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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
An Ping

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to adhere to the construction of foreign print books. Of course, when the funds are limited or reduced, we can adjust the collection structure according to the utilization situation and reduce the subjects or languages that readers use poorly. Provide data support for library collection development plan.Design/methodology/approachThis paper analyzes the development and utilization of printed foreign language books based on the case of the National Library of China (NLC).The quality of library collection is analyzed by list checking method, and the utilization of library collection is analyzed by comparative analysis method and the statistical analysis method is used for language and subject areas, the questionnaire analysis method is used for users in NLC.FindingsForeign printed books plays a certain role in supporting domestic social users. The construction advantages of these print books need to be adhered to and developed. They should not be interrupted or cut down sharply because of many libraries are developing towards digital library or smart library nowadays. Libraries need to balance printed and digital resources in their collection and optimize their printed collection composition in terms of subject areas and unique resources to keep up with evolving needs of their patrons.Research limitations/implicationsIt is not compared with the utilization of e-books.Practical implicationsIn the transition period from traditional library to digital library, quantitative analysis of the construction and utilization of printed book resources can provide research support for the formulation of collection development planning, better service to users and better use of funds.Social implicationsIn the period of library transformation and development, it is of great practical significance to study the construction and utilization of printed books in NLC for resource transformation and service transformation. This paper gives the corresponding analysis and discussion on whether printed books should adhere to and whether they can be optimized.Originality/valueIn the period of Library Transformation and development, it is of great practical significance to study the construction and utilization of foreign language printed books in NLC. The printed book resources can provide research support for the formulation of collection development plan, better service to users and better use of funds.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Martins Ugonna Obi ◽  
Patrick Pradel ◽  
Matt Sinclair ◽  
Richard Bibb

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand how Design for Additive manufacturing Knowledge has been developing and its significance to both academia and industry. Design/methodology/approach In this paper, the authors use a bibliometric approach to analyse publications from January 2010 to December 2020 to explore the subject areas, publication outlets, most active authors, geographical distribution of scholarly outputs, collaboration and co-citations at both institutional and geographical levels and outcomes from keywords analysis. Findings The findings reveal that most knowledge has been developed in DfAM methods, rules and guidelines. This may suggest that designers are trying to learn new ways of harnessing the freedom offered by AM. Furthermore, more knowledge is needed to understand how to tackle the inherent limitations of AM processes. Moreover, DfAM knowledge has thus far been developed mostly by authors in a small number of institutional and geographical clusters, potentially limiting diverse perspectives and synergies from international collaboration which are essential for global knowledge development, for improvement of the quality of DfAM research and for its wider dissemination. Originality/value A concise structure of DfAM knowledge areas upon which the bibliometric analysis was conducted has been developed. Furthermore, areas where research is concentrated and those that require further knowledge development are revealed.

Татьяна Николаевна Ворожцова ◽  
Дмитрий Вячеславович Пестерев ◽  
Владимир Русланович Кузьмин

В статье рассматриваются возможности применения семантического моделирования, включающего, в частности, онтологическое и когнитивное моделирование для поддержки совместных исследований энергетических и социо-экологических систем. Работа посвящена использованию онтологического инжиниринга для структурирования знаний предметных областей и когнитивного моделирования в исследованиях влияния функционирования энергетических объектов на природную среду и человека. Онтологическое моделирование используется для выявления, описания и согласования базовых понятий предметных областей исследований и позволяет систематизировать и наглядно представить взаимосвязи между элементами природной среды, объектами энергетики и их характеристиками, факторами воздействия и методами их расчета. Когнитивное моделирование используется для выявления структуры причинно-следственных связей между факторами, влияющими на устойчивость системы. The article discusses the possibilities of applying semantic modeling, including, in particular, ontological and cognitive modeling to support joint research of energy and socio-ecological systems. The work is devoted to the use of ontological engineering for structuring knowledge of subject areas and cognitive modeling in studies of the impact of the functioning of energy facilities on the natural environment and humans. Ontological modeling is used to identify, describe and coordinate the basic concepts of subject areas of research and allows you to systematize and visualize the relationship between elements of the natural environment, energy facilities and their characteristics, impact factors and methods of their calculation. Cognitive modeling is used to identify the structure of causal relationships between factors affecting the stability of the system.

