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Unit - 3: Control Components in Hydraulic System

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Fluid power is controlled primarily through the use of control devices called hydraulic valves.

Types of Valves

1. Directional control valves 2. Pressure control valves 3. Flow control valves


Direction control valves are used to control the direction of flow in a hydraulic circuit. They are used to extend, retract, position or reciprocate hydraulic cylinder and other components for linear motion. Valves contains ports that are external openings for fluid to enter and leave via connecting pipelines. The number of ports on a directional control valve (DCV ) is usually identified by the term way. For example, a valve with four ports is named as four-way valve.

Classification of direction control valves

According to type of construction : Poppet valves Spool valves According to number of working ports : Two- way valves Three way valves Four- way valves.

Classification of direction control valve

According to number of Switching position: Two position Three - position According to Actuating mechanism: Manual actuation Mechanical actuation Solenoid ( Electrical ) actuation Hydraulic ( Pilot ) actuation Pneumatic actuation Indirect actuation

Designation of direction control valves

The designation of the directional control

valve refers to the number of working ports and the number of switching positions. Thus a valve with 2 service ports and 2 switching positions is designated as 2 / 2 way valve.

2/3 way valve

A valve with 3 service ports and 2 position is designated as 2 / 3 way valve.

2/4 way valve

A valve with 4 service ports and 2 position is

designated as 2 / 4 valve.

3/4 way valve

A valve with 4 Service ports and 3 Switching position is designated as 3 / 4 way valve. Fig 4 shows an example of open centered position


Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of these valves are; No Leakage as it provides absolute sealing. Long useful life, as there are no leakage of oil flows. May be used with even the highest pressures, as

no hydraulic sticking (pressure dependent deformation ) and leakages occurs in the valve. The disadvantages of these valves are; Large pressure losses due to short strokes Pressure collapse during switching phase due to negative overlap ( connection of pump, actuator and tank at the same time ).

The spool valve consists of a spool which is a

cylindrical member that has large- diameter lands machined to slide in a very close- fitting bore of the valve body. The spool valves are sealed along the clearance between the moving spool and the housing. The degree of sealing depends on the size of the gap, the viscosity of the fluid and especially on the level of pressure.


3 way DCV
Generally, these valves are used to operate single-

acting cylinders. Three-way directional valves are available for manual, mechanical, pilot, solenoid actuation. These valves may be two-position, or three -position. These valves are normally closed valves ( i.e. the

pump port is blocked when the valve is not operating ). The three-way valve ports are inlet from the pump, working ports , and exhaust to tank. These ports are generally identified as follows : P= pressure( Pump)port ; A or B = working port and T = tank port.


Spool Position 1 & 0

.Spool position 1: When the valve is actuated, the spool moves towards left . In this position flow from pump enters the valve port P and flows out through the port A as shown by the straight- through line and arrow ( fig a). In this position, port T is blocked by the spool.

Spool position 0: when the valve is un-actuated by the absence of hand force, the valve assumes this position by the action of spring In this position, port P is blocked by the spool. Flow from the actuator can go to the tank from A to T as shown by straight through line and arrow

4 way DCV
These valves are generally used to operate

cylinders and fluid motors in both directions hydraulically. The four ways are Port P that is connected to pump, tank port T, and two working ports A and B connected to the actuator. These valves are available with a choice of actuation, manual, mechanical, solenoid, pilot & pneumatic.

Three position Four way valve

Three switching position 4 ways or ports P - connected to pump T - connected to tank A - connected to left end of double acting

cylinder. B - connected to right end of cylinder

Working principle of 4/3 way valve

When left end of the valve is actuated P is

connected to working port A and working port B is connected to T. When right end of the valve is actuated P is connected to B and A is connected to T. When valve is un actuated it will be at center position due to the balancing opposing spring forces.

Centre configuration of 3/4 way direction control valve

Open center Closed center Tandem center Floating center Regenerative center with open, closed and


Open center (mid position)

All ports are open to each other in the center position. Pump flow is directed to the tank at atmospheric pressure. At the same time actuator can be moved freely by applying an external force. No work can be done by any part of the system as long as the valve remains at the center, since the fluid always follows path of least resistance. This means that other auxiliary device cannot

function using pressure energy.

Open center (mid position)

Open center

Closed center
All ports are closed to each other. Hence actuator connected to port A and B

hydraulically locked cannot be moved by an external force. The pump flow must go over the pressure relief valve. It wastes pump power, increase wear and shorten pump life.

Closed center

Tandem center
The working ports A and B are blocked. Pump port p is connected to tank port T. It unloads the pump at atmospheric pressure. Application of this type of centre

configuration is to hold a cylinder or hydraulic motor under load. To permit the pump flow to series of valves in multiple circuitry.

Tandem center 3/4 way valve

Regenerative centre
Regenerative means the flow generated from system

itself. This type of configuration is used whenever the actuator movement in one direction requires two different speeds. Part of length of extending stroke of actuator requiring fast movement during no load condition and remaining length slow controlled motion. During fast extending the DCV is un-actuated thereby by spring forces it comes to the mid position. This center saves on additional pump capacity required.

Double acting cylinder connected to regenerative center

Regenerative center 3/4 way valve

Floating center 3/4 way valve DCV

In this position the pump port is blocked and

the two working ports A and B are connected to tank port T. Since the working ports A and B are connected to tank T, the actuator can be moved freely without any external force and hence the name floating. In the mid position the pump flow must go over the relief valve when flow is not being used for any other parts of the circuit

Floating center 3/4 DCV

2/4 DCV

2/4 DCV

Actuation of direction control valves

Manually actuated valve

Actuation of DCV
Manually actuated valve

Solenoid actuated

Symbol for single and double solenoid actuated 2/4 way DCV

Hydraulic or pilot actuated valve

Pneumatic actuation

Indirect actuation of DCV (electro hydraulic)

Symbol for indirect actuated closed center 3/4 way DCV

Shuttle valve

Pressure control valves

Types of pressure control valve

Direct operated type Pilot operated type

Pressure relief valve

Partial hydraulic circuit showing relief valve

Pressure reducing valve

Application of pressure reducing valve

Unloading valve

Application of unloading valve

Sequence valve

Application of sequence valve

Counter balance valve

Application of counter balance valve

Vertical presses, loaders, lift trucks and other machine tool that must position or suspended load.


Classification of flow control valve Fixed flow control valve Adjustable flow control valve Throttling flow control valve Pressure compensated flow control valve

Symbols for flow control valve

Globe valve

Butterfly valve


Pressure compensated flow control valve

Meter in operation

Meter out application

Chapter -2


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