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Pre-reformer,The Solution for Increasing Plant Throughput Abstract This paper describes the application of Pre-reformer in two decades

old Ammonia plant. Pre-reformer is a complete add-on unit installed to use naphtha as feed stock along with natural gas in the primary reformer . Pre-reformer can easily be isolated without any hindrance to the ammonia production from the rest of the ammonia plant. Efforts are made to discuss the experience in the installation of pre-reformer system at IFFCO Kalol along with benefits achieved in overall productivity of Ammonia plant.

1.0 Introduction : IFFCO Kalol unit's original 910 tpd ammonia plant based on steam reforming of natural gas designed and supplied by M.W Kellogg USA was commissioned in the year 1974. This plant was one of the largest single stream plant in the country during seventies and has been always a trend setter in the fertiliser industry. Natural gas is used as feed stock and associated gas along with naphtha are used as fuel in the furnace. Natural gas and associated gas are supplied by ONGC/GAIL from nearby gas fields in the vicinity of the plant and naphtha is supplied by IOC. IFFCO has gas supply contract with GAIL for supply of 620000 Sm3/day natural gas and 220000 Sm3/day associated gas. With the passage of time, the gas availability in the vicinity of plant is depleting and gas supply pressure has reduced from 40 kg/cm2g to 10 kg/cm2g over the period of 20 years. The same has resulted into installation of booster compressors from 20 kg/cm2g to 40 kg/cm2g in 1984 and from 10kg/cm2g to 20 kg/cm2g in the year 1997. Because of low gas supply and reduced gas supply pressure, over-all productivity of plant is reduced. Higher capacity utilisation could not be achieved because of inadequate supply of natural gas. Whenever natural gas was available, plant was operated at 110 to 115 % of rated capacity. The figure - 1 shows the capacity utilisation of ammonia plant for last eight years. 2.0 Why Pre-reformer Installation at IFFCO Kalol : As a measure to improve the availability of feed stock and uprate the ammonia plant capacity from 910 tpd to 1100 tpd, it was decided to use naphtha as feed stock in addition to natural gas. Use of mixed feed stock in primary reformer is not possible due to limited catalyst ___________________________________________________________________________ Mr. M.R.Patel Sr.Manager (Process) IFFCO Kalol Mr. C.N.Shah Manager (Process) IFFCO Kalol Mr. BPS.Mehta Sr.Engineer (Process) IFFCO Kalol

Ammonia plant capacity utilisation (figure-1)

120 100

Capacity, %

80 60 40 20 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97

AFTER 1080 4.100 1.177 2.016 1.993 9.286

volume of 17.7 m3. Also sufficient natural gas availability is a constraint for capacity enhancement, hence, it was planned for addition of pre-reforming system at upstream of primary reformer to use naphtha as feed stock. In pre-reformer, naphtha is converted into H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 in presence of highly active nickel catalyst at low temperature of 470 to 500 deg C. About 25% of reforming duty is done outside the primary reformer at lower temperature, hence the heat duty of primary reformer is not increased proportionally for increased throughput with addition of pre-reformer unit. The Typical production and energy consumption figure before and after pre-reformer system is given in table-1 : Table - 1 : Typical Production and Consumption Before and After Pre-reformer DESCRIPTION 1. Daily Ammonia production 2. Energy Consumption Feed Natural gas Naphtha Fuel Associated gas Naphtha 3. Total UNIT t/d Gcal/t Gcal/t Gcal/t Gcal/t Gcal/t BEFORE 930 5.177 ---1.858 1.954 8.989

3.0 PRE-REFORMING: Pre-reforming is the term that has been applied to the low temperature steam-reforming of hydrocarbons in a simple adiabatic reactor. A wide range of feedstocks to the pre-reformer can be used, ranging from natural gas and refinery off-gases to butane and naphtha. The prereformer utilises the heat content of the feed stream to drive the steam-reforming reaction by the use of a highly active nickel catalyst which can promote the steam-reforming reactions at low temperatures. The pre-reforming reactions result in an equilibrium gas mixture containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and steam as per the reactions given below : 1. 2. 3. CnHm + CO + CO + nH2O -----> nCO + (n +m/2)H2 3H2 <===> CH4 + H2O H2O <===> CO2 + H2 H > O when n > 1 H = -206 KJ/mole H = -41 KJ/mole

In the pre-reformer, the endothermic reaction is followed by the exothermic methanation and shift reactions, adjusting the chemical equilibrium between the carbon oxides, methane, hydrogen and water according to above reactions. The performance of Pre-reformer is directly reflected by the temperature rise/drop across the reactor depending on the type of feed. For typical natural gas feed, the overall process is endothermic, resulting in a temperature drop of about 25 to 30 deg C through the catalyst bed. For heavier feedstocks, such as naphtha, the overall process is exothermic, resulting in an overall temperature rise of about 15 to 20 deg C across the pre-reformer. The overall process is approximately theremoneutral with feedstocks such as propanes and butanes. The specially precipitated, high-nickel catalyst is in the form of cylindrical pellets, has the high activity required for hydrocarbon steam-reforming reactions at low temperature. High activity also ensures that the feed gases are reacted to equilibrium, and high space velocities can be used. The catalyst formulation is such that carbon -forming reactions are avoided. For new catalyst, the outlet concentration of higher hydrocarbon should be negligible and constant. If pre-reformer outlet hydrocarbons starts to rise, the catalyst charge is considered deactivated. Deactivation of the pre-reforming catalyst is caused by impurities/ poison in the feed stream i.e. sulphur, alkali, silica and arsenic etc. The necessary catalyst volume for required life time depends on the type of feed and process conditions like temperature, pressure and S/C ratio. The reactor volume is typically designed for 2 to 3 years of operations.

