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he Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the name of the nationwide research platform consisting of a network of laboratories which spans the geographical dimensions of India. Its programmes which bridge various disciplines, address specific needs which arose in the process of social transformation in the post-colonial context and demands which our society faces in this period of globalization. This multidisciplinary and multilocational council runs 39 laboratories and 80 field centres which carry out fundamental and applied R&D in all areas of science and technology, barring atomic energy. The dynamic dimension of the network is the pool of knowledge and expertise of over 5000 active scientists of repute, supported by over 10,000 scientific and technical personnel. This scientific infrastructure was built up over six decades at a cost of equivalent to 1 billion US dollars at current value. The foresight of its founding vision has been vindicated by CSIR's capability to serve not only as a national R&D infrastructure but also a platform for international collaboration and research projects, thanks to its interlaboratory and interdisciplinary experience. It now works on an annual budget of around $250 million. The CSIR was established in 1942 as a autonomous, non-profit organization with a wide ranging charter of functions. These included promotion, guidance and co-ordination of scientific

and industrial research, collection and dissemination of information on research and industry, founding of laboratories to carry forward scientific and industrial research and utilization of the new knowledge so generated for development of industry. CSIR was also charged with other tasks such as rendering assistance to other institutions conducting research, awarding of fellowships and publishing of scientific journals. As a springboard for scientific and technological activity, CSIR helped usher India into


a scientific milieu, creating and nurturing talent in science, innovation and technology. It spawned many organizations, many disciplines and most importantly has served as a nursery and training ground for Indias talented scientists and technologists. On one hand, CSIR has assisted industry in the development of viable and globally competitive technologies and on the other, has provided backup support in exploration and exploitation of indigenous raw materials and natural resources for import substitution, pollution control and effluent treatment, waste utilization and energy conservation. CSIRs inherent strength lies in its ability to form special interdisciplinary, interlaboratory, international groups to tackle specific research and development problems. To cite one example, a consortium of 20 CSIR laboratories, 10 universities and three organizations dealing with traditional systems of medicines, is working in a Team India initiative to synergies high science with traditional wisdom and Indias rich biodiversity to discover and develop bioactives from plant sources. In yet another endeavour, CSIR laboratories have teamed up with academia, steel industry and government to develop mathematical models to stimulate steel production in a blast furnace. There are many more other similar alliances.

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A 59 year young, not-for-profit R&D organization Prime Minister of India as President 39 laboratories, 80 outreach centers, spread nation-wide 22,000 strong work force 5000 Scientists/technologists 2,500 Doctorates Aerospace & Aeronautics Bio-sciences & Bio-technology Chemicals & Chemical Technology Coal, Gas and Petroleum Construction Technology Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Earth & Ocean Resources Ecology & Environment Electronics & Instrumentation Food Processing Leather & Leather Goods Machinery & Equipment New Materials Mining & Metallurgy

CSIRs R&D Services:

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Value of R&D infrastructure over USD 1 billion Annual Budget USD 250 million Over 1000 CSIR technologies commercially exploited USD 1 billion worth of industrial production per year 2000 scientific papers published per year 500 Indian & 650 foreign patents filed per year Bilateral Scientific Collaboration with 30 Organizations in 27 countries


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SIR has several radical scientific achievements to its credit, such as: the induction of precocious flowering in plantlets of bamboo raised in tissueculture, discovery of one of the (then) smallest protein molecules, seminal plasmin; the first formulation of a model of crack-tip energy dissipation; the first combined genetic and physical map of the whole V. cholerae genome; the development of a salt sensitive expression vector, used successfully to clone and express six divergent genes; the elucidation of the mechanisms for delaying the formation of cataract in the human eye; the first study to give an understanding of the outer ionosphere and may others.

On the technology front, CSIR performance is equally impressive. CSIR announced an intellectual Property Policy in 1995 and has gone on to file annually around 500 patents in India and around 650 patents abroad, the numbers being higher than those of any single Indian organization. Over the years it


