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Instrument Air

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Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Purpose ...............................................................................................................2 Applicable Documents ......................................................................................2 Definitions ...........................................................................................................2 Overview .............................................................................................................2 General Requirements .....................................................................................

2 Procedure ...........................................................................................................2

6.1. Instrument Air Quantities And Quality .......................................................................... 2 6.2. Air supply plant ............................................................................................................. 3 6.2.1. Air Compressor..................................................................................................... 5 6.2.2. Buffer Vessel (Air Receiver) ................................................................................. 6 6.2.3. Air Dryer................................................................................................................ 7 6.3. Air Supply Piping .......................................................................................................... 9


7.1. Sample Calculation....................................................................................................... 9 7.1.1. Calculation Based on Instrument Air Demand ...................................................... 9 7.1.2. Calculation based on number of valves .............................................................. 10 7.2. Tables......................................................................................................................... 11 7.2.1. Table A Maximum Pressure Dew Point ........................................................... 11 7.2.2. Table B Maximum Particle Size and Concentration Of Solid Contaminants..... 11 7.2.3. Table C Maximum Oil Concentration ............................................................... 11


The present document is intended to outline the procedure for sizing of Instrument Air Package for petroleum, chemical, and gas service industries, which will be issued to the Rotary Equipment Department.


Applicable Documents

Piping and Instrument Diagram Design Basis Design Criteria EPM Vol.2


Lead Engineer is directly responsible for the performance of activities of the project, set forth by the Project Manager and/or Head of the Department.


Senior Engineer is responsible for review of instrument air sizing. Lead Engineer is responsible to obtain and ensure that the Engineer uses the latest revision/edition of the mentioned documents.


General Requirements
The instrument air consumption shall be specified by Instrument Department and submitted to Process Department for sizing of instrument air package. After sizing the package, the instrument air data sheet and dryer data sheet shall be filed out and submitted to Rotary Equipment Department.


Instrument Air Quantities And Quality
Instrument air shall be dust-free, oil-free and dry. To prevent condensation in the supply piping or in the instruments, the dew point of air at operating pressure after drier shall always be at least 10 deg C (18 deg F) lower than the lowest ambient temperature ever recorded in the area and the pressure dew point shall not exceed 4 deg C (39 deg F )at line pressure. Under normal operation, the instrument air shall have a pressure of at least 8 barg in the buffer vessel, and a pressure of 7 barg in the supply piping. A maximum 40 microns size in the instrument air system is acceptable for the majority of pneumatic devices. Pneumatic devices that required instrument air with less than 40 microns particle sizes shall have additional filtration to meet the particle size limit for the device. The lubricant content should be as close to zero as possible, and under no circumstances shall it exceed 1ppm w/w (by weight) or v/v (by volume). Instrument air should be free of corrosive contaminants and hazardous gases, which could be drawn into the instrument air supply. (For more information please refer to tables A/B/C). If contamination exists in the compressor intake area, the intake should be moved to a different elevation or location free from contamination. Some sources of contamination are:

Painting Chemical cleaning Engine exhaust

For the minimum allowable pressure during compressor failure, see the buffer vessel description. The required quantity of instrument air shall be estimated as accurately as possible, taking into the account the requirements for:

Pneumatically operated instrumentation, based on the data stated by the

manufacturers or suppliers of such equipment.

Pressurizing the enclosures of electrical instruments located in hazardous

area. Continuous dilution for enclosures of process stream analyzers, etc. Regeneration of air drier, especially for heatless type as the required quantity is about 15-20 % of drier outlet.

ON/OFF valves air consumption is about 1SCFM.The instrument air consumption shall be submitted by Instrument Department.


Air supply plant

An instrument air supply plant shall be provided, comprising:

Compressors Buffer vessel Air drier






















In addition, independent facilities may be required to ensure the continuation of instrument air supply to the utility supply plants and/or essential process instrumentation in emergency cases. These facilities shall then comprise an automatically starting emergency compressor with associated buffer vessel and drier. The piping between the compressor discharge, buffer vessel and drier inlet shall have automatic condensate draining facilities at all low points. In cold climates this piping as well as the bottom part of the buffer vessel shall be (steam) traced and insulated. A by pass line with an automatic pressure control valve shall be installed between the inlet and outlet of the air drier. The valve shall be open at a low downstream pressure,

