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Published By Institute Of Research And Community Services Diponegoro University (Lppm Undip)

2581-0960, 2599-0497

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-300
Sri Sudarsih

The purpose of this study is to explore traditional moral values in Japanese society that are able to survive and be implemented in everyday life in the modern era. In addition, it is able to shape the distinctive character of the Japanese, including the role of women who contribute to maintaining traditional moral values. This research is a qualitative research field of philosophy with the object of formal values and the material object is the development of women's position in Japanese society. The results achieved in the study: Japanese women played an important role in the history of the struggle until Japan achieved prosperity and glory until now. This is based on the reason that Japanese women are able to maintain and preserve traditional moral values that still exist through early education in the family environment. These values can shape the character of children from an early age in the family. A family with character brings logical consequences to the life of a community with character so that it affects the culture as a whole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-271
Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulatri

The head of the Tokyo Olympics, Yoshiro Mori, was criticized for making sexist remarks. He gave opinion about the Japanese Olympic Committee's goal of increasing the number of female board directors from 20% to more than 40%, Mori stated that it would affect the length of the meeting because women talking too much. Mori's sexist remarks show that patriarchy and gender equality are still a problem in Japan.  This paper examines Yoshiro Mori’s sexist remarks through a feminist approach. Data culled from newspaper reports about Mori's sexist remarks. This research is qualitative research with an interactive analysis method.  The results of the study show that Mori's sexist remarks are gender stereotypes that are concluded by essentialism. These gender stereotypes limit the role of women in the public sphere. Collective action needs to be promoted to confront sexism in society and build gender awareness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-285
Nur Hastuti

Music is a work of art in the form of a song that expresses the feelings of its creator through the main elements of music, namely rhythm, melody, harmony and others. The purpose of this study was to determine the style of language in the lyrics of the song kaze wo hamu by n-buna. The method uses stylistics. Based on the results of research and discussion on the lyrics of the song kaze wo hamu by n-buna, it is found that there is a style of language. Hyperbole is 6, repetition is 3, personification is 2, synesthesia is 2, and tautology is 1. The existence of language style in a song lyric further enhances the meaning to be conveyed to music lovers.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-264
Kasmawati Kasmawati ◽  
Harisal Harisal

Imperative sentences are sentences that contain imperative intonation and generally contain the meaning of commands or prohibitions; in writing is marked by (.) and (!). The construction of imperative sentences of invitation in Japanese and Indonesian is done by using a constructive research. Contrastive research prioritizes concrete facts regarding the search for differences one by one which has the specificity of language so that it is more inclined towards differences. This study aims to describe the construction of imperative sentences of invitation in Japanese and Indonesian. The approach taken in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using the referential method. The data collection in this study used the deep listening method related to the use of written language, because the data in the form of invitation as a modality were taken from written data sources in the form of novels. The written data obtained by the read method was captured by a note-taking technique by being recorded on a data card. The data in the form of sentences containing imperatives, both in terms of structure and markers and their contents are classified into several types of imperative sentences. Furthermore, the basic analysis technique used is a technique for direct elements, namely dividing the elements in the form of imperative sentences. The results showed that the construction of the imperative form of solicitation sentences in Japanese consisted of the invitation form shiyou with the construction variants 'affirmative form of desire verb -masu + shiyou' and 'isshoni + affirmative form of desire verb -masu + shiyou'; shiyouka invitation form with the construction of 'isshoni + affirmative form of desire verb –masu + shiyou ka'; and, the form of shinaika's invitation with construction variants 'Interrogative form + Shinaika' and 'Particle mo + KK wishes in the form of a dictionary + Interrogative form + Shinaika'. On the other hand, in Indonesian, the construction of the imperative form of an invitation sentence in Indonesian consists of the form of an invitation form ‘Mari’ with the construction variants of 'Mari + active verb' and 'Mari + causative verb'; the form of ‘Marilah’ with the construction of 'Marilah + Active Verb'; the form of an invitation ‘Ayo’ with the construction variants of 'Ayo + Active Verb' and 'Ayo + Causative Verb'; and, form ‘Ayolah’ with the construction 'Ayolah + Active verb'.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 286-292
Dewi Saraswati Sakariah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa selama pembelajaran mata kuliah Sejarah Jepang dengan menggunakan metode belajar pemetaaan pikiran (mind mapping) milik Tony Buzan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas yang subjeknya dari adalah mahasiswa Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Jepang semester 3 (kelas A dan B) dengan objek penelitian adalah kemampuan memahami mahasiswa terhadap materi Sejarah Jepang  era primitif (Jomon-Yayoi-Kofun)  dan era kerajaan akhir (Heian) yang menggunakan beberapa rujukan buku dengan metode pengujian dari hasil penerapan pemetaan pikiran. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran pemetaan pikiran/Mind Mapping dapat membuat mahasiswa lebih bersemangat dalam proses belajar dan memberikan hasil yang optimal dalam nilai akademisnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-256
Arsi Widiandari

