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Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Banten Jaya

2622-9056, 2623-0062

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-50
Ina Rohiyatussakinah

The current trend of globalization and development in information technology had boosted the new curriculum of Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), which has become a universal issue in higher education at several universities in Indonesia. In this demanding and challenging information era in which we live, EFL instruction at higher education institutions needs to offer the students more than general proficiency in English. However, it is not an easy task to design a curriculum at the university level to address these issues. The aim of the research to design a communicative language teaching program developed for teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) at X University. It aims to illustrate the rationale and process of designing a flexible curriculum for university students. This study used a Qualitative research design to present the data. The result clearly showed about The curriculum presented in this paper is intended to be a model for teaching EFL or other foreign languages at higher education institutions based on the case of EFL education in Japan related to MBKM, still relevant to adopt Japan Education policy in our Higher educational program most of them need communicative language teaching for their proficiency in English at higher educational level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-68
Wulan Sari Saputri

The objective of this study are to find out slang language in song lyrics used by Avril Lavigne tofind out the meaning of the slang language in song lyrics used by Avril Lavigne. This study concernwith the analysis slang language in Avril Lavigne song lyrics. This study is descriptive qualitative.The data classified based on word formation processes according to Yule's theory (2010). In thedata analysis the writer applied qualitative. Method and focused on content analysis. The analysisstarted on January 2020 until July 2020. This final project based on a study which attemps to findslang language in Avril Lavigne Song lyrics, and know the types slang language used in AvrilLavigne song lyrics. The results of study, the slang language words of the song Avril Lavigne alsoinfluenced by some of word formation, there are twelve type of slang word formation. There areCoinage, Compounding, Clipping, Blending, Borrowing, Back formation, Acronyms, Multipleprocess, Affixes (Prefix, Infix, Suffix). There are four types of slang language were identified basedon the findings used in Avril Lavigne song lyrics found 4 clipping, 10 blending, 2 compounding,and 1 Back formation . Based on the research, the process of blending is the most common processthat is found in Avril Lavigne song.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-27
Dede Fajri

Writing is not a natural talent in language acquisition since it necessitates both editing and revising, making it appear to be a simple activity. A dictionary might be used by students to assist them use a foreign language in any situation. These exercises, however, may cause a number of mistakes in pupils' writing tasks. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to detect students' difficulties and grammatical mistakes during the academic writing process. In this study, mixed techniques were used to document the works of vocational college students and conduct interviews with them.  The evidence on learners' grammatical mistakes was gathered, transcribed, evaluated, and interpreted. The students' mistakes were found to be in the following areas: tense (38.0%), preposition (11.7%), article (11.4%), conjunction (11.4%), omission (8.9%), subject-verb agreement (6.3%), and adverb (6.3%). (2.5 percent ). Meanwhile, according to the interview, most of the students (81.8 percent) utilized a translation tool such as Google translate to help with language competency during the writing process. Despite using a translation tool in writing, the majority of students (73%) said it was a challenging ability to master, and 18% considered the writing process was the most difficult of all language tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-38

Indonesia is in Pandemic of Covid-19 which make many activities should be limited to stop the spread of virus and decrease the number of victims and death. The government implemented a new policy that is work from home and study for home for students in all education institution, includes vocational high school which students are EFL learners. Teaching learning activities should be implemented although the teachers and students are in different places. So, internet based learning should be used. Therefore, this article aims to give an analysis of internet based learning during Covid-19 Pandemic in EFL Classroom. The result found that in implementing internet based learning is ineffective due to some problems, they are students inactive, internet tools, internet access or quota and also control from stakeholders. Dealing with those problems, the teachers can implement several ways to make internet based learning more effective and students can comprehend their English skill although they don’t learn directly. The ways that teacher should try consist of: (1) doing exploration, (2) doing enactment, and the last (3) doing evaluation.

Ida Nuraida

The objective of this research was to find out if there is a significant influence of YouTube based video toward students’ achievement in writing recount text. This research is used quasi experimental design. The population of this research was the first students of SMK Daruttaibin Ciwadas Pabuaran. The cluster random sampling was used to take the sample. The sample was two classes, X Pemasaran 1 as the experimental class and X Pemasaran 2 as the control class. The experimental class consisted of 22 students and the control class consisted of 20 students. The instrument of collecting data was pre-test and post-test. From the data analysis, the student’s score of the experimental class in the post test was higher than the students in the pre-test. The mean score of posttest in the experimental class 74.7 was higher than mean score of the control class 67.5. It was found that the result statistic calculation, it was obtained that the value of Tvalue was 1.94 and degree of freedom (df) is 40. In the table of significance 0.05 the value of the significance was 1.68, comparing those values, the result was 1.94>1.68 which means Tvalue score. It means that there is significant influence toward students’ writing skill between the students who were taught using YouTube based video and those who were not. In conclusion, the Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Artica Rizza Anjani ◽  
Sisca Wulansari Saputri ◽  
Aa Qona’atun

