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Thrice Yearning Ceremony Handbook

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Thrice Yearning Ceremony Handbook

(National Grandmaster Zhong Fengs Amitabha Buddha Thrice Yearning Ceremony and Chanting Service)

Instructions for At-Home Solitary and Group Practice Revised and translation corrections by: Lin Ai Wei Gui Zhen Great Compassion Dharma Door
(Gui Zhen Philo Cultural Society) Artwork by Lin Xin Ci

The work in this book was taken from the Amitabha Buddhist Society of Houston, Texas. Previously this work was in a larger manual intended for a large group practice, large ceremonial gatherings for crossing over the deceased. Both the Chinese pinyin and English translations needed a bit of revisions. The information in this booklet presents only the English translation, and some pinyin of the mantras. Due to many people not able to read Chinese pinyin, the pinyin written in this book is not the standard style, but the phonetics of the words. Thus, it is made readable to those without Chinese Mandarin pronunciation skills. All credit of this work goes to the original printing made in Taiwan, and its distributor of the

Amitabha Buddhist Society of Houston Texas. I have only edited the already made English translation, added certain applications for personal and small group utilization, as well as rewritten the mantras in a phonetically speak-able manner. I hope this book will be of good use to those seeking to help the uncountable living beings out there, nourish ones good roots, and share the blessings of the ceremony with all those around them, whether or not they are friends or family.

Namo Amitabha Buddha! Lin Ai Wei Founder: Gui Zhen Philo-Cultural Society

Brief Explanation of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony By: Lin Ai Wei The Thrice Yearning Ceremony is usually performed in a large hall, or temple, with hundreds, if not thousands of at home and left home cultivators. Though it is called a ceremony, it is a manner of cultivation which leads the cultivator to enacting and embodying unbiased compassion, humility and selflessness. The Thrice Yearning Ceremony means intending, affirming and providing, for three times with the same intention, that those who are still living to receive merit and virtue, and have peace and harmony in their lives, and more so for those who have passed to receive the opportunity to listen to the Buddhas teachings, put down their attachments and take a vow to be reborn in Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land. It is not a funeral ceremony, nor is it a superstitious one either. It has a function and the function is quite obvious; to bring methods of wisdom teachings to those who can comprehend the principle, to offer a setting of comfort and safety to those who cannot comprehend the meaning and to transfer merit and virtue from the practice itself to those who do not have enough nourished good causes to hear the teachings. Ghosts, spirits and those who are not manifest with a physical body are usually

overlooked as being unreal, yet what most fail to realize is our thoughts and emotions hold no physical manifestation until they are experienced by any of the 5 senses. Until they are made manifest, they are unreal to the standards of most people. What is the difference then between ghosts, spirits and our thoughts and emotions? The difference is our capability of perception. We living beings can only perceive of things that we have the capability to perceive of. Its quite simple. The Thrice Yearning Ceremony is put together in a way that provides those who can not be readily seen to be welcomed to the way place, to listen, practice and attain rebirth in the Pure Land. Notice how in the second paragraph above this one, I wrote 5 senses instead of 6. The reason is because most people think that their mind makes things that are not real, and so a ghost, or spirit that manifests is just a figment of their imagination. The discriminative truth is that before you were born, your parents imagined you, imagined a lifetime with you. Before you were born, werent you just a figment of your parents imagination? There is no difference at this point. Most people think ghosts and spirits are superstitious ideas formulated to bring comfort to the living that their loved ones are not really dead; also as a way to explain unfortunate happenings. The truth is if the loved ones were seen as a physical body, then they are dead indeed to that person, but if the attachment to them in views was not in the manner of them being a physical body, then they are not really dead. Basically, living beings are said to be living because they have a type of form-body to them. In fact, one doesnt need a form to be said to exist; they simply need thought. Yet this goes further into another discussion. Superstition means anything that cannot be readily seen and or does not maintain a logical and rational reasoning behind it. Yet, one cannot say something is superstitious or not because they are not working with the full capacity of undefiled karma to actually see the truth of reality. Therefore, they are not in the place to decide what is real or not. Karma is felt and experienced by all, but what most dont realize is the cause of ones karmic condition goes unseen due to the lack of wisdom. If it is unseen, how then can an outcome manifest? It is due to the lack of the capacity to see the causes. Does this mean the causes are a form of superstition? Does this mean that outcomes bear no cause just because one cannot readily be aware of the cause? Not at all. When we call the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to the Thrice Yearning Ceremony, we are not invoking them, evoking them, or begging them to come, nor to lend us power or bestow, without our own efforts, their wisdom. The intention to have living beings vow to be reborn in the Pure Land is not a prayer for them to go to a better place either.

Calling the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas at the time of such ceremony is basically to gather the mind and turn it back to the original mind. Gather ones concentration and turn it from going out to going in. Understand that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are not Gods and spirits who want to give you something in order for you to return the favor. They dont need for you to praise them, they simply respond according to your sincerity of practice. Therefore the calling of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is simply just the cultivator returning their focus inward, pointing it to the original mind, without a mark, and shining that inner light of wisdom, clear wisdom, throughout all directions. The application of mind in terms of selfless service is just the Bodhisattva mind. The application of mind in terms of unconditioned compassion and undefiled karma is just the Buddha mind. Tell me then, what Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would not be present at the time of application? Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land is nothing like a heaven, nothing like a hell, and is not easy to get to if there is no sincere application of ones own efforts. Its not a place you get to by being a good person alone, nor is it a place that Amitabha Buddha yearns for you to go to. One way or another we will all be there at some point; he doesnt have to worry about when. The Pure Land is either far, far away, or right there in front of you. Its the decision of the cultivator whether or not the Pure Land is easy to get to. Some do not believe in such teachings, and that is okay because its due to the capacity to understand the principles and teachings of the Buddha Dharma. One doesnt have to believe, yet one should not disregard the teachings and methods as false or superstitious if they personally have not properly investigated them. To do such would be irresponsible. So far, the above is a brief explanation, very brief, on a few points of concern. Now, we look at some of the effects of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony application. When living beings who have passed on hear the teachings, they are attracted to it because the energy and light that is emitted from the way place (temple, cultivation center) is comforting and peaceful, bright and all pervasive. Because ghosts and spirits, and living beings without physical bodies are more Yin in essence than those with a physical body, or high cultivated in mind, they are attracted to the bright and warm light and energy of the high energy (Yang) ceremony, Yang meaning active and bright. When they hear the bell being struck, they get curious, when its hit a second time, they move closer to the origin of the sound and when its hit a third time they are thus drawn into the way place and find it comforting to know that

someone cares for them. Those living beings that have passed, that have the conditions to stay and cultivate the teachings expounded in the ceremony, stay and some attain their vows that were taken during the ceremony. Some who do not have the conditions to be free from their state (further explanation will be needed on this comment) cannot attend due to their own causes and heavy karma. Thus, the merit and virtue that is transferred throughout the ceremony is given to them so one day they can be present and hear the principles spoken, vow to apply their mind and efforts to be reborn in the Pure Land and be freed from their own caused suffering. Though the teaching of the Pure Land method sounds very comforting, and almost too easy to apply, it requires hard work in practice. Being a good person is easy to a degree, but being a good person who is mindful of their own Buddhanature and who applies them self to proper practice is very hard in regards to the heaviness of their karma, or the conditions to understand the teachings. During the Thrice yearning Ceremony there are practices like Bowing and reciting taken place. What is the function of bowing? Its function lies in the principles of humility, respect and selflessness. Humility towards the Buddha mind being one of undefiled wisdom, respect for the Buddhas and their teachings and selflessness in practice for when bowing, ones legs and back may hurt, arms can get tired too, and one may feel fatigued. Also, during bowing, false thinking may arise and the gates of tolerance break, causing one to feel frustrated, bored and lazy. Bowing has its function in applying your mind to something while maintaining focus. Its like a test of will. How much can you push forward? How much can you withstand? Dont give up too soon, like having to walk 5 miles, but decide to turn around after you reach the half way point. When ghosts and spirits see the efforts of the cultivators on their behalf, they are astonished, humbled and offer their respect and gratitude. To do something for those who one does not even know about is wonderful and worth acknowledgment for. Thus the ghosts and spirits revere the cultivators and listen to what they have to say, as well as feel really comfortable saying whats on their own mind as well when the time permits. The recitations function is towards the expounding of the teachings. Whether in Chinese or English, or any other language, the teachings can be felt and realized through mind to mind transference. This means it doesnt matter what sound of the words is spoken, because the inherent intention, meaning and function of the cause pervades time and space. There is no boundary with applied concentration, especially when it comes to the Buddhas teachings. Just remember that saying profane words in place of the teachings during the ceremony isnt going to do any