UN treaty on the Law of Seas; it built an allcomposite small aircraft, Hansa. Significant S&T activities and achievements are spread across a wide range of areas. Aerospace S&T: The National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Bangalore, of the CSIR is a major player in Indias aerospace programmes. It has developed world class capacity for design, development and fabrication of large components of advanced composites for civilian and combat aircraft, structural testing and analysis, aerospace electronics and systems, innovative capabilities in surface engineering etc. The activities are focussed on design, development, fabrication and airworthiness testing of small civilian aircraft and on creating, maintaining and providing high class expertise and world class test and certification facilities, such as National Trisonic Acoustic Facilities, Aerodynamics Test Facilities, Full-scale Fatigue Test facility, FRP and composites pilot plant facility. NAL is now spearheading the initiative to create a civilian aircraft industry in the country. It has already developed, designed, fabricated a two-seater trainer aircraft, Hansa-3, which has been certified for day and night flying. It is now engaged in the design, fabrication and airworthiness testing of a 9 to14 seater multipurpose light transport aircraft.

has developed more than 3,000 technologies and licensed 1,500 of them to about 6,000 clients. The annual industrial production based on CSIR techniques and technologies is estimated over $1 billion. Its S&T services and inputs annually generate productivity savings of around $500 million. CSIR was the first to introduce buffalo milk for baby food (brand name Amul); it launched the wholly indigenous tractor Swaraj; developed a costeffective process for drugs for mass use; it initiated the design of building foundations suitable for black cotton soil; it was the first to extract polymetallic nodules from the Indian ocean bed, based on which India became the first country in the world to be granted Pioneer Status, under the

Left: Saras, 14-seater light transport aircraft. Right: Two-seater trainer aircraft Hansa-3, which has been certified for day and night flying.

Over 30 new and costDEVELOPMENT OF DRUGS BY CSIR LABORATORIES effective agrochemical processes The major players are CDRI Lucknow, IICT Hyderabad, NCL have been developed for the Pune and RRL Jammu. production of a whole range of Responsible for developing and licensing 12 new drugs to the organophosphorous pesticides. industry. Later, the focus was turned on the Developed and transferred technology for over 100 drugs and development of pheromones and intermediates. About 30 major drugs and a dozen intermediates biopesticides. In the area of drugs being currently produced with CSIR developed technology. and pharmaceuticals, the country Services offered include consultancy, contract and felt the need for cost-effective and collaborative research, assimilation and modification of imported commercially viable technologies technology, training and data search and analysis. for a wide range of essential drugs. Providing help and consultancy to international agencies like The development, consequently, of UNIDO, UNCTAD, WHO. such drugs as for example anticancer, anti-virals, anti-bacterials, Biology and Biotechnology: CSIRs contributions anti-glaucoma, anti-inflammatory, analgesics, and in this area have been wide ranging including cardio-vascular drugs among others, gave the much genomics, control of gene expressions, recombinant needed fillip to a nascent Indian drug industry to DNA products, to molecular and cellular biology, emerge as the largest producer of generic drugs in tissue culture, agrobiotechnology and fermentation. the world. At the same time CSIR had the It had the distinction of placing India among the distinction of bringing 12 entirely new drugs into first few nations to develop its own multi-locus, the market. BKm derived probe for DNA fingerprinting. Pioneering work has also been done on leishmania, Catalysts: CSIR Success Story cholera, cataract formation in the eye, apoptosis, 1970s Learning: Import substitution DMA, Vanadium Pentaoxide, and antibacterial properties of plant material. It has Raney Nickel also developed several PCR based markers and 1980s Catching-up: Improved catalysts bimetallic for reforming, diagnostic systems. nickel Alumina for hydrogenation, iron oxide for dehydrogenation The development of elite genotypes of Mentha arvensis has enabled India to contribute menthamenthol to the world as the leading producer of this product, along with the development of many novel and improved strains for several medicinal, aromatic and flowering plants. 1990s 2000 Global emergence: Improved & new catalysts : formaldehyde, methylethyl Ketone, Xylene isomerization Global stature: Novel catalysts & processes: Linear alkyl benzene, adipic acid, biphasic catalysts, methane to higher hydrocarbons.


he area of chemical science and technology is the one in which CSIR's work has enjoyed high visibility, consequently bringing along credibility with the chemical industry, in areas of agrochemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and petrochemicals, catalysts, and chemical intermediates, subsectors that call for a high level of innovativeness.

