Chemistry Test Paper
Chemistry Test Paper
Chemistry Test Paper
a) Calculate the bond order of NO molecule? b) Explain the magnetic character of (O22-) molecule? c) ortho nitro phenol is more volatile than Para nitro phenol why? d) Write the first order rate equation and calculate unit of K. e) Draw the molecular orbital diagram of HFmolecule.
SECTION: B Note. Attempt any FIVE questions. QUES- 2 (5*3=15)
(A) What is molecular orbital theory? Explain the condition for combination of atomic orbitals. (B) calculate the density of compound having mass 50g, edge length is 290 ppm.The compound have BCC geometry (Na=6.02*1023) (C) Draw the molecular orbital diagram of oxygen molecule . Explain the magnetic character with bond order. (D) Derive the first order rate equation . In the first order reaction, the time required for 99.9% of the reaction to take place is about 10 times that required for half the reaction. (E) What are simple cubic, body centered cubic and face centered cubic and calculate the no. of atoms per unit cell. (F) Explain the structure of Graphite and explain its electrical property.
SECTION: C QUES- 3 (a) (1*10=10)
What is hydrogen bonding? Explain intra and inter molecular hydrogen bonding with its consequences. What are liquid crystals? Explain the different type of liquid crystals with application Or
QUES- 4 (a) What is phase rule? Explain the phase diagram of water system and calculate degree of freedom.
(b) Derive Bragg equation? The first order reflection from the plane of NaCl is obtained at an angle 2 = 200 with incident beam. If d0 = 2.82 A0,Calculate the wavelength of X-ray used.