good. Profanity, like every other word, carries a collective negative vibration. It is not well taken. Sometimes ghosts and spirits do not have the capacity to understand the meaning. What happens then? Well if they can apply their sincere efforts towards the practice itself, have faith and vow to attain rebirth in the Pure Land, they will thus nourish the causes of such outcome and eventually be brought to a place of comprehension, by their own means, and be able to attain the fruit of their causes in terms of the vows they took during the ceremony. There is no boundary as to how far the intentions for the Thrice Yearning Ceremony reach. It pervades all time and space, meaning it goes every where and reaches those who have the karmic conditions to attain it. Transferring merit and virtue to those who may not have the conditions to be reborn in the Pure Land, cause them to slowly, but surely, nourish such causes and lead them to attain enough merit and virtue to be able to hear the teachings, comprehend its meaning and attain their goal. To perform the Thrice Yearning Ceremony without the congregation of Monks and Nuns of the Left Home Sangha requires just the sincere intentions of getting the job done! There is no fame or money in doing it alone. The more and more it is done, the better one becomes at doing it. The merit and virtue attained from doing such a thing is immeasurable, but if once the thought arises that the cultivator saves living beings by crossing them over to the other sure, the merit and virtue depletes, its not worth anything. All the cultivator does is simply offer a platform where living beings can hear the teachings and apply themselves to the practice, nothing more. The Thrice Yearning Ceremony offers a platform where the cultivators taking part in it can offer their sincere application of mind to their heavy, turbid karma, to the living beings they have hurt in times past and to the recent present time and to the living beings throughout the 10 directions. The function of this is to illuminate the mind, purify the mind by accepting the mistakes one had performed, apologizing for them, sincerely offering whatever merit and virtue attained from practice to these beings and giving them a way out from their suffering. Sometimes the living beings who want revenge appear in the forms of rage, anger, sadness, sickness and disrespectful behavior. They try to negatively influence our lives by wishing harm on us for the sake of making things even. What they fail to understand is that they cause even more suffering for themselves by harming others. This principle never really passes through their mind, only revenge.

Therefore during the Thrice Yearning Ceremony, these beings are called out only by pure sincerity for them to attain goodness. They undergo conflict in their mind because here the cultivator is offering them something good when in the past all the cultivator did was hurt them. These beings dont want to let go of their anger and want revenge only, but because of the cultivators sincerity, and the manner of the teachings, the vengeful beings slowly begin to change their views. Sometimes it takes more than just a few times of doing the ceremony. In the end, the outcomes are always wholesome. One must push through their afflictions in order to attain, therefore when false thinking arises during the ceremony, or even ones personal practice, its best to simply keep going, apply more effort in concentrating on what you are doing and be sincere. The goals of the ceremony are to guide living beings, who have passed on, towards Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land, to offer a platform of the Buddha Dharma, to transfer merit and virtue to the living who have not yet heard the Dharma and who may not have enough nourished good causes to meet the Buddha Dharma and for rebirth in Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land. There is only good that can come out of this practice when sincerity and concentration are applied. This, in brief, is an explanation of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony. There is still much more to discuss, so please do not take this as the end. In truth, speaking on the merits and virtues from participating and performing in this ceremony will take countless eons to complete. Even explaining the benefits from this ceremony are too vast to complete. I personally advise everyone who wants to do something wholesome and good, to take part in such a ceremony. The community energy of care and compassion is really wonderful. It would be a time in service never forgotten.

Preparing the Grounds Preparing the grounds means getting the space you are using, ready for the practice/ceremony. Make sure the ground is swept, incense is ready, and the rules are set. Rules are for those who are present without body. The rules should be that whoever should come to listen, should be respectful, stand or sit, and leave when finished with the ceremony. If one can prepare an altar with a picture of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss Amitabha Buddha, Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) and Mahasthamaprapta (Da Shi Zhi) Bodhisattvas pictures, would be best, but having any picture or statue of any of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will be just as great.

Flowers, a cup of water, and perhaps some fruit would be good as offerings, yet I personally just keep it simple and go straight for the ceremony. Those who come without body should come straight to practice. Wear loose fitting clothing, and do not wear anything revealing of the body: skirts and shorts above the knees, low cut shirts at the chest, and above the naval. Standing or sitting is okay. Sometimes, I personally like to walk in a large circle while performing the ceremony, whatever makes you comfortable and conducive to keeping your attention up. Thrice Yearning Ceremony/Practice Stand palms together at heart. Light Incense, and bow three times at waist level. On each bow, recite: Namo Amitabha Buddha, 3 times. After 3rd bow, place incense in the burner, and bow again 3 times. If more than one person, each person lights up 1 stick of incense. They can all bow simultaneously, and one by one place incense in the burner. There is no need to light up so many sticks of incense, especially in a small, confined space. Even one stick of incense is okay. The intention of offering the delightful scent is enough, thus one stick is fine. All depends on the cultivator (s). The following Mantras will be in English, yet some that are not with translations will be in Chinese Pinyin, a transliteration from Sanskrit. The pinyin will not be the standard spelling because it will not be easy to read if one is a Chinese language novice. The pinyin will be according to the way the words sounds. Some words will be in parenthesis to offer a phonetics of the word). The English translations are not prayer, but affirmations of the function. After all have placed incense in the burner, return to your original places, and speak the following: Namo All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pratyeka Buddhas, Arhats and Dharma Protectors of the Ten Directions. Please inform all those with affinities to come and listen to the Proper Dharma in the form of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony. May they come and put down their false thinking, take vows to be reborn in Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and attain Buddhahood, ultimately Nirvana. After, begin to recite the following mantra: English:

Praise To The Fragrance of the Precept Samadhi The true fragrance of the precept Samadhi burns to reach the heavens above. We, the disciples, with sincerity, offer it in a golden censor. Instantaneously and completely, it permeates the ten directions. With it, Yasodara once avoided calamities and averted disasters. Namo Incense Cloud Bodhisattva, Mahasattvas! Recite 3 times. Recite: The Sea of consciousness rises from the existence. The world is full of waves and turbulence of karma. For the one who seeks the other shore, there is the ferry to the land of bliss. Namo Amitabha Buddha. Recite 3 times Recite: Namo Bodhisattva, Mahasattva of the Clear Cool Ground. Recite 3 times Namo to the Prajna assembly of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as vast as the sea. Recite 3 times. Recite: The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. Shariputra, all Dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining. Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and

he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this: Gatay Gatay Paragatay Parasamgatay Bodhi Svaha! Recite: Maha Prajna Paramita! 3 times Recite 3 times: Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure Land Namo Ah Mee Dwoh Pwoh Yeah Dwoh Twoh Chyeah Dwoh Yeah Dwoh Dee Yeah Twoh Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Shee Dahn Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dee Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dwoh Chyeah Mee Knee Chyeah Chyeah Nwoh Jrr Dwoh Jyah Lee Swoh Pwoh Huh. If you have fruit and water present, recite the following: True Words for Transforming the Food Namo Sah Wah Dan Twoh Yeah Dwoh Wah Loo Jr Dee Ann Sahn Bwoh La Sahn Bwoh La Hung Recite 3 times

Sweet Dew True Words Namo Soo Loo Pwoh Yeah Dahn Twoh Yeah Dwoh Yeah Da Jr Twoh Ann Soo Loo Soo Loo Pwoh La Soo Loo Pwoh La Soo Loo Swoh Pwoh Huh Recite 3 times Universal Offering True Words Ann Yeah Yeah Nahng Sahn Pwoh Wah Fah Zz La Hung Recite 3 times Praise of The Lotus Pond Amidst the Lotus Pool, as vast as the sea; May the Thus Come One Amitabha, together with He Who Hears the Cries of The World (Guan Yin) and Great Strength, lead beings to ascend the golden lotus dais. Based on their vows, they teach expansively so that all will vow to leave defilement. Verse for Transferring Merit We vow to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, With lotus blossoms in nine stages as our parents. When the lotus blossoms, we shall see the Buddha and be enlightened to the absolute truth with Bodhisattvas who never regress on the Path as companions. Opening Verses for Addressing the Ceremony Today, for the sake of ( say the names of those you are doing the ceremony for), we ask the presence of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pratyeka Buddhas, Arhats and Dharma Protectors of the Ten Directions to come and guide us in our efforts of the Thrice Yearning and Chanting Service. These Great Masters teach us the Dharma according to the essence of the true mind, the Buddha-Mind; thus helping us focus, sincerely, our thoughts on Amitabha Buddha. When ones mind is pure, Amitabha Buddha will respond.

