Inverse Dynamics: Static Equilibrium
Inverse Dynamics: Static Equilibrium
Inverse Dynamics: Static Equilibrium
Inverse Dynamics
A system is at rest and will remain at rest No translation or rotation is occurring or will occur Conditions for static equilibrium (from Newtons 1 st Law):
Net external force in x direction equals zero Net external force in y direction Fy = 0 equals zero Net torque produced by all external forces and all external T=0 torques equals zero Can use any point as the axis of rotation Can solve for at most 3 unknown quantities
Fx = 0
Dynamic Equilibrium
Applies to rigid bodies that are accelerating Conditions for dynamic equilibrium (from Newtons 2nd Law):
Net external force in x direction equals mass times x accel. Fx = m a x Net external force in y direction Fy = m a y equals mass times y accel. Net torque produced by all external forces and torques T=I equals moment of inertia times angular accel. Net torque must be computed about center of mass or a fixed axis of rotation Can solve for at most 3 unknown quantities
Fpx y c
Proximal joint
Fpy x
L = segment Fdx
Analysis by Segment
To compute joint forces and torques, body is broken down into Fkneex individual segments Analyze from distal to leg proximal
Fankley Fanklex Tankle Tankle
Fkneey Tknee Tknee Fkneey
Thip Fhipy
Fanklex Fgrfx
Finally, use general equations of motion to compute joint forces and torques
The End