Va&C - Unit - II (Part-One)
Va&C - Unit - II (Part-One)
Va&C - Unit - II (Part-One)
• Where 𝑀(𝑡) is the resultant moment acting on the body 𝜃(𝑡) and
𝑑 2 𝜃(𝑡)
𝜃 𝑡 = and are the resulting angular displacement and angular
𝑑𝑡 2
acceleration, respectively.
• These equations represent the equation of motion of the vibrating system.
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• When the total virtual work done by all the forces is set equal to zero, we
Where: and
• Equation (ms2 + k = 0) is called the auxiliary or the characteristic equation
corresponding to the differential the equation of motion.
• The two values of s are the roots of the characteristic equation, also
known as the eigenvalues or the characteristic values of the problem.
• Since both values of s satisfy the above equation, the general solution of
the motion equation can be expressed as:
• Hence,
• Thus the solution of the motion equation subject to the above initial
conditions is given by:
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• This equation is harmonic functions of time.
• The motion is symmetric about the equilibrium position of the mass m.
• The velocity is a maximum and the acceleration is zero each time the
mass passes through this position. At the extreme displacements, the
velocity is zero and the acceleration is a maximum.
• Since this represents simple harmonic motion, the spring-mass system
itself is called a harmonic oscillator.
• The quantity given by ωn, represents the system s natural frequency of
Other Way of Representing the General Solution
• The general form of the solution equation can be expressed in a different
form by introducing the notation:
• where A and 𝛟 are the new constants, which can be expressed in terms
of A1 and A2 as:
Where: and
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• The nature of harmonic oscillation can be represented graphically as in
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• If denotes a vector of magnitude A, which makes an angle
with respect to the vertical (x) axis, then the solution ,
can be seen to be the projection of the vector on the x-axis.
• The constants A1 and A2, are merely the rectangular components of
along two orthogonal axes making angles 𝛟 and with respect to
the vector .
• Since the angle is a linear function of time, it increases linearly
with time; the entire diagram thus rotates counterclockwise at an angular
velocity ωn.
• As the diagram (see the figure (a)) rotates, the projection of onto the
x-axis varies harmonically so that the motion repeats itself every time the
vector sweeps an angle of 2π.
• The projection of namely x(t), is shown plotted in Figure (b) as a function
of and as a function of t in Figure (c).
• The phase angle 𝛟 can also be interpreted as the angle between the
origin and the first peak.
Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsional System
• If a rigid body oscillates about a specific reference axis, the resulting
motion is called torsional vibration. In this case, the displacement of the
body is measured in terms of an angular coordinate.
• In a torsional vibration problem, the restoring moment may be due to the
torsion of an elastic member or to the unbalanced moment of a force or
• Figure shows a disc, which
has a polar mass moment
of inertia Jo , mounted at
one end of a solid circular
shaft, the other end of
which is fixed.
• Let the angular rotation of
the disc about the axis of
the shaft be also
represents 𝜃, 𝜃 the shaft s
angle of twist.
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• From the theory of torsion of circular shafts, we have the relation:
where Mt is the torque that produces the twist 𝜃, G is the
shear modulus, l is the length of the shaft, and
• Io is the polar moment of inertia of the cross section of the shaft, given by:
Equation of Motion
• The equation of the angular motion of the disc about its axis can be
derived by using Newton’s second law or any of the methods discussed
• By considering the freebody diagram of the disc (Figure (b)), we can derive
the equation of motion by applying Newton’s second law of motion:
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• This equation can be seen to be identical to the linear system, if the polar
mass moment of inertia Jo, the angular displacement 𝜃, and the torsional
spring constant kt are replaced by the mass m, the displacement x, and
the linear spring constant k, respectively.
• Thus the natural circular frequency of the torsional system is:
• And the period and frequency of vibration in cycles per second are:
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• The general solution of motion equation can be obtained:
• If:
• According to Newton’s law of viscous flow, the shear stress (τ) developed
in the fluid layer at a distance y from the fixed plate is given by:
• The shearing stress (τ) in the lubricant is given by the product of the
radial velocity gradient and the viscosity of the lubricant:
• The force required to shear the fluid film is equal to stress times the area.