The ceremony is usually performed in 3 separate time periods. Tonight we will be performing one of the three ceremonies. Be they already passed on, or still living, those with the opportunity to come and listen, should indeed attend in order to receive the teachings to leave their suffering behind. They should all have one thing in their mind, to truly accept the Buddhas teachings and escape the six paths of suffering, bringing them to Amitabhas Land of Ultimate Bliss. Namo Amitabha Buddha - recite 3 times Incense Praise Incense is burning in the censor; the entire Dharma Realm receives its fragrance; from afar, the vast-sea host of Buddhas all inhale its sweetness. In every direction, auspicious clouds appear; our sincere intentions being fulfilled, as all Buddhas now show their perfect body. Namo Incense Cloud Canopy Bodhisattva Mahasattva! - Recite 3 times Read: The intrinsic nature of ones mind is pure and undefiled. It has roots that stretch through time and branches which extend throughout all space. It is beyond nature and creation. It has no intention; thus, shows no transformation. By discovering this state of mind, which is the purest of all, one should offer it to the Eternal Triple Gems; Amitabha Buddha, Guan Yin, Great Strength, and the Great Pure Sea-Like Assembly of Bodhisattvas, Dharma, Sangha and all living beings in the world. It is the highest of offerings that one could provide. Namo Incense Cloud Canopy Bodhisattva Mahasattva recite 3 times. Recite: Namo Sea-Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (3xs)
THE BUDDHA SPEAKS OF AMITABHA SUTRA Thus I have heard, at one time the Buddha dwelt at Sravasti in the Jeta grove in the garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great Bhiksus, 1250 in all, all great Arhats whom the assembly knew and recognized: Elders Sariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakasyapa, Mahakatyayana, Mahakausthila, Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola-bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Maha kaphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, and others such as these, all great disciples; together with all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas: Dharma Prince Manjusri,

Ajita Bodhisattva, Gandhastin Bodhisattva, Nityodyukta Bodhisattva, and others such as these, all great Bodhisattvas; and together with Sakra, chief among gods and the numberless great multitudes from all the heavens.7 At that time the Buddha told the Elder Sariputra, Passing from here through hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhalands to the West, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss8. In this land a Buddha called Amitabha right now teaches the Dharma. Sariputra, for what reason is this land called Ultimate Bliss? All living beings9 of this country endure none of the sufferings, but enjoy every bliss Therefore, it is called Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, this Land of Ultimate Bliss is everywhere surrounded by seven tiers of railings11 seven layers of netting12 and seven rows of trees13, all formed from the four treasures and for this reason named Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, the Land of Ultimate Bliss has pools14 of the seven jewels15 filled with the eight waters16 of merit and virtue. The bottom of each pool is pure, spread over with golden sand. On the four sides are stairs of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and crystal above are raised pavilions adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, ratherof-pearl, red pearls, and carnelian. In the pools are lotuses as large as carriage wheels: green colored of green light; yellow colored of yellow light; red colored of red light; white colored of white light; subtly, wonderfully, fragrant and pure. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra. In that Buddhaland there is always heavenly music, and the ground is yellow gold. In the six periods of the day and night a heavenly rain of mandarava flowers falls, and throughout the clear morning each living being of this Land, with sacks full of the myriads of wonderful flowers, makes offerings to the hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhas of the other directions. At mealtime they return to their own country and having eaten they stroll around. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra, in this country there are always rare and wonderful varycolored birds: white cranes18; peacocks19; parrots20 and egrets21; kalavinkas22 and twoheaded birds23. In the six periods of the day and night the flocks of birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds. Their clear and joyful sounds proclaim the five roots 24, the five powers25, the seven Bodhi shares 26, the eight sagely way shares 27, and dharmas such as these. When living beings of this land hear these sounds, they are altogether mindful28 of the Buddha, mindful of the Dharma, and mindful of the Sangha.

Sariputra, do not say that these birds are born as retribution for their karmic offenses. For what reason? In this Buddhaland there are no three evil ways of rebirth 29. Sariputra, in this Buddhaland not even the names of the three evil ways exist, how much the less their actuality! Desiring that the Dharma sound be widely proclaimed, Amitabha Buddha by transformation made this multitude of birds. Sariputra, in that Buddhaland, when the soft wind blows, the rows of jeweled trees and jeweled nets give forth subtle and wonderful sounds, like one hundred thousand kinds of music played at the same time. All those who hear this sound naturally bring forth in their hearts30 mindfulness of the Buddha, mindfulness of the Dharma, and mindfulness of the Sangha. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Sariputra, what do you think? Why is this Buddha called Amitabha? Sariputra, the brilliance of that Buddhas light is measureless, illumining the lands of the ten directions everywhere without obstruction; for this reason he is called Amitabha31. Moreover Sariputra, the life of that Buddha and that of his people extends for measureless limitless asankhyeya kalpas; for this reason he is called Amitayus32. And Sariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed. Moreover Sariputra, that Buddha has measureless, limitless sound-hearer disciples33, all Arhats, their number incalculable; thus also is the assembly of Bodhisattvas. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra, those living beings born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss are all avaivartika34. Among them are many who in this very life will dwell in Buddhahood 35. Their number is extremely many; it is incalculable and only in measureless, limitless asankhyeya36 kalpas could it be spoken. Sariputra, those living beings that hear should vow, I wish to be born in that country. And why? Those who thus attain are all superior and good people, all coming together in one place. Sariputra, one cannot have few good roots, blessings, virtues, and causal connections37 to attain birth in that Land. Sariputra, if there is a good man or good woman who hears spoken Amitabha Buddha and holds the name, whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, when this person approaches the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha Buddha and all the assembly of Holy Ones. When the end comes, his heart is without inversion; in Amitabha Buddhas Land of

Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth. Sariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words: If living beings hear this spoken they should make the vow, I will be born in that land. Sariputra, as I now praise the inconceivable benefit from the merit and virtue of Amitabha Buddha, thus in the East are also Aksobhya Buddha 38, Sumeru Appearance Buddha39, Great Sumeru Buddha40, Sumeru Light Buddha41, Wonderful Sound Buddha42, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds43, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue 44 of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Southern world are Sun Moon Lamp Buddha46, Well-Known Light Buddha47, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha48, Sumeru Lamp Buddha49, Measureless Vigor Buddha50, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Western world are Measureless Life Buddha51, Measureless Appearance Buddha52, Measureless Curtain Buddha53, Great Light Buddha54, Great Brightness Buddha55, Jeweled Appearance Buddha56, Pure Light Buddha57, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Northern world are Blazing Shoulders Buddha 58, Most Victorious Sound Buddha59, Hard to Injure Buddha60, Sun Birth Buddha61, Net Brightness Buddha62, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the world below are Lion Buddha 63, Well-Known Buddha64, Famous Light Buddha65, Dharma Buddha66, Dharma Curtain Buddha67, Dharma Maintaining Buddha68, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective.

Sariputra, in the world above are Pure Sound Buddha 69, King of Past Lives Buddha70, Superior Fragrance Buddha71, Fragrant Light Buddha72, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha73, Vary-colored Jewels and Flower Adornment Body Buddha 74, Sala Tree King Buddha75, Jeweled Flower Virtue Buddha76, Vision of all Meaning Buddha77, Such as Mt. Sumeru Buddha78, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, what do you think? Why is it called Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, if a good man or good woman hears this Sutra and holds to it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas, this good man or woman will be the Mindful One of whom all Buddhas are protective, and will irreversibly attain to annuttara-samyak- sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all of you should believe and accept my words, and those which all Buddhas speak. Sariputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make the vow, I desire to be born in Amitabhas Country, these people whether born in the past, now being born, or to be born in the future, all will irreversibly attain to annuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all good men and good women, if they are among those who have faith, should make the vow, I will be born in that country. Sariputra, just as I am now one who praises the merit and virtue of all Buddhas, all those Buddhas equally praise my inconceivable merit and virtue saying these words, Sakyamuni Buddha can complete extremely rare and difficult deeds. In the Saha Land, in the evil time of the five turbidities 79, in the midst of the kalpa turbidity, the view turbidity, the affliction turbidity, the living beings turbidity, and the life turbidity, he can attain annuttara-samyak-sambodhi and for the sake of living beings, speak this Dharma which in the whole world is hard to believe. Sariputra, you should know that I, in the evil time of the five turbidities, practice these difficult deeds,, attain annuttara-samyak- sambodhi and for all the world speak this dharma, difficult to believe, extremely difficult After the Buddha spoke this Sutra, Sariputra and all the Bhiksus, all the gods, men, and asuras, and others from all the worlds, hearing what the Buddha had said, joyously welcomed, faithfully accepted, bowed and withdrew.

Dharani for pulling out the karmic obstructions by the roots and obtaining birth in the pure land.

Recite 3 times: Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure Land Namo Ah Mee Dwoh Pwoh Yeah Dwoh Twoh Chyeah Dwoh Yeah Dwoh Dee Yeah Twoh Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Shee Dahn Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dee Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dwoh Chyeah Mee Knee Chyeah Chyeah Nwoh Jrr Dwoh Jyah Lee Swoh Pwoh Huh. Recite: Namo Sea-Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas -3times Recite: Why do we call Amitabhas Land the land of Ultimate Bliss? It is because all the pains and sufferings do not exist in his land. Therefore, any one who believes and wishes to seek the path to this land, need only look through the dust of their mind, and deep into their true nature, thus realizing the Buddha way. Read: You and the Buddha have the same nature; just look at cheese and yogurt, they are cultivated from the same source, milk. The Buddha is the Buddha because of the heart of great compassion. Trillions of miles from East to West, 24 hours a day, mortals and saints all start from the same point. In Buddhism we believe that everyone has the potential of becoming a Buddha. We also believe that everyone should aspire to becoming a Buddha. In the Degenerate Age, deep into the future, when all Sutras have disappeared, and peoples capacities are at a low level, they will not be aware of any method other than Buddha Name Recitation. If they do not cultivate that method, which leads one to be reborn in the Pure Land, they will certainly remain mired in the cycle of birth and death. Within that cycle, good actions are difficult to perform, while bad ones would be easy to commit.

