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Page No.

1) Materials used for Hydraulic Arm

2) Introduction to Fluid Power
a) Hydraulics
i) Use of Hydraulics
ii) Forces in Liquid
b) Pneumatics
3) Transmission of forces through liquids
4) Pascals Law
5) Multiplication of Forces
6) Hydraulic Fluid
a) Properties
b) Types of Hydraulic fluid
7) Hydraulic Cylinder
a) Operation
b) Parts of cylinder
c) Single acting vs. Double Acting
8) Fluid Lines and Fittings
a) Sections of pipes and tubing
b) Sizing of pipe and tubing
c) Material of pipe
9) Grippers
10) Conclusion
11) Reference


Page 2


Materials used for Hydraulic Arm

Innovation components allow for greater alternative and innovative designs. They are
not required, but are suggested to bring more engineering and innovation to the
activity. Only a few innovation components are usually needed to create alternative
designs, so your supply of innovation components can be used for many hydraulic
arms and other activities. Here are the components that are used in this project:

Hydraulic cylinders (Syringe with clips and mounts)

Hydraulic Lines (Vinyl Tubing)
Perpendicular wooden blocks and Dowels
Chip board
#10 square nuts
#10 washers
Connector strips
Galvanised coloured wire
Rubber band
Anything else things like the recycling bin, wood, metal, plastic, broken toys,

Figure 1.1 Detailed diagram of Hydraulic Arm


Page 3


Fluid power is a term which was created to include the generation, control, and
application of smooth, effective power of pumped or compressed fluids (either
liquids or gases) when this power is used to provide force and motion to
mechanisms. This force and motion maybe in the form of pushing, pulling, rotating,
regulating, or driving. Fluid power includes hydraulics, which involves liquids, and
pneumatics, which involves gases. Liquids and gases are similar in many respects.
The differences are pointed out in the appropriate areas of this manual. This
manual presents many of the fundamental concepts in the fields of hydraulics
and pneumatics. It is intended as a basic reference for all personnel of the
Navy whose duties and responsibilities require them to have a knowledge of
the fundamentals of fluid power.
Consequently, emphasis is placed primarily on the theory of operation of typical fluid
power systems and components that have applications in naval equipment. Many
applications of fluid power are presented in this manual to illustrate the functions and
operation of different systems and components. However, these are only
representative of the many applications of fluid power in naval equipment. Individual
training manuals for each rate provide information concerning the application of
fluid power to specific equipment for which the rating is responsible.
The extensive use of hydraulics and pneumatics to transmit power is due to the
fact that properly constructed fluid power systems possess a
favourable characteristics. They eliminate the need for complicated systems of
gears, cams, and levers. Motion can be trans-mitted without the slack inherent
in the use of solid machine parts. The fluids used are not subject to breakage
as are mechanical parts, and the mechanisms are not subjected to great wear. The
different parts of a fluid power system can be conveniently located at widely
separated points, since the forces generated are rapidly transmitted over
considerable distances with small loss. These forces can be conveyed up and down
or around corners with small loss in efficiency and without complicated mechanisms.
Very large forces can be controlled by much smaller ones and can be
transmitted through comparatively small lines and orifices. If the system is well
adapted to the work it is required to perform, and if it is not misused, it can
provide smooth, flexible, uniform action without vibration, and is unaffected by
variation of load. In case of an overload, an automatic release of pressure can
be guaranteed, so that the system is protected against breakdown or strain. Fluid
power systems can provide widely variable motions in both rotary and straight-line
trans-mission of power. The need for control by hand can be minimized. In
addition, fluid power systems are economical to operate. The question may arise
as to why hydraulics is used in some applications and pneumatics in others. Many

Page 4

factors are considered by the user and/or the manufacturer when determining
which type of system to use in a specific application. There are no hard and
fast rules to follow; however, past experience has provided some sound ideas
that are usually considered when such decisions are made. If the application
requires speed, a medium amount of pressure, and only fairly accurate control, a
pneumatic system may be used. If the application requires only a medium.





The word hydraulics is based on the Greek word for water, and originally covered
the study of the physical behaviour of water at rest and in motion. Use has
broadened its meaning to include the behaviour of all liquids, although it is
primarily concerned with the motion of liquids. Hydraulics includes the manner
in which liquids act in tanks and pipes, deals with their properties, and
explores ways to take advantage of these properties.

The word pneumatics is a derivative of the Greek word pneumatic, which
means air, wind, or breath. It can be defined as that branch of engineering
science that pertains to gaseous pressure and flow. As used in this manual,
pneumatics is the portion of fluid power in which compressed air, or other gas, is used
to transmit and control power to actuating mechanisms. This chapter discusses
the origin of pneumatics. It discusses the characteristics of gases and compares
them with those of liquids. It also explains factors which affect the
properties of gases, identifies and explains the gas laws, and identifies gases
commonly used in pneumatics and their pressure ranges. It also discusses hazards
of pneumatic gases, methods of controlling contamination, and safety precautions
associated with compressed gases

Use of Hydraulics
The hydraulic press, invented by English man John Brahmah, was one of the
first work-able pieces of machinery developed that used hydraulics in its
operation. It consisted of a plunger pump piped to a large cylinder and a ram.

