1. The document discusses the importance of selecting an auspicious time, or muhurta, when beginning new projects or ventures to help ensure success. It explains that the positions of the sun, moon, and planets impact worldly events and human affairs.
2. Choosing a favorable muhurta can help mitigate the negative effects of an individual's birth chart and change the sequence of predicted events. While one's destiny is predetermined, taking remedial measures like following astrological guidelines can improve outcomes.
3. Proper selection of muhurta is vital in astrology and for determining the nature and results of life events like birth, marriage, and litigation. Studying planetary positions in advance allows for
1. The document discusses the importance of selecting an auspicious time, or muhurta, when beginning new projects or ventures to help ensure success. It explains that the positions of the sun, moon, and planets impact worldly events and human affairs.
2. Choosing a favorable muhurta can help mitigate the negative effects of an individual's birth chart and change the sequence of predicted events. While one's destiny is predetermined, taking remedial measures like following astrological guidelines can improve outcomes.
3. Proper selection of muhurta is vital in astrology and for determining the nature and results of life events like birth, marriage, and litigation. Studying planetary positions in advance allows for
1. The document discusses the importance of selecting an auspicious time, or muhurta, when beginning new projects or ventures to help ensure success. It explains that the positions of the sun, moon, and planets impact worldly events and human affairs.
2. Choosing a favorable muhurta can help mitigate the negative effects of an individual's birth chart and change the sequence of predicted events. While one's destiny is predetermined, taking remedial measures like following astrological guidelines can improve outcomes.
3. Proper selection of muhurta is vital in astrology and for determining the nature and results of life events like birth, marriage, and litigation. Studying planetary positions in advance allows for
1. The document discusses the importance of selecting an auspicious time, or muhurta, when beginning new projects or ventures to help ensure success. It explains that the positions of the sun, moon, and planets impact worldly events and human affairs.
2. Choosing a favorable muhurta can help mitigate the negative effects of an individual's birth chart and change the sequence of predicted events. While one's destiny is predetermined, taking remedial measures like following astrological guidelines can improve outcomes.
3. Proper selection of muhurta is vital in astrology and for determining the nature and results of life events like birth, marriage, and litigation. Studying planetary positions in advance allows for
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Muhurta Prakarana
(Consult for election of auspicious day)
By Kusum Vashistha Jyotisha Praveena, [yotisha Visharada, [yotisha Kovida & [yotisha Vachaspati English Translation Dr Lalita Gupta, MBBS [yotisha Kovida, [yotisha Vachaspati & [yotisha Bhooshana Published by Bharatiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan 4649/2/. Darya Ganj, New Delhi- 110002 Contents Preface 5 Acknowledgement ; 7 About the Book 11 About the Author 13 Chapter One Muhurta Prakarana 17 Chapter Two Five Limbs of Panchanga 30 Chapter Three Bhadra and its Effects 69 Chapter Four Panchaka 73 Chapter Five Eclipse or Grahana 76 Chapter Six Salient Features 79 16 MU/lIIrta Prakarana Chapter Seven General Muhurtas 82 Chapter Eight Saptashalaka Vedha Chakra :.. 93 Chapter Nine Vivaha Muhurta 107 Chapter Ten Muhurta for Starting Construction of a New House ~ ~ . 120 Annexure I 139 Index 141 Chapter One Muhurta Prakarana Introduction 1. What is.muhurta? An auspicious time, selected to start a new work, is called a muhurta. We all desire that a new venture should be started at such a time that it may result in success and happiness. The five limbs (tithi, vaara, nakshatra, yogaandkarana) have their effects on human beings and plants. The tides in the ocean too are caused due to the position of the Moon. The five limbs are the results of the different positions of the Sun and the Moon. Every change in the position of the planets such as combustion, conjunction, opposition, retrogration setting, rising, etc. causes different results. The astrological results are based on the aforesaid . situations. The position of planets at the time of birth of the native indicates the future events to happen in his life. The further transit of planets from lagna, the Moon and other planets becomes the cause of events to take place. The future events can be predicted on the basis of the transit of the planets. The native has to enjoy the good and/ or suffer the bad results of past 18 Muhurta Prakarana karmas, that is, prarabdha. To get the best results, or to mitigate the evil effects, or to start any venture, a good muhurta should be elected. Example: If the analysis of the horoscope indicates unhappy married life, the marriage should take place at a time when the planetary position in transit is favourable and when the chart of that time shows happy married life. Wisdom demands that work should be started only after serious deliberations, arranging necessary funds, material, etc. and selecting auspicious time. Man has been given free will which is God's greatest gift to him and, therefore, he can choose from different options. Every action has a reaction; so, he will certainly reap the fruits of his actions. The science of muhurta, provided by the rishis can illuminate our path. Usually, the man wants quick results after starting a new venture. (i) Relation of rashi or janma kundali to muhurta. A correctly cast horoscope can give' a fair picture of a native's whole life. Planetary position at the time of the birth indicates various propensities. This position cannot be changed. On the other hand, we can choose an auspicious muhurta for starting a new venture. Example: According to the horoscope, a native's married life may not be ve.ry happy but if the horoscopes of both the husband and wife are matched properly and a very auspicious time is chosen for the ceremony, the problems can be controlled to sufficient extent. 