Water Works RTA
Water Works RTA
Water Works RTA
General Specifications
6/11.2 The cables are to be laid in trenches to the dimensions shown on the
Drawings. All cables, screens and armouring will be solidy earthed at each
end of the route to the station earthing system. Separate cable tiles are
required for the main cables and for the pilot cables. The tiles for the 33 KV
cables shall be 1000mm long and 200mm wide. The tiles for the pilot and 6.6
KV cables shall be 1000mm long and 150mm wide. The tiles are to be placed
centrally over each cable and are to be laid with ends interlocked with adjacent
tiles. Plastic warning tape shall be installed at the specified level.
6/11.3 Pressure testing of the cables will be carried out by DEC for the whole of each
route. Any failure of the joint or cable due to its mishandling shall be rectified
by the Contractor at no extra charges. All additional material required for
making good the fault/damage shall be at the Contractor's cost. All work is to
be guaranteed for one year by the Contractor.
6/11.4 The Contractor shall remove within a period of 15 days after completion of
route, all the empty cable drums from the works and transport to DEC stores.
6/11.5 Contractor shall supply "As laid drawings" for the cable circuit to a scale of
1:1000 indicating the following:
6/11.6 After a route/circuit is completed, the Contractor shall take full care to clear the
site completely and leave it neat and tidy. All the remains i.e. excess earth,
stones, tile pieces, rubbish or any unwanted solid waste should be removed to
6/11.7 Route markers as per the Drawing shall be provided along straight runs of
cable at locations approved by the Engineer and DEC and generally at
intervals not exceeding 100 metres. Markers shall also be provided to identify
the change of the cables route and also for location of every underground
6/11.8 Even though the circuit may be energised due to compelling reasons, the
taking over date for maintenance/guarantee period shall be the date on which
all the outstanding work pointed out to Contractor is completed satisfactorily
and official taking over certificate issued to the Contractor.
6/12.1 This section deals with the specification for works to be carried out in
connection with Water Service pipework to be ultimately taken over by the
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority. Works shall comply with the current
DEWA standard specification and this will take precedence over the following.
6/12.2 The works include for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the
Water Service installation, the layout for which is shown on the Drawings. The
Contractor shall include for all labour, materials, tools and tackle, complete
with all trenching and backfill.
6/12.3 The Contractor shall include for the preparation for all necessary working
Drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for the location of other
services and the correct setting out of the installation.
6/12.4 The work also involves the exposing of existing water pipe lines for the
purpose of transferring existing house connections if any to the new
distribution system and for the connection of the new system thereto, and the
recovery and disposal of all abandoned existing connection lines, all as
indicated in the Drawings or otherwise directed by the Engineer.
6/12.5 The Contractor shall allow in his programme for the non continuous nature of
the work relating to the water services.
6/13.1 All materials shall be provided by the Contractor, unless otherwise specified,
including but not limited to pipes, collars, rubber rings, valves, hydrants and
6/13.2 The materials provided by the Contractor shall include all materials for
temporary works, planking and strutting, excavations, shuttering and
formwork, staging and scaffolding, approved filling materials, approved road
surfacing and paving materials, all materials required for repairing the internal
coating of valves, etc., such as primer, coal tar enamel etc., all concrete of
each required class including reinforcing steel and mesh, all surface boxes
6/13.3 All materials supplied locally by the Contractor shall be of the best quality in
their class and of the respective kinds as described in the Contract and in
accordance with the Engineer's instructions and to the satisfaction of DWD.
They shall be inspected from time to time at the site during the progress of the
6/13.4 Any materials arriving on site found unsuitable shall be rejected. The
Contractor shall replace the rejected material at his own expense.
6/13.5 The Contractor shall, before supplying any local material, prepare and submit,
at his expense, to the Engineer for approval samples of materials which he
proposes to use. Such samples shall be retained by the Engineer. The
materials represented shall not be used in the works unless and until the
samples have been approved in writing by the Engineer.
6/15.1 Asbestos cement (AC) pressure pipe shall conform to the requirements of ISO
160. Pipe shall be manufactured in the U.A.E. All pipe and joints shall be
supplied by one manufacturer and certified by DM/DCL.
6/15.2 AC pipe shall meet the requirements for class 18 suitable for an operating
pressure of 9 bars.