3.1 PRE-REFORMING IN EXISTING AMMONIA PLANTS: In a conventional ammonia plant steam-reforming system, the mixed feed gas and steam passes through a mixed feed coil in the steam reformer flue gas duct, and into the primary reformer catalyst tubes. The most effective way of integrating a pre-reformer into an existing ammonia plant steam reformer system is to connect the pre-reformer, a adiabatic reactor containing the highly active pre-reforming catalyst at the upstream of primary reformer. This reduces the reforming duty of primary reformer, which in turn result in a reduction in fuel requirement by 5-10%. Alternatively, the advantage can be taken by increasing the throughput of about 5-10%.

The retrofitting of a pre-reformer into an existing ammonia plant can offer two principal benefits: i) the potential for increased plant throughput; ii) increased flexibility in terms of the feedstock going to the steam reformer.

4.0 Pre-reformer system at IFFCO Kalol: At IFFCO Kalol, pre-reformer system equivalent to 250 tpd ammonia production is a complete add-on unit and can easily be taken in and out of operation without obstructing the ammonia production from the rest of the ammonia plant. M/S Haldor Topsoe is the main designer and licenser of Pre-reformer Unit. M/s.PDIL was main Indian Consultant and M/s.L & T Mumbai was main contractor for fabrication job at site. Naphtha pre-heater and superheater package erection and fabrication job was carried out by KTI New Delhi. Mechanical completion of entire system was completed on August 20,1997 and system was commissioned in last week of August -1997. The design basis for the pre-reformer system are given in table -2 and design material balance of pre-reformer unit is given in figure - 2 :. Table - 2 : Design basis for Pre-reformer. Sr.No. Parameter Unit (a) Naphtha analysis : 1 IBP Deg C 2 FBP Deg C 3 Paraffin & naphthenes % w/w 4 Aromatics % w/w 5 Oleffins % w/w 6 C/H ratio 7 Sulphur ppm (b) S/C mole ratio (c) Aromatics in outlet gases ppm Design basis 55 180 87.75 12 0.15 5.5 100 3.3 2000 Actual 60 160 92.5 5.5 0.05 5.5 150 3.3 < 100

Figure - 2 : MATERIAL BALANCE OF PRE-REFORMER UNIT. Basis : Flow rates, kg/hr 5357 Feed Naphtha----> Pre-Reformer Unit 22456 MP Steam--------> 601 Recycle Gas------> (Capcity : 250 TPD) ----> Reformed gas 2841 4

Pre-reformer unit flow diagram is shown in figure - 3. Entire operation of pre-reformer is controlled by latest version of Distributed Control System (DCS). Details in brief of the different sections of pre-reformer unit are described here under.

4.1 Deaeration : Naphtha is used as feed and fuel in ammonia plant. Raw naphtha is first sent to deaerator packed with 1.27 m3 40 mm size SS - 304 pall rings. Dissolved oxygen is removed by stripping with off gas from Purge Gas Recovery (PGR) unit. Oxygen presence causes the gum formation in the heat exchanger, heaters, burners etc. The enriched off gas from deareator is used as fuel in heaters in pre-reformer unit. The deaeration takes place at about 1.6 kg/cm2g and deaerated naphtha is supplied as fuel to primary reformer and as feed stock to Pre-reformer.

4.2 Desulphurisation Desulphurisation takes place in two parts, hydrogenation and sulphur absorption. In the desulphurisation process, catalytic hydrogenation of organic sulphur compounds is followed by absorption of the hydrogen sulphide on zinc oxide. Sulphur compounds are poison to all the down stream catalysts like pre-reformer, primary reformer, shift converter and synthesis etc., therefore removal of sulphur compounds is essential. Deaerated naphtha at a pressure of 43 kg/cm2g is mixed with recycle hydrogen and preheated to 125 deg C with LP steam in a heat exchanger and sent to naphtha pre-heater where naphtha-recycle hydrogen gas temperature is increased to 380 deg C befor passing through hydrogenator containg 3.2 m3 Co-Mo catalyst for converting organic sulphur compounds to hydrogen sulphide. After hydrogenation, gas passes through the sulphur absorber containing 19.3 m3 zinc oxide catalyst to absorb hydrogen sulphide. Sulphur contained in feed stock will be reduced to a very low level i.e. below 0.05 ppm by weight.