Page 5

This press found wide use in England because it provided a more effective and
economical means of applying large forces in industrial uses. Today, hydraulic
power is used to operate many different tools and mechanisms. In a garage, a
mechanic raises the end of an auto-mobile with a hydraulic jack. Dentists and
barbers use hydraulic power, through a few strokes of a control lever, to lift and
position their chairs to a convenient working height. Hydraulic doorstops keep
heavy doors from slamming. Hydraulic brakes have been standard equipment
on auto-mobiles since the 1930s. Most automobiles are equipped with automatic
transmissions that are hydraulically operated. Power steering is another application
of hydraulic power. Construction workers depend upon hydraulic power for the
operation of various components of their equipment. For example, the blade of
a bulldozer is normally operated by hydraulic power. During the period preceding
World War II ,the Navy began to apply hydraulics to naval mechanisms
extensively. Since then, naval applications have increased to the point where
many ingenious hydraulic devices are used in the solution of problems of gunnery,
aeronautics, and navigation. Aboard ship, hydraulic power is used to operate such
equipment as anchor windlasses, cranes, steering gear, remote control devices, and
power drives for elevating and training guns and rocket launchers. Elevators on
aircraft carriers use hydraulic power to transfer aircraft from the hangar deck to
the flight deck and vice versa. Hydraulics and pneumatics (chapter 11) are
combined for some applications. This combination is referred to as hydro
pneumatics. An example of this combination is the lift used in garages and
service stations. Air pressure is applied to the surface of hydraulic fluid in a
reservoir. The air pressure forces the hydraulic fluid to raise the lift.
The study of liquids is divided into two main parts: liquids at rest (hydrostatics) and
liquids in motion (hydraulics).The effects of liquids at rest can often be
expressed by simple formulas. The effects of liquids in motion are more
difficult to express due to frictional and other factors whose actions cannot
be expressed by simple mathematics. Liquids have a definite volume but take
the shape of their containing vessel. There are two additional characteristics
we must explore prior to proceeding. Liquids are almost incompressible.
For example, if a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) is applied to a
given volume of water that is at atmospheric pressure, the volume will decrease by
only 0.03 percent. It would take a force of approximately 32 tons to reduce
its volume by 10 percent; however, when this force is removed, the water
immediately returns to its original volume. Other liquids behave in about the same
manner as water. Another characteristic of a liquid is the tendency to keep its
free surface level. If the surface is not level, liquids will flow in the
direction which will tend to make the surface level.


Page 6

In studying fluids at rest, we are concerned with the transmission of force and
the factors which affect the forces in liquids. Additionally, pressure in and on
liquids and factors affecting pressure are of great importance.
The terms force and pressure are used extensively in the study of fluid
power. It is essential that we distinguish between the terms. Force means
a total push or pull. It is the push or pull exerted against the total area
of a particular surface and is expressed in pounds or grams. Pressure means the
amount of push or pull (force) applied to each unit area of the surface and is
expressed in pounds per square inch (lb/in2) or grams per square centimetre
(gm/cm2). Pressure maybe exerted in one direction, in several directions, or in
all directions.
Computing Force, Pressure, and Area:A formula is used in
systems. In this formula,


force, pressure, and area in fluid power

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equation (1)
P refers to pressure,
F indicates force,
and A represents area.
Force equals pressure times area.
Pressure equals force divided by area. By rearranging the formula this statement may
be condensed into.


Since area equals force divided by pressure, the formula is written

This figure illustrates a memory device for
recalling the different variations of this formula.
Any letter in the triangle may be expressed as
the product or quotient of the other two,
depending on its position within the triangle.
For example, to find area, consider the letter A as
being set off to itself, followed by an equal sign.
Now look at the other two letters. The letter F is
above the letter P; therefore,


Page 7

NOTE: Sometimes the area may not be expressed in square units. If the surface is
rectangular, you can determine its area by multiplying its length (say, in inches) by its
width(also in inches). The majority of areas you will consider in these calculations are
circular in shape. Either the radius or the diameter may be given, but you must know the
radius in inches to find the area. The radius is one-half the diameter. To determine the
area, use the formula for finding the area of a circle. This is written A =where A is the area

A= r 2 , is 3.1416 (3.14 or 3 1/7 for most calculations), and r2 indicates the radius


When the end of a solid bar is struck, the main force of the blow is carried straight
through the bar to the other end (fig. 2-4, view A). This happens because the bar
is rigid. The direction of the blow almost entirely determines the direction of
the transmitted force.
The more rigid the bar, the less
force is lost inside the bar or
angles to the direction of the
blow. When a force is applied to
the end of a column of confined
liquid (fig. 2-4, view B), it is
transmitted straight through to
the other end and also equally
direction throughout the column
forward, backward, and sideways
so that the containing vessel is
literally filled with pressure. An
example of this distribution of
force is illustrated in figure 2-5.
The flat hose takes on a circular
cross section when it is filled with
push of the water is
Figure 2-3.Effects of atmosphericoutward
equal in every direction.


