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BMC Genomics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Mei Jiang ◽  
Shu-Fei Xu ◽  
Tai-Shan Tang ◽  
Li Miao ◽  
Bao-Zheng Luo ◽  

Abstract Background Bioassessment and biomonitoring of meat products are aimed at identifying and quantifying adulterants and contaminants, such as meat from unexpected sources and microbes. Several methods for determining the biological composition of mixed samples have been used, including metabarcoding, metagenomics and mitochondrial metagenomics. In this study, we aimed to develop a method based on next-generation DNA sequencing to estimate samples that might contain meat from 15 mammalian and avian species that are commonly related to meat bioassessment and biomonitoring. Results In this project, we found the meat composition from 15 species could not be identified with the metabarcoding approach because of the lack of universal primers or insufficient discrimination power. Consequently, we developed and evaluated a meat mitochondrial metagenomics (3MG) method. The 3MG method has four steps: (1) extraction of sequencing reads from mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes); (2) assembly of mitogenomes; (3) mapping of mitochondrial reads to the assembled mitogenomes; and (4) biomass estimation based on the number of uniquely mapped reads. The method was implemented in a python script called 3MG. The analysis of simulated datasets showed that the method can determine contaminant composition at a proportion of 2% and the relative error was < 5%. To evaluate the performance of 3MG, we constructed and analysed mixed samples derived from 15 animal species in equal mass. Then, we constructed and analysed mixed samples derived from two animal species (pork and chicken) in different ratios. DNAs were extracted and used in constructing 21 libraries for next-generation sequencing. The analysis of the 15 species mix with the method showed the successful identification of 12 of the 15 (80%) animal species tested. The analysis of the mixed samples of the two species revealed correlation coefficients of 0.98 for pork and 0.98 for chicken between the number of uniquely mapped reads and the mass proportion. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate the potential of the non-targeted 3MG method as a tool for accurately estimating biomass in meat mix samples. The method has potential broad applications in meat product safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11996
Yingtong Lu ◽  
Yaofei Ma ◽  
Jiangyun Wang

The effectiveness of the Wolf Pack Algorithm (WPA) in high-dimensional discrete optimization problems has been verified in previous studies; however, it usually takes too long to obtain the best solution. This paper proposes the Multi-Population Parallel Wolf Pack Algorithm (MPPWPA), in which the size of the wolf population is reduced by dividing the population into multiple sub-populations that optimize independently at the same time. Using the approximate average division method, the population is divided into multiple equal mass sub-populations whose better individuals constitute an elite sub-population. Through the elite-mass population distribution, those better individuals are optimized twice by the elite sub-population and mass sub-populations, which can accelerate the convergence. In order to maintain the population diversity, population pretreatment is proposed. The sub-populations migrate according to a constant migration probability and the migration of sub-populations are equivalent to the re-division of the confluent population. Finally, the proposed algorithm is carried out in a synchronous parallel system. Through the simulation experiments on the task assignment of the UAV swarm in three scenarios whose dimensions of solution space are 8, 30 and 150, the MPPWPA is verified as being effective in improving the optimization performance.

Sri Anggraeni ◽  
Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto ◽  
Silmi Ridwan Putri ◽  
Aghisna Nuthfah Anshar ◽  

The purpose of this study was to utilize waste potato skins (PS) and yam skins (YS) in the production of briquettes with rice waste as a binder. The basic materials used to utilize waste, especially potato skins (PS), yam skins (YS), and rice waste. Experiments were carried out by mixing and molding carbon particles made from an equal mass ratio of PS and YS with rice as binders (i.e., 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%). PS and YS were dried, carbonized at 250°C for 3 hours, and sieved to get sizes of 250 μm. To make compact briquettes, the molded materials were pressed with 5.66 Pa. Several characterizations were analyzed, including compressed density, relaxed density, relaxation ratio, percentage of moisture content, burning rate, percentage of water resistance index, percentage of durability index, specific fuel consumption, the puncture test, and the hardness test. The characterization results showed that the prepared briquettes have good quality, and the best was for 10% of adhesive. The best durability index was for briquettes with 30% of adhesive. The compressed density and water resistance index were optimum when using 40% of adhesive. In general, briquettes with a low amount of adhesive have a high-density value, low moisture content, and a long flammability. This research is expected to convey information regarding how to reuse rice waste as an adhesive for briquettes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Yong Ho Kim ◽  
Sarah H. Warren ◽  
Ingeborg Kooter ◽  
Wanda C. Williams ◽  
Ingrid J. George ◽  