4.3 Pre-reforming : The desulphided naphtha coming from desulphurisation section along with surplus hydrogen is mixed with steam and heated to 490 deg C in pre-reformer feed preheater. The mixture is sent to pre-reformer, an adiabatic chemical reactor containing 5.6 m3 nickel based catalyst as shown in figure - 4, which has reforming activity at low temperature. All higher hydrocarbons will be completely converted to a mixture of H2, CO, CO2 and CH4. This mixture is added to the preheated natural gas-steam mixture at the inlet to the primary reformer. In pre-reformer temperature decreases in upper catalyst bed by about 15 deg C due to endothermic reaction and followed by a temperature rise of about 31 deg C due to exothermic reactions i.e methanation and shift reaction. Thus the net results is temperature increase of about 16 deg C. Actual temperature across pre-reformer is shown in figure-5 and details of design and guarantee test run data of pre-reformer system are given in table-3 :

Temperature profile of Pre-reformer using Naphtha as feed (figure-5) Bed temperature, deg C
500 490 480 470 460 450 0.373 0.746 1.165 1.561 1.934 2.33 0

Distance from top of the catalyst bed, m

Table-3 : Naphtha pre-reformer design and guarantee test run Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description Ammonia production Feed naphtha flow Naphtha Pre-heater duty Naphtha super heater duty Process steam flow Electric Power Unit tpd t/hr Gcal/hr Gcal/hr t/hr kwh Design 250 5.356 1.25 3.15 22.47 15 Guarantee Test Run 268 5.831 1.554 4.21 23.18 35.65

4.4 Naphtha recovery system : No hydrocarbon vapors are allowed to vent into atmosphere. Naphtha condensation system is installed as a part of pre-reformer system . It consists of an air-cooled heat exchanger, separator and two naphtha pumps. All vents are routed through the naphtha condensing system. This system remains in line during start-up, tripping of pre-reformer unit and safe shut down of the plant. All hydrocarbons vapor are condensed and collected in separator before routed to flare system. Separated naphtha is recycled back to deaerator.

4.5 Vents and Flare stack : As a measure to vent the gases during start up, shut down and during plant upsets or emergencies, vent header connected with 15 different vent points/relief valve outlets along with flare stack and associated system are provided to avoid venting of hydrocarbons and other explosive gases to atmosphere.

5.0 Constraints and problems faced: The details of several problems /constraints faced are given below : The sulphur absorber catalyst volume of 19.3 m3 is provided for 2 to 3 years of catalyst life with 100 ppm sulphur present in the feed stream. High sulphur in feed naphtha is one of the main constraint. Higher sulphur in feed naphtha will require faster replacement of catalyst in sulphur absorber. Pre-reformer system is designed for 12 % aromatics in feed naphtha with maximum flexibility to operate up to 18 % aromatics with aromatic slip of about 2000 ppm by vol. Higher aromatics slip will damage the primary reformer catalyst and will increase the pressure drop in primary reformer. Pre-reformer system trips during power failure. After resuming power supply, pre-reformer system is lined-up at ammonia plant. With tripping of pre-reformer, air in secondary reformer for H2 : N2 ratio control and primary reformer fuel firing for furnace temperature control are required to be reduce immediately. Initial startup was slightly delayed due to limitation of final vent control valve at exit of prereformer. During startup, system pressure remain in the range of 5-6 kg/cm2g. Control valve Cv is calculated based on normal operating system pressure of about 36.2 kg/cm2g. Therefore, system pressure was slightly increased to remove the bottleneck. The control valves on MP steam to naphtha and recycle hydrogen to naphtha had some problem and by-pass valve of the control valve were opened to maintain the flow.

6.0 Benefits of pre-reformer system : The benefits achieved by installation of pre-reformer unit are given below. Increase in throughput of the plant with use of naphtha as feed from 850 - 900 t/d to 1100 t/d. Also plant will run at constant load, leading to smooth operation and better optimisation of plant parameters. Reduction in severity of furnace firing of the primary reformer furnace at similar plant load. This has increased flexibility in primary reformer for higher load operation. Choise for use of feed stock i.e either natural gas or naphtha when surplus gas is available. There will be improvement in life of primary reformer catalyst due to presence of H2 in feed gas to primary reformer from pre-reformer. The S/C ratio at the inlet of primary reformer can be reduced to 3.3 against 3.5 for original plant. This will reduce energy consumption by 0.1 Gcal/t ammonia.

7.0 Conclusions : Ammonia manufacturing is highly energy intensive and has presented a real challenge to industry for past many years. The conventional steam-hydrocarbon reforming takes place at temperature of 800 to 810 deg C. The concept of Pre-reformer is in essence that a portion of the primary reformer duty is done outside of the conventional primary reformer. The application of pre-reformer enables the hydrocarbon -steam reforming at low temperature and also ensures that feed gases are reacted to equilibrium. With the installation of pre-reformer, IFFCO's objectives are fulfilled as given below : Increasing ammonia plant capacity from 910 t/d to 1100 t/d. Increasing flexibility for use of feed stock i.e. either naphtha or natural gas when surplus gas is available. Increasing the flexibility in operation of primary reformer.

Looking to the IFFCO Kalol unit's experiences, pre-reformer can be useful for gas based ammonia plants where gas availability is a constraint for higher plant load operation and in naphtha based plants where primary reformer is a limiting factor.

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