit profile in HSC gene therapy. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Latimer: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company. Bhattarai: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company. Yoder: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company. Palchaudhuri: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company, Patents & Royalties. Li: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company. Bertelsen: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company. Olson: Magenta Therapeutics: Current Employment, Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company.

Harry Joseph Aponte

AbstractThis paper is based on the premises that the conscious, active and purposeful use of self by the therapist in the therapeutic process is an essential aptitude in establishing an effective therapeutic relationship, and that this therapeutically purposeful use of self can and should be incorporated in the training of all therapists in a explicitly systematic manner. The paper will attempt to identify the contributions of the “what and how” the use of self by therapists contributes to the therapeutic process. First of all, therapists’ use of self is meant to be viewed as a Common Factor as defined by Sprenkle, Davis & Lebow (2009), which is a perspective about the effectiveness of therapy that “asserts that the qualities and capabilities of the person offering the treatment are more important than the treatment itself” (p. 4). Secondly, the use of self by therapists emphasizes developing the skill set of the therapist in the conscious, active and purposeful use of self as is in the moment of the therapeutic engagement with clients, and does so without denying the importance of therapists working to resolve personal issues of theirs that may interfere with the therapist's professional effectiveness. Therapists’ use of self gives particular emphasis to the purposeful use of self as is in therapy’s relationship, assessment and interventions whatever the therapy model (Aponte & Kissil, 2016). Thirdly, the use of self represents an aptitude that can be developed and refined through well elaborated structures for schooling therapists in the therapeutic use of all they bring of their personal selves to the therapy relationship including through the use of their human vulnerabilities as they exist at the moment of empathic engagement with clients.

2021 ◽  
pp. 263440412110497
Marilyn J Monteiro

Narrative therapy practices have a long history of application to a wide range of mental health conditions. This paper discusses a novel narrative approach specific to autism and the application of narrative therapy constructs for clinicians working with families who have a member with a diagnosis of autism spectrum brain style differences. The author introduces a visual framework and descriptive language as a reference point to think and talk about autism within the context of narrative family therapy. This framework guides clinicians toward supporting an individualized narrative of the pattern of strengths and differences that are part of the autism spectrum brain style. The narrative approach outlined in this paper provides the entry point for clinicians to guide families toward the development of strength-based narratives that foster connections and resiliency within the family. A narrative therapy model is introduced with three key features highlighted: structuring the session to accommodate for autism spectrum brain style differences, using descriptive language to support the development of alternative narratives, and highlighting key narrative shifts taken from family therapy sessions. Readers are provided with a case study that illustrates the use of narrative therapy structures when working with this unique population of families.

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