Page 8

Figure 2-4.Transmission of force: (A)

solid; (B) fluid

Figure 2-5.Distribution of force

Pascals Law
The foundation of modern hydraulics was established when Pascal discovered that
pressure in a fluid acts equally in all directions. This pressure acts at right angles to
the containing surfaces. If some type of pressure gauge, with an exposed
face, is placed beneath the surface of a liquid (fig. 2-6) at a specific depth and
pointed in different directions, the pressure will read the same. Thus, we can say that
pressure in a liquid is independent of direction. Pressure due to the weight of a
liquid, at any level, depends on the depth of the fluid from the surface. If the exposed
face of the pressure gauges, figure 2-6, are moved closer to the surface of the liquid,
the indicated pressure will be less. When the depth is doubled, the indicated
pressure is doubled. Thus the pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to the
depth. Consider a container with vertical sides(fig. 2-7) that is 1 foot long and 1
foot wide. Let it be filled with water 1 foot deep, providing 1cubic foot of water.
We learned earlier in this chapter that 1 cubic foot of water weighs
62.4pounds. Using this information and equation, P = F/A, we can calculate the
pressure on the bottom of the container.

Since there are 144 square inches in 1 square foot

This can be stated as follows: the weight of a column of water 1 foot high,
having a cross-sectional area of 1 square inch, is 0.433 pound. If the depth of

Page 9

the column is tripled, the weight of the column will be 3 x 0.433, or 1.299pounds,
and the pressure at the bottom will be1.299 lb/in2 (psi), since pressure equals
the force divided by the area. Thus, the pressure at any depth in a liquid is
equal to the weight of the column of liquid at that depth divided by the crosssectional area of the column at that depth. The volume of a liquid that produces
the pressure is referred to as the fluid head of the liquid. The pressure of a liquid due
to its fluid head is also dependent on the density of the liquid. If we let A equal
any cross-sectional area of a liquid column and h equal the depth of the
column, the volume becomes Ah. Using equation2-4, D = W/V, the weight of the liquid
above area A is equal to AhD.

Figure 2-6.Pressure of a liquid

is 2-7.Water pressure in a 1-cubicFigure
independent of direction.

foot container

Since pressure is equal to the force per unit area, set A equal to 1. Then the
formula pressure becomes
P = h D . . . . . . . . . . Equation (2).
It is essential that h and D be expressed in similar units. That is, if D is expressed
in pounds per cubic foot, the value of h must be expressed in feet. If the
desired pressure is to be expressed in pounds per square inch, the pressure
formula, equation 2-5, becomes
. . . . . . . . . . . Equation (3).
Pascal was also the first to prove by experiment that the shape and volume of
a container in no way alters pressure. Thus in figure2-8, if the pressure due to the
weight of the liquid at a point on horizontal line H is 8 psi, the pressure is 8 psi
everywhere at level H in the system. Equation 2-5 also shows that the pressure is
independent of the shape and volume of a container.


Page 10

Pressure and Force in Fluid Power Systems

Recall that, according to Pascals law, any force applied to a confined fluid is
transmitted in all directions throughout the fluid regardless of the shape of the
container. Consider the effect of this in the system shown in figure 2-9. If there is a
resistance on the output piston and the input piston is pushed downward, a pressure
is created through the fluid, which acts equally at right angles to surfaces in all
parts of the container. If force 1 is 100 pounds and the area of the input piston is 10
square inches, then the pressure in the fluid is 10 psi

Figure 2-9.Force transmitted through fluid

NOTE: Fluid pressure cannot be created without resistance to flow. In this

case, resistance is provided by the equipment to which the output piston is
attached. The force of resistance acts against the top of the output piston.
The pressure created in the system by the input piston pushes on the
underside of the output piston with a force of 10 pounds on each square inch.
In this case, the fluid column has a uniform cross section, so the area of the
output piston is the same as the area of the input piston, or 10 square
inches. Therefore, the upward force on the output piston is 100 pounds(10

Page 11

psi x 10 sq. in.), the same as the force applied to the input piston. All that was
accomplished in this system was to transmit the 100-pound force around the bend.
However, this principle under-lies practically all mechanical applications of fluid
power. At this point you should note that since Pascals law is independent of
the shape of the container, it is not necessary that the tube connecting
the two pistons have the same cross-sectional area of the pistons. A connection of
any size, shape, or length will do, as long as an unobstructed passage is
provided. Therefore, the system shown in figure 2-10, with a relatively small, bent
pipe connecting two cylinders, will act exactly the same as the system shown in
Figure 2-9.

Consider the situation in figure 2-11, where the input piston is much
smaller than the output piston. Assume that the area of the input piston is
2square inches. With a resistant force on the output piston a downward force of 20
pounds acting on the input piston creates a pressure of


or 10 psi in the fluid.

Although this force is much smaller than the force applied in figures 2-9 and 2-10, the
pressure is the same. This is because the force is applied to a smaller area.