e.g. 5 barg. And shall have a valve position switch, which shall initiate an alarm on the main panel when the valve starts to open. The humidity shall be measured with a water-content analyzer of the lithium chloride type (or equivalent), with a local indication and with a high humidity alarm on the main panel. Safety/Relief valves shall be provided when required be statutory regulation and/or by the relation between maximum compressor discharge pressure and the maximum allowable working pressure of vessel and piping. 6.2.1. Air Compressor The compressor package shall include oil free, reciprocating or rotary screw air compressor(s) together with all necessary accessories required for safe and satisfactory operation. To ensure maximum reliability of the instrument air supply, at least two compressors shall be installed. These shall be driven by two different and independent utilities, e.g. steam and electricity. Each compressor shall be arranged for normal operation and for stand-by, and shall be capable of supplying the designed quantity of instrument air, plus required quantity of tool air and, if applicable, the required quantity of regeneration air. Where it is essential to have stand-by also if one of the two compressors is not operational, e.g. because of repairs or maintenance, the installation of a third compressor shall be considered. The installation of more than two compressors may also be considered for other reasons, e.g. where the fluctuation in air consumption are greater than the range ability of one compressor, or where purchasing and maintaining a number of compressor each with relatively low capacity is more attractive than (small) number of compressor each with relatively large capacity. In any case, the total capacity of compressors driven by the most reliable utility shall be sufficient to supply the design quantity of instrument air. Compressor Specification Dry type cylinder and shall supply oil-free air, and be complete with non-return valves, intercoolers, after coolers, condensate draining facilities, etc. Cylinders, cooled by a closed and forced water cooling system, shall include as a minimum an air cooled water, circulating pump and driver, thermostatically controlled valve, and control and instrumentation, all completely piped, wired and ready for operation. Compressor Controls Each compressor shall have facilities for manual and automatic starting in the case of failure of the other compressor(s). The automatic starting system shall be so arranged that stopping of a compressor is only possible by manual control. Compressor Piping The inlet of the compressors shall be so located that the instrument air is free from toxic, obnoxious or flammable gases, and is free from dust. The inlet opening shall be fitted with a wire mesh cage. The cage shall be of adequate size to prevent flying papers, etc., from completely blocking the compressor inlet; the wire mesh shall be adequate to prevent flying objects from entering the compressor and to prevent plugging by frost or hoar-frost. Where the compressor inlet cannot be located in a completely dust-free area, consideration may be given to dust filters in the inlet piping.

Coolers When inter cooling and/or after cooling of the compressed air is required, the following shall be observed: Air-cooled inter and after coolers shall be provided for each compressor package. The coolers shall be finned tube design with a minimum of one motor driven fan. The intercoolers and after coolers shall each be provided with a moisture separator. To reduce the load on the air drier, the air from the compressors shall be cooled to a temperature of 5 to 10 DegC above the cooling medium inlet temperature. The condensate is collected in a mechanical separator, which can remove 70-80% of the moisture and some particulate. An automatic drain valve with a manual bypass or drip leg typically drains moisture. This moisture should be removed from the air system to prevent equipment damage down streams.

Shutdown The flowing shutdown switches shall be supplied (as minimum):

Low frame oil pressure High intercooler temperature High discharge temperature High discharge pressure Coolant low pressure High frame oil temperature High vibration High coolant temperature Motor protections (common)

6.2.2. Buffer Vessel (Air Receiver) The buffer vessel shall be of adequate size to serve:

As condensate separator and draining vessel As buffer volume during compressor failure As fluctuation damper if compressors are on load/off load control
The buffer vessel shall be sized to maintain the air supply between the moment of compressor failure of one utility supply for the compressor(s) normally in operation, and the moment that the stand-by compressor(s) is or are operating. The period between these moments shall be taken as the time required for starting the stand-by compressor(s) manually if automatic starting is unsuccessful, and shall be determined by plant operations in connection with mechanical engineering and utility engineering, but shall be at least 15 minutes. During this period, the instrument air pressure shall not drop below the minimum value required for proper operation of the instruments (especially control valves) and the other services depending on instrument air. This minimum pressure can usually be taken as 3.0 barg. , but may be higher for some special cases. Pressure and dew point of the instrument air are specified in design basis of each project.