19 ,: Mul",,", Pmk,,,ana We have found by our experience that without God's grace this too cannot be achieved. But man must try his best. "Vinashakaale Vipareeta Buddhi." (At the time of doom, the mind functions in reverse direction.) If the native's time is not good, he will not listen to good counselling. A learned man was very particular to marry his daughter at an auspicious time but the baraat, i.e. marriage procession of the groom came so late that the auspicious time was missed. The delay was natural because instead of giving top priority to the muhurta, the time was wasted in dancing and drinking. (ii) Can the sequence of events be changed by choosingan auspicious muhurta? Rishi Parashara carefully decided an auspicious muhurta for the marriage of his daughter who had widowhood yoga in her horoscope. The sage calculated a muhurta and an earthen pot with a hole at its bottom was filled with water and hung at an auspicious place. A big brass plate (called paraant) was kept below it, and the girl was directed to keep a vigil and to fill the pitcher as and when it emptied. While filling water in the emptied pitcher, a ring in the girl's finger fell into it and settled at the hole. The flow of water was either delayed or stopped. In the process, the auspicious muhurta calculated' as time of marriage' was missed. When asked, Rishi Parashara was told about the mishap. He remarked, "Who can change the destiny?" This happened because of lack of attention or carelessness on the part of the girl. Even then, it is advisable to try and try hard. 20 Muhurta Prakarana If a work is started at the right and auspicious time, it will be completed quickly and without much difficulty. If muhurta is correctly calculated and rightly made use of, the possibility of any obstruction gets eliminated. If, due to paucity of time, the auspicious muhurta is not found, some remedial measures such as recitation of mantras (mantra- opacharana) or charities can be undertaken and thus hurdles, if any, can be removed and good results can be achieved. Rishi Parashara had seen the great possibility of "garbhadhana muhurta", which could give birth to a very learned man. At that time Krishna Daipayana's, who was later known as "Veda Vyasa", conception took place. Veda Vyasa gave us the great epic Mahabharata, which contains Geeta. He also gave us Puranas. tlfffi Ql:Piq'.l(4{C(JO( l n Vyasam Vashishthanaptaram, Shakteyha Pautramakalrnasham. Parasharatmajam Vandey, Shukatatam Taponidhim. I bow to him who was great grandson of sage Vashishtha, grandson of Shakti, son of Rishi Parashara, and father of sage Sukadeva, such VYASA, a great TAPASVI and sinless treasure of TAPA. (iii) Special points for remedial measures To neutralise the effects of adverse yogas in a horoscope, it is suggested to choose a good dasha and antardasha period, favourable transit and an auspicious time. If, 21 even then, one does not succeed in getting happiness and success, then one has to remain content that some dridha karmas cannot be changed. But, in spite of it, one should make the best effort and use his intellect, sense 6f discrimination and wisdom. One should take , advantage of the human yoni (karma yoni) because, by virtue of this yoni, man has certain freedom of action. In the matter of litigation, there are cases which are lost in lower courts. If, on appeal, a High Court' upholds the decision of the lower court, the aggrieved man can file an appeal in the Supreme Court. Still if he does not get success, he can make a mercy petition to the President. If, there also, no favourable result is achieved, he will then have to remain content, or repent and suffer. The remedial measures, if taken, at the right time or the case if filed at an auspicious time, could have got good results. This whole process including the man's efforts in fighting the case must have given him a long period to be away from whatever sentence he got in the end. 2. Importance of muhurta Muhurta is a very important branch of astrology. Both jataka and horary astrology are basically based on the concept of muhurta. The position of planets in the orbit and their effect at a particular place, if studied properly, can indicate type of events like birth or marriage to take place and their causes and effects. This all depends on muhurta. This is what the rishis did; they found during their long experience that if one studies planetary position 22 Muhurta Prakarana in advance and selects an auspicious timing, then things can be improved. (i) Effect ofkarmic compulsions of past life on the present one Astrology believes in the continuity of life. A man takes rebirth along with the balance sheet of his deeds done in the past births. (Punarapi jananam, punarapi maranam, punarapi [anani jatharey shayanam.) In the present birth, he has to suffer the consequences of all those deeds - good or bad. With the free will that man is endowed with, he can change the results to . some extent. Sometimes he gets success. The inspiration or the mental inclination to do something worthwhile is also linked with samskaras of the past births. But gifted as he is with mind, intelligence and power of discrimination along with freedom to choose his options, man should try his best to work hard with good intentions and leave the result in God's hands (Ma phaleshu kadaachana). If, astrologically, he has any doubt, the following remedies should be tried. ' 1. For a good beginning choose a good muhurta. 2. Invoke God's grace by [apa, tapa and worship. 3. Try and reduce the bad effects by yantra, mantra and tantra. 4. To control the mind, be ready to work with great resolution. Well begun is half done. They also say "Think before you leap". These words of wisdom prove the necessity of a muhurta. To a large extent, our life is controlled by sanchita Mllhurta Prakarana 23 and prarabdha karmas. That is why one should be fully alert towards one's karmas. Man being selfish by nature, he may try to harm others and indulge in deceiving, hurting and cheating (achieving his goal by fair or foul means). When these actions of him do not bear fruit, he passes on the blame to his fate or God. Finding out a muhurta is an effort in the right direction. The effects of good deeds of the present birth can neutralise the effects of bad deeds of the past births to some extent, but we don't come to know which of our past deeds have been atoned. All we can perceive is that, if God's grace has been granted, the work will fortunately start in the specified muhurta. Old texts give muhurtas for all aspects of life- styles such as farming, animal husbandry, trading and teaching. These were some of the main professions of a common man. For a king, the main task was to keep his territory intact; hence, wars were imminent. Also, providing water by digging wells, growing grains to keep his subjects fed, were other main tasks of a king. Muhurtas for all such works were advisable. Note: Everyone in the olden days had rituals of 16 samskaras. I have, in this book, tried to describe the import- ance of muhurta in the present-day context. Present times are of high speed, fast living and tensions. No one seems to have much time at his disposal. No work call be postponed for a long time. But you may hot get an auspicious time for joining a service or for a 24 Muhurta Prakarana child to go to a school. It is said that Sunday is a good .' day for joining a school but all schools are closed on Sundays. We must use highly auspicious muhurtas for all the important works which influence our own and our families' lives for a long time. (ii) Marriage and muhurta It is only after marriage that a couple enters family life and is able to pay up certain debts like deva rina, matri rina, pitri tina, acharya rina etc. In a marriage two souls get united to fulfil certain common debts