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positive stimulus
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2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (05) ◽  
pp. 14-16
Md. Imran H. ◽  

This paper attempts to unwind the examination question: what were the constructions, settings and cycles that created ladies administration in bangladesh the paper depends on content examination strategy. the discoveries of the examination disentangled that ladies initiative in a nation becomes through different financial, political and legitimate cycles, constructions and settings that permitted ladies playing position of authority. liberal worth framework, vote based administration, headway of schooling, science, data and correspondence advances information and communication technologies, diverse socio-political developments, ladies' associations and systems administration, good enactment and so on, can give positive stimulus to uniting ladies' authority. from a genuine perspective, financial components assumed urgent part for arising ladies initiative in the essential based neighbourhood government in bangladesh. it was apparent that working in non-governmental organizations non-governmental organizations tremendous number of ladies accomplished financial liberation and conscientization by including themselves in different pay creating exercises and created huge social capital at the essential level which buttressed ladies initiative in bangladesh.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003232172110034
Nick Clarke ◽  
Will Jennings ◽  
Jonathan Moss ◽  
Gerry Stoker

Using volunteer writing for Mass Observation, we explore how British citizens decided whether to leave the EU. The 2016 referendum was the biggest decision made by the British electorate in decades, but involved limited voter analysis. Many citizens did not have strong views about EU membership in early 2016. The campaigns did not help to firm up their views, not least because so much information appeared to be in dispute. Voters, often characterised as polarised, were reluctant and uncertain. Many citizens took their duty to decide seriously, but were driven more by hunch than careful analysis. In 2016, voters reacted against elites they did not trust at least as much as they embraced the ideas of trusted elites. This contrasts with the 1975 Referendum on the Common Market, when the vote was driven by elite endorsement. In low-trust contexts, voters use cues from elites as negative rather than positive stimulus.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-27
Chaban O.V.

In the article on the background of the analysis of the methodology works and history, theory of pedagogy it is represented the viewing of an author school as the pedagogical phenomena. The multimanibility of interpretation of the outlined by the notion in the pedagogical science demands the learning of the innovative potential of the author schools from the position of history, which gives the possibility to analyze the value experience of the teachers-leaders and use it in the reforms of the modern educational paradigm. A part of the system creation of each author school is a founder, a leader – an author of own pedagogical system, which, in its turn, creates the basis and is realized in special educational environment of an author school. In the pedagogical science the author school is defined as an experimental educational institution or an original general and pedagogical, didactic, methodical and up-bringing system of work. In the article, we except the theoretical material, it is made an analysis of the modern native author school by Vasyl’ Sukhomlynskyi. He doesn’t only substantiate the theoretical fundamentals of his system, has constructed the conception and realized it in the practical activity, has defined the subjects (teacher, pupil, family), an aim (forming of the general developed person), parts (mental, moral, civil, labour, physical, aesthetic, patriotic, іdea and political up-bringing), which propped up on the human fundamentals (cultural demands of a child; forming of culture of desires, eelings culture; сreation for a child of “life joy”; forming of the feeling of own dignity; creation of success atmosphere; the advantage of positive stimulus and reactions on the behaviour of a child under the negative; interaction of a school, a family, civil activity and others). A centre, an aim of pedagogical system by Vasyl’ Sukhomlynskyi became a humanity, an attitude to the child as to the unique person, responsibility of the nature, responsibility of the culture, a base on the positive in a child, a creation of the success situation, an eddying of knowledge, formation of joy notion, creation of the “intellectual background of school” and others. It is analyzed the modern scientific issues, materials of periodic issues of the second part of the XX century and modern pedagogical press, archival materials.Key words: author school, experimental educational institution, innovative educational institution, pedagogical system, educational environment.У статті на основі аналізу праць методології, історії та теорії педагогіки представлено огляд автор-ської школи як педагогічного феномена. Багатоманітність тлумачення окресленого поняття в педа-гогічній науці вимагає вивчення інноваційного потенціалу авторських шкіл з позиції історизму, що дасть можливість актуалізувати цінний досвід педагогів-новаторів і застосувати його у реформуванні сучасної освітньої парадигми. Системоутворюючим складником кожної авторської школи виступає її розробник, лідер – автор власної педагогічної системи, яка, своєю чергою, становить підґрунтя і реалі-зується в особливому освітньому середовищі авторської школи. У педагогічній науці авторська школа визначається як експериментальний освітній заклад або оригінальна загальнопедагогічна, дидактич-на, методична чи виховна система роботи. У статті нами, крім теоретичного матеріалу, здійснено ана-ліз діяльності відомої сучасної вітчизняної авторської школи Василя Сухомлинського. Він не лише обґрунтував теоретичні основи своєї системи, вибудував концепцію і втілив її у практичній діяльно-сті, з’ясував суб’єкти (учитель, учень, родина), мету (формування всебічно розвиненої особистості), складники (напрями виховання), що ґрунтувалися на гуманістичних основах (принципах окультурення потреб дитини; формування культури бажань, почуттів; винайдення для дитини атмосфери «радості буття»; формування почуття власної цінності; створення ситуації успіху; перевага позитивних ідеа-лів, стимулів і реакцій на поведінку дитини над негативними; співпраця школи, сім’ї, громадськості тощо). Сутністю педагогічної системи Василя Сухомлинського стали гуманізм, ставлення до людини як до особливої особистості, природовідповідність, культуровідповідність, опора на позитивне в дитині, формування ситуації успіху, одухотворення знання, формування радості пізнання нового, розроблення «інтелектуального фону школи» тощо. Проаналізовано сучасні наукові видання, матеріали періодичних видань другої половини ХХ ст. та сучасної педагогічної преси, архівні матеріали.Ключові слова:авторська школа, інноваційний освітній заклад, експериментальний освітній заклад, освітнє середовище, педагогічна система.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 632-645
Ana von Frankenberg Berger ◽  
Andrea Capra ◽  
Aline De Rocco ◽  
Manuela Oliveira

The new coronavirus pandemic has put healthcare professionals, patients and family members under pressure and stress, causing mental health issues especially in the healthcare community. Studies show that a positive environment plays an important role in the well-being of individuals, impacting physical and psychological security of people. This article presents a project developed for the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, that through graphic interventions softened the effects of combating COVID-19 for the healthcare staff and patients throughout the pandemic. The project is detailed and the discussion presents the main points considered in the process of decision making. Results show how design can play an important role in helping, not only the Covid-2019 pandemic, but also in making hospitals more hospitable places.

