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expert assessment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 933
Andrey Novoselov ◽  
Ivan Potravny ◽  
Irina Novoselova ◽  
Violetta Gassiy

The method of the social investing of the Arctic subsoil users is considered in this article. As the portfolio of social investments is formed based on the interests of indigenous peoples, the authors used expert assessment and sociological research for social investing modeling. A two-stage procedure for forming a portfolio of such projects is proposed. An approach has also been developed for assessing and selecting investment projects for the Arctic sustainable development according to different criteria of optimality. The authors substantiate the need for a new approach to sustainable development of the Arctic, based not on compensation for the negative consequences of industrial development used in many countries, but on social investment. In this article the proposed approach is tested on the case of the Arctic indigenous community in Taimyr and the optimal social investing portfolio is justified.


This research aimed to develop audio visual based on learning media using adobe flash professional CS6 in material subject for students of seventh graders at MTs Mu'allimin NW Pancor that was valid, practical and effective. This research was a research and development (R&D) that was adapted from the ADDIE development model. There are 5 stages: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Implementation; and (5) Evaluation. The population was students of seventh graders , with a sample of students of VIIB . Data collection techniques used were using a questionnaire that was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that audio visual based on learning media using adobe flash professional CS6 which had been developed based on the assessment of media experts obtained by 96 with a very good category and material expert assessment was obtained by 42 with a good category. Based on students' responses to the practicality of the media it was found that the percentage of assessment was 75.35% with the practical category. Based on tests of student learning outcomes on the effectiveness of the media obtained a percentage of 88.46%. Based on the results of data acquisition shows that audio visual based learning media using adobe flash professional CS6 was feasible and can be used in the mathematics learning process of material for students of seventh graders at MTs Mu'allimin NW Pancor. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran bilangan berbasis audio visual menggunakan adobe flash profesional CS6 untuk kelas VII MTs Mu’allimin NW Pancor yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan ADDIE. Tahapan penelitian ini ada 5 tahap, yaitu: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Impelementation; dan (5) Evaluation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran bilangan berbasis audio visual menggunakan adobe flash professional CS6 yang telah dikembangkan berdasarkan penilaian ahli media diperoleh sebesar 96 dengan kategori baik. Berdasarkan respon siswa terhadap kepraktisan media didapatkan persentasi penilaian sebesar 75,35% dengan kategori praktis. Berdasarkan tes hasil belajar siswa terhadap keefektifan media yang telah dikembangkan diperoleh persentase sebesar 88,46%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran bilangan berbasis audio visual menggunakan adobe flash professional CS6 layak dan dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan kelas VII MTs Mu’allimin NW Pancor.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Dwi Mulyo

Abstract. The industrial revolution 4.0 gave birth to an education era 4.0 which demands the use of cyber technology in the learning process, so that output matches the needs and demands of the times. The existence of abstract concepts and difficulty imagining spatial aspects become obstacles for students of class XII MIPA at SMAN 4 Kota Tangerang in learning to paint slices of space. Therefore, it takes the development of learning media that is able to help students learn it easily but is packaged in an interesting, exciting, fun way and in accordance with the direction of education 4.0. This research is a development research that aims to develop and determine the feasibility of multimedia e-learning based on Screencast O Matic and Powerpoint assisted by Geogebra and Kahoot in learning geometry for XII MIPA of  SMAN 4 Kota Tangerang students . Using the Four-D development model which includes the define, design, develop, and disseminate stages, the developer does not do the dissemination stage because what is done is only a product feasibility test. At the develop stage, an expert assessment was carried out consisting of an assessment of aspects of the content, media, language, and teacher / practitioner assessment and finally a development test. Based on the expert's assessment, the average score for the content aspect is 4.52 (Very Feasible), the media aspect is 4.22 (Very Appropriate), and the language aspect is 4.23 (Very Feasible). Based on the students' responses to the development test, it was obtained that the material aspects were 4.29 (very feasible), the media aspects were 4.11 (feasible), and the language aspects were 4.1 (feasible).

