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Heat Exchanger Efficiency: Ahmad Fakheri

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Heat Exchanger Efciency

This paper provides the solution to the problem of dening thermal efciency for heat exchangers based on the second law of thermodynamics. It is shown that corresponding to each actual heat exchanger, there is an ideal heat exchanger that is a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger. The ideal heat exchanger has the same UA, the same arithmetic mean temperature difference, and the same cold to hot uid inlet temperature ratio. The ideal heat exchangers heat capacity rates are equal to the minimum heat capacity rate of the actual heat exchanger. The ideal heat exchanger transfers the maximum amount of heat, equal to the product of UA and arithmetic mean temperature difference, and generates the minimum amount of entropy, making it the most efcient and least irreversible heat exchanger. The heat exchanger efciency is dened as the ratio of the heat transferred in the actual heat exchanger to the heat that would be transferred in the ideal heat exchanger. The concept of heat exchanger efciency provides a new way for the design and analysis of heat exchangers and heat exchanger networks. DOI: 10.1115/1.2739620 Keywords: heat exchangers, efciency, heat exchanger efciency, entropy minimization, arithmetic mean temperature difference (AMTD), log-mean temperature difference (LMTD), effectiveness-NTU

Ahmad Fakheri
Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bradley University, Peoria, IL 61625 e-mail: ahmad@bradley.edu


The concept of efciency is used in many areas, particularly engineering, to assess the performance of real components and systems. Efciency is a comparison between the actual real and ideal best performances and is typically dened to be less than or at best equal to 1. The ideal behavior is generally known from modeling, and the limitations dictated by physical laws, particularly the second law of thermodynamics. Knowing the ideal performance, the actual performance can be determined if expressions for the efciency as a function of the system characteristics and the operating conditions are known. Efciency provides a clear and intuitive measure of a systems performance by showing how close an actual system comes to the best that it can be and if further improvements are feasible and justied. Despite much effort, the application of the second law to heat exchangers has not yielded a consistent method for assessing the performance of heat exchangers. Two of the more widely used approaches for analyzing heat exchangers are the log-mean temperature difference method LMTD and effectiveness NTU -NTU method. In the LMTD method q F= UALMTD

q Cmin T1 t1

where the term in the denominator is the absolute maximum heat that can be transferred from a uid at T1 to another uid at t1. This maximum amount of heat transfer can only occur in a heat exchanger whose area approaches innity. Expressions and charts are available to determine the effectiveness of different heat exchangers, and are typically a function of two variables Cr and NTU . The -NTU method is mostly used in situations where the size of the heat exchanger and the inlet temperatures are known and the heat transfer rate and the uid exit temperatures are sought the rating problem , although sizing problems can also be solved with this method. The author recently introduced the concept of heat exchanger efciency 14 . The heat exchanger efciency is dened as the ratio of the actual rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger q to the optimum rate of heat transfer qopt : = q q = qopt UA T t 3

where the term in the denominator is the maximum rate of heat transfer, which takes place in a counter-ow heat exchanger having the same UA and the same inlet and exit temperatures as the heat exchanger under consideration. Expressions and charts are available to determine F for different heat exchangers. These correlations are typically a function of two parameters P and R that depend solely on the inlet and exit temperatures. The LMTD approach is generally used for solving heat exchanger problems where the inlet and the exit temperatures are known and the size of the heat exchanger is to be determined sizing problems . In the -NTU approach, the heat exchanger effectiveness is dened as
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURHEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received April 13, 2006; nal manuscript received November 16, 2006. Review conducted by Ramendra P. Roy.

The optimum maximum rate of the heat transfer is the product of UA of the heat exchanger under consideration and its arithmetic mean temperature difference AMTD , which is the difference between the average temperatures of hot and cold uids. The rate of heat transfer in any heat exchanger with the same UA and AMTD is always less than the optimum value of the heat transfer 1 1 . Furthermore, the optimum heat transfer rate takes rate place in a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger 1 . The efciency of a number of commonly used heat exchangers is given by the general expression = tanh Fa Fa 4


where Fa, the n analogy number, is the nondimensional group that characterizes the performance of different heat exchangers. This is a remarkable expression in that the efciency of a wide variety of heat exchangers has the same functional form as the efciency of a constant area insulated tip n. The expressions for Fa for some of the commonly used heat exchangers are given in Table 1. Transactions of the ASME