Pipe wall thickness shall meet all design requirements for class 18 pipe as
Nominal diameter Outside diameter
(mm) (mm) at the end
75 93
80 106
100 126
150 178
225 255
300 344
550 616
600 668
700 780
900 1000
1200 1320
6/15.3 All cement used in the manufacture of asbestos cement pipe and joints shall
be a high sulphate resisting cement conforming to BS 4027: 1980. Copies of
cement mill certificates shall be submitted with each consignment delivered to
6/15.4 Asbestos cements pipe shall be provided with spigot ends to be joined with
'Reka' type couplings with two rubber rings. Rubber rings shall conform to the
requirements of BS 2494. Joints shall be capable of withstanding a test
pressure of 18 bars without any leaks even when deflected to the angle
specified below:
up to 225 5
250 - 350 4
400 - 550 3
600 - 1000 2
1100 - 1500 1
6/15.5 Asbestos cement pipe shall be manufactured in 3 metre lengths for diameters
225 (9") and smaller and in 5 meter nominal lengths for larger sizes.
6/15.6 TESTING
Asbestos cement pipes shall be factory tested in accordance, with the ISO 160
copies of test certificates shall be submitted for each consignment
manufactured, and delivered to site. Sampling and inspection shall be in
accordance with section 5 of ISO 160. Witnessing of factory testing by DEWA
representative may be required before any consignment is delivered to site.
All compulsory and optional tests shall be carried out by the manufacturer.
DEWA shall have the right to return up to 1% of pipes and joints delivered to
site for factory testing by the DEWA representative. All pipes testing shall be
performed on immersed samples.
Each pipe and all joints shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the
6/16.1 All the fittings (bends, adapters, tees, etc.) shall be GRP (Glass Fibre
Reinforced pressure fitting) which comply with the following specifications:-
6/16.2 This section covers the design, manufacture and testing of glass fibre
reinforced (GRP) pressure fittings for use with Asbestos cement pipelines in
nominal sizes 80 mm and larger. GRP fittings shall be locally manufactured in
the U.A.E.
6/16.5 GRP fittings and flanges shall be designed for service at the following
6/16.6 Flanged fittings shall be designed for installation above ground (in Chambers)
with no thrust blocks.
6/16.7 Flanged branches on Spigot Tees and puddle (Wall) flanges shall be designed
to resist End thrust from closed valves.
6/16.8 SPIGOT JOINTS, where specified shall have the same outside diameter (O.D)
as Asbestos Cement (AC) pipe class 18 used by DEWA. The joint dimensions
and tolerances shall be equal to AC pipe spigots such that the joint remains
water tight under all normal operating conditions. The spigot ends shall be
clearly marked with a Homeline indicating the proper insertion limit for the AC
6/16.9 FLANGED JOINTS, where specified shall be GRP filament wound flanges
manufactured from Vinylester or Epoxy resin. Flanges shall be flat faced and
drilled to BS 5404 PN 10 drilling pattern. Full face rubber gaskets 3 mm
minimum thickness shall be provided by the fitting manufacturer.
6/17.1 GRP fittings shall not impart any taste, odour or colour to drinking water. All
resins used shall be suitable for use in drinking water systems.
6/17.2 GRP fittings shall be produced in Metric sizes and shall be classified by their
nominal inside diameter (N.D). The actual fitting inside diameter shall not be
less than that shown in the table below:-
80 78
100 98
150 148
200 198
225 223
250 248
300 298
550 546
600 595
700 695
750 744
900 892
1200 1190
6/17.3 Elbows of nominal diameter 300 mm and smaller shall be of the smooth radius
type, having a turning radius of 1.5 times the elbow nominal diameter. Elbows
larger than 300 mm shall be smooth radius of 1.5 times the elbow nominal
diameter. All internal surfaces shall be finished smooth.
6/17.4 The minimum GRP flange wall thickness shall not be less than that shown in
the table below:-
80 32
100 32
150 32
200 37
225 42
300 48
550 68
600 68
700 73
750 77
900 82
1200 106
6/17.5 The wall thickness of GRP fittings shall be determined by the manufacturer to
meet the design requirements of these specifications but shall in no case be
less than the values shown in the table below:-
ND (mm) mm
80 3.2
100 3.2
150 3.2
200 3.2
225 3.4
300 3.6
550 4.4
600 5.7
700 6.3
750 7.3
900 9.5
1200 12.5
(Excluding liner and Exterior layer).