which, in astrological parlance, are termed'rinanubandhana'. This result is certainly due to past birth compulsions. They are partners in giving , birth to the progeny and bringing them up. A success- ful and happy married life is based on the matching of horoscopes of the boy and the girl. Afterwards, an appropriate auspicious time or muhurta for the wedding is to be calculated. (iii) Start work There is a saying: "Well begun is half done". If any work is started at an auspicious time, take it that half the success is already achieved. On the success of a man's venture depends the welfare of his family. Before his marriage he depends on his parents, but, after marriage, his parents, wife and children depend on him. That is why it is important to have a marriage, or starting a new venture, at an auspicious moment. ~ . Multllrta Prakarana 25 (iv) To start constructing a new house and house-warming Usually, a man constructs a house for his residence only once in his life time. It is another matter that, on earning large amount of money, he may make another bigger house or buy other properties. It is important to elect an auspicious muhurta for starting construction work on a plot of land so that there are no obstructions, no untoward happenings and no misfortune. Similarly, an auspicious time should be chosen to celebrate a move to or start living in a new home. My guru Shri M. N. Kedar told me of a case where a gentleman used to come to him before starting of every work. So, for laying the foundation stone of his house also he came to him for checking the auspicious muhurta. But he did not ask for an auspicious muhurta same for house-warming. The house was sold in two years as the native became bankrupt after losing heavily in business. Later on, he came; but it was too late then. Another person who used to come to him for consultation, too, did not consult for a muhurta for the house-warming. On the day of house-warming, the car in which family members were moving to the new house met with an accident. When they came to Kedarji, it was found that on the day of house- warming the transiting Moon was in the 8th from the natal Moon, and in the 6th from the lagna. (v) Travel A person travels for some or the other purpose. He 26 Muhurta Prakarana wants that there should be no trouble during his journey and that he should reach his destination and back timely and safely. If a journey is started at an auspicious time, it gives success and pleasure. Good muhurta is also important for taking a sick person to a hospital and for an operation. It is seen that people who do not believe in the power of a shubha muhurta, also do go to an astrologer when a patient is not getting well, or illeness is prolonged, or a proper diagnosis is not being made etc. (vi) Wisdom - muhurta andfate People invariably admit the fact that "hoga wahi jo ram rachi rakha". (All things happen the way they are destined.) Still man's dharma (duty) is to invariably and unfailingly use his intelligence while going into action for any purpose. lila ko rakhe saiiiya mar sake na koya." (No one can destroy him whom God himself takes under his protection.) This is true, but only when some one wants to harm him. At a time when an adversity befalls as a result of bad deeds and actions of some past lives, then rituals are performed, mantras are recited, japas are done and donations are made as prescribed by our rishis, great sages and masters. Man is free in his actions because he is endowed with a mind, intellect and power of discrimination, all of which he can use in his actions if he is not greedy and dishonest. All our scriptures and epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata have talked of muhurta and described good and bad omens. In Ramayana, Bhagawana Ram Muhurta Prakarana 27 foretold that at the rise of a particular constellation the journey for battle would be started. All those things too prove the importance of muhurta. Many people point out the validity of the muhurta chosen for Ram-Sita marriage. We must remember that first it was the swayamvara for which no muhurta was elected. And, after the swayamvara, when good time presented itself, vivaha was performed. Reversely, it was not that first the muhurta was selected and then marriage ceremony followed. The second very important thing to understand is that Ram was an incarnation of supreme power in the form of a human being and, therefore, he went through all the desirable actions of a man. He sufferred all the karmaphalaas. The story behind Shri Vishnu is as follows: When Naradaji, wishing to marry Vishwamohini, went to Vishnu and asked him to make him the most desirable handsome man, Bhagawana Vishnu gave him the face of a monkey. Naradaji was laughed at in the swayamvaraof Vishw- amohini who chose Vishnu as her consort. On looking at his image in water when he realised the cause of being made a laughing stock, he cursed Vishnu that "as for a woman I have been aggrieved, so would you be. Only monkeys will help restore that woman to " you. There is another story: Sita understood the language of birds. Once when she was strolling in the garden, she heard a parrot couple saying: "This princess will get married to a very handsome valorous and famous prince." She ordered her 28 Muhurta Prakarana servants to catch hold of the parrot couple. They could only catch the female who was pregnant. Separated as she was from her spouse, the female parrot died cursing Sita: II As I have sufferred acute pain of separation from my beloved so will you suffer." And that was what happened. When one has to suffer the consequences of such debts, one should try to do it happily and try and turn such suffering into some productive act. Ram and Sita took birth for people's welfare and showed exemplary courage and forbearance. Conclusion 1. Man has certain limits due to his karmas of previous births (rinanubandhana). 2. Only certain cases can be remedied not all. 3. Bhagawana Ram was maryaada purushottama. He was incarnated to present certain ideals to the society. 