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Table 1 Fin analogy number of various heat exchangers Counter Fa= NTU 1 Cr 2 Parallel Fa= NTU 1 + Cr 2 Single stream Fa= NTU 2 Single shell
2 Fa= NTU 1 + Cr 2

The efciency expressions for cross ow heat exchangers are more complex than Eq. 4 , however, for several cross-ow heat exchangers, Eq. 4 can still be used with a high degree of accuracy by using a generalized n analogy number 2,4 . It is also important to note that the parallel ow and counter-ow heat exchangers represent the low and high limits of efciency for a given NTU and Cr, respectively. Figure 1 is a plot of the heat exchanger efciency as a function of the n analogy number. The maximum efciency heat transfer occurs for Fa= 0, which, from Table 1, only happens for a balanced Cr = 1 counter-ow heat exchanger, or a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger has the efciency of 100%. For a given Fa, the efciency is obtained from Eq. 4 or Fig. 1 and the heat transfer can be determined from Eq. 3 . The analogy with ns provides additional insight into the concept of heat exchanger efciency. For a constant area n, the efciency is given by tanh = hpL2 kAx hpL2 kAx hA kAxhp

an innitely long n has an efciency of zero, even though it still transfers a nite amount of heat. The same behavior can be seen for a heat exchanger. As the overall heat transfer coefcient or the area of the heat exchanger increases, the n analogy number Fa increases, leading to a reduction in the heat exchanger efciency. However, as can be seen from Eq. 7 , the rate of heat transfer actually increases. Like a n, an innitely large heat exchanger has an efciency of zero, even though it transfers a nite amount of heat. Figure 2 is a plot of heat exchanger efciency as a function of capacity ratio for a given NTU =3 . As can be seen, the efciency of a counter-ow heat exchanger increases with capacity ratio, while the efciency of shell and tube and parallel ow heat exchangers actually decreases with increasing capacity ratio. The heat exchanger efciency is based on the arithmetic mean temperature difference AMTD of the heat exchanger as the driving temperature potential and can be calculated from the knowledge of the inlet temperatures the maximum temperature difference in the heat exchanger and NTU and efciency through = T t 1+ T1 t1 1 + Cr NTU 2 8

The heat transfer rate from a n can be written as q = kAxhp tanh Tb T 6

Substituting from Eq. 8 in Eq. 3 results in T t q = UA = 1 Cmin T1 t1 1 1 + Cr + NTU 2 9

Rearranging Eqs. 3 and 4 , the rate of heat transfer rate for a counter-ow heat exchanger becomes 2Cmin UA tanh q= 1 Cr 2Cmin 1 Cr T t 7

Although Eq. 5 indicates that increasing the n length or the heat transfer coefcient leads to a reduction in the efciency of a n, the total amount of heat transfer actually increases with increasing these two parameters as seen from Eq. 6 . In the limit,

Note that the fraction on the right hand side of Eq. 9 is the effectiveness of the heat exchanger and thus establishes the relation between efciency and effectiveness. Using the concept of heat exchanger efciency for analyzing heat exchanger rating and sizing problems is demonstrated by two examples 5 in the Appendix. As can be seen, both types of problems can be conveniently solved using the concept of heat exchanger efciency without the need for charts or complicated performance equations. Furthermore, the heat exchanger ef-

Fig. 1 Heat exchanger efciency variation with capacity ratio

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Fig. 2 Heat exchanger efciency variation as with capacity ratio

ciency given by Eq. 4 is only a function of one nondimensional variable Fa , whereas effectiveness depends on two parameters Cr and NTU , and the LMTD correction factor F depends also on two parameters P and R . The simple algebraic form of Eq. 4 and its dependence on one single nondimensional group simplify heat exchanger calculations and greatly facilitate comparison of different heat exchangers. The concept of thermal efciency provides a new and more convenient approach for analyzing heat exchangers. Like efciency, the LMTD correction factor F and the heat exchanger effectiveness are also less than 1, but the efforts to relate them to the second law have not been successful. The challenge in dening a second-law-based efciency for heat exchangers is dening an ideal heat transfer process in heat exchangers. An isentropic process is the ideal process for many components and is used to dene isentropic efciency. This obviously cannot be applied to a heat exchanger whose function is to transfer heat. Since entropy production will not be zero notwithstanding the unrealistic case of an innitely large heat exchanger , minimization of entropy has been considered in heat exchanger analysis. The application of this method to heat exchangers was rst proposed by McClintock 6 . Bejan 7 introduced a nondimensional parameter, the number of entropy generation units Ns, as a measure of heat exchanger irreversibility. Ns is the ratio of the total amount of entropy generated in the heat exchanger as a result of irreversibilities associated with heat transfer and uid friction, and the maximum capacity rate. Aceves-Saborio et al. 8 extended the irreversibility minimization method by including a term to account for the exergy of the heat exchanger material. These approaches have found limited application in heat exchanger design, partly due to the fact that the global optimum often leads to a heat exchanger with innite area 8 . The efforts in linking the effectiveness of a heat exchanger to its rate of entropy production have also not been successful. The minimum irreversibility does not appear to correlate with the effectiveness of the heat exchanger, as pointed out by Shah and Skiepko 9 . They showed that the heat exchanger effectiveness can be maximum or minimum at the minimum irreversibility operating point, concluding that effectiveness is not a measure of heat exchanger reversibility 9 . The analysis presented below is to show that the efciency dened above is based on the second law of thermodynamics. It will be shown that the minimum irreversibility is asso1270 / Vol. 129, SEPTEMBER 2007