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Windi Yuliani

 DEVELOPMENT OF PICTURE STORY BOOKS AS LEARNING MEDIA Windi [email protected] UniversityABSTRACTThe background of this research is that the level of the education unit which is considered the basis for the cultivation of knowledge is at the elemntary school. Education pursued in basic education will be the foundation for the next education process. This study aims to develop a picture book of “Batu Belah Batu Betangkup” and to find out the feasbility of the picture story book. This picture book product is made using the cup studio paint application. The research method used is the 4D model consisting of four stages, namely difine, design, development, and dessiminate. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, the research instrument used had gone through a validation process with a validator. The type of data generated is quantitative data which is analyzed using the assessment criteria guidelines to determine the quantity of the product. Validation results from experts state that the pictorial story book product “Batu Belah Batu Betangkup” developed by the researher is very suitable for use. Expert assessment of product design with an average percentage pf 88,91% with a very feasible category, assessment of linguists with an average percentage of 95,8% with a very decent category, and field users based on the product with an average percentage of 95,83% and language assessment with an average percentage of 95,5% in the very feasible category and the student response product frial obtained 91,5% with the very good category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Triyani Triyani ◽  
Maryam Mustika ◽  
Sakman Sakman ◽  
Herry B Mantir

The purpose of this research and development is to develop a HOTS-based assessment tool oriented to critical digital citizenship on Pancasila as an ethical system and Pancasila as the basis for developing science and technology, namely the production of an assessment tool that focuses on higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in students. The method used in this research is the type of development research (R&D) with stages of market needs analysis, development, testing, and product revision. The form of the implementation of this research can be described as (1) workshop on analysis of Pancasila course curriculum (learning outcomes, material substance, assessment tools that have been developed; (2) workshop on development of HOTS-based assessment tools in Pancasila courses oriented towards critical digital citizenship ; (3) FGD expert validation; (4) trial of HOTS-based assessment tool in Pancasila course is oriented towards critical digital citizenship; and (5) preparation of the final research report. The results of this research and development that is based on expert assessment (expert) to the assessment tool were developed which got a mean score of 3.6 in both categories so that used for the assessment process. Based on the results of trials and reflections on the HOTS-based assessment tool oriented to critical digital citizenship, it was found that, First, students are happier when learning uses audio-visual. Second, the learning video assessment tool makes them better understand in analyzing phenomena that occur in society related to the actualization of Pancasila values ​​in their daily lives and environment. Third, the questions contained in the video make students think critically. Fourth, this learning video makes students understand and realize that there are still many students ignorant in their actions to be able to apply the values ​​of Pancasila.

V. A. Grishchenko ◽  
S. S. Pozhitkova ◽  
V. Sh. Mukhametshin ◽  
R. F. Yakupov ◽  

The article deals with the issue of water cut predicting when downhole pumping equipment optimizing. In practice, an expert assessment of this parameter is used as a rule, which does not take into account the degree of planned optimization relative to the current mode. The paper proposes a methodology allowing taking into account the dynamics of planned fluid withdrawals in predicting water cut based on displacement characteristics. To solve the described problem, four characteristics were selected with a certain type of statistical dependence, where, in one part of the equation, fluid withdrawals do not depend on oil withdrawals. This allows, by setting different values of fluid production, to predict oil production and water cut at any time period. On the example of deposits of one of the regions of the Ural-Volga region, the most suitable for certain geological conditions displacement characteristics were determined. Look back analysis shows a high degree of convergence between the calculated and actual water cut indicators – the average absolute deviation is 1.9%, which allows forecasting with sufficient accuracy. Keywords: oil fields development; production stimulation; displacement characteristics; water cut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-106
Muhammad Amin Said ◽  
Muhammad Arsyad ◽  
Muh. Tawil