4. Raja [anaka must have asked for an auspicious day to hold the dhanusha yag'na; otherwise, the great Ravana would not have gone back without touching the bow. He would have won Sita after breaking the bow. It was a shubha muhurta that Sita got married to Ram and, in spite of great adversities, she got a gaurd rakshasi (monster) who behaved like a mother and loved her like a daughter. She also got Hanuman who played the role of a son. The karmas and curses of the past lives are destined to give bad effects, but the auspicious muhurta reduces, or even nullifies them, as happened in the life of Ram and Sita. An 29 J' M.h.". P"ka",", animal has no discriminatory power. Only a human being can use his mind and intelligence before starting a venture. Muhurta, therefore, is meant for human beings. The use of muhurta is prevalent for thousands of years. Ancient maharishis have written exhaustively on selecting a muhurta and have laid down rules for the same. Common people find it difficult to make use of them because they are all written in Sanskrit. But, if they are translated in Hindi or English, most ordinary men too can then make use of them. So, the muhurta means a selection of a particular time of a particular day, tithi, nakshatra, yoga and karana. Though good muhurtas are available from Panchanga, still it is advisable to consult some expert of astrology for the same. (I Chapter Two Five Limbs of Panchanga 1. Use of Panchanga (Ephemeris) To select a muhurta, one has to have a good panchanga (ephemeris). Panchanga is pancha+anga i.e. five parts or limbs. These five parts are: iithi (lunar day), vaara (day of week), nakshatra (constellation), yoga and karana (half of tithi). From a panchanga one can find out which nakshatra is the Moon passing through, how long the Moon is going to remain in a particular nakshatra, what is the yoga of that day, what is the karana, at what time tithi is beginning and ending, etc. To find a faultless muhurta, one has to rectify all the five angas or limbs. In order to study the subject in depth, let us first consider what is a month (mas). 2. Months (miisas - 1fR1) (i) Chandramas ( ~ 1 f R 1 ) : It starts from shukla pratipada (1st day of the bright half of the month which starts after the new Moon i.e. when the Moon crosses over the Sun and the difference between the two starts increasing from 0 degree Multurta Prakarana 31 onwards, say, 0.001) and ends at amavasya (the last day of the dark half of the month i.e. when the Sun and the Moon are together in a rashi exactly at the same degree). This mas relates to the Moon. The Hindi names of chandramas are: 2,4/4 1. Chaitra Baisakh [yeshtha Z{ /1 4. Sravana r'll/v 7: Ashwin Kartika tr/It,,9. Margashirsha 11.t(t 10. Magha (ii) Saur mas It relates to the Sun. It is the duration of Sun's transit in one rashi (which starts from the time the Sun ingresses to Aries). (iii) Savana mas It is of 30 days (treating 24 hours as a day). (iv) Nakshatra mas (';'fffilffil): It is the time taken by the Sun in transiting from (0 Aries) the start of Ashwini nakshatra to the last degree of Revati (i.e. again coming on the point of start). 3. The length of the sauravarsha is 365 days, 15 ghatis, 31 palas, 30 vipalas. The duration of a chandra varsha (year) is 354 days, 22 ghatis, 1 pala, 23 vipalas. It is clear from the above that there is a difference of 10 days, 53 ghatis and 30 palas and 7 vipalas per year between a saura varsha (Sun's year) and a chandra varsha (Moon's year). To compensate this difference and to bring equity, there is one more chandramas' every third year and, after 19 years, there is a kshaya 2 chandramas, 32 Muhurta Prakarana 4. Kshayamiis and Adhikamiis Between two new Moons (i.e. amavasyas), if there is no Surya sankranti (change of rashi by the Sun i.e. Sun ingress), then that month is adhikamas. Adhika- mas is known as mal mas or laund ka maheena. f between two n e w ~ are two Surya sankrantis (Sun changes two rashis), then that month is a kshayamas. Notes: (i) Sankranti Transition of a planet from one sign to another is called sankranti. Ingress of the Sun is called surya sankranti. (ii) Laund If there is no surya sankranti between two new Moons, then there is an additional month which is called laund ka maheena. Example: On the new-moon day on 16th June 1996 (7hrs 6mts), the Sun was still in 'Gemini; therefore, there were two Ashadha. Sun entered Gemini on 14th of June in 1996 (Ashadha Krishna 14) at 20hrs 17mts and then entered Cancer on 16th July 1996 (second Ashadha shukla 1) at 7hrs 11mts. Therefore, 17 days of June and 16 days of July - a total of 33 days. Ashadha mas will be complete when the Sun is in Gemini/ Cancer and the Moon is in uttarashadha nakshatra, which happened on 30th July 1996. Before the month of Ashadha, the month of [yeshtha when on full-moon day, the Sun was in Taurus and Moon 1. Adhika chandrarnas 2. One less chandramas Muhurta Prakarana 33 in [yeshtha constellation in Scorpio (which was on 1st June 1996 at 26hrs 17mts). So, Ashadha month started on 2nd June 96 and lasted till 30th July 96. That means a total of 59 days (29 days of June and 30 days of July), which got divided into 2 months. The first half of shuddha mas from 2nd [une to 16th June (Ashadha krishna paksha), Adhika mas from 17th June to 1st July 96 (Ashadha shukla paksha), and from 2nd July 96 to 15th July 96 (Ashadha krishna paksha) and thereafter from 16th July 96 to 30th July 96 (Ashadha shukla) the another half of Shuddha mas. Here we have seen that from 2nd June 96 to 16th June <, 96 (Shuddha Ashadha krishna paksha) and from 16th July 96 to 30th July 96 (Shuddha Ashadha shukla paksha) i.e. complete Shuddha Ashadha month and in between is mal (Adhika) mas i.e. shukla paksha from 17th June 1996 to 1st July 1996 and krishna paksha from 2nd July 1996 to 15th July 1996. The lunar month is complete on purnima and another month starts from pratipada (first day) of krishna paksha. But, in Adhika (mal) mas, the month starts from pratipada of shukla paksha and ends on the last day of krishna paksha i.e. reverse; so, this month is treated inauspicious. _ In samvat 2056 (year 1999-2000), the [yeshtha month became mal mas Gust after 3 years). From 1st to 15th May 1999 was the first Shuddha [yeshtha mas krishna paksha and 14th June to 28th June 1999, the other half i.e. [yeshtha shukla paksha ending on purnima, the 28th June 1999. In between, after amavasya, from 16th May to 13th June 1999 (the amavasya day), there was mal (Adhika) mas. 34 Muhuria Prakarana 5. Seasons or Ritus Sun's transit in two rashis e.g. Meena and Mesha, Vrishabha and Mithuna is called a ritu. Hence, in one year there are six ritus. 6. Saura mas and Ritus The day the Sun enters Makara rashi is celebrated as Makara Sankranti throughout India. The two sankrantis Makara and Mesha (Capricorn and Aries) are celeberated in India as Makara Sankranti and Vaisakhi respectively. Sun's transit in Seasons . ~ Meena and Mesha Basant (spring) ~ Taurus and Gemini Greeshma (summer) Cancer and Leo Varshaa (rainy season) Virgo and Libra Sharad (autumn) Scorpio and Sagittarius Hemanta (winter) Capricorn and Aquarius Shishira (end of winter) 7. Ayan and Ritus Ayan is defined as northward and southward transit (uttarayana and dakshinayana) of the Sun: In Uttarayana or summer solstice - shishira (winter), basanta (spring) and greeshma (summer), the Sun moves towards North. That is why it is called uttarayana. Sayan Sun entered Capricorn or Makara rashi on 21st December 1996 (Margashirsha shukla dwadashi) Vikrami samvat 2053) at 19hrs 36mts and uttarayana, Mllhllrta Prakarana 35 shishira ritu started, dakshinayana ended. Dakshinayana started on 2nd July 1996 i.e. the first day of Ashadha (additional month). Uttarayana Uttarayana lasts from December to June (from the month of Magha to Ashadha) approximately. During this time the Sun is the lord of devatas. This period is called daytime of devatas. In this Ayan, entering a new house, taking initiation, installation of idols of gods, constructing wells, tanks, bavaries (deep wells with flight of stairs down to the surface of water), gardens, performing marriages, thread ceremony(yajyopaveeta or upanayana), and other auspicious functions are permissible and desirable. 