The torque on the shaft (T) is equal to the force times the lever arm, so
that: Where is the surface area of the shaft exposed
to the lubricant.
• Thus, the torque equation can be rewritten as:
• From the definition of the rotational damping constant of the bearing (ct):
• we obtain the desired expression for the rotational damping constant as:
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• The schematic representation for
viscous damping when present in
mechanical systems is shown in
Figure (Dashpot model):
Figure (a): Schematic of a viscous damper in a mechanical system.
Figure (b): The viscous damping force is always drawn as the opposite of the
direction of positive velocity.
Figure (c): When velocity is negative, the viscous clamping force is still drawn to
the left, but since it is negative, it goes toward the right.
• The force developed in the dashpot is equal to and opposite of the force from the
damper on the body.
• The force resists the motion of the system and is drawn to show it acting in the
opposite direction of the velocity.
• The direction of the force takes care of itself.
• If the velocity is negative, the actual damping force is acting in the direction of
positive velocity.
• However, it is drawn on the FBD in the direction of negative velocity and has a
negative value, thus being in the positive direction.
• The viscous damping force is the damping coefficient times the velocity of the point
where the dashpot is attached acting in the opposite direction of the positive velocity
of that point.
Energy Dissipated by Viscous Damping
• Writing the principle of work and energy, applied to a system is:
• Now that the integrals all have the same variable of integration and limits,
the order of summation and integration are interchanged to yield:
• The negative sign in equation denotes that energy dissipates with time.
• Assume a simple harmonic motion as:
• (i.e. The loss of energy due to the damper is supplied by the excitation
under steady-state forced vibration) where X is the amplitude of motion
and the energy dissipated in a complete cycle is given by:
• Thus,
• For any damped system, the damping ratio δ is defined as the ratio of the
damping constant to the critical damping constant:
• From the above relations, we can write:
• And hence,
• The nature of the roots s1 and s2 and hence the behavior of the solution
depends upon the magnitude of damping.
• It can be seen that the case leads to the undamped vibrations.
• Hence we assume that and consider the following three cases:
Underdamped, Critically damped, and Over damped cases.
Case 1. Underdamped system
• For this condition, (δ2 - 1) is negative s1 and s2 the roots and can be
expressed as:
• The roots can be plotted in a complex plane, also known as the s-plane,
by denoting the real part along the horizontal axis and the imaginary part
along the vertical axis.
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• Noting that the response of the system is given by:
where C1 and C2 are constants.
• Then, the following observations can be made by examining these
1. Because the exponent of a larger real negative number (such as e-2t)
decays faster than the exponent of a smaller real negative number (such
as e-t), the roots lying farther to the left in the s-plane indicate that the
corresponding responses decay faster than those associated with roots
closer to the imaginary axis.
2. If the roots have positive real values of s that is, the roots lie in the right
half of the s-plane the corresponding response grows exponentially and
hence will be unstable.
3. If the roots lie on the imaginary axis (with zero real value), the
corresponding response will be naturally stable.
4. If the roots have a zero imaginary part, the corresponding response will
not oscillate.
5. The response of the system will exhibit an oscillatory behavior only when
the roots have nonzero imaginary parts.
6. The farther the roots lie to the left of the s-plane, the faster the
corresponding response decreases.
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7. The larger the imaginary part of the roots, the higher the frequency of oscillation
of the corresponding response of the system.
• Figure shows some representative locations of the characteristic roots (⦁) in the s-
plane and the corresponding responses.
• The characteristics that describe the behavior of the response of a system include
oscillatory nature, frequency of oscillation, and response time.
• These characteristics are inherent to the system (depend on the values of m, c, and
k) and are determined by the characteristic roots of the system but not by the initial
• The initial conditions determine only the amplitudes and phase angles.
Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
• In many mechanical systems, Coulomb or dry-friction dampers are used
because of their mechanical simplicity and convenience.
• Also, in vibrating structures, whenever the components slide relative to
each other, dry-friction damping appears internally.
• Coulomb damping arises when bodies slide on dry surfaces.
• Coulomb’s law of dry friction states that, when two bodies are in contact,
the force required to produce sliding is proportional to the normal force
acting in the plane of contact.
• Thus the friction force F is given by:
• where N is the normal force, equal to the weight of the mass (W = mg) and
μ is the coefficient of sliding or kinetic friction.
• The value of the coefficient of friction (μ) depends on the materials in
contact and the condition of the surfaces in contact.
• For example μ ≈ 0.1, for metal on metal (lubricated), 0.3 for metal on metal
(unlubricated), and nearly 1.0 for rubber on metal.
• The friction force acts in a direction opposite to the direction of velocity.
• Coulomb damping is sometimes called constant damping, since the
damping force is independent of the displacement and velocity; it depends
only on the normal force N between the sliding surfaces.
Equation of Motion
• Consider a single-degree-of-freedom system with dry friction as shown in
Figure (a).
• Since the friction force varies with the direction of velocity, we need to
consider two cases, as indicated in Figures (b) and (c).
• That is, the system starts with zero velocity and displacement x0 at t = 0.
• Since x = x0 the motion starts from right to left. Let x0, x1, x2, x3, … denote
the amplitudes of motion at successive half cycles.
• Using the equation of solution and the initial conditions, we can evaluate
the constants A3 and A4:
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• Thus the solution equation becomes:
• This solution is valid for half the cycle only, that is, for
• When the mass will be at its extreme left position and its
displacement from equilibrium position can be found from the above
equation as:
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• Thus the constants in the solution equation become:
• Using this equation, at the end of this half cycle the value of x(t) is:
• These become the initial conditions for the third half cycle, and the
procedure can be continued until the motion stops.
• The motion stops when since the restoring force exerted by the
spring (kx) will then be less than the friction force μN.
• Thus the number of half cycles (r) that elapse before the motion ceases is
given by:
• That is,
Note the following characteristics of a system
with Coulomb damping:
1. The equation of motion is nonlinear with Coulomb damping, while it is
linear with viscous damping.
2. The natural frequency of the system is unaltered with the addition of
Coulomb damping, while it is reduced with the addition of viscous
3. The motion is periodic with Coulomb damping, while it can be nonperiodic
in a viscously damped (overdamped) system.
4. The system comes to rest after some time with Coulomb damping,
whereas the motion theoretically continues forever (perhaps with an
infinitesimally small amplitude) with viscous and hysteresis damping.
5. The amplitude reduces linearly with Coulomb damping, whereas it
reduces exponentially with viscous damping.
6. In each successive cycle, the amplitude of motion is reduced by the
amount so the amplitudes at the end of any two consecutive
cycles are related:
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• As the amplitude is reduced by an amount in one cycle (i.e., in time
), the slope of the enveloping straight lines (shown dotted) in Figure is:
• And the amplitude of motion at the end of the rth half cycle (𝜃r) is given by:
• The energy loss in one loading and unloading cycle is equal to the area
enclosed by the hysteresis loop.
• The similarity between the loops for viscous and material damping shown
in the figures can be used to define a hysteresis damping constant.
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• It was found experimentally that the energy loss per cycle due to internal
friction is independent of the frequency but approximately proportional to
the square of the amplitude.
• In order to achieve this observed behavior from , the damping
coefficient c is assumed to be inversely proportional to the frequency as:
where h is called the hysteresis damping constant.
• From the above two equations:
Complex Stiffness:
• As shown in the figure, the
spring and the damper are
connected in parallel, and
for a general harmonic
motion, the force
is given by:
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• Similarly, if a spring and a hysteresis damper are connected in parallel, as
shown in Figure (b),
Example on Stability