India is among the top five countries that possess world class capabilities for development and manufacture of new catalyst formulations. Starting from developing known catalysts, CSIR introduced its own brand of new zeolite catalysts, named encilites, for diverse industrial processes. It introduced the novel concept of promoting interfacial catalysis in a biphasic system for the


Petroleum Process: Commercially Adopted

Product Technology Partners Commercial Usage

Benzene & Toluene Extraction CSIR, EIL Xylene Isomerisation Food grade Hexane Toluene Disproportionation Sulpholane Hot Rolling Oil Lobs using NMP Extraction Visbreaking Delayed coker CSIR, IMCL, EIL CSIR, EIL CSIR, IPCL, EIL CSIR CSIR, SAIL CSIR CSIR, EIL/S&W CSIR, EIL


developing new approaches to coal fines beneficiation and recovery from the washeries, design of mini-flotation plants etc. It has helped the steel industry to decide on coke blends; the power industry to evolve washing strategies and, most importantly, it has enabled the myriad small and medium sized beehive coke units in the coal belt of India to produce coke efficiently, with minimum pollution from inferior coals. There have been a pioneering endeavours in the developmental process in coal gasification and conversion of coal to liquid fuels. Electronics: The electronics industry in the country has benefited largely from professionally developed specialized products. These include electronic systems for excitation control for the sugar and paper industries, diesel electric locomotives, AC drives for mining locomotives, three phase to single phase thyristor convertors, and a host of special purpose analytical and field instruments. CSIR is the repository of high-tech knowledge in microwave and travelling wave tubes and in klystrons and magnetrons. The capabilities in semiconductors created in its labs have provided tailor-make hybrid microcircuits for the Indian space programme and for other applications. Food: In the area of food and food processing, several novel cost-effective and easy-to-operate techniques and processes have been developed by its laboratories in India. These cover the storage, conservation and processing of foodgrains, as also technologies for low-cost nutritious foods, food preservation, convenience foods and nonconventional foods. S&T inputs have also gone into spices and spice products, grain-based foods of both the convenience and the speciality kinds, into the preservation, packaging and transportation of fruits and vegetables. Attention has been paid to develop appropriate and improved designs for machinery, such as those for milling for grains and pulses and other for food-packaging.

Bimetallic Reforming Catalyst CSIR, IPCL

hydroformylation of several olefins using a rhodium complex. Efforts in this science based sector have yielded fruits and India now exports catalysts to the world including the western markets. In the area of petroleum processing, a nearcartel situation on technology has been prevailing worldwide. CSIR, in association with its partners, has helped to break the stranglehold, having successfully developed processes that are now commercially adopted by several Indian refineries and grass-root plants. Significant contributions in the chemical sector have also been made in the area of chemical intermediates. Process technologies were developed and utilised by industry for benzyl chemicals, glyoxal, sodium azide cyanuric chloride, hyderazine hydrate, phosgene, CFC substitutes etc. World class capabilities and facilities exist in the country today to provide for hazard evaluation, risk analysis, safety management, mathematical modelling and simulation. Coal: In the early years CSIR helped in the setting up of all the coal washeries in the country and defined the washability index of coals for the first time. Since then, work has continued on

Housing and Construction: CSIRs Contribution to Industrial Development Modern techniques and Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pioneered effective processes & new drugs development for self. technologies have been carefully Pesticides Catalysed domestic industry developed to cover the whole gamut of construction activities, Leather Propelled industry for value addition, modernization and environment conciousness. right from laying of foundations to fashioning of required Petroleum & Petrochemicals Novel processes for techno logical self-reliance & global positioning construction equipment. CSIR Food Processing Appropriate techniques & technologies for conservation & productivity designs for foundation for piles Building Materials Utilization of wastes and endogenous resources under-reamed, bored, Economic Plants Introduced & popularized new high value varieties of medicinal compaction, skirted, spliced -- are and aromatic plants. variously aimed to enable sound construction on varying types of soils encountered in animals and the storage of skins, using either no salt the country. Newer and innovative building or very minimum, going on to appropriate timecomponents developed have greatly helped the saving and low-pollution tanning and processing building industry to standardize optimal structural techniques using low chrome and no chrome elements, such as RCC channel unit, RC ribbed slabs tanning chemicals, to modernization of the net for floors and tiles, pre-cast stone concrete blocks, operations in tanning through computer application prefabricated brick panels. Alternative materials and subsequently proceeding to develop new which have come out of sustained R&D work utilize techniques for generating value added speciality waste, economise on energy and are eco-friendly. leathers, computer-aided designs for footwear, These products include fly ash bricks, sand lime garments, and goods, fashion colour forecasting, bricks, red mud bricks, tiles from ferrochrome wastes, export certification and, not the least of all, in creating gypsum plaster boards, glass reinforced gypsum as both the human resources as well as the R&D that the wood substitute, corrugated roofing sheets from coir leather industry and the sector needs. A pioneering or wood-wool and ferrocement. In the area of Leather Technology Mission has been mounted for structural engineering, CSIR laboratories have the sustainable development of the Indian leather specialized in making design and analysis of special industry which aims at vast grass-roots coverage. and complex structures such as highrise, longspan, suspended, offshore structures and of ships, and in Materials: From time to time, demand for special the integrity assessment of these structures. The roads materials has arisen from sectors like aerospace, sector has also benefited from designs and defence or sophisticated industries for developing constructions techniques, especially those honed for such materials. Among them are: Electronic using local skills and materials. materials such as amorphous and polycrystalline silicon, ferrites, gallium, luminescent phosphors for Leather: The Central Leather Research Institute display, piezoelectrolytics, high-purity alumina, (CLRI) of CSIR is the largest leather institute in the conducting polymers and silver pastes; q Aerospace materials such as high-density world. Its S&T inputs and extension activities have carbon-carbon composites, Nalar--a Kevlar been actively transforming the traditional leather equivalent high strength fibre, aluminiumindustry into a modern, vibrant and environmentally lithium alloys, high purity aluminium; responsive one. Pioneering contributions have been q Industrial materials for special performance such made at every stage of the industrys activity -as silicon carbide, silicon nitride bonded silicon starting from techniques for the flaying of dead