Figure 2-10.Transmitting force through a small pipe

This pressure of 10 psi acts on all parts of the fluid container, including the bottom
of the output piston. The upward force on the output piston is 200 pounds (10
pounds of pressure on each square inch). In this case, the original force has been
multiplied tenfold while using the same pressure in the fluid as before. In any system
with these dimensions, the ratio of output force to input force is always ten to
one, regardless of the applied force. For example, if the applied force of the input
piston is 50 pounds, the pressure in the system will be 25 psi. This will support a
resistant force of 500 pounds on the output piston.


Page 12

Figure 2-11.Multiplication of forces

The system works the same in reverse. If we change the applied force and place a
200-pound force on the output piston (fig. 2-11), making it the input piston, the
output force on the input piston will be one-tenth the input force, or
20pounds. (Sometimes such results are desired.)Therefore, if two pistons are
used in a fluid power system, the force acting on each piston is directly
proportional to its area, and the magnitude of each force is the product of the
pressure and the area of each piston.


Page 13

During the design of equipment that requires fluid power, many factors are
considered in selecting the type of system to be usedhydraulic, pneumatic, or a
combination of the two. Some of the factors are required speed and accuracy of
operation, surrounding atmospheric conditions, economic conditions, availability
of replacement fluid, required pressure level, operating temperature range,
contamination possibilities, cost of transmission lines, limitations of the equipment,
lubricity, safety to the operators, and expected service life of the equipment.
After the type of system has been selected, many of these same factors must
be considered in selecting the fluid for the system. This chapter is devoted to
hydraulic fluids. Included in it are sections on the properties and characteristics
desired of hydraulic fluids; types of hydraulic fluids; hazards and safety
precautions for working with, handling, and disposing of hydraulic liquids;
types and control of contamination; and During the design of equipment that
requires fluid power, many factors are considered in selecting the type of system
to be usedhydraulic, pneumatic, or a combination of the two. Some of the
factors are required speed and accuracy of operation, surrounding atmospheric
conditions, economic conditions, availability of replacement fluid, required pressure
level, operating tempera-ture range, contamination possibilities, cost of
transmission lines, limitations of the equipment, lubricity, safety to the operators,
and expected service life of the equipment. After the type of system has been
selected, many of these same factors must be considered in selecting the fluid
for the system. This chapter is devoted to hydraulic fluids. Included in it are sections
on the properties and characteristics desired of hydraulic fluids; types of
hydraulic fluids; hazards and safety precautions for working with, handling, and
disposing of hydraulic liquids; types and control of contamination; and
If fluidity (the physical property of a substance that enables it to flow) and
incompressibility were the only properties required, any liquid not too thick
might be used in a hydraulic system. However, a satisfactory liquid for a
particular system must possess a number of other properties. The most important
properties and some characteristics are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Viscosity is one of the most important properties of hydraulic fluids. It is a

measure of a fluids resistance to flow. A liquid, such as gasoline, which flows
easily has a low viscosity; and a liquid, such as tar, which flows slowly has a high
viscosity. The viscosity of a liquid is affected by changes in temperature
and pressure. As the temperature of a liquid increases, its viscosity decreases.
That is, a liquid flows more easily when it is hot than when it is cold. The
viscosity of a liquid increases as the pressure on the liquid increases. A satisfactory

Page 14

liquid for a hydraulic system must be thick enough to give a good seal at
pumps, motors, valves, and so on. These components depend on close fits for
creating and maintaining
leakage through these
clearances results in loss of pressure, instantaneous control, and pump efficiency
.Leakage losses are greater with thinner liquids(low viscosity). A liquid that is too
thin will also allow rapid wearing of moving parts, or of parts that operate under
heavy loads. On the other hand, if the liquid is too thick (viscosity too high),the
internal friction of the liquid will cause an increase in the liquids flow
resistance through clearances of closely fitted parts, lines, and internal passages.
This results in pressure drops throughout the system, sluggish operation of the
equipment, and an increase in power consumption.
Measurement of Viscosity
Viscosity is normally determined by measuring the time required for a fixed
volume of a fluid(at a given temperature) to flow through a calibrated orifice
or capillary tube. The instruments used to measure the viscosity of a liquid
are known as viscometers or viscosimeters. Several types of viscosimeters are in
use today. The Saybolt viscometer, shown in figure 3-1,measures the time
required, in seconds, for 60milliliters of the tested fluid at 100F to pass
through a standard orifice. The time measured is used to express the fluids
viscosity, in Saybolt universal seconds or Saybolt furol seconds. The glass
capillary viscometers, shown in figure 3-2, are examples of the second type
of viscometer used. These viscometers are used measure kinematic viscosity.
Like the Saybolt viscometer, the glass capillary measures the time in seconds
required for the tested fluid to flow through the capillary. This time is multiplied by
the temperature constant of the viscometer in use to provide the viscosity,
expressed in centistokes. The following formulas may be used to convert
centistokes (cSt units) to approximate Saybolt universal seconds (SUS units).