Serhii Yaroslavtsev

362 patients with cognitive impairment in depressive disorders were examined: 123 patients with recurrent depressive disorder (RDD), 141 patients with bipolar affective disorder (BAD) and 98 patients with prolonged depressive reaction (PDR). A set of research methods was used: clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic (Munsterberg test) and statistical. The features of the perception process were established for various types of depressive disorders: in patients with RDD, there was a predominance of average, increased and decreased selectivity of attention to neutral stimulus (30.89 %, 21.95 % and 21.95 %, respectively), high selectivity of attention to negative stimulus (33.33 %) and decreased and low selectivity of attention to positive stimulus (54.47 % and 20.33 %, respectively); in patients with BAD, a predominance of average and reduced selectivity of attention to neutral stimulus (45.39 % and 36.17 %, respectively) and average selectivity of attention to negative and positive stimulus (38.30 % and 38.30 %, respectively) were recorded; in patients with PDR, the prevalence of average and reduced selectivity of attention to neutral stimulus (42.86 % and 34.69 %, respectively), increased and decreased selectivity of attention to negative stimulus (29.59 % and 16.33 %, respectively), increased selectivity of attention to positive stimulus (43.88 %). Key words: patients with cognitive impairment, depressive disorders, perception process, recurrent depressive disorder, bipolar depressive disorder, prolonged depressive reaction

PeerJ ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e9804
Kenichi Shibuya ◽  
Mana Miyamoto ◽  
Risa Santa ◽  
Chihiro Homma ◽  
Sumire Hosono ◽  

It is known that an eye-like image promotes generosity. It is also known that the evaluation of the visual deliciousness of food is improved in the presence of an emotionally positive stimulus. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the presence of open eyes (OPEN) causes generous behavior altering the evaluation of the visual deliciousness of food, and how the images of open and closed eyes (CLOSED) affect human emotions. Seventeen women participated in the present study. A picture of food was presented on a computer screen, and the participants predicted and evaluated its visual deliciousness. An image of OPEN or that of CLOSED was presented simultaneously with a picture of food. There was a significant difference between the OPEN and CLOSED conditions, as demonstrated by the scores on a nine-point Likert scale for visual deliciousness; the ratings in the OPEN condition were significantly higher than those in the CLOSED condition (p = 0.004). There was no significant difference in the image of watchful eyes for the perceived relaxation state; the ratings in the OPEN condition were not significantly higher than those in the CLOSED condition (p = 0.716). The results of the present study revealed that the evaluation of the visual deliciousness of food based on its appearance was likely due to the presence of an image of open watchful eyes, increasing the perceived visual deliciousness of the food without any changes in the participants’ emotions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Mulia Kurniati ◽  
Nuryani Nuryani

ABSTRAK: Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh sosial media youtube terhadap pemerolehan bahasa anak usia 3-4 tahun yang dilakukan pada anak speech delay (keterlambatan bicara). Hal tersebut didasari atas pemahaman bahwa kemajuan teknologi yang dilengkapi fitur-fitur canggih seperti YouTube akan makin mempermudah kehidupan bersosial manusia. Demikian juga pada anak-anak yang masih dalam tahap pemerolehan bahasa. YouTube menjadi salah satu media yang menarik serta memiliki pengaruh dalam proses pemerolehan bahasa anak, terlebih bagi anak yang mengalami keterlambatan bicara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yaitu memaparkan sebuah situasi yang disajikan dalam bentuk uraian naratif. Responden penelitian ini adalah H yang sedang berada dalam fase fonologis dan fase sintaksis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media sosial Youtube memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada pemerolehan bahasa anak khususnya bagi anak speech delay. Banyaknya perbendaharaan kata yang ada di dalam media Youtube bisa mempengaruhi pemerolehan bahasa responden. Akan tetapi, sejauh ini, karena ada faktor eksternal maka responden mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima sejumlah stimulus positif dari media Youtube.KATA KUNCI: YouTube; Speech delay; pemerolehan bahasa.>�YOUTUBE SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTS ON CHILDREN'S ACQUISITION LANGUAGE3-4 YEARS OLD (STUDY IN CHILDREN SPEECH DELAY)�ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of YouTube on language acquisition in 3-4 years old toddler which having speech delay (late in speaking). This is based on the technology with features that are equipped with YouTube will further facilitate the social life of humans especially for children who are still in the language acquisition stage. YouTube has become an interesting medium and has a role in the process of acquiring children's language, especially for children who have speech delay. This study uses a qualitative descriptive study that presents a discussion presented in the form of narrative descriptions. Respondents of this study are H who are in phonological and syntactic phases. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that social media Youtube has a significant effect on language acquisition specifically for children who are having a speech delay. The amount of vocabulary in Youtube can influence the acquisition of the respondent's language. However, beyond this, due to external factors, respondents have difficulty for receiving positive stimulus from YouTube.KEYWORDS: YouTube;� Speech delay;� language acquisition.

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