Recite: Praise to Amitabha Buddha Amitabhas body is the color of gold, the splendor of his Buddha-marks has no peer. The light from his brow shines throughout a hundred worlds, Wide as the seas are his eyes pure and clear. Shining in hi sbrilliance by transformation, are countless Bodhisattvas and infinite Buddhas. His 48 vows will be our liberation. In 9 lotus stages we reach the farthest shore. Namo Buddha of the Western Pure Land, Kind and Compassionate Amita Buddha (this phrase, recite 3 times.) Repeat 3 times: Namo Amitabha Buddha Recite: The first of the vows that everyone should make is to picture Amitabha and his 48 compassionate vows that he made in order to liberate and save all of us from the sufferings in the Saha World. In 9 lotus stages, he shines his brilliance upon us. The magic nets build a bridge, which he enables us to reach the Western Pure Land, and escape the pains and sufferings of reincarnation forever. Namo Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas (recite this phrase 3 times) Read: All pains and sufferings originate from the 3 major evils passions: greed, anger and stupidity (ignorance). Out of these 3, greed is the root. Where does greed originate? From the abandoning of our true mind, the mind of potential enlightenment. As a result, absurd, and or false desires the root of evil, arise and ruin our life. In the Buddhas teachings, the Sutras consistently tell us that there is no birth, death, reincarnation, etc, in the sense of our true mind. However, in all living beings there exists a deluded mind which created false images, thus, creating attachment. For example, in our modern time, the reason for the booming cosmetics industry is because people want to look young again. They will do anything to stop the

aging process. As a result, various tests have been done on animals which are harmful. The image of youth, that we become so attached to, is also the starting point for all the suffering, both to ourselves and others. In all living beings, the true and deluded minds co-exist. In the Buddhas mind, there is only the true mind, the very thus nature of enlightenment. The true mind is pure and undisturbed. For example, we could say the true mind is like a pot of pure water. If we add other substances like mud and dirt, the water will be clouded, basically seen as holding false images. We, in return, are disturbed by falsity. We become attached to the images in our mind, which cause suffering to ourselves. We lose ourselves, and cover up our true mind. As a result, we can not escape the 6 paths of reincarnation. In our lifetime, we are constantly chasing for something. Most of us never know what it is. Why, because once we receive what we were looking for, we dont want it any more. In reality, how many of us are happy with what we have now? That is why life becomes a never ending process of grasping, chasing. The Buddha realized the eternal within existence. Mortal beings only see the temporary aspect of the eternal. It is the difference between ignorance and illumination. Thus different outlooks and attitudes are produced. The illuminated realize the eternal of temporary existence. The ignorant see only the temporary of eternal life. The nature of the Dharma is one, but with two different aspects. Thus, Amitabha and we are one. The Pure Land is here and now. The difference is a matter of ignorance and realization. Saints and mortals have the same nature. We, as a whole, should look for the Buddha within, and use our words to turn the wheel of the Dharma. Do you still have any more doubts?

Recite: Life is eternal, yet existence is illusive, how then can a paradise be off limits? In the mire of mortal existence, flowers are blossoming and the moon is full. Namo Buddha of the Western Pure Land, Kind and Compassionate Amita Buddha Namo Amitabha Buddha (recite 3xs) Namo Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva (recite 3xs) Namo Great Strength Bodhisattva (recite 3xs) Namo Bodhisattvas of the great-pure congregation (recite 3xs) Samanthabadhras 10 Vows First is to worship by respecting all Buddhas Second is to make praises to the Thus Come Ones. Third is to practice profoundly the giving of offerings.

Fourth is to repent all karmic hindrances, negative deeds. Fifth is to rejoice and follow in merit and virtue. Sixth is to request that the Buddhas remain in the world. Eigth is to follow the Buddhas teachings always. Ninth is to constantly accord with all living beings. Tenth is to transfer all merit and virtue universally. Recite: Living beings are limitless, I vow to cross them all. Afflictions are inexhaustible, I vow to eliminate them. Dharma-doors are immeasurable, I vow to learn them. The Buddha-path is unsurpassed, I vow to achieve it. Praise of the Buddha Praises to the Buddha are endless. Supreme enlightenment is achieved after diligent practice through countless kalpas. A golden posture of seventy feet, he became illuminated in the ice peak. The white curl radiates, shines through the ignorance of the six paths. We wish we will meet again under the Dragon Flower Tree, where we listen to the Dharma of truth. We wish we will meet again under the Dragon Flower Tree, where we listen to the Dharma of truth. Namo Amitabha Buddha (recite 3xs)

Read: Everyone can be Amitabha. The Pure Land is in the mind. For the realized, each sight manifests the Buddha. For the illuminated, every step is to the Western Pure Land. The first part of the Pure Land Thrice Yearning Service is now completed. All seekers are delivered into Amitabhas great sea of vows. This service prays for the deceased (state their names, and or intend for the word deceased to include those you do the service for) to be reborn in the Pure Land. From beginninglessness to now, we have been ignorant of the truth. Chasing the falsehood of our senses. Lusting after passion builds karma. Living with ego and evil deeds, actions become murderous, immoral, and one indulges in thievery. Words are but lies, trickery, double talk, and abusive. Thoughts are greedy, becoming hatred, causing craving. These three types of karma chain our beings to the mirage of life. Freedom from such is only possible by admitting our wrongs and changing. We call this repentance. Lets repent for the negative actions of our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. Lets penetrate the distraction of sight, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings and perception. Purify your spirit here and now. Vow to be reborn in the Pure Land. Lets all help the deceased solemnly repent and vow.

Repentance Chan Hui For all bad karma created in the past, based upon beginningless greed, hatred and stupidity, and born of body mouth and mind; I now repent and reform. Living beings are limitless; I vow to cross them over. Afflictions are inexhaustible, I vow to eliminate them. Dharma-doors are immeasurable, I vow to learn them. The Buddha-Path is unsurpassed, I vow to achieve it Namo Samantabhadra, the King of Bodhisattva, Mahasattvas. (3xs) Read: Now that we have repented and vowed, the deceased should know the path to the Pure Land. Amitabha made 48 kinds of compassionate vows to bring salvation to beings in all space. All believers can be reborn in the Wester Pure Land. We should believe in the existence of the possibility of rebirth in Amita Buddhas Land. We should believe that it is a manifestation from the mind, not from the outside. Words without deeds are vanity. The Shurangama Sutra says, Control the six senses, purify your thoughts. With effort, your mind will open. The Amitabha Sutra says, If there is a good man or good woman who hears spoken Amitabha and holds his name, whether for one day, two days, as long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, then when this person approaches the end of life, before him/her will appear Amitabha and all the assembly of holy ones. When the end comes, his heart is without inversion, thus in Amitabhas land of Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth. These are the right actions to follow. Deeds without a goal are vain. Our goals should resound the 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha. They are the noblest of all vows. Faith, action and vows are the legs of a tripod which can not stand when one is missing. Now, you (the deceased. You may say their names or intend the word deceased to be all inclusive) realize this possibility. Faith, action and vows are the merit and potential. All that is needed is to illuminate your true nature. Praise to Amitabha Buddha Amitabha Buddha, the utmost of all healers, his grand golden posture emits a bright radiance. In the sea of sorrow, he is the savior. Salvation is in the ninegrade lotus world. Let us all go to the Western Pure Land. Recite: Namo Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas (recite 3xs).

