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Turbine Sop

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. Rating eason) Speed First Critical Speed Second Critical Speed Inlet Steam Pressure Inlet Steam Temperature Max. inlet steam pressure permitted Max. inlet steam temp. permitted No. of Stages Governor Type & Model & Hydraulic. Gearbox make Type & Ratio Lube oil & Manufacturer Pre start Check: Ensure the availability of water in cooling tower sump & condition of its Fans a nd pumps. Ensure the condition of CEP & water level in hot well. Ensure the quantity of lube oil in main oil tank & the condition of AOP, MOP and EOP. Check the availability of instruments & ensure all instruments are in good condi tion. Ensure turbine inlet steam valve in closed position. Ensure the running condition of Barring gear. Ensure the running condition of Vapour exhaust fan, oil Centrifuge machine. Ensure all valves are in good condition. : Flender. : Double Helical & 3.83: 1 : Turbinol 46 & BP : 19 : Woodward 505E Electrical : 5743 rpm. : 2361 rpm. : 4850 rpm. : 84 Kg/Cm2 : 5100 C : 87 Kg/Cm2 : 5200 C : Hang Zhou Steam Turbine Co., L : EHNK 50/71/32 : 17.0 MW (Season) : 22.0 MW (Off S

QC NRV & 2.5 ATA isolation valve should be closed & its drain valve should be in open position. Open all drain valves from turbine, inlet steam line, HP & LP extractions. Ensure all drain valves in 2.5 ATA steam line in open position. Procedure -Cold start: as cold If Turbine has been shut down for more than 24 hrs is considered Start up.

Start cooling water pumps (ACW). Start AOP and check lube oil & control oil pressure. Also check their differenti al pressures across filters. Open the overhead oil tank initial filling valve for filling the oil in over hea d tank.. Check for any leakage from lube oil pipelines. Start the heater & centrifuge machine and increase the temperature to 450 C. Start Jacking oil pump and check oil pressure. Run the barring gear continuously. Run CEP & maintain hot well 50%. Start MCW pump & Tower fan and check their running condition Warm up the turbine inlet steam lines, casing @ 50 C per minute and continue this process to 3800 C. Line up Starting ejector and pull vacuum (-0.9 Kg/Cm2) Ensure the overhead oil tank is overflowing and closed the initial filling valve . Give start command for turbine rolling after raise the steam pressure and temper ature(75 kg/cm2,,400oC)& wait for 30 minutes at 1000 rpm. At this juncture check vibration level, Temperature of the bearings, Lube oil & Control oil pressure. Again give command to increase the speed thereafter turbine will run in its rate d speed and throttle all drain valves. Synchronize TG set with grid and close all drain valves completely. Line up main ejector and then stop starting ejector. Procedure -Hot start: ed as hot If Turbine has been shut down for less than 24 hours is consider start up.

Ensure MCW pump, AOP & Barring gear is in running condition.

Ensure turbine inlet steam valve in closed position. Ensure the running condition of Vapour exhaust fan, oil Centrifuge machine. QC NRV & 2.5 ATA isolation valve should be closed & its drain valve should be in open position. Open all drain valves from turbine, inlet steam line, HP & LP extractions. Ensure all drain valves in 2.5 ATA steam line in open position. Run CEP & maintain hot well 50%. Warm up the turbine inlet steam lines, casing @ 50 C per minute and continue this process to 3800 C. Line up Starting ejector and pull vacuum (-0.9 Kg/Cm2). Give start command for turbine rolling & wait for 20 minutes at 1000 rpm. At thi s juncture check vibration level, Temperature of the bearings, Lube oil & Contro l oil pressure. Again give command to increase the speed thereafter turbine will run in its rate d speed and throttle all drain valves. Synchronize TG set with grid and close all drain valves completely. Line up main ejector and then stop starting ejector. Enable of HP & LP extractions: Turbine load should be maintained above 12 MW Open drain valves in 8 ATA & 2.5 ATA steam line. Open 6 drain valve ( 4 thread of spindle opening) Ensure PRDS isolation & control valve of 2.5 ATA in closed position. Slowly open QC NRV. Press ACTR in Governor panel Display : th @ HP Valve Dmd 40 % LP Valve Dmd 100 % Ensure the LP Valve Dmd in display is 100 % & Cross check wi Actuator

Press EXT/ADM in Governor panel Display : @ Ext Input 0.234 Kg/cm2 (approx.) Set Pt 1.000 Kg/cm2 Ensure the set point in display is 1.000 Kg/cm2 Press SCROLL DOWN Arrow Display : Press YES Display : @ Ext Input 0.234 Kg/cm2 Extr Active / Enabled @ Ext Input 0.234 Kg/cm2 Extr Active /

Not in Ctrl

Press ACTR Display : %) % & Ensure the LP Valve Dmd in display is reducing from 100 to 0 Cross check with Actuator also. @ HP Valve Dmd 40 % LP Valve Dmd (Vary from 100 0

Ensure complete removal of condensate & steam flow through 6 drain valve. Open isolation valve slowly. Ensure the extraction steam pressure & flow then slowly close 6 drain valve compl etely. Close all drain valves in extraction steam lines after complete removal of conde nsate. Disable of HP & LP extractions: HP Extraction Control Valve will automatically disable if load reduced less than 10.5MW. For Disabling the LP extraction following procedures has to be followed. Press EXT/ADM in Governor panel Display : @ Ext Input 1.328 Kg/cm2 (approx.) Set Pt 1.540 Kg/cm2 Reduce the Set Pt. to 1.000 Kg/cm2 by pressing ADJ Down Arrow Press SCROLL DOWN Arrow Display : Press NO Display : Press ACTR Display : %) 00% & Ensure the LP Valve Dmd in display is increasing from 0 to 1 Cross check with Actuator also. @ HP Valve Dmd 40 % LP Valve Dmd (Vary from 2 100 @ Ext Input 0.824 Kg/cm2 (approx) Extr Active / Disabled @ Ext Input 0.824 Kg/cm2 (approx.) / Not in Ctrl

Extr Active

Close QC NRV manually Close LP isolation valve. Shut down to cold: Reduce power generation Disable HP & LP extractions and close QC NRV. Bring down to minimum load and tri p the turbine manually. This will close ESV. Open all drain valves.