Abstract Background Open burning of anthropogenic sources can release hazardous emissions and has been associated with increased prevalence of cardiopulmonary health outcomes. Exposure to smoke emitted from burn pits in military bases has been linked with respiratory illness among military and civilian personnel returning from war zones. Although the composition of the materials being burned is well studied, the resulting chemistry and potential toxicity of the emissions are not. Methods Smoke emission condensates from either flaming or smoldering combustion of five different types of burn pit-related waste: cardboard; plywood; plastic; mixture; and mixture/diesel, were obtained from a laboratory-scale furnace coupled to a multistage cryotrap system. The primary emissions and smoke condensates were analyzed for a standardized suite of chemical species, and the condensates were studied for pulmonary toxicity in female CD-1 mice and mutagenic activity in Salmonella (Ames) mutagenicity assay using the frameshift strain TA98 and the base-substitution strain TA100 with and without metabolic activation (S9 from rat liver). Results Most of the particles in the smoke emitted from flaming and smoldering combustion were less than 2.5 µm in diameter. Burning of plastic containing wastes (plastic, mixture, or mixture/diesel) emitted larger amounts of particulate matter (PM) compared to other types of waste. On an equal mass basis, the smoke PM from flaming combustion of plastic containing wastes caused more inflammation and lung injury and was more mutagenic than other samples, and the biological responses were associated with elevated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels. Conclusions This study suggests that adverse health effects of burn pit smoke exposure vary depending on waste type and combustion temperature; however, burning plastic at high temperature was the most significant contributor to the toxicity outcomes. These findings will provide a better understanding of the complex chemical and combustion temperature factors that determine toxicity of burn pit smoke and its potential health risks at military bases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (6) ◽  
pp. 274
Lukas Leisman ◽  
Katherine L. Rhode ◽  
Catherine Ball ◽  
Hannah J. Pagel ◽  
John M. Cannon ◽  

Abstract We present results from deep H i and optical imaging of AGC 229101, an unusual H i source detected at v helio =7116 km s−1 in the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) blind H i survey. Initially classified as a candidate “dark” source because it lacks a clear optical counterpart in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) or Digitized Sky Survey 2 (DSS2) imaging, AGC 229101 has 109.31±0.05 M ⊙ of H i, but an H i line width of only 43 ± 9 km s−1. Low-resolution Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) imaging and higher-resolution Very Large Array (VLA) B-array imaging show that the source is significantly elongated, stretching over a projected length of ∼80 kpc. The H i imaging resolves the source into two parts of roughly equal mass. WIYN partially populated One Degree Imager (pODI) optical imaging reveals a faint, blue optical counterpart coincident with the northern portion of the H i. The peak surface brightness of the optical source is only μ g ∼ 26.6 mag arcsec−2, well below the typical cutoff that defines the isophotal edge of a galaxy, and its estimated stellar mass is only 107.32±0.33 M ⊙, yielding an overall neutral gas-to-stellar mass ratio of M/M * = 98 − 52 + 111 . We demonstrate the extreme nature of this object by comparing its properties with those of other H i-rich sources in ALFALFA and the literature. We also explore potential scenarios that might explain the existence of AGC 229101, including a tidal encounter with neighboring objects and a merger of two dark H i clouds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (1) ◽  
pp. L19
Samuel D. Tootle ◽  
L. Jens Papenfort ◽  
Elias R. Most ◽  
Luciano Rezzolla

Abstract The lifetime of the remnant produced by the merger of two neutron stars can provide a wealth of information on the equation of state of nuclear matter and on the processes leading to the electromagnetic counterpart. Hence, it is essential to determine when this lifetime is the shortest, corresponding to when the remnant has a mass equal to the threshold mass, M th, to prompt collapse to a black hole. We report on the results of more than 360 simulations of merging neutron-star binaries covering 40 different configurations differing in mass ratio and spin of the primary. Using this data, we have derived a quasi-universal relation for M th and expressed its dependence on the mass ratio and spin of the binary. The new expression recovers the results of Koeppel et al. for equal-mass, irrotational binaries and reveals that M th can increase (decrease) by 5% (10%) for binaries that have spins aligned (antialigned) with the orbital angular momentum and provides evidence for a nonmonotonic dependence of M th on the mass asymmetry in the system. Finally, we extend to unequal masses and spinning binaries the lower limits that can be set on the stellar radii once a neutron star binary is detected, illustrating how the merger of an unequal-mass, rapidly spinning binary can significantly constrain the allowed values of the stellar radii.