Read: This session of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony is finished. Please patiently wait 30-40 minutes for the next session to begin. *** If you are not continuing with the next 2 sessions, recite the following: This session of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony is finished. Now we will transfer our merit and virtue to those living beings passed and living, so they may fulfill their vows and be reborn in Amitabhas Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Transfer of Merit and Virtue I (we), transfer the merit and virtue accrued from this ceremony to: All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Solitary Enlightened Ones, Arhats and Dharma Protectors of the Ten Directions: To remain in our world and teach us the Proper Dharma. To all living beings of the 3 periods of time, those I have conditions with and do not remember, those in my current lifetime passed and living: So that our karmic afflictions between each other may be forgiven, transformed into wholesomeness, and so you may all be able to realize the path to enlightenment, and be reborn in Amitabhas Pure Land. To (mention any name, or names, of anyone living), so that (if they are sick, intend for health, if they are facing stressful, inauspicious situations, intend for success and release from stress. You may also intend for them to, through their own will, inquire about the Buddha Dharma) End 1st assembly. --- You may finish the service at this part and continue a day or two later with the 2nd assembly. Then on the following day, or two, finish with the 3 rd assembly. Either that or just perform the whole complete assembly in one day, taking 30-40 minutes in between for rest.---

Thrice Yearning Ceremony 2nd Assembly Recite: Namo Sea Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (3xs)
THE BUDDHA SPEAKS OF AMITABHA SUTRA Thus I have heard, at one time the Buddha dwelt at Sravasti in the Jeta grove in the garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great Bhiksus, 1250 in all, all great Arhats whom the assembly knew and recognized: Elders Sariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakasyapa, Mahakatyayana, Mahakausthila, Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola-bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Maha kaphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, and others such as these, all great disciples; together with all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas: Dharma Prince Manjusri, Ajita Bodhisattva, Gandhastin Bodhisattva, Nityodyukta Bodhisattva, and others such as these, all great Bodhisattvas; and together with Sakra, chief among gods and the numberless great multitudes from all the heavens.7 At that time the Buddha told the Elder Sariputra, Passing from here through hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhalands to the West, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss8. In this land a Buddha called Amitabha right now teaches the Dharma. Sariputra, for what reason is this land called Ultimate Bliss? All living beings9 of this country endure none of the sufferings, but enjoy every bliss Therefore, it is called Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, this Land of Ultimate Bliss is everywhere surrounded by seven tiers of railings11 seven layers of netting12 and seven rows of trees13, all formed from the four treasures and for this reason named Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, the Land of Ultimate Bliss has pools14 of the seven jewels15 filled with the eight waters16 of merit and virtue. The bottom of each pool is pure, spread over with golden sand. On the four sides are stairs of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and crystal above are raised pavilions adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, ratherof-pearl, red pearls, and carnelian. In the pools are lotuses as large as carriage wheels: green colored of green light; yellow colored of yellow light; red colored of red light; white colored of white light; subtly, wonderfully, fragrant and pure. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned.

Moreover Sariputra. In that Buddhaland there is always heavenly music, and the ground is yellow gold. In the six periods of the day and night a heavenly rain of mandarava flowers falls, and throughout the clear morning each living being of this Land, with sacks full of the myriads of wonderful flowers, makes offerings to the hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhas of the other directions. At mealtime they return to their own country and having eaten they stroll around. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra, in this country there are always rare and wonderful varycolored birds: white cranes18; peacocks19; parrots20 and egrets21; kalavinkas22 and twoheaded birds23. In the six periods of the day and night the flocks of birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds. Their clear and joyful sounds proclaim the five roots 24, the five powers25, the seven Bodhi shares 26, the eight sagely way shares 27, and dharmas such as these. When living beings of this land hear these sounds, they are altogether mindful28 of the Buddha, mindful of the Dharma, and mindful of the Sangha. Sariputra, do not say that these birds are born as retribution for their karmic offenses. For what reason? In this Buddhaland there are no three evil ways of rebirth 29. Sariputra, in this Buddhaland not even the names of the three evil ways exist, how much the less their actuality! Desiring that the Dharma sound be widely proclaimed, Amitabha Buddha by transformation made this multitude of birds. Sariputra, in that Buddhaland, when the soft wind blows, the rows of jeweled trees and jeweled nets give forth subtle and wonderful sounds, like one hundred thousand kinds of music played at the same time. All those who hear this sound naturally bring forth in their hearts30 mindfulness of the Buddha, mindfulness of the Dharma, and mindfulness of the Sangha. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Sariputra, what do you think? Why is this Buddha called Amitabha? Sariputra, the brilliance of that Buddhas light is measureless, illumining the lands of the ten directions everywhere without obstruction; for this reason he is called Amitabha31. Moreover Sariputra, the life of that Buddha and that of his people extends for measureless limitless asankhyeya kalpas; for this reason he is called Amitayus32. And Sariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed. Moreover Sariputra, that Buddha has measureless, limitless sound-hearer disciples33, all Arhats, their number incalculable; thus also is the assembly of Bodhisattvas.

Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra, those living beings born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss are all avaivartika34. Among them are many who in this very life will dwell in Buddhahood 35. Their number is extremely many; it is incalculable and only in measureless, limitless asankhyeya36 kalpas could it be spoken. Sariputra, those living beings that hear should vow, I wish to be born in that country. And why? Those who thus attain are all superior and good people, all coming together in one place. Sariputra, one cannot have few good roots, blessings, virtues, and causal connections37 to attain birth in that Land. Sariputra, if there is a good man or good woman who hears spoken Amitabha Buddha and holds the name, whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, when this person approaches the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha Buddha and all the assembly of Holy Ones. When the end comes, his heart is without inversion; in Amitabha Buddhas Land of Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth. Sariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words: If living beings hear this spoken they should make the vow, I will be born in that land. Sariputra, as I now praise the inconceivable benefit from the merit and virtue of Amitabha Buddha, thus in the East are also Aksobhya Buddha 38, Sumeru Appearance Buddha39, Great Sumeru Buddha40, Sumeru Light Buddha41, Wonderful Sound Buddha42, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds43, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue 44 of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Southern world are Sun Moon Lamp Buddha46, Well-Known Light Buddha47, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha48, Sumeru Lamp Buddha49, Measureless Vigor Buddha50, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Western world are Measureless Life Buddha51, Measureless Appearance Buddha52, Measureless Curtain Buddha53, Great Light Buddha54, Great Brightness Buddha55, Jeweled Appearance Buddha56, Pure Light Buddha57, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should

believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Northern world are Blazing Shoulders Buddha 58, Most Victorious Sound Buddha59, Hard to Injure Buddha60, Sun Birth Buddha61, Net Brightness Buddha62, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the world below are Lion Buddha 63, Well-Known Buddha64, Famous Light Buddha65, Dharma Buddha66, Dharma Curtain Buddha67, Dharma Maintaining Buddha68, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the world above are Pure Sound Buddha 69, King of Past Lives Buddha70, Superior Fragrance Buddha71, Fragrant Light Buddha72, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha73, Vary-colored Jewels and Flower Adornment Body Buddha 74, Sala Tree King Buddha75, Jeweled Flower Virtue Buddha76, Vision of all Meaning Buddha77, Such as Mt. Sumeru Buddha78, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, what do you think? Why is it called Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, if a good man or good woman hears this Sutra and holds to it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas, this good man or woman will be the Mindful One of whom all Buddhas are protective, and will irreversibly attain to annuttara-samyak- sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all of you should believe and accept my words, and those which all Buddhas speak. Sariputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make the vow, I desire to be born in Amitabhas Country, these people whether born in the past, now being born, or to be born in the future, all will irreversibly attain to annuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all good men and good women, if they are among those who have faith, should make the vow, I will be born in that country. Sariputra, just as I am now one who praises the merit and virtue of all Buddhas, all those Buddhas equally praise my inconceivable merit and virtue saying these words,

Sakyamuni Buddha can complete extremely rare and difficult deeds. In the Saha Land, in the evil time of the five turbidities 79, in the midst of the kalpa turbidity, the view turbidity, the affliction turbidity, the living beings turbidity, and the life turbidity, he can attain annuttara-samyak-sambodhi and for the sake of living beings, speak this Dharma which in the whole world is hard to believe. Sariputra, you should know that I, in the evil time of the five turbidities, practice these difficult deeds,, attain annuttara-samyak- sambodhi and for all the world speak this dharma, difficult to believe, extremely difficult After the Buddha spoke this Sutra, Sariputra and all the Bhiksus, all the gods, men, and asuras, and others from all the worlds, hearing what the Buddha had said, joyously welcomed, faithfully accepted, bowed and withdrew.

Dharani for pulling out the karmic obstructions by the roots and obtaining birth in the pure land.

Recite 3 times: Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure Land Namo Ah Mee Dwoh Pwoh Yeah Dwoh Twoh Chyeah Dwoh Yeah Dwoh Dee Yeah Twoh Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Shee Dahn Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dee Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dwoh Chyeah Mee Knee Chyeah Chyeah Nwoh Jrr Dwoh Jyah Lee Swoh Pwoh Huh. Recite: Namo Sea-Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas -3times Read: We, the living beings, should make the vow and achieve Buddhahood now. It is already considered late by Amitabha Buddha in this Degenerate Age. So we should hurry and put words into actions; otherwise, we will forever suffer in the six paths of the Saha World, and never be able to escape the cycle of

reincarnation. The land of Ultimate Bliss is everywhere. If you look at the majestic mountains and running streams, or at the vast open sky, you will find a piece of Amitabhas Land. The Land of Ultimate Bliss is everywhere, and Earth is one of them. Life is just like a mirror. It constantly shines its reflection upon us. If we could be happy with what we have, and not be moved by false imageries created by our sense organs, then this place is the Land of Ultimate Bliss. The path of achieving enlightenment has not changed. For thousands of years, Buddha taught us enlightenment arises from ones own state of mind. It is because the truth is eternal, and unchanged by time. Thus, it is said that all Dharmas are reflections of the mind. All conditions are the outcome of character. In Buddhism, everyone has the potential of becoming a Buddha. Then, however, we are misled by ignorance and greed, as well as other evil acts. We become mentally confused. Once we realize the fact that enlightenment originates from the realization of the true mind, the state of Buddhahood can be achieved. **The pond is clear and the reflection of the moon shines upon it. Ducklings are playing amongst the blossoming colored lotuses. Praise to Amita Buddha Amitabhas body is the color of gold, the splendor of his Buddha-marks has no peer. The light from his brow shines throughout a hundred worlds, Wide as the seas are his eyes pure and clear. Shining in hi sbrilliance by transformation, are countless Bodhisattvas and infinite Buddhas. His 48 vows will be our liberation. In 9 lotus stages we reach the farthest shore. Namo Buddha of the Western Pure Land, Kind and Compassionate Amita Buddha (this phrase, recite 3 times.) Repeat 3 times: Namo Amitabha Buddha Recite: The first of the vows that everyone should make is to picture Amitabha and his 48 compassionate vows that he made in order to liberate and save all of us from the sufferings in the Saha World. In 9 lotus stages, he shines his brilliance upon us. The magic nets build a bridge, which he enables us to reach the Western Pure Land, and escape the pains and sufferings of reincarnation forever. Namo Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas (recite 3 times) Read: Buddha is in our mind. By concentrating your mind when chanting, the virtue of