ciated with the maximum efciency for heat exchangers, clarifying how the second law can be extended to heat exchangers. Consider a heat exchanger having an area A and an overall heat transfer coefcient of U, where the hot and cold uids enter at temperatures T1 and t1 with capacities Ch and Cc, respectively. The heat exchanger efciency is evaluated from Eq. 4 . The average temperature difference in the heat exchanger is xed and is determined from Eq. 8 . As shown above, a balanced counter ow heat exchanger where the hot and cold uid capacities are equal to the Cmin of the actual heat exchanger, having the same UA and AMTD will transfer the maximum amount of heat. The inlet temperatures of the hot and cold uids of the balanced counter-ow heat exchanger are not specied; thus, innitely many exchangers will transfer the same maximum amount of heat. The rest of the paper is to show among all these balanced counterow heat exchangers, the one having the same temperature ratio t1 / T1 as the actual heat exchanger also generates the minimum amount of entropy. Therefore, corresponding to an actual heat exchanger, there is an ideal balanced ow heat where the hot and cold uid capacities are equal to the Cmin of the actual heat exchanger. The ideal and actual heat exchangers have the same UA, the same AMTD, and the same inlet temperature ratio t1 / T1 . The ideal heat exchanger transfers the maximum amount of heat, equal to the product of UA and AMTD, while generating the minimum amount of entropy. Note that from Eq. 8 the inlet and exit temperatures of the uids in the ideal heat exchanger are different from those of the actual heat exchanger. The expressions for the determination of the ideal temperatures will be presented later. Based on the second law, the ideal heat exchanger is, therefore, the most efcient transferring the maximum amount of heat and least irreversible heat exchanger generating the minimum amount of entropy . This ideal heat exchanger is the reference against which other heat exchangers can be compared and their efciency assessed.


Assuming heat transfer from the surroundings to be zero, and the specic heats to be constant, the nondimensional rate of entropy generation for a heat exchanger is given by 9 Transactions of the ASME

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Ch T2 Cc t2 Ch Rh P2 ln + ln ln Cmin T1 Cmin t1 Cmin c p,h P1 Cc Rc p2 ln Cmin c p,c p1 Sgen Cmin 10

where = 11

The rst two terms can be considered as the amount of entropy produced due to temperature change, which is generally as a result of heat transfer T , and the last two terms are due to pressure change P , which is generally due to ow irreversibilities, including friction. In dening an ideal heat transfer process based on the second law, only irreversibilities caused by heat transfer need to be considered. These account for most of the irreversibilities as the pressure drop across the heat exchanger is typically small, and for incompressible uids, the entropy change is only a function of temperature. Mohamed 10 also showed that the entropy generation number due to pressure is too low compared with that due to temperature P T , so it can be neglected. The irreversibility due to heat transfer is given by Ch T2 Cc t2 ln + ln T= Cmin T1 Cmin t1 Eliminating the exit temperatures

