Item 520.50140008 - Saw Cutting Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Pavement and Asphalt Overlay On Concrete Pavement Description
Item 520.50140008 - Saw Cutting Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Pavement and Asphalt Overlay On Concrete Pavement Description
Item 520.50140008 - Saw Cutting Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Pavement and Asphalt Overlay On Concrete Pavement Description
50140008 - SAW CUTTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND ASPHALT OVERLAY ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT DESCRIPTION: Under this item, the contractor shall saw cut existing asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, asphalt surface course, or asphalt concrete overlay on concrete pavement at the locations indicated on the plans or where directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS: None specified. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Existing pavement and overlay shall be saw cut perpendicular to the roadway surface along neat lines, and to the depth indicated on the plans and typical sections. A power saw approved by the Engineer shall be used for cutting asphalt surface course and asphalt overlay. A power saw shall be used for cutting concrete pavement. After the existing asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, asphalt surface course or overlay has been saw cut through, the contractor may use pry bars, pneumatic tools or other methods approved by the Engineer, to pry loose the existing pavement from that pavement which is to remain. A pavement breaker, under the supervision of the Engineer, may be used to break up the pavement to be removed after the pavement has been completely saw cut through and completely free from the pavement to remain. Any existing pavements and curbs not indicated to be removed that are damaged by the contractor's operations, shall be repaired by him to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the State. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: The quantity to be measured will be the number of feet of saw cutting done in accordance with the plans, typical sections and the directions of the Engineer. No saw cutting will be measured for payment under this item which the contractor may choose to do for his own convenience. BASIS OF PAYMENT: The unit price bid per feet of saw cutting shall include the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work. Payment for removal and disposal of cut pavement shall be paid for under the appropriate excavation item.