Buddha will reflect upon you. When our mind is annihilated, our own intrinsic Buddha nature will appear. By then, there is no Buddha since we become one ourselves. With closest examination or ourselves once again, we will realize the differences. In this stage, the mind will illuminate as the different colored lotuses, the true realization of Buddhahood. In the teachings of the Buddha, the Dharma, it is stated that the Buddha is our own mind. The Buddhas and beings are one and there is no difference. Lets look at the mind first. Firstly, there is the mind of flesh inside our body, we call it the heart. It is given by our parents through birth. Secondly, there is the mind of comprehension that reacts to different situations. It tells the difference between good and evil. In Buddhism, the sensory organs composed its existence. Finally, there is the mind of truth which is eternal and constant. This true mind will not gain anything when one achieves Buddhahood. On the other hand, it will not lose anything when one remains in the six realms. Whether you are mortals or saints, it is equal for everyone. For the Buddha, the enlightenment comes through the realization of the true mind. Thus, no imagery or attachments will be created, nor will it create attachments which create pain and suffering. However, we must realize that Buddha is within all of us. The Buddha is all beings, and all beings are Buddha. Apart from this, there is neither Buddha, nor beings. The Buddha realized the intrinsic nature of the true mind and achieved enlightenment. We, the mortals, are confused by all the imageries in our daily life. Master Yong Jia once said, In dream, because of confusion, we see the six paths of reincarnation. However, after realization, we can no longer see the six paths of reincarnation in the Saha Land. In the Sutra, it states, Passing from here through hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddha lands to the West, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss. In this land a Buddha called Amitabha right now teaches the Dharma. Amitabha achieved enlightenment through the realization of the intrinsic nature of the true mind. For this reason, once the deceased reflects the Buddha nature of ones own self, they can be born amongst the lotuses and stroll amongst the rows of trees. The grand circular mirror of truth, like the true mind, has no dust. It reflects everything from the past, present and future in the Dharma-realm. The green lotus buds bear the image of Amitabha Buddha. Look far away from the bottom of the pools spread with golden sand, the bright lights from the seven jewels shine from the jade pagoda. Recite: Namo Buddha of the Western Pure Land, Kind and Compassionate Amita Buddha Namo Amitabha Buddha (recite 3xs) Namo Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva (recite 3xs)

Namo Great Strength Bodhisattva (recite 3xs) Namo Bodhisattvas of the great-pure congregation (recite 3xs) Recite: Through all Buddhas of the ten directions and the three periods of time, Amitabha Buddha is the greatest of all time and space. He liberates beings of all nine ranks. His merit and virtue is endless. I now take the uttermost refuge, and repent from all evil karma. I sincerely redistribute any merit and virtue. I am praying for those who chanted, that they could experience the miracle of Amitabha when death comes, and the Western Pure Land materializes. It is here and now. Let us work diligently, and meeting Amitabha will end the cycle of rebirth. Then I will liberate all beings too. Endless Dharmas will be learned. I vow to liberate all beings so that they too achieve Buddhahood. Space has no bounds, and my vows are endless. Verse for Transferring Merit We vow to be born in the Western Pure Land, with lotus blossoms in nine stages as our parents. When the lotus opens, we shall see the Buddha and be enlightened to the absolute truth, with Bodhisattvas who never regress on the Path as companions.

Praise for The Dharma The Dharma is hard to measure, it is revealed by the Buddha. Safeguarded in the palace of the Dragon King. By reading it, the Dharma brings illumination to the enlightened one. It is crafted in gold letters on jade tablets, arranged nearly like migrating ducks. Transmitted to China by Tripitaka Master of Tang, it will forver be dispersed and glorified. Recite: Namo Amitabha Buddha (3xs) Read: It is said emptiness allows echoes, and stillness gives no shadows. However, there will be no echoes but stillness if no one makes a sound in the beginning. Echoes will not occur without sound. In the same, the Buddha will not be revealed without investigation, quest. Now the second part of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony is completed. With such extraordinary merits, the deceased is

delivered into the great ocean of vows, and will be liberated. Once again, let us assist the deceased in purifying their negative karma and cultivate merits. After these current sufferings, let us be reborn in the Pure Land. From beginningless time to now, we have drifted on the ocean of consciousness and reacted egotistically, egocentrically, in the sea of emotion. Rebirth after rebirth we cycled in the form realms, piling up mountains of both good and negative karma. The only salvation is to realize and change out faults. After rebirth in the Pure Land, we vow to bring salvation back to this world. Let us sincerely realize and change our faults. Repentance Chan Hui For all bad karma created in the past, based upon beginningless greed, hatred and stupidity, and born out of body, mouth and mind, I now repent and reform. I vow to take across the numberless living beings, I vow to cut off the endless afflictions, I vow to study the countless Dharma doors. I vow to realize the supreme Buddha Way. Recite: Namo Samatnabhadra, King of the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas. (3xs)

Read: Now that we have repented and vowed, it is as if our eyes have just opened. From beginningless time to now, we have drifted on the ocean of consciousness, and reacted in an egocentric way in the sea of emotion. We have been blinded by images created by our sense organs which caused us pain and suffering. Now, vows are like light from a lamp. With light, one can see and arrive at the destination: The Land of Ultimate Bliss. A Buddha chanting without vows is in vain. One should not forget about this, and the deceased should especially be very clear on this point. Praise to Amitabha Buddha Amitabha Buddha, the utmost of all healers, his grand golden posture emits a bright radiance. In the sea of sorrow, he is the savior. Salvation is in the ninegrade lotus world. Let us all go together to the Western Pure Land Recite: Namo to the Sea-Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

*** If you are not continuing with the last session, recite the following: This session of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony is finished. Now we will transfer our merit and virtue to those living beings passed and living, so they may fulfill their vows and be reborn in Amitabhas Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Transfer of Merit and Virtue I (we), transfer the merit and virtue accrued from this ceremony to: All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Solitary Enlightened Ones, Arhats and Dharma Protectors of the Ten Directions: To remain in our world and teach us the Proper Dharma. To all living beings of the 3 periods of time, those I have conditions with and do not remember, those in my current lifetime passed and living: So that our karmic afflictions between each other may be forgiven, transformed into wholesomeness, and so you may all be able to realize the path to enlightenment, and be reborn in Amitabhas Pure Land. To (mention any name, or names, of anyone living), so that (if they are sick, intend for health, if they are facing stressful, inauspicious situations, intend for success and release from stress. You may also intend for them to, through their own will, inquire about the Buddha Dharma) End 2nd assembly. --- You may finish the service at this part and continue a day or two later with the 3rd assembly. Either that or just perform the complete assembly in one day, taking 30-40 minutes in between for rest.--Thrice Yearning Ceremony 3rd Assembly Recite: Namo Sea Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (3xs)
THE BUDDHA SPEAKS OF AMITABHA SUTRA Thus I have heard, at one time the Buddha dwelt at Sravasti in the Jeta grove in the garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great Bhiksus, 1250 in all, all great Arhats whom the assembly knew and recognized: Elders Sariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakasyapa, Mahakatyayana, Mahakausthila,

Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola-bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Maha kaphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, and others such as these, all great disciples; together with all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas: Dharma Prince Manjusri, Ajita Bodhisattva, Gandhastin Bodhisattva, Nityodyukta Bodhisattva, and others such as these, all great Bodhisattvas; and together with Sakra, chief among gods and the numberless great multitudes from all the heavens.7 At that time the Buddha told the Elder Sariputra, Passing from here through hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhalands to the West, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss8. In this land a Buddha called Amitabha right now teaches the Dharma. Sariputra, for what reason is this land called Ultimate Bliss? All living beings9 of this country endure none of the sufferings, but enjoy every bliss Therefore, it is called Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, this Land of Ultimate Bliss is everywhere surrounded by seven tiers of railings11 seven layers of netting12 and seven rows of trees13, all formed from the four treasures and for this reason named Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, the Land of Ultimate Bliss has pools14 of the seven jewels15 filled with the eight waters16 of merit and virtue. The bottom of each pool is pure, spread over with golden sand. On the four sides are stairs of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and crystal above are raised pavilions adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, ratherof-pearl, red pearls, and carnelian. In the pools are lotuses as large as carriage wheels: green colored of green light; yellow colored of yellow light; red colored of red light; white colored of white light; subtly, wonderfully, fragrant and pure. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra. In that Buddhaland there is always heavenly music, and the ground is yellow gold. In the six periods of the day and night a heavenly rain of mandarava flowers falls, and throughout the clear morning each living being of this Land, with sacks full of the myriads of wonderful flowers, makes offerings to the hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhas of the other directions. At mealtime they return to their own country and having eaten they stroll around. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra, in this country there are always rare and wonderful varycolored birds: white cranes18; peacocks19; parrots20 and egrets21; kalavinkas22 and twoheaded birds23. In the six periods of the day and night the flocks of birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds. Their clear and joyful sounds proclaim the five roots 24,

the five powers25, the seven Bodhi shares 26, the eight sagely way shares 27, and dharmas such as these. When living beings of this land hear these sounds, they are altogether mindful28 of the Buddha, mindful of the Dharma, and mindful of the Sangha. Sariputra, do not say that these birds are born as retribution for their karmic offenses. For what reason? In this Buddhaland there are no three evil ways of rebirth 29. Sariputra, in this Buddhaland not even the names of the three evil ways exist, how much the less their actuality! Desiring that the Dharma sound be widely proclaimed, Amitabha Buddha by transformation made this multitude of birds. Sariputra, in that Buddhaland, when the soft wind blows, the rows of jeweled trees and jeweled nets give forth subtle and wonderful sounds, like one hundred thousand kinds of music played at the same time. All those who hear this sound naturally bring forth in their hearts30 mindfulness of the Buddha, mindfulness of the Dharma, and mindfulness of the Sangha. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Sariputra, what do you think? Why is this Buddha called Amitabha? Sariputra, the brilliance of that Buddhas light is measureless, illumining the lands of the ten directions everywhere without obstruction; for this reason he is called Amitabha31. Moreover Sariputra, the life of that Buddha and that of his people extends for measureless limitless asankhyeya kalpas; for this reason he is called Amitayus32. And Sariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed. Moreover Sariputra, that Buddha has measureless, limitless sound-hearer disciples33, all Arhats, their number incalculable; thus also is the assembly of Bodhisattvas. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. Moreover Sariputra, those living beings born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss are all avaivartika34. Among them are many who in this very life will dwell in Buddhahood 35. Their number is extremely many; it is incalculable and only in measureless, limitless asankhyeya36 kalpas could it be spoken. Sariputra, those living beings that hear should vow, I wish to be born in that country. And why? Those who thus attain are all superior and good people, all coming together in one place. Sariputra, one cannot have few good roots, blessings, virtues, and causal connections37 to attain birth in that Land. Sariputra, if there is a good man or good woman who hears spoken Amitabha Buddha and holds the name, whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six

days, as long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, when this person approaches the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha Buddha and all the assembly of Holy Ones. When the end comes, his heart is without inversion; in Amitabha Buddhas Land of Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth. Sariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words: If living beings hear this spoken they should make the vow, I will be born in that land. Sariputra, as I now praise the inconceivable benefit from the merit and virtue of Amitabha Buddha, thus in the East are also Aksobhya Buddha 38, Sumeru Appearance Buddha39, Great Sumeru Buddha40, Sumeru Light Buddha41, Wonderful Sound Buddha42, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds43, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue 44 of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Southern world are Sun Moon Lamp Buddha46, Well-Known Light Buddha47, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha48, Sumeru Lamp Buddha49, Measureless Vigor Buddha50, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Western world are Measureless Life Buddha51, Measureless Appearance Buddha52, Measureless Curtain Buddha53, Great Light Buddha54, Great Brightness Buddha55, Jeweled Appearance Buddha56, Pure Light Buddha57, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the Northern world are Blazing Shoulders Buddha 58, Most Victorious Sound Buddha59, Hard to Injure Buddha60, Sun Birth Buddha61, Net Brightness Buddha62, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the world below are Lion Buddha 63, Well-Known Buddha64, Famous Light Buddha65, Dharma Buddha66, Dharma Curtain Buddha67, Dharma Maintaining Buddha68, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the

three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, in the world above are Pure Sound Buddha 69, King of Past Lives Buddha70, Superior Fragrance Buddha71, Fragrant Light Buddha72, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha73, Vary-colored Jewels and Flower Adornment Body Buddha 74, Sala Tree King Buddha75, Jeweled Flower Virtue Buddha76, Vision of all Meaning Buddha77, Such as Mt. Sumeru Buddha78, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words, All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, what do you think? Why is it called Sutra Of The Mindful One Of Whom All Buddhas Are Protective. Sariputra, if a good man or good woman hears this Sutra and holds to it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas, this good man or woman will be the Mindful One of whom all Buddhas are protective, and will irreversibly attain to annuttara-samyak- sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all of you should believe and accept my words, and those which all Buddhas speak. Sariputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make the vow, I desire to be born in Amitabhas Country, these people whether born in the past, now being born, or to be born in the future, all will irreversibly attain to annuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all good men and good women, if they are among those who have faith, should make the vow, I will be born in that country. Sariputra, just as I am now one who praises the merit and virtue of all Buddhas, all those Buddhas equally praise my inconceivable merit and virtue saying these words, Sakyamuni Buddha can complete extremely rare and difficult deeds. In the Saha Land, in the evil time of the five turbidities 79, in the midst of the kalpa turbidity, the view turbidity, the affliction turbidity, the living beings turbidity, and the life turbidity, he can attain annuttara-samyak-sambodhi and for the sake of living beings, speak this Dharma which in the whole world is hard to believe. Sariputra, you should know that I, in the evil time of the five turbidities, practice these difficult deeds,, attain annuttara-samyak- sambodhi and for all the world speak this dharma, difficult to believe, extremely difficult After the Buddha spoke this Sutra, Sariputra and all the Bhiksus, all the gods, men, and asuras, and others from all the worlds, hearing what the Buddha had said, joyously welcomed, faithfully accepted, bowed and withdrew.

Dharani for pulling out the karmic obstructions by the roots and obtaining birth in the pure land.

Recite 3 times: Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure Land Namo Ah Mee Dwoh Pwoh Yeah Dwoh Twoh Chyeah Dwoh Yeah Dwoh Dee Yeah Twoh Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Shee Dahn Pwoh Pea Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dee Ah Mee Lee Dwoh Pea Jyah Lan Dwoh Chyeah Mee Knee Chyeah Chyeah Nwoh Jrr Dwoh Jyah Lee Swoh Pwoh Huh. Recite: Namo Sea-Vast Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas -3times Read: The Land of Ultimate Bliss is far from us. However, a million miles is just within a grain of dust, because the Pure Land is in our mind. In our mind, there is no distance. So do not let ignorance stand in your way. In an instant that we chant Amitabhas name, it is like chanting all the trillions of Buddhas names. Immediately we are citizens of the Lotus Kingdom. All of our worries are caused by the five desires and six dusts. In the process of being taken by them, we turn our backs on realization. The only way to end our sufferings is by escaping the origin of all our suffering. Out of all those ways of liberation, they all start from the mind. Out of all the Buddhas teachings, realization of ones true mind is the only way. It is beyond comprehension. Lets chant Amitabha until the chains of the six senses are broken. Let Amitabha reflect himself upon us. It is said that a word of Amitabha relieves eight trillion kalpas of rebirth. With his great compassion, Amitabha vowed to relieve all beings from the Saha world and beyond. The benefit of chanting his name is beyond words and descriptions. In this third part of the chanting service, let us all now start chanting with the picture of Amitabha in our mind. Let us recite and chant the Buddhas name with our mouths. Effortlessly, lotuses from the bottom of our feet.