6/17.6 GRP fittings shall meet the following minimum strength requirements:-
6/17.7 GRP fittings shall be free from delamination, crazing, dry areas or cracks.
Spigot ends shall be free from end delamination, torn edges, gouges and shall
be finished smooth to ensure water tightness.
6/17.8 The following tests shall be carried out by the fitting manufacturer at the
intervals specified. Test results and certificates shall be submitted to DEWA
for each consignment delivered. Witnessing of factory testing by the DEWA
representative may be required.
6/17.9 Prior to start of production, the fittings manufacturer shall submit to DEWA
dimensional drawings of each fitting required for approval.
6/17.10 For flanged fittings, the manufacturer shall submit before delivery, the
bolt-torquing sequence and maximum recommended torque for each flange
size supplied.
6/18.1 Sluice valves supplied shall be suitable for use IN DUBAI, the valves shall be
supplied complete with gaskets and galvanised nuts and bolts. The sluice
valves shall be in accordance with BS 5163, latest edition. Manufacturer's test
certificates are required the nominal pressure shall be 10 bar.
6/18.2 Double spigot valves with bevelled edges are required unless otherwise
indicated. The outside diameters of the machined ends shall fit with the
specified pipes.
6/18.3 Valves greater than 300 mm dia shall be butterfly type valves.
6/18.4 The maximum tolerance shall be + 0.6 mm. It is preferred that the
manufacturer makes an allowance for the 300 microns epoxy coating during
6/18.5 Valves shall be grey cast iron, metal seated as per B.S. 1452. With a wedge
of grey cast iron and gun metal rings, the stem shall be of high tensile brass
with a grey cast iron stem cap. Toraidal sealing rings are required for stem
sealing for all valves of 300 mm dia or less.
6/18.6 Valves up to and including 300 mm dia shall be clockwise closing without
6/18.7 Where flanges are required they shall be drilled to PN 10 in accordance with
BS 4504 unless stated otherwise.
6/18.8 Additional markings on the valves shall be the year of manufacture and an
individual number which relates directly to the manufacturer's test certificate.
6/18.9 The valves shall be coated externally and internally to 300 microns with an
epoxy coating suitable for use with drinking water, the primer shall be zinc rich
and the preferred colour of the coating is blue.
6/18.10 A certificate verifying the suitability of the epoxy paint for use with drinking
water is required from the manufacturer endorsed by DEWA.
6/18.11 The manufacturer shall supply the original test certificate for each valve
supplied, the certificate shall relate to the individual number cast on each
valve, the certificate shall give the date of test.
6/19.1 The manhole covers and frames shall be in accordance with the BS EN
6/19.2 The frame shall be square with a circular clear opening of 600 mm diameter
and be single sealed.
6/19.3 The cover shall be badged "DEWA" in English and Arabic and also with the
DEWA logo. The pattern shall have the prior approval of the Dubai Electricity
and Water Authority.
6/19.4 Two keys shall be provided for every 10 Nos. of covers supplied.
6/19.5 The cover and frame shall be coated with a suitable heavy duty abrasion
resistant epoxy paint to a minimum DFT of 375 microns and shall be verified
by DCL.
6/20.1 Prior to undertaking any work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval, his proposal for the handling and storage of pipes and all fittings
thereto. Such proposals shall ensure that all pipes are properly handled and
stored both by his staff and sub-contractors staff.
6/20.2 The storage surface should be as level and as firm as possible and clear of
rocks or solid objects that might damage the pipes. Stockpiles should not
exceed a certain height. This height is limited for safety and practical reasons
as per the following table:-
Layers in 5 4 3 2 1
Height <2m < 2.9 m < 3.0 m < 2.8 m < 2.0m
6/20.3 Asbestos cement coupling rings shall be stored lying flat and particular care
shall be taken to prevent damage to the internal face of the ring or the turned
ends of the pipes which may affect the sealing of the coupling.
6/20.4 Rubber sealer rings and gaskets shall be stored in a cool, dry dark place away
from grease, oil and sunlight until required.
6/21.1 The trench depth shall be according to the approved shop drawings but never
less than 1.0 m between the ground level and the pipe crown level.
6/21.2 The Contractor shall excavate trenches to a sufficient depth and width
according to the following table:-
6/21.3 The side of trenches shall be adequately supported at all times. Trench sides
must be vertical and no battering will be allowed without the express
permission, in writing, of the Engineer.