For SUS values between

32 and 100

For SUS values

than 100:

Figure 3-1.Saybolt viscometer

Viscosity Index

Page 15


The viscosity index (V.I.) of oil is a number that indicates the effect of temperature
changes on the viscosity of the oil. A low V.I. signifies relatively large change
of viscosity with changes of temperature. In other words, the oil becomes
extremely thin at high temperatures and extremely hick at low temperatures. On the
other hand, a high V.I. signifies relatively little change in viscosity over a wide
temperature range. Ideal oil for most purposes is one that maintains a
constant viscosity through out temperature changes. The importance of the V.I. can
be shown easily by considering automotive lubricants. An oil having a high V.I.
resists excessive thickening when the engine is cold and, consequently, promotes
rapid starting and prompt circulation; it resists excessive thinning when the motor
is hot and thus provides full lubrication and prevents excessive oil consumption.
Another example of the importance of the V.I.is the need for a high V.I. hydraulic oil for
military aircraft, since hydraulic control systems may be exposed
temperatures ranging from below65F at high altitudes to over 100F on
the ground. For the proper operation of the hydraulic control system, the hydraulic
fluid must have a sufficiently high V.I. to perform its functions at the extremes
of the expected temperature range. Liquids with a high viscosity have a greater
resistance to heat than low viscosity liquids which have been derived from the
same source. The average hydraulic liquid has a relatively low viscosity.
Fortunately, there is a wide choice of liquids available for use in the viscosity
range required of hydraulic liquids. The V.I. of an oil may be determined if its
viscosity at any two temperatures is known. Tables, based on a large
number of tests, are issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM). These tables permit calculation of the V.I. from known viscosities.


If motion takes place between surfaces in contact, friction tends to oppose

the motion. When pressure forces the liquid of a hydraulic system between the
surfaces of moving parts, the liquid spreads out into a thin film which enables the
parts to move more freely. Different liquids, including oils, vary greatly not only
in their lubricating ability but also in film strength. Film strength is the capability of
a liquid to resist being wiped or squeezed out from between the surfaces when spread
out in an extremely thin layer. A liquid will no longer lubricate if the film breaks
down, since the motion of part against part wipes the metal clean of liquid.
Lubricating power varies with temperature changes; therefore, the climatic
and working conditions must enter into the determination of the lubricating
qualities of a liquid. Unlike viscosity, which is a physical property, the
lubricating power and film strength of a liquid is directly related to its
chemical nature.



Chemical stability is another property which is exceedingly important in the

selection of a hydraulic liquid. It is defined as the liquids ability to resist oxidation

Page 16

and deterioration for long periods. All liquids tend to undergo un favourable
changes under severe operating conditions. This is the case, for example, when a
system operates for a considerable period of time at high temperatures.
Excessive temperatures, especially extremely high temperatures, have a great effect
on the life of a liquid. The temperature of the liquid in the reservoir of an operating
hydraulic system does not
throughout the system. Localized hot spots occur on bearings, gear teeth, or at other
points where the liquid under pressure is forced through small orifices. Continuous
passage of the liquid through these points may produce local temperatures
high enough to carbonize the liquid or turn it into sludge, yet the liquid in the
reservoir may not indicate an excessively high temperature. Liquids may break
down if exposed to air, water, salt, or other impurities, especially if they are in
constant motion or subjected to heat. Some metals, such as zinc, lead, brass, and
copper, have undesirable
certain liquids. These
chemical reactions result in the formation of sludge, gums, carbon, or other
deposits which clog openings, cause valves and pistons to stick or leak, and give poor
lubrication to moving parts.
An ideal hydraulic liquid should be free from acids which cause corrosion of the metals
in the system. Most liquids cannot be expected to remain completely
noncorrosive under severe operating conditions. The degree of acidity of a liquid,
when new, may be satisfactory; but after use, the liquid may tend to become
corrosive as it begins to deteriorate.
Certain corrosion and rust-preventive additives are added to hydraulic liquids. Some
of these additives are effective only for a limited period. Therefore, the best procedure
is to use the liquid specified for the system for the time specified by the system
manufacturer and to protect the liquid and the system as much as possible
from contamination by foreign matter, from abnormal temperatures, and from
Flashpoint is the temperature at which a liquid gives off vapour in sufficient
quantity to ignite momentarily or flash when a flame is applied. A high flashpoint is
desirable for hydraulic liquids because it provides good resistance to combustion
and a low degree of evaporation at normal temperatures. Required flashpoint
minimums vary from 300F for the lightest oils to 510F for the heaviest oils.



Page 17

Fire point is the temperature at which a substance gives off vapour in sufficient
quantity to ignite and continue to burn when exposed to a spark or flame. Like
flashpoint, a high fire point is required of desirable hydraulic liquids.