and capacity ratio. Therefore, the amount of entropy generated in the heat exchanger as given by Eqs. 15 and 16 is only a function of temperature ratio, NTU, and capacity ratio. Figure 3 is a plot of entropy generated as a function of capacity ratio for different heat exchangers for both cases of the uid with minimum capacity being the hot or the cold uid. For a given NTU and inlet temperature ratio 0.7 , the entropy generated is a decreasing function of capacity ratio for the three heat exchangers shown, assuming its lowest value for the balanced ow condition. For the conditions shown in Fig. 3 a NTU= 3 at all capacity ratios, the counter-ow heat exchanger is the least irreversible heat exchanger, generating the least amount of entropy. For the conditions shown in Fig. 3 b NTU= 1.1 at all capacity ratios, the parallel ow heat exchanger generates the least amount of entropy. However, a parallel ow heat exchanger also has the lowest efciency, transferring the least amount of heat compared to the others and hence the reason for lower generation of entropy. As can be seen in Fig. 3, the minimum entropy is generated for the balanced ow condition. For the balanced ow conditions, substituting Cr = 1 in Eqs. 15 and 16 and simplifying, results in 1+
T min =


t1 T1 NTU 1 + NTU T1 t1 1 + NTU 2



Ch q Cc q ln 1 + ln 1 + Cmin C hT 1 Cmin C ct 1 1 1 Cmin NTU Ch 1 Cmin NTU Cc + 1 Ch 1+ 2 Cc 1 1 Cc + 1+ 2 Ch T1 t1 T1


Substituting for q from Eq. 8 results in


1 ln 1 Cmin Ch

1 ln 1 + Cmin Cc

T1 t1 t1

14 from which the amount of entropy generated can be calculated. Either the cold or the hot uid can have the minimum capacity. Assuming Cc = Cmin results in 1 ln 1 Cr T= Cr 1 1 NTU 1 1 NTU 1 1 NTU 1 + Cr + 2 1 1 NTU + 1 + Cr 2 + 1 + Cr 2 t1 1 T1

that is the minimum amount of entropy generated for any heat exchanger regardless of which uid has the minimum capacity. The minimum entropy generated given by Eq. 17 is plotted in Fig. 4 as a function of the product of heat exchanger efciency and the number of transfer units for several temperature ratios. As can be seen, the minimum entropy generated increases and reaches a maximum value and then decreases as the product NTU increases. This was rst pointed out by Tribus and reported by Bejan 11 for a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger. This behavior is sometimes referred to as the entropy generation paradox and so far has only been reported for balanced counterow heat exchangers. A number of explanations 12,13 have been provided as to why such a behavior is observed for a counter-ow heat exchanger. Equation 17 shows for all balanced ow heat exchangers, and not just counter-ow ones, that as the product NTU increases, the amount of entropy generated also increases to a maximum before decreasing. For all heat exchangers under the balanced ow condition, when NTU = 1, the entropy generation reaches a maximum value of 1+

= ln

t1 T1 4


T1 t1


+ ln 1 +

T1 1 t1


and assuming Ch = Cmin, Eq. 14 becomes


= ln 1

t1 T1

1 ln 1 + Cr Cr

T1 1 1 + Cr t1 + 2


The product of NTU and for four different heat exchangers can be obtained from Table 1 and Eq. 4 and is a function of NTU Journal of Heat Transfer

Since the efciency of a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger is 1, maximum entropy generation for a counter-ow heat exchanger happens at NTU= 1, which conrms the results of Bejan 11 . Substituting efciency expressions of shell and tube and parallel ow heat exchangers in Eq. 17 shows that the maximum for a shell and tube heat exchanger occurs at NTU= 1.2455, and for a parallel ow heat exchanger at NTU . Figure 5 shows the variation of the minimum entropy generated Eq. 17 normalized by its maximum Eq. 18 for three types of heat exchangers for a given value of the temperature ratio 0.1 . For each value of NTU, efciency is calculated from the expressions of Table 1, under the balanced ow condition. The general behavior seen in Fig. 5 is valid for all temperature ratios. The region near the point of maximum entropy is magnied to show the details of the behavior near this point. As can be seen, at a given NTU 1.2, a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger generates less entropy compared to the other heat exchangers, even though, having a higher efciency, it transfers more heat. For small values of NTU, parallel ow or shell and tube heat exchangSEPTEMBER 2007, Vol. 129 / 1271

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Fig. 3 Entropy generation with capacity ratio for different heat exchangers

ers generate less entropy than the counter-ow heat exchanger, due to their low efciency Fig. 2 and low heat transfer rates. The minimum amount of entropy generated for a balanced counter-ow heat exchanger = 1 is obtained from 1+
T min =

evaluated for a balanced parallel ow heat exchanger tanh NTU/NTU 1+ t1 T1 NTU 1 + NTU T1 t1 NTU + 1 2 1+ = t1 T1 tanh NTU 1 + tanh NTU T1 t1 tanh NTU + 1 2


t1 T1 NTU 1 + NTU T1 t1 NTU + 1 2


The point where the crossover, for example, for parallel ow exchanger, occurs is found by equating Eq. 17 evaluated for balanced counter-ow heat exchanger = 1 to the same equation, 1272 / Vol. 129, SEPTEMBER 2007