This study aimed to design a practicum module in electronics courses. The researcher initially carried out the developed module to analyze the level of validity and students’ responses to the electronic practicum module that the researcher had created. The module developed was validated by two experts. The subjects of this research were students of the Physics Education Program at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in the odd semester in the academic year of 2019/2020. This research employed a Research and Development (R&D) design. The development was carried out using the 4D model with four stages: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate proposed by Thiagarajan. The results showed that the expert assessment of the electronic practicum module that had been developed using the Gregory test closeness model obtained a strong relevance level because it had an internal consistency coefficient of 100% and was declared to meet the eligibility criteria (valid). The percentages of students’ responses in the three indicators (interested in using the module, easy to understand the module content and easy-to-understand module language) were 83%, 81 %, and 81%, respectively. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the electronic practicum module developed is declared valid, and students respond well to the use of the electronics practicum module.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 926-931
I. G. Ovechkin ◽  
V. E. Yudin ◽  
E. I. Kovrigina ◽  
A. A. Budko ◽  
V. V. Matvienko

Purpose: scientific substantiation and development of methodological principles of the “quality of life” (QOL) assessment questionnaire in patients with symptoms of computer visual syndrome (CVS).Material and мethods. As part of the first stage of the study, an individual interview was carried out (according to the standard developed methodology) with 100 patients with visually strenuous labor, according to the results of which the entire spectrum of complaints arising during prolonged work with a computer was determined (44 complaints in total). As part of the second stage, a special questionnaire was developed, in which the identified complaints were transformed into questions. The study involved 96 ophthalmologists aged 32 to 62 years with an average of 17.3 ± 1.4 years. The task of an expert ophthalmologist was to assess the relevance each of the questions in terms of the influence degree on the patient’s QOL, as well as the “severity” of the complaint in terms the of occurrence frequency.Results. The development of the questionnaire was based on the sequential implementation of five stages (development of a conceptual framework; development of a preliminary version and confirmation of validity content; additional modification; scaling procedure development; psychometric properties determination). The results obtained made it possible to form the questionnaire (22 questions) the final version, which (according to the analysis) meets the requirements of meaningful and constructive validity (specificity, reflection of questions and scales of significance for the patient, the results of an expert assessment by ophthalmologists of the psychometric response scale) with the weight coefficients development, the required values correlation coefficients (according to Pearson) between the relevance assessment of the question from the points according to the symptom severity, as well as the high level of consistency according to the “Cronbach-α” indicator.Conclusion. The main direction of the assessment QOL improving of a patient with GLC is active participation in the ophthalmologist’s questionnaire development. Our results determine that the expert assessment provides a mathematically confirmed choice of the most significant (in terms on QoL impact) subjective manifestations, which (in conjunction with the development of each patient’s possible responses expert assessments, in points) provides the required level of the questionnaire meaningful and constructive validity. The developed questionnaire can be recommended for further clinical testing.

