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DP Phys Topic 1 Unit Planner STDN

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IB Diploma Programme Unit Planner

Subject: Physics SL

Start: 30 July'12 End: 11 Sept'12

Unit title: Physics & Physical Measurements

Grade Level: 11 Teacher: JTungka

Essential Questions:
Based on 'Understanding by Design' or other ideas.

Learning Objectives:
Overview of skills, attitudes, concepts, knowledge
Demonstrate an understanding of: a. scientific facts and concepts b. scientific methods and techniques c. scientific terminology d. methods of presenting scientific information Apply and use: a. log in finding order of magnitude b. proper significant figure c. error propagation d. appropriate methods to present scientific information

What is standard form, estimation and order of magnitude? What is the difference between scalar and vector? What is fundamental and derived unit? What is uncertainty and error in measurement?

Duration / Timing
Weeks Periods (double) Period (single) Homework Number of tasks Approx. hours 5 20 1 3

Assumed prior knowledge and skills:

vector, logarithm, significant figure, SI unit conversion, excel and the use of vernier caliper and micrometer

Assessment Overview
Content / Knowledge
Understanding of key concepts & knowledge

Skills / Internal Assessment

Testing skills / Preparation for IA

Assessed task
The key concept in this unit is about error and uncertainty in measurement


Students are assessed in the error propagation and presentation of appropriate data

Summative Assessments
'Assessment of learning' grades for PG and reporting Gives

Formative Assessments

'Assessment for learning' Supports learning and reflection Formative Assessments are mainly short respond questions taken from Summative Assessment covers all sub-units of topic 1. The questions areof both text book and IB past exams. The questions are more difficult to that mcq and problem solving. Krishna. Marco and Elizabeth wil be able to do well of summative in order to develop students' understanding toward the and Seong Min and Michelle will be facing difficulty. topic.

Higher Level Students & Extension 0 Differentiation by learning styles Standard Level Students 5 ESL / Language Support Strategies Non-IB Students (if applicable) NA Special Educational Needs (if applicable)

NA (al students are SL students)



Making Connections
How can this unit support other subject areas?
This unit can support both Chemistry, Biology and Math

How can this unit be supported by other subject areas?

Links with ToK (possible links - can it be communicated to ToK teachers?)

Data and its limitations (discussion of ways of knowing)

Links with current national / global affairs

The ideas behind the application of Metric and SI units

Learning Experiences
students learn unit conversion, data representation and vector representation

Practical / Applied:
Graphical works in relation to DCP criterion Introduction to graphing software

Resources Required
Texts, Worksheets (where can they be found?)
Heinemann, Giancoli, IB question bank and IB CD-past exam papers

Practical Resources
IB teacher support materials and IB portfolios by Gregg Kerr

Online / Web Resources & Audio-visual (with URLs)

Assessment Instructions or Rubrics

http://www.patana.ac.th/secondary/science/anrophysics/home.htm http://www.tuition.com.hk/links/its_physics.html http://ibphysicsstuff.wikidot.com/resources http://www.slideshare.net/nlahoud/topic-1realm-of-physics http://akamdiplomaphysics.wikispaces.com/Physics+and+Physics+Measurements http://www.physics.smu.edu/~scalise/apparatus/caliper/tutorial/ http://www.stefanelli.eng.br/en/aka-micrometer-caliper-outside-inchthousandths.html http://www2.selu.edu/Academics/Faculty/rallain/plab193/labinfo/Error_Analysis/0 5_Random_vs_Systematic.html http://www.schoolphysics.co.uk/age1619/General/text/Uncertainties_in_graphs/index.html

the latest grade boundaries is used in determining students' scores. Also, in the case of IA the rubrics given by the IB is used respectively (D, DCP, CE and MS)

Core Considerations
Learner Profile (How will some LP's be addressed in this unit?) Think broader than 'knowledgable' and 'communicatiors' for the obvious subject areas. Students are knowledgable inapplying Physics in nature and starts thinking scientifically Use of ICT, Infromation Literacy & Academic Honesty To see the micro to macroscopic world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZldMduYXeeU To see the Quarks to outer space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRq6e4mXb8w International Mindedness (Where do opportunities arise to explore this dimension?)
The different application of unit measurement in the world i.e. SI unit is the commonly used one and metric sistem which is used in the US

Aims of the Subject (Which aims, found in the subject guide, will be addressed? How?) Show students how to use spreadsheet and loggerpro to calculate and draw error bars Show simullations to illustrate the ranges of magnitude of distances, masses and time

Ongoing Reflection and Evaluation

Aspect Teaching / Learning

Success or positive experiences

Improvements to be made

Students received more resources through the given notes Summarise the notes more and give more exercise and websites. to students. Provide more IA feedback, arrange more lab work Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively in schedule, need to spend more time assisting formative assessments in particular. Michelle and ask for her commitment. Video clip and ppt simulation can enhance students' understanding better. Use more application examples and provide more demos. simplify the amount of topics by considering combining of related topics. In this case vector can be put in topic 2.

Assessment of Skills / Knowledge

Making Connections

Core Considerations

Further Notes / Reflection

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