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2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Nick Roessler ◽  
André DeHon

We present Secure Compartments Automatically Learned and Protected by Execution using Lightweight metadata (SCALPEL), a tool for automatically deriving compartmentalization policies and lowering them to a tagged architecture for hardware-accelerated enforcement. SCALPEL allows a designer to explore high-quality points in the privilege-reduction vs. performance overhead tradeoff space using analysis tools and a detailed knowledge of the target architecture to make best use of the available hardware. SCALPEL automatically implements hundreds of compartmentalization strategies across the privilege-performance tradeoff space, all without manual tagging or code restructuring. SCALPEL uses two novel optimizations for achieving highly performant policies: the first is an algorithm for packing policies into working sets of rules for favorable rule cache characteristics, and the second is a rule prefetching system that allows it to exploit the highly predictable nature of compartmentalization rules. To create policies, SCALPEL introduces a quantitative privilege metric (the Overprivilege Ratio) that is used to drive its algorithmic compartment generation. We implement SCALPEL on a FreeRTOS stack and target a tag-extended RISC-V core. Our results show that SCALPEL-created policies can reduce overprivilege by orders of magnitude with hundreds of logical compartments while imposing low overheads (<5%).

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Jacob W. Malcom ◽  
Michael Evans ◽  
Jessica Norriss ◽  
Victoria Foster ◽  
Matthew Moskwik

Addressing the biodiversity crisis will mean developing and adopting new resources and methods that effectively improve public conservation efforts. Technologies have a long track record of increasing the efficiency of carrying out time-consuming tasks or even making new feats possible, and if applied thoughtfully, can serve as a key means of strengthening conservation outcomes. Yet technology development sometimes proceeds without clear mechanisms for application and scaling, or key adopters like government agencies are not able to use the technologies. To overcome these discrepancies, we recommend the use of a coproduction model of conservation technology development that starts from detailed knowledge of conservation laws, regulations, policies, and their implementation; identifies choke points in those processes amenable to technological solutions; and then develops those solutions while integrating existing users and needs. To illustrate the model, we describe three tools recently developed to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of implementing the U.S. Endangered Species Act. We also highlight several outstanding questions and challenges that the broad conservation technology and policy communities may help address.

Biomolecules ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Alexey S. Kazakov ◽  
Evgenia I. Deryusheva ◽  
Andrey S. Sokolov ◽  
Maria E. Permyakova ◽  
Ekaterina A. Litus ◽  

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a clinically significant four-helical cytokine, exhibiting erythropoietic, cytoprotective, immunomodulatory, and cancer-promoting activities. Despite vast knowledge on its signaling pathways and physiological effects, extracellular factors regulating EPO activity remain underexplored. Here we show by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, that among eighteen members of Ca2+-binding proteins of the S100 protein family studied, only S100A2, S100A6 and S100P proteins specifically recognize EPO with equilibrium dissociation constants ranging from 81 nM to 0.5 µM. The interactions occur exclusively under calcium excess. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the EPO-S100 interactions could be relevant to progression of neoplastic diseases, including cancer, and other diseases. The detailed knowledge of distinct physiological effects of the EPO-S100 interactions could favor development of more efficient clinical implications of EPO. Summing up our data with previous findings, we conclude that S100 proteins are potentially able to directly affect functional activities of specific members of all families of four-helical cytokines, and cytokines of other structural superfamilies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Christian Liedtke ◽  
Yulia A. Nevzorova ◽  
Tom Luedde ◽  
Henning Zimmermann ◽  
Daniela Kroy ◽  

The Transregional Collaborative Research Center “Organ Fibrosis: From Mechanisms of Injury to Modulation of Disease” (referred to as SFB/TRR57) was funded for 13 years (2009–2021) by the German Research Council (DFG). This consortium was hosted by the Medical Schools of the RWTH Aachen University and Bonn University in Germany. The SFB/TRR57 implemented combined basic and clinical research to achieve detailed knowledge in three selected key questions: (i) What are the relevant mechanisms and signal pathways required for initiating organ fibrosis? (ii) Which immunological mechanisms and molecules contribute to organ fibrosis? and (iii) How can organ fibrosis be modulated, e.g., by interventional strategies including imaging and pharmacological approaches? In this review we will summarize the liver-related key findings of this consortium gained within the last 12 years on these three aspects of liver fibrogenesis. We will highlight the role of cell death and cell cycle pathways as well as nutritional and iron-related mechanisms for liver fibrosis initiation. Moreover, we will define and characterize the major immune cell compartments relevant for liver fibrogenesis, and finally point to potential signaling pathways and pharmacological targets that turned out to be suitable to develop novel approaches for improved therapy and diagnosis of liver fibrosis. In summary, this review will provide a comprehensive overview about the knowledge on liver fibrogenesis and its potential therapy gained by the SFB/TRR57 consortium within the last decade. The kidney-related research results obtained by the same consortium are highlighted in an article published back-to-back in Frontiers in Medicine.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 69-72
Anchal Jaiswal ◽  
Sanjay Kumar Singh ◽  
Seema Joshi

Given increasing evidence, most deaths are due to non-communicable diseases; half of them are the cardiovascular disease. Hridaya is moolasthana of pranvavaha and rasavaha strotas. According to Acharya Sushruta, any condition that produces disturbance in the heart is Hridroga. It is classified into five types. Vataja Hridroga is characterized by Ruja in Urah Pradesha (Pain in the chest region). Vatika type seems to have conceived the disease entity correlated with ischemic heart disease. None of the other Cardiac afflictions appears to have been described under Hridroga. The prevalence rate in the younger age group is increasing day by day so, we need to know the detailed knowledge of vatika hridroga