carbide, silicon carbide whiskers, aluminiummetal matrix and aluminium-graphite composites, special glasses for optical fibres, infrared range finders, laser glasses, radiation shielding glasses and sol-gel techniques for glass coatings etc.; Superconducting materials.

triangular chock, etc. which are now being manufactured by scores of small scale units in the mining region of Bihar. It is responsible for testing and certifying the safety equipment for miners personal and flame proof quality of electrical equipment etc. Ecology and Environment: When S&T inputs are needed to evolve national policies and to ameliorate environmental problems, CSIR is a major contributor. It has developed expertise in air, water and soil quality management, analysing onshore, offshore and atmospheric environment, near-space environment, ionospheric chemistry, stratospheremesosphere coupling, toxic & hazardous waste management and carrying capacity and environmental impact and risk assessment studies.

Metals and Metallurgy: In the metals and metallurgy sector, technologies developed by CSIR have been utilized to establish the first plants in India for magnesium, chromium, carbon free ferro-alloys, ferro-vanadium, zirconium and titanium powders and titanium electrodes. Besides it has developed novel processes for the direct reduction of iron ore to sponge iron for mini steel plants, and the technology for the processing of polymetallic sea nodules for recovery of valuable metals; gasfired cupola for use in cast iron foundries and high grade synthetic rutile. Minerals: CSIR has contributed in a large measure for exploitation of low grade and inferior ores by devising flowsheets for copper concentrators, manganese pan sintering, iron ore washing and sintering, low grade fluorspar and graphite beneficiation, recovery of molybdenum, nickel and copper, beneficiation of low grade chromite ores, graphite etc. More significantly, it has recently set-up a technology demonstration plant for recovery of nickel from low assay chromite overburden. Mining: CSIR has made significant contributions to all aspects of mining operations, especially in coal mines (to the exclusion of only heavy mining equipment). Studies and efforts on subsidence prediction and control have enabled the extraction of coal locked up in pillars and underneath surface structures and water bodies. CSIR has been the principal agent for designing appropriate mine ventilation systems and is now the main resource for mine disaster management in the country. It has devised appropriate roof support structures for bolting and stitching such as, hydraulic and screw props, safari clamps,


SIR publishes 15 primary scholarly science journals the latest introduction being Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Rights and Journal of Traditional Knowledge. It brings out 10 bulletins on specific science area such as electro-chemistry, fuel science & technology, mining research, mechanical engineering, medicinal and aromatic plant sciences etc.


SIR fosters symbiotic S&T cooperation with its counterparts abroad through bilateral and multilateral co-operation and exchange programmes. It has S&T collaborative agreements/arrangements with 30 agencies in 27 countries. It has also been participating fully in the activities of the Commonwealth Science Council, the Association for Science Cooperation in Asia, the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation, the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations, the Canadian International Development Research Centre, and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). With TWAS it operates fellowships, both for post-Doctoral Research and for post-Graduate studies, in CSIR laboratories.

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