6/21.4 The Contractor shall thoroughly compact the bottom of the trench formation,
the trench shall be cleaned of all stones, soil and other debris that might have
fallen therein.
6/21.5 Immediately following a prepared trench, pipes shall be laid and jointed on
specified pipe bedding material. Bricks or hard material shall not be placed
under the pipes for temporary support.
6/21.6 Prior to laying, each pipe and fittings shall be carefully examined both inside
and outside for any damage, and all dust, dirt and foreign matter shall be
6/21.7 For assembling, the Contractor shall adhere to the following conditions:-
6/21.8 In order to avoid its damage the sealing rubber ring must be fitted into reka
coupling just before laying starts. Ensure that the groove of the rubber ring is
carefully cleaned, the ring is then fitted according to the following:-
c. Check that the ring is uniformly and fully seated into the groove all the
way round.
d. For large diameter (600 mm and above) two men are necessary to insert
the ring.
6/21.9 Clean coupling and pipe with a soft brush and insert them fully. Lubricate the
pipe end and the coupling ring by means of a dry clean piece of cloth or a
sponge. For lubricant use Eternit supplied products soap. In dusty conditions
lubricate generously the coupling only.
6/21.10 For small diameter pipes (DN < 300) the coupling can be mounted by hand.
Use a timber block to protect the coupling and force the coupling into the
correct position as indicated by a black line on the pipe.
6/21.11 For larger diameters and where this method does not work the pulling can be
achieved by means of suitable mechanical devices. The gap between the
pipes (15 mm) is achieved automatically because the coupling stop at the level
of the strap fixed to each end of the pipe. N.B. It is essential to push the
coupling to the home line and not beyond, otherwise the pipes in the coupling
will touch each other and consequently not allow any expansion.
6/21.12 Maximum deflection angles for curved pipelines shall be according to the
following schedule:-
DN 0 (mm) R (m)
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
L=3 m L=5 m L=3 m L=5 m
--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Where
The backfilling material shall be brought up on both sides of the pipe first to
the level of the centre of the pipe line and then to height of 30 cm above the
top of the pipe barrel. This backfill material shall be placed in layers each not
more than 15 cm thickness and shall be carefully compacted for the full width
of the trench with hand tools to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
6/21.14 Backfill shall be in layers of thickness not exceeding 150 mm. Backfill shall
have a minimum soaked CBR of 15% (BS 1377 Part 4 : 1990 Method 7) and
compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by
BS 1377 Part 4 : 1990 (method 3.5 or 3.6). Backfill within 30 cm of road
subgrade level shall meet the requirements of improved subgrade described in
Section 2 of the Specification. Insitu density tests shall be carried out in
accordance with BS 1377: Part 9 : 1990: Method 2.2.
6/21.16 In order to prevent stones and soil from entering the pipe, a suitable cap and
or plug shall be provided with which the last pipe laid shall be closed when
pipe laying is not actually in progress. The plug shall be of the screw up
expanding type or of tapered wood.
6/21.17 Where the cover to pipes is less than 1.0 m or where ordered by the Engineer,
protection in the form of concrete slabs above the pipe shall be provided
according to an approved drawing by DEWA.
6/22.1 Pipe anchor and thrust blocks, shall be constructed on pipelines at all bends,
slopes greater than 1/6 and stop ends, tees and as otherwise required by site
6/22.2 The thrust blocks shall be designed by the Contractor in accordance with BS
8110. The Structural Use of Concrete. The Contractor shall show that soil
resistance is greater than or equal to 1.2 times the force exerted by the pipe
when tested to 9 bar pressure. The soil resistance shall be calculated as the
frictional resistance of the soil against the thrust block. In calculating the
passive resistance the co-efficient of passive pressure of the soil shall be
factored by 0.5.
6/22.3 The design of thrust blocks shall not be less than the dimensions given on the
drawings. This design is always subject to DEWA approval.
6/22.4 Before any internal pressure is applied to a pipeline, all the permanent
concrete thrust blocks shall have been cast in contact with the undisturbed
ground and cured for a minimum of 7 days.
6/22.5 Concrete Class 30 with Sulphate Resisting Cement shall be used for the
construction of thrust blocks.
6/23.2 Flushing of the new pipeline may be carried out by temporary connections to
the existing water system if present in the working area. DEWA will charge for
giving the water to the Contractor as per normal rates. In the absence of
mains water supply tankers shall be used.