2022 ◽  
pp. 300-312
Harriet Fayne ◽  
Tom Bijesse ◽  
Paul Allison ◽  
Anne Rothstein

Introducing micro-credentialing into Lehman College's teacher residency program provides candidates with opportunities not afforded in Master's courses of study. Through the micro-credential offerings, residents learn to integrate literacy strategies and computational thinking across subject areas and grade levels. This chapter explores how micro-credentials validate non-credit “course” structures by linking content knowledge with pedagogy and theory with practice. The design and execution of both the micro-credentials described in the chapter make explicit connection between competencies and student learning.

2022 ◽  
pp. 78-87
Sandra N. Kaplan

A framework presenting the multiple definitions of options to differentiate the curriculum for gifted students is outlined. The framework also conveys the accompanying characteristics to consider to facilitate the appropriate selection and implementation of these options across grade levels and subject areas. The framework enables teachers to examine each of the options to determine their feasibility to differentiate curriculum to meet the educational expectations for gifted students and the perceived needs of the teaching/learning processes.

2022 ◽  
pp. 50-72
Suchinthi Fernando

This chapter discusses the importance of information security education for everyone, ranging from organizations to professionals and students, all the way through to individual users of information and communication systems. It discusses the different subject areas in information security and shows how instead of being intimidated by it, different categories of users can obtain varying depths of information security education based on their cyber-activities and need for knowledge. Information security professionals would require an in-depth knowledge in all aspects of information security, and information technology professionals and students would require an overall education in these areas, while most users of information and communication systems would only require a basic education to help protect their information assets in cyberspace.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Viacheslav Pavlenko ◽  
Volodymyr Manuylov ◽  
Volodymyr Kuzhel ◽  
Vladislav Listgarten ◽  

The article considers the architecture of conceptual modeling of the knowledge base, which creates a model of the subject area in the form of many concepts and relationships between them. This approach is based on the concept of a mobile software agent, which is implemented and functions as an independent specialized computer program or an element of artificial intelligence. Ensuring the use of subject area knowledge has become one of the driving forces of the recent surge in the study of artificial intelligence. For example, for models of many different subject areas it is necessary to formulate the concept of time. This representation includes the concepts of time intervals, time points, relative measures of time, etc. If one group of scientists develops a detailed knowledge base, others can simply reuse it in their subject areas using their own database. Creating explicit assumptions in the subject area, which underlie the implementation, makes it easy to change the assumptions when changing our knowledge of the subject area. The process of conceptualization of TO and P, first of all, involves the development of databases in research areas for the formalization and systematization of knowledge about the characteristics of this area of entities and phenomena. That is, the use of concepts in the field of maintenance in a consistent manner in relation to theories of knowledge. Ultimately, the paper updated mathematical modeling, algorithmization and implementation of intelligent systems in the field of maintenance, which will help automate the process of diagnosis and inspection of all car systems, facilitate fault prevention and improve the maintenance process and modernize the maintenance system itself. The approach of algorithmization of the base of knowledge of a condition of the car in each moment of time considered in work gives the chance to reduce time of stay of the car in the service center and to reduce considerably expenses for passing of MOT at service of cars.

Informatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-16
S. F. Lipnitsky

Objectives. The problem of automating the user information support in decision making system at the stage of describing the problem situation is solved. The relevance of the problem is associated with the need to collect and process significant amounts of information, since in the presence of a large number of factors, a person's capabilities are often insufficient to search and organize the necessary information.When solving the problem of user information support at the stage of describing the problem situation, three main goals are pursued: building a mathematical model of the corresponding processes; formalization of the set of basic concepts of the model; development of the algorithms for implementation of user interaction with the information system.Methods. Methods of set theory, probability theory and graph theory are used.Results. A mathematical model of user information support at the stage of describing a problem situation has been developed. In the process of interacting with the user, the system suggests special templates of sentences and texts for filling. Along with templates, the user receives help texts from the system. They are generated on the basis of the previously developed model of knowledge representation in the form of verbal associations, that is, semantic links between words and phrases corresponding to associative relationships between the entities they designate in the real world.Conclusion. As an implementation of the proposed model, the following algorithms have been developed: an algorithm for creating a dictionary of communicative fragments; algorithms for creating fragment-slot templates for sentences, texts and subject areas; an algorithm of user information support. The vocabulary of communicative fragments is created in four steps in accordance with their formal definition. At each step, four conditions from the given definition are tested sequentially. Fragment-slot templates of sentences are formed by replacing their basic communicative fragments with slots, and text templates - as tuples of templates of their sentences. Fragment-slot templates of subject areas are created in the form of implementation of binary relations reductions on the sets of sentence templates from the corresponding thematic text corpora. Each thematic body of texts defines a certain subject area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 218-229
Renuka Mahajan ◽  
Pragya Gupta

In recent years, COVID-19 vaccine-related issues and viewpoints have aroused significant anxiety and concern. Several research studies are extracting, tracking, and evaluating prevalent public opinions on social media and making efforts to curb the misinformation spread. But, there is still a large audience that perceives vaccination as a threat, which in turn reduces our ability to fight effectively against the pandemic. This bibliometric study aims to explore the distribution of capabilities of researchers, institutions, and countries, research themes, and frontiers of Covid-19 vaccine-related misinformation trending on social media since the rollout of these vaccines. The Scopus online database was used for analysis. Excel 2016 and VOSViewer (version 1.6.17) software were used to report the visualizations of infodemic literature on COVID Vaccine on social media. Annual publications, top contributing authors, top-cited journals and author affiliation, leading subject areas, the top country in publication, and keyword network were among the key findings. Future researchers can use these findings to create a baseline before studying Covid-19 vaccine misinformation on social media. Furthermore, it may help in compiling crucial knowledge, trends, and lessons from existing researches to provide useful insights to handle similar phenomena in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 593-607
Olesia V. Rumiantseva

Introduction. At present, employers’ standards for university graduates are scrutinized, obviously stepping up requirements for soft skills. The issue of modernization of university curricula or development of new ones that include soft skills development in the framework of university education is relevant. The importance of the problem makes us turn to the experiences of foreign universities. This article aims to identify the main subject areas, where much attention is paid to the issues of soft skills, as well as directions of research on students’ soft skills development between 2010 and 2020 in the framework of higher education. Materials and Methods. ИThe study was conducted in two phases. During the first phase, we used a search strategy to identify the main subject areas of research on the topic of soft skills development in the period from 2010 to 2020. At the second phase, a study of one hundred most cited articles indexed in the Scopus database on the topic of soft skills in education was carried out. The selection was based on the inclusion and non-inclusion criteria. We used a method of content analysis. The selected articles were divided into several clusters demonstrating the research focus. Results. The analysis of foreign studies provided information on the subject fields that essentially focus on forming soft skills. The main subject areas, where the largest number of studies on soft skills published from 2010 to 2020 were recorded, embrace social sciences, IT, engineering, business and accounting. The areas of research on students’ soft skills in the period between 2010 and 2020 were general pedagogical issues, issues of increasing employability, and different areas of education. Discussion and Conclusion. A selection of the worldʼs best practices described in the leading articles on the formation of soft skills in education enriches the collection of methodological techniques of teachers in various specialized disciplines. The materials of the article can be useful for methodologists and teachers of professional education institutions, engaged in the formation and development of a new type of curricula, taking into account the needs of the modern labor market, and persons interested in the problems of higher education.

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