Respiratory System
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
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Air enters through the nasal passage or mouth. Passes through the pharynx.
Larynx contains
Glottis and epiglottis Protects during swallowing & allows air exchange
Larynx to Trachea Trachea enters the chest Trachea breaks into 2 major branches
Gas Exchange Capillaries
carbon dioxide
expanding the chest Diaphragm contracts Increasing the volume of air in the chest Lowering pressure within the lungs
During the process the lungs remain in close contact with the lining of the thorax
2nd step
Intercostal muscle relaxes Diaphragm relaxes and domes forward
towards the chest Elastic tissue drives out air Forces air outward
Around the room you will see various cards with pictures and vocab words on them.
You will.
Get up out of your seats Go get a card Read the word on the card Write something that you learned on the card With a partner a discuss what the card said and why it is important to the respiratory system
Dioxide Special receptors detect the increase in CO2 in the blood Signals are sent to the brain Brain sends a message to increase respiration rate
for gas exchange Capillaries surround the alveoli which brings air near circulating blood Blood delivered is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide-pulmonary circulation Blood entering is high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide-pulmonary veins Hemoglobin absorbs oxygen 2 steps in breathing-chest expands increasing volume-chest contracts decreasing volume
You will have the opportunity to create a Road Map for the respiratory system. You may work in partners or individually.
You will be creating this travel guide for someone who has never been to the respiratory system.
Must include all parts of respiratory system May look like a brochure, map, or travel guide Can be creative and colorful