Toxicity is defined as the quality, state, or degree of being toxic or poisonous. Some
liquids contain chemicals that are a serious toxic hazard. These toxic or poisonous
chemicals may enter the body through inhalation, by absorption through the skin, or
through the eyes or the mouth. The result is sickness and, in some cases, death.
Manufacturers of hydraulic liquids strive to produce suitable liquids that contain
no toxic chemicals and, as a result, most hydraulic liquids are free of harmful
chemicals. Some fire-resistant liquids are toxic, and suitable protection and care in
handling must be provided.
A fluid with a specific gravity of less than 1.0is desired when weight is critical,
although with proper system design, a fluid with a specific gravity greater than one
can be tolerated. Where avoidance of detection by military units is desired, a fluid
which sinks rather than rises to the surface of the water is desirable. Fluids having a
specific gravity greater than 1.0 are desired, as leaking fluid will sink, allowing the
vessel with the leak to remain undetected. Recall from chapter 2 that under
extreme pressure a fluid may be compressed up to 7 percent of its original
volume. Highly compressible fluids produce sluggish system operation. This does
not present a serious problem in small, low-speed operations, but it must be
considered in the operating instructions.
Cleanliness in hydraulic systems has received considerable attention recently. Some
hydraulic systems, such as aerospace hydraulic systems, are extremely sensitive
to contamination. Fluid cleanliness is of primary importance because
contaminants can cause component malfunction, prevent proper valve seating,
cause wear in components, and may increase the response time of servo valves.
Fluid contaminants are discussed later. The inside of a hydraulic system can only be
kept as clean as the fluid added to it. Initial fluid cleanliness can be achieved by
observing stringent cleanliness requirements ( or by filtering all fluid added to
the system.


Page 18


There have been many liquids tested for use in hydraulic systems. Currently, liquids
being used include mineral oil, water, phosphate ester, water-based ethylene
glycol compounds, and silicone fluids. The three most common types of




based fireresistant

hydraulic liquids are petroleum-based, synthetic fire-resistant, and water-based fireresistant.

The most common hydraulic fluids used in shipboard systems are the petroleumbased oils. These fluids contain additives to protect the fluid from oxidation
(antioxidant), to protect system metals from corrosion (anticorrosion), to reduce
tendency of the fluid to foam (foam suppressant),and to improve viscosity.
Petroleum-based fluids are used in surface ships electro hydraulic steering and
deck machinery
hydraulic systems,
shock absorbers, brakes, control mechanisms, and other
hydraulic systems using seal materials compatible with petroleum-based fluids.
Petroleum-based oils contain most of the desired properties of a hydraulic liquid.
However, they are flammable under normal conditions and can become explosive
when subjected to high pressures and a source of flame or high temperatures. Non
flammable synthetic liquids have been developed for use in hydraulic systems where
fire hazards exist.
The most widely used water-based hydraulic fluids may be classified as water-glycol
mixtures and water-synthetic base mixtures. The water-glycol mixture contains
additives to protect it from oxidation, corrosion, and biological growth and to
enhance its load-carrying capacity. There-fore, frequent checks to maintain the
correct ratio of water are important. The water-based fluid used in catapult
retracting engines, jet blast deflectors, and weapons elevators and handling
systems conforms to MIL-H22072.The safety precautions outlined for phosphate
ester fluid and the disposal of phosphate ester fluid also apply to water-based
fluid conforming to MIL-H-22072.

Page 19

Hydraulic cylinder
A Hydraulic
cylinder (also
linear hydraulic
mechanical actuator that is used to give a unidirectional force through a unidirectional
stroke. It has many applications, notably in engineering vehicles.
Hydraulic cylinders get their power from pressurized hydraulic fluid, which is
typically oil. The hydraulic cylinder consists of a cylinder barrel, in which
a piston connected to a piston rod moves back and forth. The barrel is closed on each
end by the cylinder bottom (also called the cap end) and by the cylinder head where
the piston rod comes out of the cylinder. The piston has sliding rings and seals. The
piston divides the inside of the cylinder in two chambers, the bottom chamber (cap
end) and the piston rod side chamber (rod end). The hydraulic pressure acts on the
piston to do linear work and motion.
Flanges, trunnions, and/or clevisses are mounted to the cylinder body. The piston rod
also has mounting attachments to connect the cylinder to the object or machine
component that it is pushing.
A hydraulic cylinder is the actuator or "motor" side of this system. The "generator"
side of the hydraulic system is the hydraulic pump which brings in a fixed or regulated
flow of oil to the bottom side of the hydraulic cylinder, to move the piston rod
upwards. The piston pushes the oil in the other chamber back to the reservoir. If we
assume that the oil pressure in the piston rod chamber is approximately zero, the
force F on the piston rod equals the pressure P in the cylinder times the piston area A:

The piston moves instead downwards if oil is pumped into the piston rod side
chamber and the oil from the piston area flows back to the reservoir without
pressure. The fluid pressure in the piston rod area chamber is (Pull Force) / (piston
area - piston rod area):

where P is the fluid pressure, Fp is the pulling force, Ap is the piston face area
and Ar is the rod cross-section area.