16 hours or 40 ghatis from the start of uttarayana are prohibited for auspicious functions. Dakshinayana Varsha (rainy season), sharad (autumn) and hemanta (winter) are the three ritus or seasons in which the . Sun moves towards south. Dakshinayana starts from , June and remains up to December. Here, the Sun is the lord of pitaras (departed souls of forefathers and "other family members). During this period, works or .functions other than the auspicious shodas samskaras can be performed. In case of emergency, there is no harm in starting .the ceremonies connected with the worship of Bhairava, Varaha, Narasingha, Trivikrama, and Dugra and Ugra (strong) devatas. From the start of 36 Muhurta Prakarana winter solstice (dakshinayana), the first 16 hours or 40 ghatis are specially not recommended for any auspicious work. 8. Mal mas and performance of ceremonies . The following rituals can be performed during mal mds. Permissible works: Sandhya, agnihotra, pujana etc., daily rituals, garbhadhana (impregnation), jatakarma (nativity), seemant (a ritual performed in the seventh or eighth month of a pregnant woman), punsavan (the ceremony which is performed during the third month of conception) etc. Samskaras, roga-ashan ti, sapindikaran, manavadi tithi daan, daily daan and charities, giving daan of til (sesame seeds), gau (cow) bhumi (land) and swarna (gold). Welcoming a guest, ritualistic bath, first death anniversary, and any work connected with govern- ment service are permitted as per shastras. The following should not be done: Anitya (casual) and anaimaittik (regular) karya (occasional works), tula daan, kanya daan, gaja daan, shodasha maha daan, yajna, apoorva (unprecedented, unique), teertha yatra (pilgrimage), apoorva devata ke darshan (having look of a devata for the first time), construction of vatika, dev, kuan, talab, bavadi etc. namakaran (name ceremony to allot name to the new-born), upanayana (auspicious thread ceremony), chaula karma (shaving of head for the first time), anna-prashan (feeding cereals to the baby for the first time), throne ceremony, starting or culminating a vrata (fasting), starting or entering a new house, great ceremony of some god, papa pray- aschitta (atonement or penance of sins), sarpabali Muhuria Prakarana 37 (sacrificing a snake), Ishta devataki bali, vadhu pravesha (bride's entrance), Durga and Indira sthapana and removal, cardinal changes, Vishnu- shayana and pleasurable travelling are forbidden in malmas, 9. Paksha (Fortnight) Bright and dark fortnights make a complete month. When the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree in a rashi, it is called amavasya. The Moon gets totally combust and it is invisible at that time. The shukla paksha or the bright fortnight starts from the next day of amavasya (immediately as the difference between the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon starts increasing) and remains foi "ifteen days till the Sun and the Moon are opposite to each other in 1/7 axis at the distance of exactly 180 degrees from each other. This night is called poornima or full Moon. From the next day of the full Moon the dark fortnight or krishna paksha starts and remains till amavasya. This completes the lunar month. 10. Tithi kshaya and tithi vriddhi In certain fortnights, the time or length of some tithi may either get reduced or increased resulting in a decrease or increase in the number of days of the paksha.* If there is a reduction of two tithis in one paksha (the paksha becomes of 13 days), then that paksha becomes inauspicious for all good works. 11. Grouping of tithis From one sunrise to the sunrise of the next day is *Here the fortnight differs from the Hindu Vedic Paksha. Paksha can get increased or decreased. 38 Muhurta Prakarana . one tithi. The tithi prevailing at the time of sunrise ___ _ u will be taken as the tithi for that da till the next ay s sunrise. The auspiciousness of the day (tithi) depends on-the kalaas of the Moon. There are 3.0 tithis in a month (including both krishna paksha and shukla paksha) but counted as 15 of shukla paksha and 15 of krishna paksha as given in the table on the next page. Tithi Nomenclature , ,. 1,6, 11 2, 7, 12 3,8, 13 4,9, 14 5, 10, 30 Nanda Bhadra [aya , Rikta4) (Poornima or Amavasya)
The names indicate the effects of tithis. The results of the work done on these days are according to their names e.g. Rikta means emp!.Y works <:i_one on_ riktadonot that is, there is no success. Similarly, business undertakings, Of negotIatIons, started on poornatitnls-bearpositive fruits. --- . Note: (i) From the first tithi of shukla paksha to the 5th, the days are inauspicious,' the reason being that on amavasya the Moon has no strength and it is invisible. The Moon starts being visible from the 2nd tithi of shukla paksha when it also starts gaining strength. Till the fifth tithi it is weak; so, , Mulwrta Prakarana 39 these tithis are inauspicious. As it starts moving away from the Sun, it starts gaining strength gradually. Any work done between the first and the fifth tithis will face obstructions. (ii) From the 6th tithi to 10th tithi or shashthi to dashami of shukla paksha, the Moon is of medium strength. (iii) From 11th to 15th tithi or ekadashi to poornima, the Moon acquires full kalaas and strength. It is in full glory on poornima. These five tithis (11, 12, 13, 14, and 15) are the best ones. (iv) From the first day after poornima, that is, the krishna pratipada (first tithi), the Moon starts losing strength gradually but it remains powerful till krishna panchami (fifth tithi) (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). Hence these are auspicious days. (v) From krishna sashthi (6th tithi) to dashami (10th tithi) the effect is of medium strength. (vi) From a ekadashi (11th tithi) of krishna paksha to new Moon or amavasya, the Moon is ksheena kala (becoming weaker and weaker) till on amavasya it is fully lost to eye. The five 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 tithis of dark half are considered inauspicious. Bright Half Dark Half Category Shukla Paksha Krishna Paksha Best Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Pratipada, Dwiteeya, Trayodashi, Triteeya, Chaturthi, Chaturdashi, and and Panchami '. Poornima (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) (11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) 40 MuJlllrta Prakarana Bright Half Dark Half Category Shukla Paksha Krishna Paksha Inauspicious Pratipada, Dwiteeya, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Triteeya, Chaturthi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, and Panchami and Amavasya . (1,2,3,4 and 5) (11, 12, 13, 14 and 30) Medium Shashthi, Saptami, Shashthi, Saptami, Ashtarni, Navami, Ashtami, Navami and and Dashami Dashami (6,7,8,9 and 10) (6,7,8,9 and 10) Names of the Tithis and their deities Tithi English Swami 1 Pratipada (Padava) First Agni 2 Dwiteeya (Dooj) Second Brahma 3 Triteeya (Teej) Third Gauri (Parvati) 4 Chaturthi (Chauth) Fourth Ganesha 5 Panchami (Panch) Fifth Sarpa (Snake) 6 Shashthi (Chhath) Sixth Skand or Kartikeya 7 Saptami (Saat) Seventh Surya 8 Ashtarni (Aath) Eighth Shiva (Shankar) 9 Navami (Naumi) Ninth Durgaji ~ O Dashami (Dash) Tenth Yamaraj ~ 1 Ekadashi (Gyaras) Eleventh Vishvadeva ~ 2 Dwadashi (Baras) Twelfth Bhagawana Vishnu ~ 3 Trayodashi (Teras) Thirteenth Kamadeva ~ 4 Chaturdashi (Chaudas) Fourteenth Shiva ~ 5 Poornima (Puno, Fifteenth. Chandrama Purnamasi) 16 Amavasya (Mavas) Thirteenth Pitar and Moon Whichever deity is the lord of a particular tithi, he is worshipped on that tithi. As the name suggests, Multurta Prakarana 41 the nature and action of that deity is similar to that of the tithi (Yatha nama tatha guna). 