6/24.1 The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Engineer of any tests two
days before the test is to be carried out. All tests must be witnessed by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain written records of the tests and
provide copies of the records to DEWA prior to the completion of the project.
6/24.2 The Contractor shall provide all, water, fittings, pipe stoppers, test pump,
pressure gauges and the necessary equipment and tools for pipe work testing.
Hydraulic pumps, gauges and apparatus shall be equipped with locking
devices to prevent tampering during the test period.
6/24.3 Prior to hydraulically testing the pipelines the Contractor shall provide
adequate temporary thrust blocks only at the ends of uncompleted sections.
Pipes shall be partially backfilled to about 500 mm above the crown of the
pipe, in order to anchor the pipes during testing. Joints and fittings, however,
shall remain uncovered for inspection until the pipeline has been tested
6/24.4 The length of the section of pipeline to be tested may be determined by the
Engineer/Contractor but shall not exceed 500 metres. The levels of the length
of pipe under test shall be such that the minimum test pressure specified is
achieved at all points whilst the maximum test pressure specified is not
exceeded at any point.
6/24.5 Valves shall not be used to isolate sections forming the pipeline whilst testing
operation are in progress.
6/24.6 Before testing the line should be filled slowly and evenly with water through
any convenient top or valve from the lowest point. At every high point an
automatic air release valve must be installed. After expelling all the entrapped
air out of the test portion, all air release valves should be closed. If it is not
possible to fill the line from the lowest point an additional outlet should be
added at the inlet point to release air at that point and this line/section should
be kept filled for 24 hours before the pressure test.
6/24.7 The test pressure shall be 1.5 times the maximum working pressure or 9 bar
whichever is greater. The pressure shall be raised slowly to the specified test
pressure and maintained at that pressure for a period long enough for the
Engineer to examine the whole section under test. There after, for a period of
not less than 4 hours, the leakage of water as measured by the amount drawn
into the pumps to maintain the pressure shall not exceed 0.1 litre per
millimetre of pipe diameter per kilometer of pipeline per 24 hours for each 30
meters head of pressure applied at the lowest point. Expected losses due to
absorption shall be as specified by the pipe manufacturer.
6/24.8 The pipework, joints and connections shall be examined. Should leaks be
detected the pipework shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer and
the test repeated.
6/25.1 Upon completion of hydraulic tests the Contractor shall flush out the pipework
with chlorinated fresh water and a cleaning swab will be passed through the
pipework, this process will continue until the flushing water runs clear.
6/25.2 The Contractor shall prepare a solution of chlorinated dosing solution using
calcium hydrochloride at a rate of 77g/cu.m. of system water volume, or with
chlorinated water containing between 30 and 50 mg per litre of free chlorine.
The solution shall be slowly pumped into pipeline and a chloride level of 50
p.p.m. shall be maintained for a period of 8 hours. The pipework shall be
flushed out, until the chloride level drops below 0.2 p.p.m. per litre.
6/26.1 All final connections of new pipelines to existing pipelines will be carried out by
the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority. The Contractor is to provide one week
of notice to DEWA for this work and shall render all necessary assistance.
6/27.1 GENERAL
The works relate to the protection and diversion of existing telephone duct
lines, for major trunk communications services alterations, including demolition
and rebuilding where instructed, to existing telephone manholes and joint
boxes and the provision of duct crossings for future development purposes.
The layout of the works for Etisalat are shown in the Drawings.
6/27.2 Where applicable, all civil works essential to the relocation/replacement of the
existing major coaxial cable systems including duct installation, manhole and
joint box construction shall be carried out by the Contractor within the
stipulated Contract period for sectional completion.
6/27.3 Where applicable, the installation of new Etisalat cables shall be carried out by
Etisalat within the time stipulated in the Contract.
6/27.4 Civil works for Etisalat other than the above shall be carried out by the
Contractor according to his approved programme.
6/27.5 The installation of ducts of the required diameter shall be in accordance with
Etisalat Specifications as per Sub-Section 6/29.
6/27.6 The existing manholes to be demolished and rebuilt and the new manholes to
be constructed, if shown on the Drawings, are for information purposes only
and do not necessarily show the exact locations thereof. Exact details and
locations of these manholes will be determined on site in accordance with the
Etisalat Engineer's instructions.
6/27.7 The construction of new manholes shall be performed in accordance with the