Start barring gear when turbine speed came to zero.(Check JOP is running) Kill the vacuum and stop CEP. MOP / AOP must run continuously till steam temperature at turbine inlet fall dow n to 500 C. Stop MCW pump & Cooling tower fan and run ACW pump till lube oil temperature com e to 350 C. Stop GVC air blower. Stop MOP / AOP when steam temperature at turbine inlet fall down to 500 C and st op vapour exhaust fan. . Shut down to Hot: Reduce power generation Disable HP & LP extractions and close QC NRV. Bring down to minimum load and tri p the turbine manually. This will close ESV. Open all drain valves. Start barring gear when turbine speed came to zero.(Check JOP is running). Kill the vacuum and stop CEP. (If boiler is not running.) MOP / AOP must run continuously. Stop MCW pump & Cooling tower fan and run ACW pump. Maintenance Schedule - Daily: Shaft position indicator Compare actual value with reference value given in test report. Temperature measuring Devices Note down the temperature readings for every hour in a log book till the turbine come to cold state. Pressure measuring Devices - Note down the pressure readings for every hour in a log book till the turbine come to cold state. Centrifuge Run centrifuge machine once in a day for 4 hours. Oil filter Check for its differential pressure across the filter. If differentia l pressure exceeds 0.8 Kg/Cm2, change over the valve and clean the filter. Oil Cooler Check inlet & outlet temperature of oil and never exceed oil outlet t emperature to 450 C. MOP/AOP Check the running performance of pump. Oil level Check oil level in main oil tank as well as in over head oil tank. Cooling Water Check cooling water pressure at condenser inlet & outlet and oil c ooler inlet & outlet. Ensure all the parameters are within the limit. Vibration Check vibration values for turbine front & rear, gearbox and generator

. Also note it down in a log book. Axial Displacement Check axial displacement of the turbine & note it down in a l og book. Condenser Check condenser vacuum, temperature of the steam inlet and outlet. Check for any steam, water & oil leakages if any and note it down. Rectify the p roblem if possible. Check for any gland leakages from CEP and attend immediately if it occurs. Maintenance Schedule - Weekly: Change CEP once in a week. Check spring supports of steam lines. Check the availability of EOP. Maintenance Schedule - Monthly: Change oil cooler & clean the stand by. Check & clean the dust in centrifuge machine. Clean lube oil filter & control oil filter. Change main ejector & put running ejector to standby. Clean suction strainers of CEP. Check the quality of turbine lube oil. Check the quantity of lube oil & top up details to be recorded separately. Maintenance Schedule at shut down: Test emergency trip gear for proper functioning. Open or close ESV by means of starting device. Check control valve spindles for smooth operation. Valve actuator to be checked for proper functioning. MOP, AOP & EOP to be overhauled. Oil tank and its pipelines to be cleaned & fixed. Turbine lube oil quality to be checked & maintain a separate record. Both CEP to be overhauled. Oil centrifuge machine to be overhauled. Lube oil cooler tubes to be cleaned & hydro test to be completed. Condenser tubes to be cleaned.

Turbine rotor to be rotated for 1800 once in every day during idle condition. HP and LP Valve calibration. Gear box pinion and gear inspection and Checking the backlash ESV steam strainer Checking Lube oil tank inlet filter to be cleaned.

TURBINE TRIP SETTINGS S.No Description Values 1 Turbine Front Bearing Temperature HH 1200 C 2 Turbine Rear Bearing Temperature HH 1200 C 3 Pinion Front Bearing Temperature HH 1100 C 4 Pinion Rear Bearing Temperature HH 1100 C 5 Gear Front Bearing Temperature HH 1100 C 6 Gear Rear Bearing Temperature HH 1100 C 7 Axial Displacement HH +/- 0.6 mm 8 Turbine Vibration HH 83.0microns 9 Gearbox Vibration HH 83.0microns 10 Generator Vibration HH 305.0microns 11 Lube oil pressure LL 1.0 Kg/Cm2 12 Control oil pressure 4.0 Kg/Cm2 13 Turbine inlet steam pressure HH 91.0Kg/Cm2 14 Turbine inlet steam pressure LL 60.0Kg/Cm2 15

Turbine inlet steam temperature HH 5500 C 16 Turbine inlet steam temperature LL 3800 C 17 Condenser Vacuum LL -0.35Kg/Cm2 18 Turbine exhaust steam(to condenser) temperature HH 1300 C 19 Hot well level HH 90.0 % 20 Turbine mechanical lever Trip 2 nos. 21 Turbine Emergency stop push button 2 Nos. 22 Turbine Over speed 6250 rpm 23 Generator front bearing temperature HH 900 C 24 Generator Rear bearing temperature HH 900 C 25 Generator winding temperature HH 1200 C

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