2022 ◽  
Krishan Mohan Kapoor ◽  
Vandana Chatrath ◽  
Chris Qiong Li ◽  
Dario Bertossi

With the popularity of filler injections globally, more and more injectors are using them for facial shaping and reversing the aging changes of the face. Detailed knowledge of facial anatomy, especially of important vessels and tissue planes is essential for injectors. While performing filler injections, injectors tend to pinch the tissue layers with their non-dominant hand for ease of doing the procedure. Such deformational forces cause some changes in the anatomy of tissue layers held in a pinch. During a deep pinch, the important arteries in that area can get pulled up in the pinch's tissue layers, or they can stay in their position being unaffected by pinching. The ‘pinch and pull’ can also improve the tissue space for injections, by pulling away the mobile tissue layers from the fixed ones. Knowledge of the ‘pinch anatomy’ in the forehead can be used to the injector's advantage to avoid important arteries and place filler in the correct plane. By knowing the anatomical changes during the pinched state of tissue layers, filler injections in the forehead can be performed with relative safety in the correct tissue plane.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Marilena Sanfilippo ◽  
Marco Albano ◽  
Antonio Manganaro ◽  
Gioele Capillo ◽  
Nunziacarla Spanò ◽  

Transitional water environments represent very ecologically interesting areas, which provide various ecosystem services, both concerning biodiversity protection and sustainable fruition of resources. In this way, the evaluation of total carbon and its components, chlorophyll, and chemical and physical parameters is of fundamental importance to deepen the dynamics of these peculiar natural areas. Commercial interests linked to the biological resources of these areas are often not well exploited in relation to their sustainability, due to lack of knowledge. In this study, we investigated the distribution of total organic carbon, chlorophyll, and other related physical and chemical parameters in the natural Lagoon of Capo Peloro (Eastern Sicily), to deepen the knowledge on the carbon equilibrium of these transitional basins. Collected data showed different trends for all parameters, mainly related to different seasons and water exchanges with sea. The influences of primary production sources and farmed molluscs were not negligible and deserve to be further investigated in the future. The results obtained reveal good margins for the possibility of environmentally sustainable exploitation of natural resources in both basins, but at the same time, there is a need for a more detailed knowledge of anthropogenic impacts on the area.

2022 ◽  
pp. 571-589
Sumathi Doraikannan ◽  
Prabha Selvaraj

Data becomes big data when then the size of data exceeds the ability of our IT systems in terms of 3Vs (volume, velocity, and variety). When the data sets are large and complex, it becomes a great difficult task for handling such voluminous data. This chapter will provide a detailed knowledge of the major concepts and components of big data and also the transformation of big data in to business operations. Collection and storage of big data will not help out in creation of business values. Values and importance are created once when the action starts on data by performing an analysis. Hence, this chapter provides a view on various kinds of analysis that can be done with big data and also the differences between traditional analytics and big data analytics. The transformation of digital data into business values could be in terms of reports, research analyses, recommendations, predictions, and optimizations. In addition to the concept of big data, this chapter discuss about the basic concepts of digital analytics, methods, and techniques for digital analysis.

2022 ◽  
pp. 24-38
Aylin Çakıroğlu Çevik

Due to the pandemic, online education has made trouble for students regarding access, academic performance, motivation, and remote work difficulties for instructors. In this study, the experiences of working from home and online education of women in academia in Turkey will be understood and explored. The qualitative research method, namely in-depth interviews, was used to acquire detailed knowledge about the issue. The similarities and/or differences of the experiences were discussed according to the three main profiles that emerged. While unmarried women have benefited from this process and increased their professional activities, married women with children were seen as the most disadvantaged group in work-life balance, home conditions, and professional careers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Viacheslav Pavlenko ◽  
Volodymyr Manuylov ◽  
Volodymyr Kuzhel ◽  
Vladislav Listgarten ◽  

The article considers the architecture of conceptual modeling of the knowledge base, which creates a model of the subject area in the form of many concepts and relationships between them. This approach is based on the concept of a mobile software agent, which is implemented and functions as an independent specialized computer program or an element of artificial intelligence. Ensuring the use of subject area knowledge has become one of the driving forces of the recent surge in the study of artificial intelligence. For example, for models of many different subject areas it is necessary to formulate the concept of time. This representation includes the concepts of time intervals, time points, relative measures of time, etc. If one group of scientists develops a detailed knowledge base, others can simply reuse it in their subject areas using their own database. Creating explicit assumptions in the subject area, which underlie the implementation, makes it easy to change the assumptions when changing our knowledge of the subject area. The process of conceptualization of TO and P, first of all, involves the development of databases in research areas for the formalization and systematization of knowledge about the characteristics of this area of entities and phenomena. That is, the use of concepts in the field of maintenance in a consistent manner in relation to theories of knowledge. Ultimately, the paper updated mathematical modeling, algorithmization and implementation of intelligent systems in the field of maintenance, which will help automate the process of diagnosis and inspection of all car systems, facilitate fault prevention and improve the maintenance process and modernize the maintenance system itself. The approach of algorithmization of the base of knowledge of a condition of the car in each moment of time considered in work gives the chance to reduce time of stay of the car in the service center and to reduce considerably expenses for passing of MOT at service of cars.

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