Equation 20 simplies to Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 4 Variation of entropy generation with exchangers

NTU in balanced ow heat

NTU tanh NTU = 1


which results in the solution NTU= 1.199679 1.20. Note that at the crossover point, the parallel ow heat exchanger has an efciency = 0.69%. There is only one ideal heat exchanger corresponding to the specied heat exchanger under consideration. It is also helpful to further explore the idealized heat exchanger. As mentioned before,

the ideal heat exchanger is a balanced counter-ow one, having the same UA as the actual heat exchanger where the hot and cold uid capacities are equal to the Cmin of the actual heat exchanger. The ideal and actual heat exchangers have the same AMTD, and the same temperature ratio t1 / T1 . The ideal heat exchanger has an efciency of 1 and transfers the maximum amount of heat given by

Fig. 5 Scaled entropy generation variation with NTU for different heat exchangers

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Fig. 6 Variation of the ideal temperatures as a function of the temperature ratio

q = UA T t



and generates the minimum amount of entropy given by Eq. 19 . The inlet and exit temperatures of the ideal heat exchanger optimum values are higher than those of the actual heat exchanger. Using Eqs. 8 and 9 , it can be shown that they can be determined from t1 T1 t1 = = 1 + NTU 1 t1 T t T1

to 1


to = 2

to 2 1 + NTU T t To 1

= to* + 1



To* = 1

1 + NTU T t To 2

= 1 + to* 1 1 1 + NTU


The heat exchanger efciency is dened as the ratio of the actual heat transfer in a heat exchanger to the optimum heat transfer rate. For some of the commonly used heat exchangers, the efciency expressions have the same simple algebraic function, similar to the efciency of a constant area n with an insulated tip and are a function of a single nondimensional parameter called a n analogy Fa number. For a given heat exchanger and its operating condition, there exists an ideal heat exchanger, which transfers the maximum amount of heat and generates the minimum amount of entropy. The actual heat transfer from the heat exchanger is obtained by multiplying its efciency and the optimum heat transfer rate, given by the product UA and the arithmetic mean temperature difference. The ideal heat exchanger also generates the minimum amount of entropy. The concept of heat exchanger efciency provides a new and more convenient way for the design and analysis of heat exchangers and heat exchanger networks.

To* = 2

1 + NTU T t

= to* + 1


A Ax AMTD Cc Ch Cmin Cmax cp Cr F Fa h k heat exchanger surface area, m2 n cross section area, m2 arithmetic mean temperature difference; AMTD= T t heat capacity rate of the cold uid Cc = mc p c heat capacity rate of the hot uid Ch = mc p h minimum heat capacity rate =min Cc , Ch maximum heat capacity rate =max Cc , Ch constant pressure specic heat capacity ratio Cr = Cmin Cmax LMTD correction factor n analogy number heat transfer coefcient thermal conductivity Transactions of the ASME

The closer the inlet and exit temperatures of the actual heat exchanger are to their optimum values, the closer the heat exchanger is to its ideal performance. Equation 23 is plotted in Fig. 6, and represents the ideal nondimensional inlet temperature of the cold uid. The temperature ratio for Examples 1 and 2 is t1 / T1 = 0.668, where temperatures are in Kelvin. The inlet and exit temperatures of the ideal heat exchanger can be determined from Eqs. 23 26 . For example, the optimum inlet temperature of the cold uid is 40.7 C as compared to the actual temperature of 16 C. The methodology described in this paper can also be used for optimization of heat exchangers, by dening an objective function and relaxing one or more of the specied parameters, like the heat exchanger type, U, A, inlet temperatures, etc., but is beyond the scope of the present work. 1274 / Vol. 129, SEPTEMBER 2007

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L LMTD NTU P p P p q qopt R Sgen T t T t To to U

length log-mean temperature difference; LMTD= T1 t2 T2 t1 / ln T1 t2 / T2 t1 number of transfer units NTU= UA / Cmin pressure of hot uid pressure of cold uid P = t2 t1 / T1 t1 circumference rate of heat transfer optimum rate of heat transfer; qopt = UA T t R = T1 T2 / t2 t1 rate of entropy production hot uid temperature cold uid temperature average temperature of the hot uid = T1 T + T2 / 2 average temperature of the cold uid = t1 t + t2 / 2 temperature of the hot uid in the ideal heat exchanger temperature of the cold uid in the ideal heat exchanger overall heat transfer coefcient, W / m2 K heat exchanger efciency heat exchanger effectiveness = q / Cmin T1 t1 nondimensional entropy generation rate = Sgen Cmin