13. The auspicious functions done on a particular tithi Muhurta Chintamani has not given details of the different functions to be celebrated on a particular tithi. However, Piyooshdhara has given such details which are discussed below: (i) Pratipada Marriage, travel, upanayana (thread ceremony), pratishthapana, seemantonayana (a ritual performed in the third month of pregnancy), chaula karma, vastu karma, griharambha (starting construction of a new house), grihapravesha (entering into a new house) and shantik-paushtik karyadi (work related to peace, health etc.) can be done. Note: On the first day of the bright half, the Moon is weak, but on the first day of the dark half (krishna paksha), the Moon is stronger; hence, on this day the performance of auspicious works like marriage, travel, fasting etc. is more advisable. (ii) Dwiteeya Marriage, travel, bhushan (ornaments), sangeeta vidya, shilanyasa, works pertaining to government, treasury, minister, vastu-karma pratishthapana, upanayana etc. are allowed. Use of oil on body is not allowed. (iii) Triteeya Learning of music, seemanta, chuda, annaprashan, grihapravesha, marriage, travel, abhushan-related .42 Multurta Prakarana works, tongue-related works, raj-sambandhi (govern- ment-related) works, upanayana etc. can be done. All auspicious works such as entering a new house, marriage, purchase and use of jewellery are permissible. (iv) Chaturthi Electricity-related work, giving of poison, eliminating of an enemy, murder, putting something to fire, taking someone in captivity, using weapon or cruel works (kroora karya) etc. can be done. (v) Panchami All the nature's auspicious works can be done on a panchami but one should not give money on loan; otherwise one may lose. Also, all the works that are permissible on dwiteeya and triteeya can be performed on this tithi. (vi) Shashthi All auspicious works related to war, shilpa, vastu, ornaments, dresses, griharamabha (starting of construction of a house) etc. can b ~ done but massage of oil, pitrikarma, datun (purchase or use of wood for cleaning teeth), travel, any type of woodwork are totally prohibited. (vii) Saptami Marriage, music-related work, making of ornaments and wearing them, travel, grihapravesha, vadhu- pravesha (welcome of bride in the house), fight, government-related works, vastu, chudakarma, sculpture, annaprashan', upanayana? etc. can be 1. Feeding of cereal to the baby. 2. Thread Ceremoney. Mllhllrtn Prakarana 43 performed. All the things enumerated under 2, 3 and 5 tithis are permissible. (viii) Ashtami Writing-related work, war-related works, vastu, shilpa, government-related works, women, gems, entertainment, donning weapons etc. are proper on ashtami. Eating meat on this tithi is prohibated. (ix) Navami Hunting, quarrel, gambling, making ornaments, drinking alcoholic drinks, making intoxicating liquors, ghaata karma, experiments with poisons, all the kroora karmas (cruel works) permissible on chaturthi can be done on navami also. (x) Dashami Rajkarya, elephant, and horse-related works, marriage, music, vastra, ornaments, travel, griha- pravesha, vadhu-pravesha, sangram, vastu, chuda- karma, shilpa, annaprashan, upanayana etc. are proper. Do not use oil on body. All ceremonies that can be done on dwiteeya, triteeya, panchami and saptami can be done on dashami also. (xi) Ekadashi Fasting, religious rituals, devata ka utsava (celebrations connected with devatas), udyapana (a ceremony done after keeping a prescribed fast), vastu-karma, war- related activity, shilpa, yajyopaveeta (wearing of holy thread), griharambha, travel-related auspicious works can be done. 44 Multurta Prakarana " (xii) Dwadashi Marriage, car or train, road-related work, poshana etc. are all right, but applying oil, starting to construct a new house, grihapravesha and travel should be avoided.. (xiii) Trayodashi (Shukla Paksha) War, weapons utilised for the army, flag making, government-related work, vastu-karrna, sangeeta vidya are all good. On this tithi, travel, grihapravesha, oiling the body, wearing of new clothes and jewellery etc. are all suitable, excepting yajyopaveeta. All works as prescribed for 2, 3, 5, 7, and 12 tithis can also be done on 13 tithi. (xiv) Chaturdashi Murder, maranaprayoga (performance of rites to give murderous effect on others), use of poison, use of weapon, etc. - all the kroora karmas -can be done. Travel is prohibited. All that is prescribed for chaturthi is also applicable. (xv) Poornamasi Shilpa, ornaments, fights, marriage, deva, yagna, jalashaya (water reservoir), travel, shanti and poshana (to provide food and goods of comfort) etc. - all auspicious activities - can be done. (xvi) Amavasya (30) Pitrikarma can be done. Wood should not be collected. Mahadaana and cruel activities can be done but auspicious works and cohabitation should not be done. Muhurta Prakarana 45 14. Vishaghati (Vishanadi) Four ghatis after the following vishaghatis of each tithi should be left out. These are unfavourable and prohibited in marriage etc. Tithi Ghati Tithi Ghati 1 15 9 1 2 5 10 10 3 8 11 3 4 7 12 13 5 7 13 14 6 5 14 7 7 4 15,30 8 8 8 15. Dosha-Parihara If the Moon be in Kendra (excepting in Lagna) or Trikona. and lagna lord in Lagna, or in own vargas, or aspected by benefics or friends, or Lagnesh be in Kendra or Trikona and the Moon be in the constellation, Mrigashirsha, then the vishanadi dosha does not exist. 16. Authorised and unauthorised karmas (works), according to groups of tithis Name Tithis Nanda 1,6, 11 Bhadra 2, 7, 12 [aya 3,8, 13 Rikta 4,9, 14 Poorna 5, 10, 15, 30 46 MlI/lllrta Prakarana (i) Nanda (Lord Venus) One can use new clothes, do works related to music and dance, farming, attend parties or celebrations, home-related works or household affairs, practice of sculpturing Goy giving). (ii) Bhadra (Lord Mercury) Marriage, upanayana, travel, making of ornaments and their use, learning of arts and works related to elephants, horses and vehicles can be done. (iii) Jaya (Lord Mars) Training of the army, solidifying the army, making of weaponry, travel, giving big parties, starting construction of a new house, entering a new house, taking of medicines, ayd business dealings can be done. (iv) Rikta (Lord Saturn) Defeating enemies and taking them into captivity, poisoning, use of weapons, killing with sharp metallic weapons, burning etc. - all cruel works - can be done. (v) Poorna (Lord Jupiter) Marriage, yajyopaveeta (thread ceremony), coronation of the king, coming and going, and shanti paushtikakarya can be done. Use of tithi Generally, there is a difference of opinion for deciding a tithi prevailing on a particular day. The tithi can be different at sunrise from the one some time after that. Whichever is the tithi at sunrise, it should be M 1//1/1 rta Prakarana 47 taken for the whole day and night for daan (charities), learning, vrata (fasting), deva karma, marriage and pratishtha pana and for all auspicious occasions. For offering food etc. to forefathers (shraddha karma), oiling the body, sexual intercourse, birth and death etc., take the tithi existing at that time and not which was at the time of sunrise. 