Page 20

Parts of a hydraulic cylinder

A hydraulic cylinder consists of the following parts
Cylinder barrel
The cylinder barrel is mostly a seamless thick walled forged pipe that must be
machined internally. The cylinder barrel is ground and/or honed internally
Cylinder base or cap
In most hydraulic cylinders, the barrel and the bottom portion are welded together.
This can damage the inside of the barrel if done poorly. Therefore, some cylinder
designs have a screwed or flanged connection from the cylinder end cap to the barrel.
(See "Tie rod cylinder", below) In this type the barrel can be disassembled and
Cylinder head
The cylinder head is sometimes connected to the barrel with a sort of a simple lock
(for simple cylinders). In general, however, the connection is screwed or flanged.
Flange connections are the best, but also the most expensive. A flange has to be
welded to the pipe before machining. The advantage is that the connection is bolted
and always simple to remove. For larger cylinder sizes, the disconnection of a screw
with a diameter of 300 to 600 mm is a huge problem as well as the alignment during
The piston is a short, cylindrical metal component that separates the two parts of the
cylinder barrel internally. The piston is usually machined with grooves to
fit elastomeric or metal seals. These seals are often O-rings, U-cups or cast iron rings.
They prevent the pressurized hydraulic oil from passing by the piston to the chamber
on the opposite side. This difference in pressure between the two sides of the piston
causes the cylinder to extend and retract. Piston seals vary in design and material
according to the pressure and temperature requirements that the cylinder will see in
service. Generally speaking, elastomeric seals made from nitrile rubber or other
materials are best in lower temperature environments, while seals made of Viton are
better for higher temperatures. The best seals for high temperature are cast iron
piston rings.
Piston rod
The piston rod is typically a hard chrome-plated piece of cold-rolled steel which
attaches to the piston and extends from the cylinder through the rod-end head. In
double rod-end cylinders, the actuator has a rod extending from both sides of the
piston and out both ends of the barrel. The piston rod connects the hydraulic actuator
to the machine component doing the work. This connection can be in the form of a
machine thread or a mounting attachment, such as a rod-clevis or rod-eye. These
mounting attachments can be threaded or welded to the piston rod or, in some cases,
they are a machined part of the rod-end.

Page 21

Rod gland
The cylinder head is fitted with seals to prevent the pressurized oil from leaking past
the interface between the rod and the head. This area is called the rod gland. It often
has another seal called a rod wiper which prevents contaminants from entering the
cylinder when the extended rod retracts back into the cylinder. The rod gland also has
a rod wear ring. This wear ring acts as a linear bearing to support the weight of the
piston rod and guides it as it passes back and forth through the rod gland. In some
cases, especially in small hydraulic cylinders, the rod gland and the rod wear ring are
made from a single integral machined part.
Other parts

Cylinder base connection



Figure 4.1 Hydraulic


Single acting vs. double acting

Single acting cylinders are economical and the simplest design. Hydraulic fluid
enters through a port at one end of the cylinder, which then moves the piston to
extend the rod. An external force returns the piston to its normal position and
forces the hydraulic fluid back through the supply tubing to the fluid reservoir.

Double acting cylinders have a port at each end, supplied with hydraulic fluid for
both the retraction and extension of the piston. They are used where an external
force is not available to retract the piston or where high force is required in both
directions of travel.


Page 22

An hydraulic cylinder should be used for pushing and pulling only. No bending
moments or side loads should be transmitted to the piston rod or the cylinder to
prevent rapid failure of the rod seals. For this reason, the ideal connection of an
hydraulic cylinder is a single clevis with a spherical ball bearing. This allows the
hydraulic actuator to move and allow for any misalignment between the actuator and
the load it is pushing.
In our project we have used Syringes working as hydraulic cylinders.


The control and application of fluid power would be impossible without suitable
means of transferring the fluid between the reservoir, the power source, and the
points of application. Fluid lines are used to transfer the fluid, and fittings are
used to connect the lines to the power source and the points of application.
Three types of lines is used in this system are pipe (rigid), tubing (semi
rigid) and hose (fl exible).
There are number of factors are considered while selecting the line for particular
system. These factors include the type of fluid . required system pressure and the
location of the system.
For example, heavy pipe might be used for a large stationary fluid power system,
but comparatively light weight tubing must be used in aircraft and missile
systems because weight and space are critical factors. Flexible hose is required in
installations where units must be free to move relative to each
There are three important dimensions of any tubular productoutside diameter
(OD), inside diameter (ID), and wall thickness. Sizes of pipe are listed by the
nominal (or approximate) ID and the wall thickness. Sizes of tubing are listed
by the actual OD and the wall thickness.


Page 23


The material, ID, and wall thickness are the three primary considerations in
the selection of lines for a particular fluid power system. The ID of a line
is important, since it determines how much fluid can pass through the line in a
given time period (rate of flow)without loss of power due to excessive friction
and heat. The velocity of a given flow is less through a large opening than
through a small opening. If the ID of the line is too small for the amount of flow,
excessive turbulence and friction heat cause unnecessary power loss and
overheated fluid.
Sizing of Pipes and Tubing

Pipes are available in three different weights: standard (STD), or Schedule 40;
extra strong(XS), or Schedule 80; and double extra strong(XXS). The schedule
numbers range from 10to 160 and cover 10 distinct sets of wall
thickness. (See table 5-1.) Schedule 160 wall thickness is slightly thinner
than the double extra strong. As mentioned earlier, the size of pipes is
determined by the nominal (approximate) ID. For example, the ID for a 1/4-inch
Schedule 40 pipe is 0.364 inch, and the ID for a 1/2-inch Schedule40 pipe is 0.622
inch. It is important to note that the IDs of all pipes of the same nominal size are
not equal. This is because the OD remains constant and the wall thickness
increases as the schedule number increases. For example, a nominal size 1inchSchedule 40 pipe has a 1.049 ID. The same size Schedule 80 pipe has a 0.957 ID,
while Schedule.