The sizing of the buffer vessel shall be based on the design quantity of instrument air. (plus the tool air consumption) . The wall thickness shall have a 3 mm corrosion allowance, and the lower part of the vessel shall be provided internally with a protective coating. The vessel shall be installed between the compressors and the drier. Where limited space makes it impossible to install the buffer vessel in this place, part of the required buffer volume may be located downstream of the drier, provided the buffer vessel between compressor and drier remains of sufficient size for condensate separation. Required formula:
Wd * t = 0.0932 (Vi . MW/ T) [(P/Z)i (P/Z)j ]
Wd : Total air consumption (Instrument +Tool) (lb/hr) - note 1 t : Retention time (hr) Vi : Receiver volume (ft3) Z : Compressibility factor (=1)

Pi : Upstream pressure (psig) Pj : Downstream pressure (psig) T : Operating temperature (degR)

Mw : Molecular Wight Note1: Wd (lb/hr) = SCFH * lbmole/379.49 ft3 * 28.964 lb/lbmole

6.2.3. Air Dryer General An air drier package shall preferably dry the air to a dew point,(when measured at the highest pressure downstream of the dryer) of at least 10 degC below the lowest expected ambient temperature. The air drier package shall include twin-vessel regenerative air drier filled with reactivated desiccant having four-way switch-over valves and shall be suitable for continuous and uninterrupted services, pre and after filter, instrumentation and controls. Both drier vessel and all accessories shall be mounted on one common skid. The package shall be completely pre-wired piped, tested and ready for operation. Each drier vessel shall be of the heatless design, vertical type .The design, materials and construction shall meet all the requirements for drying air at the flow rate and conditions, specified in the data sheet. The unit shall be designed for continuous operation in timed cycles of alternate drying and regeneration. Each drying vessel shall be capable of drying for at least 10 hour without increase in dew point or other determinate effects. The regeneration (including cooling) of each bed shall not take more than 6 hours. Recommended cycle time between regeneration:

Normal : 8 hours (regeneration 6 hr, stand by 2 hr) Maximum: 10 hours (regeneration 6 hr, stand by 4 hr)
(For heatless type the time cycle shall be normally 10 minutes)

Desiccant Each vessel shall filled with the standard quantity of activated Alumina or Silica gel or molecular sieve in beaded form. When silica gel is used, a bottom layer (approx. 10%) of activated alumina shall be approved to achieve a better resistance to entrained water. The quantity of desiccant shall be such that adequate drying capacity is still available after the desiccant activity has deteriorated.

Regeneration The regeneration for heater type dryer shall be at elevated temperature either at atmospheric pressure or at operating pressure. Regeneration for heatless type shall be at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. Electric heaters or steam heaters shall supply the heat required for regeneration. When selecting electric heaters, it should be realized that these are large consumers of electric energy (approx. 30 kw for a drier of 0.5m3 capacity at 15 degC and 1.013 bara) and this power must be available from emergency generators during prolonged power failure e.g. more than 1 hr. Switch over from drying to reactivating shall be completely automatic. In the event of a power failure, the dryer shall continue to dry the incoming air to the specified dew point for a minimum of one hour. Regeneration air shall not be used during this periods. For regeneration of heater drier at atmospheric pressure the water vapor is removed by means of air which can either be taken from the outlet of the drier (2-3 %wt) or be provided by a separate blower. Where separate blower is used the vessel shall be externally heated. Where regeneration at atmospheric pressure is used, the vessel shall be depressurized slowly to prevent blowing out and/or fragmentation of the desiccant and to reduce exhaust noise. After the desiccant has been regenerated, the vessel shall be pressurized slowly before switch-over. Repressurizing shall be completed within 5-10 min. After the desiccant has been regenerated, it shall be cooled by a flow of cold air to approximately ambient temperature. (For heater type only). For regeneration of heatless type drier, the water vapor is removed by means of air, which shall be taken from the outlet of drier (15-20 %wt as purge air to desorbs the desiccant and carry the moisture to atmosphere). Manual switching is not applicable for heatless regeneration, as the time of regeneration is normally 10 to 20 min. The bed temperature shall be controlled (if heated type is used) in such away that it will not rise above safe desiccant temperature if the moisture content of the bed is low. If required, additional safety thermostat shall be installed to protect the bed and coils against overheating as a result of any possible failure or maloperation.

Pre-After Filters A pre-filter capable of scrubbing and eliminating solid particles and liquids shall be provided. The pre-filter shall be supplied with an automatic drain valve for removed of collected liquids. Two after-filters shall also be provided for removal of suspended desiccant particles, each capable of handling the full airflow. The pre/after-filters shall have ceramic or plated fabric cartridge and carbon steel housing with an efficiency of 99.9% of 3 microns. The anticipated cartridge life shall be 120 month for normal operation.