17. There are some tithis on which auspicious works are prohibited, but if some necessity arises, though the tithis may be faulty, during some ghatis of those tithi auspicious works can be done. Such tithis are given below: A Paksharandhra tithi (Chhidra tithi) Chaturthi, shashthi, ashtami, navami, dwadashi and chaturdashi of both the pakshas are called chhidra tithis which are prohibited for auspicious works. If necessary, the following ghatis of the beginning should be avoided and the rest can be utilised. (i) First 8 (3hrs 12mts) ghatis of Chaturthi (4th) (ii) First 9 (3hrs 36mts) ghatis of Shashthi (6th) (iii) First 14 (5hrs 36mts) ghatis of Ashtami (8th) (iv) First 25 (10hrs) ghatis of Navami (9th) (v) First 10 (4hrs) ghatis of Dwadashi (12th) (vi) First 5 (2hrs) ghatis of Chaturdashi (14th) (Here the total length of a tithi is taken as 60 ghatis.) B Manvadi Tithis (See annexure I) Manvadi tithis are left out in auspicious works. These fourteen Manus' tithis are supposed to be related to 48 Mul1urta Prakarana .. swayambhvadi fourteen human beings. These tithis bestow anantaphal (unending results) for bathing (taking holy bath), hawana, japa, daan-punua etc. but are prohibited for vrata, udyapana, upanayana, vidyarambha (starting education), marriage, construction of house, entering a house etc. These tithis are given as follow: (a) Triteeya and poornima of shukla paksha of Chaitra mas (b) Poornima of [yeshthc mas (c) Dwadashi and poornima of shukla paksha of Ashadha mas (d) Ashtami and amavasya of sravana "krishna paksha (e) Triteeya of shukla paksha of Bhadrapad (f) Navami of shukla paksha of Aashwina (g) Dwadashi and poornima of shukla paksha of Kartika mas , (h) Ekadashi or Trayodashi of shukla paksha of Pausha mas (i) Saptami of shukla paksha of Magha mas G) Poornima of shukla paksha of Phalguna mas C Yugadi Tithis The following tithis are the starting tithis of satyuga, treta, dwapara and kaliyuga which are also prohibited for auspicious works. (a) Navami of shukla paksha of Kartika mas Muhurta Prakarana 49 Satyuga (b) Triteeya of shukla paksha of Baisakha - Traita (c) Amavasya of krishna paksha of Magha mas - Dwapara (d) Trayodashi of (krishna paksha) of Sravana mas - Kaliyuga D Mas-Shunya Tithi The following tithis are prohibited for auspicious ceremonies. (a) Ashtami and Navami of both pakshas of Chaitra mas (b) Dwadashi of both pakshas in Baisakha mas (c) Chaturdashi of krishna paksha and Trayodashi of shukla paksha of [yeshtha mas (d) Shashthi of krishna paksha and saptami of shukla paksha in Ashadha mas (e) Dwiteeya and triteeya of both pakshas in Sravana mas (f) Pratipada and Dwiteeya of both pakshas in Bhadrapada mas (g) Dashami and ekadashi of both pakshas in Aashwina mas (h) Panchami of krishna paksha and chaturdashi of shukla paksha in Kartika mas (i) Saptami and ashtami of both pakshas in Margashirsha mas 0) Chaturthi and panchami of both pakshas in Pausha mas 50 Muhurta Prakarana .. (k) Panchami of krishna paksha and shashthi of shukla paksha in Magha mas (1) Chaturthi of krishna paksha and triteeya of shukla paksha in Phalguna mas E Hutashana Tithis (Hutashana Yogas) The following tithis are not to be used for auspicious works. (a) Dwadashi on a Sunday (b) Shashthi on a Monday (c) Saptami on a Tuesday (d) Ashtami on a Wednesday (e) Navami on a Thursday (f) Dashami on a Friday (g) Ekadashi on a Saturday F Vishakhya Tithis (Visha Yoga) / The following vishakhya tithis are not to be used in auspicious works. l\ (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Chaturthi on a Sunday Shashthi on a Monday Saptami on a Tuesday Dwiteeya on a Wednesday Ashtami on a Thursday Navami on a Friday Saptami on a Saturday G Dagdha Tithis Muhurta Prakarana 51 The following dagdha tithis are also not allowed for auspicious works. (a) Dwadashi on a Sunday (b) Ekadashi on a Monday (c) Panchami on a Tuesday (d) Triteeya on a Wednesday (e) Shashthi on a Thursday (f) Ashtami on a Friday (g) Navami on a Saturday H Mritasangyaka tithis Mritasangyaka tithis are also not recommended for auspicious works. Any work started on anyone of these tithis does not bear fruit. (a) Nanda tithis (1,6, 11) on a Sunday or a Tuesday (b) Bhadra tithis (2, 7, 12) falling on a Monday or a Friday (c) [aya tithis (3,8, 13) falling on a Wednesday (d) Rikta tithis (4,9, 14) falling on a Thursday (e) Poorna tithis (5, 10, IS, 30) falling on a Saturday I Siddha tithis Any project started on anyone of the following tithis gives success. (a) Tritccya, ashtami and trayodashi on Tuesdays (jaya) (b) Dwiteeya, saptami, dwadashi on Wednesdays (bhadra) 52 Muhurta Prakarana (c) Panchami, dashami and poornima on Thursdays (poorna) (d) Pratipada, shashthi and ekadashi on Fridays (nanda) (e) Chaturthi, navami and chaturdashi on Saturdays (rikta) J Somapada tithis These tithis also give auspicious results. (a) (b) (c) (d) [yeshtha shukla dwiteeya Ashadha shukla dashami Pausha shukla ekadashi. Magha krishna and shukla chaturthi and dwadashi K Adhama Tithis (Adhama Yogaf Karkach Yoga) Auspicious undertakings are not allowed. (a) Saptami and dwadashi on Sundays (b) Ekadashi on Mondays " (c) Dashami on Tuesdays (d) Pratipada and navami on Wednesdays (e) Ashtami on Thursdays (f) Saptami on Fridays (g) Shashthi on Saturdays Note: Falling of pratipada on a Wednesday and saptami on a Sunday are named as "Samvartak Yoga" in Piyush Dhara. Mu/zurta Prakarana 53 L Galgriha Tithis The following tithis are called galgriha tithis on which auspicious works are prohibited, more specifically for upanayana and educational purposes. 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 30 of krishna paksha and 1 tithi of shukla paksha. M Ghataka Tithi Ghataka tithis are combinations of vara, tithi and nakshatra. Day Tithi Nakshatra ja{Nanda tithi on a Sunday 1-6-11 Bharani (b) Bhadra tithi on a Monday 2-7-12 Chitra (c) Nanda tithi on a Tuesday 1-6-11 Uttara Ashadha (d) Iaya tithi on a Wednesday 3-8-13 Dhanishtha (e) Rikta tithi on a Thursday 4-9-14 Uttara Phalguni Jf) IBhadra tithi on a Friday 2-7-12 [yeshtha (g) Poorna tithi on a Saturday 5-10-15 Revati These above seven ghataka tithis, combinations of tithis days and nakshatras are prohibited for any shubha kritya (auspicious work). 