Table 5-1.Wall Thickness Schedule Designations for Pipe


Page 24

160 pipe has a 0.815 ID. In each case the OD is1.315 (table 5-1) and the








The pipe and tubing used in fluid power systems are commonly made from steel,
copper, brass, aluminium, and stainless steel. Each of these metals has its own
distinct advantages or disadvantages in certain applications. Steel pipe and tubing
are relatively in expensive and are used in many hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Steel is used because of its strength, suitability for bending and flanging,
and adaptability to high pressures and temperatures .Its chief disadvantage is its
comparatively low resistance to corrosion. Copper pipe and tubing are sometimes
used for fluid power lines. Copper has high resistance to corrosion and is easily drawn
or bent. However ,it is unsatisfactory for high temperatures and has a tendency
to harden and break due to stress and vibration. Aluminium has many of the
characteristics and qualities required for fluid power lines. It has high resistance to
corrosion and is easily drawn or bent. In addition, it has the outstanding characteristic
of light weight. Since weight elimination is a vital factor in the design of
aircraft, aluminium alloy tubing is used in the majority of aircraft fluid power
systems. Stainless-steel tubing is used in certain areas of many aircraft fluid power
systems. As a general rule, exposed lines and lines subject to abrasion or intense heat
are made of stainless steel.
Therefore in maintenance and repair of fluid power system lines, the basic design
requirements must be kept in mind. Two primary requirements are as follows:
1. The lines must have the correct ID to provide the required volume and velocity
of flow with the least amount of turbulence during all demands on the system.
2. The lines must be made of the proper material and have the wall thickness to
provide sufficient strength to both contain the fluid at the required pressure and
withstand the surges of pressure that may develop in the system.


Page 25

In our project we have used three

sections of clear 1/8 I.D. Vinyl tubing
of different lengths.
75 cm (~29.5)
75 cm(~29.5)
110 cm (~43.5)

Grippers are used to grasp and hold objects. The objects are generally work parts that are to
be moved by the hydraulic arm. These part handling applications include machine loading and
unloading, picking parts from a conveyor, and arranging parts into a pallet.
Depending on the mechanism used for the purpose of gripping they can be classified as:
1. Mechanical Grippers
2. Adhesive Grippers
3. Hooks, Scoops etc
4. Vacuum Cups
5. Magnetic Grippers

Electromagnetic grippers are easier to control, but require a source of dc power and
an appropriate controller unit. As with any other robotic gripping device, the part must
be released at the end of the handling cycle.
This is easier to accomplish with an electromagnet than with a permanent magnet.
When the part is to be released, the controller unit reverses the polarity at a reduced

Page 26

power leave before switching off the electromagnet. This procedure acts to cancel the
residual magnetism in the work piece and ensure a positive release of the part.
The advantages of magnetic grippers in material handling applications are:

Pickup times are faster

Variations in part size can be tolerated. The gripper does not have to be designed for
one particular work part.
They have the ability to handle metal parts with holes (not possible with vacuum
They require only one surface for gripping.

A disadvantage of magnetic grippers is the problem of picking up only one sheet from a stack.
The magnetic attraction tends to penetrate beyond the top sheet in the stack resulting in the
possibility that more than a single sheet will be lifted by the magnet. This problem can be
confronted in several ways:
The magnetic grippers can be designed to limit the effective penetration to the desired
depth, which would correspond to the thickness of the top sheet
The stacking device used to hold the sheets can be designed to separate the sheets for
pickup by the robot. One such type of stacking device is called a fanner. It makes use
of a magnetic field to induce a charge in the ferrous sheets in the stack. Each sheet
towards the top of the stack is given a magnetic charge, causing them to possess the
same polarity and repel each other. The sheet at the top of the stack tends to rise
above the remainder of the stack, thus facilitating pickup by the robot gripper.


Page 27

Fig. 5.1 : Fingers with object-shaped cavity

Fig. 5.2: Fingers with multiple cavities

The various types of hand prehension


Page 28

Fig. 6.1 Rack and pinion parallel jaw gripper

Fig 7.1 The various types of hand



Page 29

Our design uses extremely simple ideas and mechanisms to achieve a complex set of
actions and is intended to imitate the actions of the operators. However, these
hydraulic arms are expensive for small scale industries. If the major problem of high
initial cost is addressed, a robotic hydraulic arm can be introduced in any industry to
bring in automation. The mechanical links and parts that have been fabricated are
extremely simple.
That Hydraulic Arm will

Reach the greatest distance to deliver a given object.

Pick up the heaviest possible object.
Deliver the most objects in a given amount of time.
Function in an assembly line.
Have a system to weigh the object it picks up.
Battle against another arm for an object.
Rotate as well as reach and grab.
Dig and recover objects.

A text book of Fluid Mechanics by R.K. Bansal

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