Course Expectations History 13-14
Course Expectations History 13-14
Course Expectations History 13-14
World History and Geography: Medieval & Early Modern Times
Students will study the social, cultural, and technological changes that occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia in the years 500-1789 CE. Students study the history & geography of great civilizations that were developing concurrently; they will examine the growing economic interactions as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs, technologies, and commodities. Students will learn about the growth of the Enlightenment philosophy and the new examination of the concepts of reason and authority, the natural rights of human beings and the divine right of kings, experimentalism in science, and the dogma of belief. Students will assess the political forces let loose by the Enlightenment, particularly the rise of democratic ideas, and they will learn about the continuing influence of these ideas in the world today.
3-subject spiral notebook for Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) Interactive Reader 3-ring binder (2-3 inches wide) with dividers & paper Planner highlighter 2 sharpened pencils Post-its 3x3 red pen Glue stick and/or tape black or blue pen Scissors
Be A Scholar!
o Bring all materials to class each day. o Materials include binders, sharpened pencils, books, homework/projects, notebook paper. o Be in your seat ready to learn when the bell rings.
Class work 35% Homework 15% Tests & Projects 30% Quizzes 20%
Class Work
This year, we will utilize Interactive Student Notebooks, ISNs, in class. ISNs will be explained fully to the students, but it is a place to define vocabulary, take notes, reflect, and respond to what they are learning. Each student must obtain a 3-subject spiral notebook for their ISN and is expected to bring it to class daily. Students will be evaluated on the quality of their writing and participation in the ISN.
Assignment Requirements:
1. Use regular sized notebook paper. Holes should be on the left side. Do not tear the holes, and if torn out of a spiral notebook, please trim the edges with scissors. 2. Write with a regular pencil or black/blue pen as appropriate. 3. First & Last Name, Date, Class Name & Period must be written in the upper right hand corner of all papers. 4. Leave a 1-inch margin along the left and right sides of the paper. 5. Use your best writing and keep all papers neat and clean. 6. Assignments are turned in to the homework basket. Occasionally I may collect them from you. NEVER place any assignments, work, or notes on my desk.
It is my goal to foster and nurture scholarly behavior in all my students and to provide a learning environment where all students can be successful and learn. I expect all students to do their part in contributing positively to this environment by showing respect for themselves and others, demonstrating responsibility, observing classroom rules, and by being kind. Should students fail to exhibit scholarly behavior, I will conference with the student to redirect the behavior; if it persists I may require the student to reflect upon their behavior in the form of an essay to be written at home or after school, I may also conference with the student, parents and/or the principal.
Things to know:
Bathroom breaks are never during class; please go before school, at break, lunch, and after school. Please see me privately if you need to make other arrangements. Any dress code violations are recorded in the grade book of your homeroom. Dress code violations do not affect your grades. Water bottles are permitted, but no other food or drink in the classroom. We use sign language (posters are on the wall above the whiteboard) to communicate during class discussions. Please use the appropriate signal and I can meet your needs much more quickly. Each person is expected to participate and share his/her ideas. Its OK to have the wrong answer or not to know something, but all students are expected to try. Each seat is numbered. I will frequently use numbers to call upon students so that every person has a chance to speak or answer questions. Know the number at your seat, and always be ready to participate, you never know when Ill call YOUR number. Most of my library books may be checked out. Fill out the slip and file it in the box under your class period. Read and enjoy the book, return it to the proper basket when through, and tear up the check-out slip in the box. Please do not walk around the room, get up for water or to throw away trash, or sharpen pencils when I am directing a lesson at the front of the room. It is distracting to others. This is YOUR classroom. Take pride in it by respecting the materials and keeping it clean.
I try to communicate with students and parents through my website. You will find homework assignments posted there, as well as other useful information about whats going on in our classroom and at Benton. The best way for you to contact me is via email at Although email is best, you can also leave a message for me at school (562) 943-1553.
Students, please read through the Course Expectations & Norms with your parents. You and your parents need to sign to acknowledge that you have read the Course Expectations & Norms and agree to follow them. You can go to the web page and submit your acknowledgement of this form electronically, or return the bottom portion here by Friday, September 13, 2013.
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I understand and agree to follow the Course Expectations:
Student Signature History Class Period Student Name Date
Parent Signature Date