2 1 + Cr = tanh1 2


2 1 + Cr 2

tanh1 0.8832 NTU =

1 + 0 . 9712 2

1 + 0 . 9712 2 = 0.8832 = 0.857 1.030

= 1.030


CminNTU 11,617 1.030 = 33.71 m2 = 355 U

The area for the shell and tube heat exchanger calculated here matches the value given in the solutions manual for Ref. 5 by using the F correction factor. Example 2. Water at a rate of 10,000 kg/ hr and 16 C with specic heat of 4182 J / kg K is used to cool oil at 160 C in a shell and tube heat exchanger similar to Example 1, having an overall heat transfer coefcient of 355 W / m2 K and an area of 33.71 m2. If Ch = 11,970 W / K, determine the rate of heat transfer. This is the reverse problem, and an example of a heat exchanger rating problem, typically solved using the -NTU approach. Here the problem is solved using the concept of heat exchanger efciency. Fa = NTU
2 1 + Cr 1 + 0 . 9712 = 1.030 = 0.718 2 2

Subscripts and Superscripts 1 inlet 2 outlet * nondimensional

Example 1. Water at a rate of 10,000 kg/ hr is used to cool oil from 160 C to 94 C on the shell side of a single shell and fourtube paths heat exchanger. Water having a specic heat of 4182 J / kg K enters the tubes at 16 C and exits at 84 C. If the overall heat transfer coefcient is 355 W / m2 K, determine the heat exchanger area. This example is based on problem 11.44 of Ref. 5 and an example of a sizing problem. Using the concept of heat exchanger efciency, the solution is found as follows: Cc = 10,000 4182 = 11,617 W/K, 3600 105 W = T t

tanh Fa = 0.857 Fa

T1 t1 160 16 = 1 + 0.971 1 + Cr 1 + 1.030 0.857 1 + NTU 2 2 = 77 K T t q = UA = 355 = 7.90 33.71 105 W 0.858 77

q = Cc t2 t1 = 11,617 84 16 = 7.90

1 Fakheri, A., 2003, Arithmetic Mean Temperature Difference and the Concept of Heat Exchanger Efciency, Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2123, Paper No. HT200347360. 2 Fakheri, A., 2003, The Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Efciency and its Relation to Effectiveness, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Washington, D.C., November 1621. 3 Fakheri, A., 2003, An Alternative Approach for Determining Log Mean Temperature Difference Correction Factor and Number of Shells in Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, J. Enhanced Heat Transfer, 10 4 , pp. 407420. 4 Fakheri, A., 2006, Thermal Efciency of the Cross Flow Heat Exchangers, Proceedings of the 2006 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Chicago, IL, November 510. 5 Incropera, F. P., and DeWitt, D., 2002, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th ed., Wiley, New York. 6 McClintock, F. A., 1951, The Design of Heat Exchangers for Minimum Irreversibility, Presented at the ASME Annual Meeting, Paper No. 51-A-108. 7 Bejan, A., 1977, Concept of Irreversibility in Heat Exchanger Design: Counterow Heat Exchangers for Gas-to-Gas Applications, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 99 3 , pp. 374380. 8 Aceves-Saborio, S., Ranasinghe, J., and Reistad, G. M., 1989, Extension to

7.90 105 q = 11,970 W/K C Ch = = 160 94 T1 T2 T t q = UA = CminNTU NTU = Cmin T t

7.90 105 q = 0.8832 = 11,617 77 T t = tanh Fa Fa

2 1 + Cr 2

tanh NTU = NTU Journal of Heat Transfer

2 1 + Cr 2

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the Irreversibility Minimization Analysis Applied to Heat Exchangers, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 111 1 , pp. 2936. 9 Shah, R. K., and Skiepko, T., 2004, Entropy Generation Extrema and Their Relationship With Heat Exchanger EffectivenessNumber of Transfer Unit Behavior for Complex Flow Arrangements, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 126 6 , pp. 9941002. 10 Mohamed, H. A., 2006, Entropy Generation in Counter Flow Heat Exchang-

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