The research is content analysis which explores the using of translation equivalences applied in Faculty of Computer Science. Considering that the Faculty of Computer Science indirectly and unconsciously often carry out the process of translation in daily activities in the programming language used. The research thus aims to provide how is translation equivalence and what is the dominant translation equivalence used in translation of abstract internship report in Faculty of Computer Science 7th semester in Banten Jaya University 2019. The data conducted from 3 sections of collecting data which taken randomly from 20 abstract translations of internship report, divided into 10 abstracts from Information System Program and 10 abstracts from Information Engineering Program. The Mona Baker’s theories applied in the order to identified and classify the translation equivalences. Furthermore, Miles and Huberman method also used to analyzed the abstract of internship report to find out the first question. In the other hand a formula by Butler used to find out the second question. As the result of this research, the most dominant translation equivalence used is Above Word Level Equivalence with 35 cases (28.69%), which followed by Pragmatic Equivalence with 30 cases (24.59%), Word Level Equivalence with 26 cases (21.31%), Grammatical Equivalence with 16 cases (13.11%), and Textual Equivalence with 15 cases (12.30%).The research concludes that the translation equivalence in translations process depend on the translator point of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-34
Lia Amalia ◽  
Riki Gunawan

Objective of this research is to explain the use of code switching by English teachers in classroom during learning activities. This research uses qualitative approach with a case study design, the research subject is an English teacher at Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School. Collecting data in this study using data display, data reduction and drawing conclusions. The focus of this research is the use of code switching by English teachers in online classroom during the learning process and the sub focus of the research is the types of code switching used by the English teacher and the reasons for using code switching. The result of this research is to find the type of code switching usage and the reasons for using code switching by English teachers in online classroom during the learning process. The conclusion is there are three types of code switching used by English teachers during the learning process in the classroom. Namely: First, inter sentential code switching, which is 64 times. Second, Intra-sentential code switching 31 times. Third, Tag switching 10 times. Then some reasons why English teachers use code switching, namely: First, Talking about Particular topic. Second is Interjection. Third is Repitition for Clarification. Fourth is Expressing for Group Identity

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Fitria Iswari

Communication is an activity that cannot be stopped in human life. Especially during the Covid -19 pandemic, face-to-face communication is difficult. This is also quite influential in the world of education where during the Covid -19 pandemic there were many face-to-face meetings between lecturers and students through virtual face to face. In the learning process, sometimes students are embarrassed or reluctant to express their opinions. In this study, researchers tried to use comic strip learning media as a medium for conveying opinions from students. This study used qualitative method with data collection obtained from the analysis of the form of messages from comic strip was made by students. The purpose of this study is to determine the types of messages made by students through comic strip media with educational themes. From the data, it shows that 21 comic strips have informative messages, namely 52.5%, and 19 comic strips that have persuasive form messages or 47.5% of the percentage. While the coercive message form shows the number 0. From this study it can be concluded that comic strips can be an alternative learning medium in the process of delivering messages or opinions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-74
Zailin Ayu ◽  
Ida Nuraida

This study aims to analyze the influence of Android-based role playing learning models towards students' motivation in speaking skills. This study used a quasi-experimental method with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this study consisted of two classes. The research instrument used tests and questionnaires. Based on the results of the average value of the experimental class pretest class is 59.25 and posttest is 72.95 has increased by 13.70 while the average value of the pre-test control class is 68.3 and post-test is 58.75 experienced a decrease of 9.55. The average questionnaire result data was 89.5 and it was concluded that there were differences in student motivation  before and after learning with Android-based role playing models. Learning using Android-based has an influence on learning motivation of students in class X TKJ by 53% with the results of t-table > t-count (5.35 > 2.06), then the hypothesis is accepted. At the end of this study, it is hoped that learning based on Android can be used as an alternative in learning speaking skills

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Ina Rohiyatussakinah

Lesson plan is an important for teacher as part of guidance and instructional design which consist of necessary aspect such as (goal, objectives, media, and activities until assessment). This paper examines or investigation of the aspect taken in the lesson plan in implementing scientific approach. Lesson plan written by English teacher in primary school, were analyzed using qualitative method and descriptive case study as its framework. The data were obtained from document analysis. Theories from Brown (2001) and Richard (2001) were adapted in analyzing the documents. The result showed that the lesson plan contained the necessary aspect; the activities indicated scientific based learning, teacher were aware of the importance of designing English lesson in which all five aspect (goals, objectives, activities, media and assessment), teacher were able to make goals which measurable, objectives were corresponding with receptive goal, media were practical, effective, efficient, and appropriative for children However, improvements are needed pointed out from this study in accordance to the teacher’s implementation of scientific based learning to sixth students of primary school level, there it seems that scientific based learning could not be effectively applied by the teacher but it somehow gave the some positive contribution to the student participation and critical thinking as in questioning stage and communicating stage.

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