Р.А. Магомедов ◽  
М.А. Мусаев

Восточный Кавказ является самым сейсмоактивным регионом европейской части России, в сферу повышенных сейсмических воздействий которого попадают крупные энергетические объекты Сулакского каскада ГЭС, высоковольтные линии электропередач, основные транспортные коммуникации, нефте- и газопроводы федерального и республиканского значения, аэро- и морской порты и крупные, разросшиеся города и поселки региона. Отсутствие исследований по проблеме оценки сейсмотектонической и геотектонической ситуации значительно ослабляет готовность региона к предупреждению обширных экологических и техногенных катастроф. Современные сейсмически активные зоны Восточного Кавказа в условиях позднеальпийского тектогенеза характеризуются иными геодинамическими и сейсмотектоническими условиями по сравнению с герцинской и киммерийской. Альпийский этап тектогенеза характеризуется значительным максимумом своей активизации, с которым связаны современные геодинамические и сейсмотектонические процессы и повышенная современная сейсмическая активность региона. Уровень сейсмотектонического потенциала, как сейсмического и геодинамического, является важнейшим показателем оценки степени сейсмической опасности. Цель исследования. Оценка уровня сейсмотектонического потенциала блоков земной коры северо-восточного сегмента Восточного Кавказа и выделение потенциальных зон ожидания возможных очагов сильных землетрясений региона (ВОЗ). Методы исследования. Анализ пространственно-временного распределения сейсмичности за инструментальный период наблюдений и экспертная оценка сейсмотектонического потенциала блоков земной коры по комплексу сейсмологических показателей, таких как мощность сейсмоактивного слоя, сейсмическая активность и наклон графика повторяемости землетрясений, максимальная отмеченная (наблюденная) магнитуда, период последней активизации и тектоническая активность. Результаты исследования. Закартировано в условных единицах изменение сейсмотектонического потен­циала на исследуемой территории. Составлена схема зон возможных очагов землетрясений региона. Распределение гипоцентров сильных землетрясений демонстрирует расслоенность геологической среды региона. В интервале глубин, в среднем от 33 до 42 км, выделяется так называемая «зона молчания» The Eastern Caucasus is the most seismically active region of the European part of Russia, where large energy facilities of the Sulak cascade of hydroelectric power plants, high-voltage power lines, main transport communications, oil and gas pipelines of federal and republican significance, air and sea ports and large, sprawling cities and towns of the region fall into the sphere of increased seismic impacts. The lack of research on the problem of assessing the seismotectonic and geotectonic situation can lead to undesirable environmental consequences. Modern seismically active zones of the Eastern Caucasus in the conditions of Late Alpine tectogenesis are characterized by different geodynamic and seismotectonic conditions compared to the Hercynian and Cimmerian. The Alpine stage of tectogenesis is characterized by a significant maximum of its activation, which is associated with modern geodynamic and seismotectonic processes and increased modern seismic activity of the region. The level of seismotectonic potential, both seismic and geodynamic, is the most important indicator of assessing the degree of seismic danger. Aim. Assessment of the level of the seismotectonic potential of the crustal blocks of the north-eastern segment of the Eastern Caucasus and identification of potential waiting zones for possible foci of strong earthquakes in the region (PFE). Methods. Analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of seismicity over the instrumental observation period and expert assessment of the seismotectonic potential of the Earth's crust blocks according to a set of seismological indicators, such as the power of the seismoactive layer, seismic activity and the slope of the earthquake recurrence graph, the maximum marked (observed) magnitude, the period of the last activation and tectonic activity. Results. The change in the seismotectonic potential in the studied territory is mapped in conventional units. A diagram of the zones of possible earthquake foci in the region has been compiled. The distribution of hypocenters of strong earthquakes demonstrates the stratification of the geological environment of the region. In the depth range, on average from 33 to 42 km, the so-called "zone of silence" is allocated.

Viktor Vecherskyi

The purpose of the article is to analyze the monument and expert assessment of the monument of garden and park art Central Republican Botanical Garden (1 Timiriazievska Street, Kyiv) and its urban environment, which is rapidly evolving, threatening this monument naturally of the reserved fund and cultural heritage sites located on its territory, which requires the development of the protection zoning concept in the areas adjacent to the monument in order to preserve this unique cultural and natural heritage. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific and special methods, including the historical method in a systematic approach, when the set of monuments connected by a common area, as well as the surrounding environment as an object of study is considered in development, as well as the comparative method, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction. The scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time a comprehensive analysis of this monument of park and garden art as an object not only of nature reserves, but also immovable cultural heritage type ‘landmark’, articulated problems caused by rapid and chaotic development urban environment around this monument, and also proposed a conceptual approach to the protective zoning of areas around the monument. Conclusions. All cultural heritage sites, including the Central Republican Botanical Garden as an object of study, form the traditional nature of the environment of the southern periphery of the historic centre of Kyiv. The object of study for its compositional role in the traditional nature of the environment is the landscape dominant of the large-scale monument ‘Cultural Landscape of the Kyiv Mountains and the Dnieper River Valley’, the compositional and species influence of which extends to the entire Dnieper Valley between the E. Paton and the South bridges. With this in mind, a conclusion was made about the insufficiency and obsolescence of the existing protection zoning in the areas adjacent to the monument in question, and a new concept of protection zoning with additional development control zones was defined. Their approval will allow actualizing the territorial-environmental approach as the most effective in preserving the traditional Kyiv character of the environment for the present and future generations.

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