18. Vara: the seven days of a week are based on seven planets. The beginning of srishti fell on a Sunday of Chaitra shukla pratipada; hence, the first day of the week starts from Sunday and follows by Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In all the festivals, only udayakaleena (at the time of sunrise) tithi is taken. In daily routine works, 54 Muhurta Prakarana the day is reckoned with after 24 hours/OO hours (midnight). This has happened because of Western influence. (i) Shubha Vara - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday . (ii) Saumya Vara - Friday (iii) Kroora Vara - Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday Shubha karya on shubha vara and kroora karya on kroora vara are preferable. Sunday: The deity is Shiva. This is classified as dhruva of a fixed class rajyabhisheka, geeta (singing of songs), vadyarambha (starting to play musical instruments), rajyaseva, buying and selling cattle, taking and giving medicine, use of weaponry, work related to gold, silver and copper, yagna, taking of mantra, wearing of new clothes etc. Monday: The deity is Parvati. Classified as movable. Making and wearing of ornaments, planting a garden, starting music and dance, cattle deals, taking and paying of loans. ' Tuesday: The deity is Kartikeya. Classified as cruel. Taking into captivity, administering poison, truce and breaking of truce, cheating, military movements, collection of arms etc., acquisition of gold, moonga, metal and use of fire. Wednesday: The deity is Vishnu. Classified as mixed nature. Starting literature, learning of music and art, writing work, making of idols, panigrahana (marriage), and collection of cereals and grains etc. Thursday: The deity is Brahma. Classified as Muhurta Prakarana 55 laghu (small). Yagna, havana, devarchana, navagraha pujana, peace promotion, religious rituals, practice of vidya, wearing of new clothes, paushtika karma, purchase and sale of ornaments, giving and taking medicine, donning of new ornaments. Friday: The deity is Indra. Classified as mridu. Starting of dance, vocal and instrumental music, works related to increase of wealth (aishvarya) making friends, wearing of new clothes and ornaments, and works related to trading (business and farm products). Saturday: The deity is Kaal. Classified as daruna. Giving and taking weapons, using iron and shisha (glass), entering a new house or village, speaking of truth, visha daan (gifting of poison), purchase of elephants and horses, visarjana (submerging of idols into river), treacherous works and smuggling. 19. Nakshatra (i) There are 27 nakshatras and 12 rashis. Each nakshatra has 4 charanas or padas. The total number of charanas are 108. Each rashi has 9 charanas (108 + 12). The following are the 27 nakshatras: 1. Ashwini 2. Bharani 3. Krittika 4. Rohini 5. Mrigashirsha 6. Aridra 7. Punarvasu 8. Pushya 9. Ashlesha 10. Magha 11. Pvorvaphalguni 12. Uttaraphalguni 13. Hasta 14. Chitra 56 Muhuria Prakarana 15. Swati 16. Vishakha 17. Anuradha 18. [yeshtha 19. Moola 20. Poorvashadha 21. Uttarashadha 22. Sravana 23. Dhanishta 24. Shatabhisha 25. Poorvabhadrapada 26. Uttarabhadrapada 27. Revati 28. Abhijita Note: Abhijita is the 28th nakshatra which extends from 640'0" to 1053'20" of Makar rashi. It means that it extends from the 4th charana of uttarashadha (last 15 ghatis) to the 1st 1/15th part of Sravana (about 4 ghatis). (ii) Nature of nakshatras Nature (a) Dhruva or sthira (b) Chara or chala (c) Ugra or kroora (d) Mishra or sadharana (e) Kshipra or laghu Nakshatras Rohini, Uttarashadha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarabhadra \ Punarvasu, Swati, Sravana, Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha Bharani, Magha, Poorvashadha, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvabhadrapada Krittika and Vishakha Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta, Abhijita MlIhurta Prakarana (f) Mridu or maitreya (g) Teekshna or darun 57 Mrigashirsha, Chitra, Anuradha and Revati Aridra, Ashlesha, [yeshtha Dhruva (fixed) nakshatra It gives success in sowing plant seeds, grihapravesha, planting a garden, nagara-pravesha, gramavasa (estab-lishing a village), Vinayakashanti, first practice of music, new clothing, erotic pleasures, making and wearing of ornaments. Chara (moveable) nakshatra Riding a car, elephant, horse, scooter etc., laying out a garden, and entering that garden for the first time, opening a ship, sexual intercourse, getting gold, silver and gem jewellery, or starting a new branch of learning. , Ugra (violent or unkind) nakshatra Giving defeat to an enemy, electric or fire instruments, starting new lights or fires, poisoning, manirika ghata prayoga (to harm or hit someone by reciting mantra or doing tantra), taming of animals, all cruelty-related works should be undertaken in ugra nakshatras. Mishra (sadharana) nakshatra Mixing of metals and other things, captivating someone, use of poison, hatred-related actions, agnikarma, starting of agnihotra (lighting fire for yagna). Kshipra (small) nakshatra Movable works (which involve movements), selling of 58 Mulzurta Prakarana goods, learing shastras, using and purchasing ornaments, giving and taking medicine, works related to art, culture and literature. Mridu (maitreya, soft or friendly) nakshatra Wearing of new clothes, making friends, making of ornaments, music-related activities are allowed. Teekshna or daruna (severe) nakshatra Abhichara karma (marana, uchchatan, vidveshana i.e. starting recitation of mantras, to be completed within a pre-decided period), quarrel, training of horses and elephants, sowing seeds, starting work of laying out a garden, shanti-poushtika karmas (works connected with remedies or pacification of grahas), griha or gramapravesha (entering a house or a village), sangeeta- vidyarambha (starting learning of music), entertain- ment and wearing of new clothes and ornaments are permissible. (iii) Nakshatras, their lords and devatas \ Nakshatras Swami Devata (lords) (deity) 1 Ashwini Ketu Ashwini Kumar 2 Bharani Venus Yama (Antak) 3 Krittika Sun Agni 4 Rohini Moon Brahma 5 Mrigashirsha Mars Chandrama 6 Aridra Rahu Shiva (Rudra) ... 7 Punarvasu Jupiter Aditi 8 Pushya Saturn Brihaspati (Guru) 20. What are yogas? What results do they give? Yoga: Yogas are of two types - naisargika and tatkalika. 60 Naisargika Yogas Muhurta Prakarana Narne of the Yoga Lord Result 1. Vishakumbha Yama Ashubha 2. Priti Vishnu Shubha . 3. Ayushmana Chandra Shubha ;'4. Saubhagya Brahma Shubha 5. Shobhana Brihaspati Shubha 6. Atiganda Chandra Ashubha 7. Sukarma Indra Shubha 8. Dhriti Jala Shubha 9. Shoola Sarpa Ashubha 10. Ganda Agni Ashubha 11. Vriddhi Surya Shubha 12. Dhruva Bhoomi Shubha 13. Vyaghata Vayu Ashubha 14. Harshana Bhaga Shubha 15. Vajra Varuna Ashubha 16. Siddhi Ganesha Shubha / 17. -yatipa.!il' Rudra Ashubha ; ~ " : . .....,_ . - ..' ,>- 18. Variyan (Vari) Kubera Shubha 19. Paridha Vishwakarma Ashubha 20. Shiva Mitra Shubha 21. Siddha Kartikeya Shubha 22. Sadhya Savitri Shubha 23. Shubha Lakshmi Shubha 24. Shukla Parvati Shubha 25. Brahma Ashwini Kumara Shubha 26. Aindra Pitar Ashubha 27. Vaidhrijj"> Diti Ashubha / Shubha: auspicious Ashubha: inauspicious