Praise to Amita Buddha Amitabhas body is the color of gold, the splendor of his Buddha-marks has no peer. The light from his brow shines throughout a hundred worlds, Wide as the seas are his eyes pure and clear. Shining in hi sbrilliance by transformation, are countless Bodhisattvas and infinite Buddhas. His 48 vows will be our liberation. In 9 lotus stages we reach the farthest shore. Namo Buddha of the Western Pure Land, Kind and Compassionate Amita Buddha (this phrase, recite 3 times.) Repeat 3 times: Namo Amitabha Buddha Recite: The first of the vows that everyone should make is to picture Amitabha and his 48 compassionate vows that he made in order to liberate and save all of us from the sufferings in the Saha World. In 9 lotus stages, he shines his brilliance upon us. The magic nets build a bridge, which he enables us to reach the Western Pure Land, and escape the pains and sufferings of reincarnation forever. Namo Lotus Pool Assembly of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas (recite 3 times)

Read: By realizing the truth, it brings a broad smile upon ones face. The marvelous treasure chest swings wide open. Suddenly, all of our past lives become apparent. With these benefits, we realize that we should have chanted the Buddhas name a long time ago. The ancients said, Dropping a clear pearl into muddy water, the water will turn clear. Chanting the Buddhas name in the distracted mind, the mind will resonate the Buddha. It is said that in the Western Pure Land, there is a gem called clear pearl. It is said that when the pearl is dropped in muddy water, for every inch it sinks, an inch of water will become clear. Thus, for every inch until the bottom, the entire pool becomes clear. The clear pearl represents the pure thought of chanting. The muddy water is the turbulence of distraction. When distracted, you focus on one point, the thought of a compassionate master, Amitabha. One follows the six syllables of sound, from mouth to ears. Thus, distraction will be naturally eliminated. This is called the pure thoughts state, according ot the Buddhas teaching. A chanter of the Buddhas name should have

sincere faith and correct motive. One should be aware of the Buddha until all worries disappear, like a saber slicing the enemy, or like a fireball incinerating everything in its path. In addition, one should focus and be undistracted from one thought. From there, one may concentrate until they have forgotten any discriminations of a you and yours. This state defies description. This is the most righteous and proper of paths. Escape from the hole of rebirth like thunder. It will break through the clouds of morality like sun rays. Now, the third part of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony is coming to a conclusion. With the merits received, the deceased is to be reborn in the Pure Land. Do you see the moment before the first thought? There is nothing. Like the realization of your true mind, there will be nothing. When the mind is still, what should one be thinking of? The home one returns to has not yet been reached. Beyond the lotus flower beds, a jade rooster greets the rising sun. By the power of the compassionate teacher, I welcome the Buddha. Recite: Namo Buddha of the Western Pure Land, Kind and Compassionate Amita Buddha Namo Amitabha Buddha (recite 3xs) Namo Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva (recite 3xs) Namo Great Strength Bodhisattva (recite 3xs) Namo Bodhisattvas of the great-pure congregation (recite 3xs) Recite: Vow to Be Reborn in the West With one mind we return our lives to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Wishing that with a pure light, Amita Buddhas vows will illumine us, and his kind vows gather us in. Now, with proper mindfulness, we praise the Thus Come Ones name. In order to take the path of understanding, and to seek rebirth in the Pure Land. In the past, the Buddha vowed: If living beings who wish for rebirth in my land, and who resolve their minds with faith and joy, even for just ten recitations, are not reborn there, I will not attain the proper enlightenment. Through mindfulness of the Buddha, we enter the sea of the Thus Come Ones great vows, and receive the power of the Buddhas kindness. Our multitude of offenses is eradicated and our good roots increase and grow. As we approach the end of life, we ourselves will know the time of its coming. Our bodies will be free of illness and pain. Our hearts will have no greed or fondness, and our thoughts will not be upside down; just as in entering Chan Samadhi. The Buddha and the assembly of sages, leading us by the hand to the golden

dais, will come to welcome us, and in the space of a thought we will be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. The flower will open, and we will see the Buddha, directly hear the Buddha vehicle and immediately attain wisdom of a Buddha. We will cross over living beings on a wide scale, fulfilling our Bodhi vows. Recite: Chanters see a treasury platform at death. The sky is full of magic flags and canopies. Amitabha, Guan Yin and Great Strength Bodhisattvas are here. I fold my palms and follow them home to the Pure Land. Recite: Praise of Amita Sangha The Sangha is incomprehensible. Wearing humble robes, They travel across the vast oceans. They preach according to need. Deservingly as the fountain head of merits of the heaven of people, they strictly observe all precepts without any offense. From afar, I bow to you, bring and help me along the journey. From afar, I bow to you, bring and help me along the journey. Recite: Namo Amitbha Buddha (3xs) Read: Chanting has to be sincerely from the mind/heart. Karma is not originated from somewhere else but your own mind. If you concentrate your mind during the chanting, with only one thought of Amitabha Buddha, he will reflect upon you. This is considered to be a great deed. On the other hand, the instant a righteous mind of chanting is turned away, it is the moment when evil karma accumulates. Thus, right now, the congregation conducts this Thrice Yearning Ceremony according to the Buddhas teachings. These merits are specially requested for the deceased to be reborn in the Pure Land; since they are the ones that desperately need help. With the fragrance of precepts, and the light of wisdom, the dark clouds are clear now, and the sky starts to appear. Worldly desires are cleansed and the mind is opened. All the six dusts are clear from your mind. There are no longer obstacles in your mind. As a result, karma is immediately relieved. For every thought of Amitabha Buddha, a lotus flower blossoms in the Western Pure Land. Lotus flowers float in the golden pond, and the fragrance fills the air surrounding it. As long as beings make the vow to be reborn in the Pure Land, when they pass away, Amitabha Buddha will show them the path. Once over there, you have forever escaped the sufferings in the Saha world. One is no longer subjected to

the pains that come with endless rebirth. You will be able to receive Amitabha Buddha bliss and teachings. As a result, you will reach a full understanding of the Dharma. You should look up at the sun that casts in bright light upon us. Amitabha Buddha is like the sun, and he will shine his wisdom upon us. From there on, all beings can freely study the Dharma, and meditate whenever possible. Is this not the ultimate enjoyment of being a Buddha? From now on, you should realize the fountain-head of the Dharma. Every moment is illuminated. Now, one can comprehend the King of Vows. Recite: Repentance Chan Hui For all bad karma created in the past, based upon beginningless greed, hatred and stupidity, and born out of body, mouth and mind, I now repent and reform. The living beings of the self-nature, I vow to cross over. The afflictions of the self-nature, I vow to cut off. The Dharma-doors of the self-nature, I vow to learn. The Buddha-path of the self-nature, I vow to realize. Recite: Namo Samatabhadra, King of the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas. (3xs) Read: This Thrice Yearning Ceremony tells of the endless virtue of Amitabhas name. It teaches the deceased to repent from all negative karma, and vow to be reborn in the Wester Pure Land. With diligent practice and vows, work will not be in vain. Let us all encourage the deceased to believe in and practice this teaching. Thus, he is to be reborn from a lotus, and depart from the sea of karma forever. He is to go straight toward Avivartin, fulfill and achieve the fruit of Bodhi. Recite: Namo Da Cheng Chang Ju San Bao (na mo dah chung chang jooh saan bow) Namo Zhuang Yan Wu Shang Fo Pu Ti (namo joowang yeahnn shaang fwoh puh tee) Recite: Praise to Amita Buddha

Amita Buddha, the Lord with the greatest vows. His mercy, compassion, and delight is immeasurable. Between his eyebrows always emits a white-curled radiance. He delivers sentient beings so they may enter his Paradise, where the pond of eight-virtued waters grow lotuses of nine-grades, and where marvelous seven jeweled lotuses of the nine-grades and seven jeweled trees form rows. Its where the Tathagathas sacred teachings are propagated. He will receive us and lead us to his Western Paradise. Because Amita Buddhas holy name is invoked and praised, we hope to go to his Pure Land. Recite: Verse for Transferring Merit I dedicate the merit and virtue of Chanting and Yearning with all its superior limitless blessings, with the universal vow that all beings sunk in defilement will quickly go to the land of the Buddha of Limitless Light (Amitabha). Recite: All Buddhas of the ten directions and three periods of time; All Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas Maha Prajna Paramita!

Recite: Three Refuges We Take Refuge: With the Buddha. I return and rely, vowing that all living beings understand the great way profoundly, and bring forth the heart of great understanding. With the Dharma, I return and rely, vowing that all living beings deeply enter the Sutra Treasury and have wisdom like the sea. With the Sangha, I return and rely, vowing that all living beings form together a great assembly, one and all in harmony. Reverence to the assembly of sages.! Recite: Transfer of Merit and Virtue from this Ceremony May the merit and virtue accrued from this work Adorn the Buddhas Pure Land. Repaying the four kinds of kindness above,

And revlieving the suffering of those in the three paths below. May those who see and hear of this, all bring forth the heart of understanding, and live the teachings for the rest of this life; then be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. End of the 3rd and final assembly. *** Before closing the whole ceremony and sending everyone off on their way, do one last transfer of merit as described below: Transfer of Merit and Virtue I (we), transfer the merit and virtue accrued from this ceremony to: All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Solitary Enlightened Ones, Arhats and Dharma Protectors of the Ten Directions: To remain in our world and teach us the Proper Dharma. To all living beings of the 3 periods of time, those I have conditions with and do not remember, those in my current lifetime passed and living: So that our karmic afflictions between each other may be forgiven, transformed into wholesomeness, and so you may all be able to realize the path to enlightenment, and be reborn in Amitabhas Pure Land. To (mention any name, or names, of anyone living), so that (if they are sick, intend for health, if they are facing stressful, inauspicious situations, intend for success and release from stress. You may also intend for them to, through their own will, inquire about the Buddha Dharma) *** Now the ceremony is fully over. You can now request all those with and without a physical body to be on their way. Perform 3 bows and finish.

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