The focus of this research is to discus the existence of minority groups in Japan. The existence of this minority community breaks the understanding of the Japanese nation which consists of a homogeneous society. This study uses the library method, by taking data from various literatures such as scientific articles, reference books and official reports issued by the Japanese Government through official website. This study found that existence of minority community in Japan for example Zainichi Korea, Burakumin groups, Ainu and a number of migrant worker is proof that Japan is not a homogeneous society but is a multicultural society. This paper is expected to complement the research that has been done previously related to the identity of the Japanese nation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-248
Annisa Qamara Tasman ◽  
Nana Rahayu ◽  
Dini Budiani

This research is a study that discusses the college student’s comprehension on te iru aspect using 7 indicators of comprehension include interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining. This researsch is focused on the progressive aspect, habituative aspect, and resultative aspect. The purpose of this study is to describe students' comprehension of te iru aspects. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. Data was obtained from interviews with 8 Japanese college students. The results showed that student’s comprehension of all three aspects of te iru is not perfect. The highest order of comprehension on te iru aspects starts from progressive, habituative, and resultative aspect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-235
Rossa Fitriana ◽  
Diaz Restu Darmawan ◽  
Efriani Efriani ◽  
Deny Wahyu Apriadi

This study discusses the phenomenon of fujoshi, a popular culture from Japan. Fujoshi is a woman's passion for manga or comics genre boys love, where the manga tells the story of the love relationship between men. This research was conducted using a qualitative research method with a virtual ethnography method approach, where the researcher traced twitter accounts that were actively uploading about the manga boys love. This study tries to describe how the identity of fujoshi is formed which shows the manga boys love fondness on social media, especially in twitter. The result of this study is that fujoshi still be considered as an abnormality and also considered to violate the norms of the society. However, social media is able to provide space for free expression to show the identity of their preferences without getting any social sanctions. Social media also builds the fujoshi identity which was initially considered a deviation, has now been accepted and spawned more works and formed a community that has the same passion for manga boys love that is bigger than before.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-208
Dwi Novi Rahakjani

This research is entitled “Processing Foodstuffs Skills in the Little forest Movie by Junichi Mori”. The purpose of this research was to examine the skills of the Japanese people in processing  foodstuffs in Junichi Mori's Little forest movie. The method used in this research is note taking method, descriptive analysis method and informal method. The theory used in this study is the Literary Gastronomy theory proposed by Endraswara and the Semiotic theory proposed by Danesi. The results showed that there were several skills in processing foodstuffs based on the food they were processed, 1) amazake which was processed using porridge and koji, 2) stir-fried akebi which was processed using ingredients from akebi skin and cooked using sabuji style, 3) hoshiimo made from dried sweet potatoes, 4) shimi daikon made from radish dried in cold air, 5) Hoshigaki, which is dried persimmon made from kind of astringent persimmons. in the Little Forest movie is shown the process of processing traditional foodstuffs. the unique thing is that the Japanese people in the little forest film not only use cooking utensils but also take advantage of the air temperature to process food.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-227
Lili Febriyani

People who have entered the final phase of life or elderly people, are often labeled with negative stereotypes regarding physical, psychological, and sociological changes. Various descriptions of the self-image of the elderly appear in various texts. This article discusses the image of the elderly in two Japanese films, entitled An (Sweet Bean) and Oke Rojin! (Golden Orchestra). By using Activity Theory, Successful Aging, and Loneliness, the research tries to analyze the image of the elderly that is constructed individually and in groups using the Content Analysis method. From the results of a thorough analysis of the components in the film, it can be concluded that the positive image of the elderly is constructed by looking for gaps of excellence from the shortcomings they have, and the positive image does not eliminate the depiction of the negative image. The elderly from both films try to make good use of old age, leaving the works in different ways, namely Tokue Yoshii with his red bean butter and the elderly orchestra with their first music and concerts.

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