The Holocene ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 095968362110499
Darío Alejandro Ramirez ◽  
Mariana Fabra ◽  
Samanta Xavier ◽  
Alena Mayo Iñiguez

Experimental paleoparasitological approaches have been used in order to optimize the methodology previously to the application in archeological samples. In this study we evaluated the action of dehydration and local soil (Central Argentina) on the loss of parasite eggs in experimental coprolites, using two parasitological techniques: spontaneous sedimentation and sucrose-flotation. Experimental coprolites comprised fresh human feces, positive for Hymenolepis nana, Ascaris sp., and Enterobius vermicularis, submitted to controlled artificial dehydration. Experimental coprolites with soil addition were prepared by mixing archeological sediment with equal mass of fresh feces. Helminth eggs were counted and eggs per gram were estimated in each subsample. Statistical analyses were applied to compare subsamples before and after desiccation and with and without addition of soil sediment. The performance of parasitological methods statistically differed, the sucrose flotation technique being the less effective when fresh feces and experimental coprolites were analyzed. Partial deformation of eggs was observed via both techniques only in subsamples containing H. nana eggs. However, this was not seen in Ascaris sp. subsamples, possibly due to eggshell composition. We found that sample desiccation significantly decreased the number of eggs in the experimental coprolites. Mixing archeological sediment with the fecal material also resulted in significantly fewer eggs surviving, independent of desiccation. This shows that climate and soil in which archeological fecal samples are found can strongly influence the survival of parasite eggs from past populations. The small amount of parasite evidence often found in paleoparasitological analyses, including Central Argentina, could be attributed to the action of taphonomic processes rather than to the real absence of infection in these ancient populations. Importantly, the study highlights the role of local soil, confirmed for the first time by empirical data. The research provides valuable insights into the understanding of the paleoparasitological results of the region and of general paleoparasitology.

Elias R Most ◽  
Steven P Harris ◽  
Christopher Plumberg ◽  
Mark G Alford ◽  
Jorge Noronha ◽  

Abstract In this work, we estimate how much bulk viscosity driven by Urca processes is likely to affect the gravitational wave signal of a neutron star coalescence. In the late inspiral, we show that bulk viscosity affects the binding energy at fourth post-Newtonian (PN) order. Even though this effect is enhanced by the square of the gravitational compactness, the coefficient of bulk viscosity is likely too small to lead to observable effects in the waveform during the late inspiral, when only considering the orbital motion itself. In the post-merger, however, the characteristic time-scales and spatial scales are different, potentially leading to the opposite conclusion. We post-process data from a state-of-the-art equal-mass binary neutron star merger simulation to estimate the effects of bulk viscosity (which was not included in the simulation itself). In that scenario, we find that bulk viscosity can reach high values in regions of the merger. We compute several estimates of how much it might directly affect the global dynamics of the considered merger scenario, and find that it could become significant. Even larger effects could arise in different merger scenarios or in simulations that include non-linear effects. This assessment is reinforced by a quantitative comparison with relativistic heavy-ion collisions where such effects have been explored extensively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 508 (1) ◽  
pp. 1533-1542
Ludovica Varisco ◽  
Elisa Bortolas ◽  
Massimo Dotti ◽  
Alberto Sesana

ABSTRACT Massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) with masses of ∼104 to $\sim 10^{10} \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot {}}$ are one of the main targets for currently operating and forthcoming space-borne gravitational wave observatories. In this paper, we explore the effect of the stellar host rotation on the bound binary hardening efficiency, driven by three-body stellar interactions. As seen in previous studies, we find that the centre of mass (CoM) of a prograde MBHB embedded in a rotating environment starts moving on a nearly circular orbit about the centre of the system shortly after the MBHB binding. In our runs, the oscillation radius is ≈ 0.25 (≈ 0.1) times the binary influence radius for equal mass MBHBs (MBHBs with mass ratio 1:4). Conversely, retrograde binaries remain anchored about the centre of the host. The binary shrinking rate is twice as fast when the binary CoM exhibits a net orbital motion, owing to a more efficient loss cone repopulation even in our spherical stellar systems. We develop a model that captures the CoM oscillations of prograde binaries; we argue that the CoM angular momentum gain per time unit scales with the internal binary angular momentum, so that most of the displacement is induced by stellar interactions occurring around the time of MBHB binding, while the subsequent angular momentum enhancement gets eventually quashed by the effect of dynamical friction. The effect of the background rotation on the MBHB evolution may be relevant for LISA sources, that are expected to form in significantly rotating stellar systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 507 (4) ◽  
pp. 4840-4851
John Magorrian

ABSTRACT We use the problem of dynamical friction within the periodic cube to illustrate the application of perturbation theory in stellar dynamics, testing its predictions against measurements from N-body simulations. Our development is based on the explicitly time-dependent Volterra integral equation for the cube’s linear response, which avoids the subtleties encountered in analyses based on complex frequency. We obtain an expression for the self-consistent response of the cube to steady stirring by an external perturber. From this, we show how to obtain the familiar Chandrasekhar dynamical friction formula and construct an elementary derivation of the Lenard–Balescu equation for the secular quasi-linear evolution of an isolated cube composed of N equal-mass stars. We present an alternative expression for the (real-frequency) van Kampen modes of the cube and show explicitly how to decompose any linear perturbation of the cube into a superposition of such modes.

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