The maximum particles size at the outlet of after-filter shall be 3 microns. The 0 w/w or v/v as possible, and no circumstances shall it exceed 1ppm w/w(by weight) or v/v(by volume) under normal operating conditions. Filters should be located so they are readily accessible for maintenance. Because of the adsorption heat generated during the drying cycle, the outlet temperature of the dryer may rise to 60 degC. If the air cannot cool down to approximately 40 degC before reaching the consumers, an after-cooler shall be installed.


Air Supply Piping

For exceptionally long piping, a calculation shall be made to ensure that decrease in pressure between the outlet of the air drier and the most remote consumer does not exceed 1 bar. (Recommend by IPS)


Sample Calculation

7.1.1. Calculation Based on Instrument Air Demand Instrument air compressor capacity calculation
Inst. Air Demand Air Drier Total 5100 1020(20 %) 6120 SCFH SCFH SCFH

Utility Air Consumers

Grinder Medium size Grinder Small size Impact Wrench Paint Spray Brushing Tool One Two Two One One 30 2x22 = 44 2x20 = 40 7 20 SCFM SCFM SCFM SCFM SCFM

Utility Air
3/4" Outlets TOTAL Two 120 261 SCFM SCFM

The air consumption usage factor: 0.5 Air consumption: 0.5 x 261 = 130.5 SCFM= 7830 SCFH Total air demand:

Inst. Air :
Plant Air :

6120 SCFH=163.9 SCMH 7830 SCFH=209.7 SCMH

Total : 13950 SCFH=373.6 SCMH

QCOMP=1.3 X 13950=18135 SCFH=302.25 SCFM 1.3 is recommended by IPS-E-IN-200, Section 4-2 Air receiver capacity calculation

Instrument air demand=5100 SCFH Retention time= 15 min.=0.25 hr Upper pressure=124.7 psig=8.6 barg Lower pressure=58 psig=4 barg

Wd X t =0.0932 ViM/T [(P/Z)I (P/Z)j] Since Z=1 @ P=124.7 & 58 psig Wd=5100 SCFH x1.2x1.3x mole/379.49ft3 x28.964lb/lbmole =607 lb/hr Then Vi={[607 lb/hr x0.25hr x(460+140)]x(1/(124.7-58)}/(28.964 lb/lbmole x 0.0932) Vi=505.87 ft3 Vi= D2 L/4 If L/D=3 Then D=6 ft , L=18 ft NOTE:20% for regeneration and 30% for contingency is considered for receiver sizing. 7.1.2. Calculation based on number of valves The following calculations are based on the number of pneumatic valves and on/off valves: Instrument Air consumption
Valve Type Pneumatic valve Non Continuous Operation Number of Valve 59 24(BLV) Total Consumption 59 X 1SCFM = 59 SCFM 24 X 1SCFM X 1min (operation time) =24 SCF

Calculation of air receiver capacity Residue Time: 15 min Normal Consumption: 59 x 15=885 SCF Non-Continuous Consumption: 24 SCF
TOTAL = 909 SCF Air Drier Consumption (20%) = 182 SCF (IPS-E-IN-200, Sec-4.2) TOTAL= 1091 SCF Contingency (30%) = 327.3 SCF

TOTAL= 1418.3 SCF

Qi=1418.3 SCF/15min=94.55 SCFM Wd=94.55SCFM x 1 mole/379.49SCF x28.964 lb/lbmole x 60 min/hr Wd=433 lb/hr t=15 min=0.25 hr VI =572.9 ft3 If L/D =3 then D=6.25 ft=1.905m and L=18.75 ft=5.715m Normally L/D is considered as 3. The vessel diameter should not preferably increase more than 5 meter.



7.2.1. Table A Maximum Pressure Dew Point

Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Maximum pressure dew point degC -70 -40 -20 +3 +7 +10 Not specified

7.2.2. Table B Maximum Particle Size and Concentration Of Solid Contaminants Class
1 2 3 4 5 Maximum particle size

Maximum concentration
0.1 1 5 8 10

0.1 1 5 15 40

7.2.3. Table C Maximum Oil Concentration

Maximum concentration Mg/m3 0.01 0.1 1 5 25

Class 1 2 3 4 5

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