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Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Contents: Darcys law- assumption and validity, coefficient of permeability and its determination (laboratory and field), factors affecting permeability, permeability of stratified soils, Seepage velocity, Superficial velocity and coefficient of percolation, effective stress concept-total pressure and effective stress, quick sand phenomena, Capillary Phenomena.



Water strongly affects engineering behaviour of most kind of soils and water is an important factor in most geotechnical engineering problems. Hence it is essential to understand basic principles of flow of water through soil medium. Flow of water take place through interconnected pores between soil particles is considered in one direction. Objectives of this chapter are to understand basic principles of one dimensional flow through soil media. This understanding has application in the problems involving seepage flow through soil media and around impermeable boundaries which are frequently encountered in the design of engineering structures. To understand the concepts involved in this particular subject, student is advised to review basic terminologies of fluid mechanics course [06 CV 35 Fluid Mechanics]. This is essential because, as water flows through soil medium from a higher energy to a lower energy the concerned modeling is governed by the principles of fluid mechanics.



Flow of water in soil media takes place through void spaces which are apparently interconnected. Water can flow through the densest of natural soils. Water does not flow in a straight line but in a winding path (tortuous path) as shown in Figure 4.1. However, in soil mechanics, flow is considered to be along a straight line at an effective velocity. The velocity of drop of water at any point along its flow path depends on the size of the pore and its position inside the pore.

Figure 4.1: Water flows in a winding path through soil media

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Since water can flow through the pore spaces in the soil hence soil medium is considered to be permeable. Thus, the property of a porous medium such as soil by virtue of which water can flow through it is called its permeability. In other words, the ease with which water can flow through a soil mass is termed as permeability.


Darcys law

In 1856, modern studies of groundwater began when French scientist and engineer, H.P.G. Darcy (1803-1858) was commissioned to develop a water-purification system for the city of Dijon, France. He constructed the first experimental apparatus to study the flow characteristics of water through the soil medium. From his experiments, he derived the equation that governs the laminar (non-turbulent) flow of fluids in homogeneous porous media which became to be known as Darcys law.

Figure 4.2: Schematic diagram depicting Darcys experiment The schematic diagram representing Darcys experiment is depicted in Figure 4.2. By measuring the value of the rate of flow, Q for various values of the length of the sample, L, and pressure of water at top and bottom the sample, h1 and h2, Darcy found that Q is proportional to (h1 h2)/L or the hydraulic gradient, i, that is, h1 h2 h A=k A L L Q = kiA Q=k The loss of head of h units is affected as the water flows from h1 to h2. The hydraulic gradient defined as loss of head per unit length of flow may be expressed as,
i= h L

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

k is coefficient of permeability or hydraulic conductivity with units of velocity, such as mm/sec or m/sec. Thus the theory of seepage flow in porous media is based on a generalization of Darcy's Law which is stated as, Velocity of flow in porous soil media is proportional to the hydraulic gradient where, flow is assumed to be laminar. That is,

v= k i
Where, k is coefficient of permeability, v is velocity of flow and i is the hydraulic gradient. Typical values of coefficient of permeability for various soils are as follows, ________________________________________________________________________ Soil type Coarse Fine gravel, coarse, and medium sand Fine sand, loose silt Dense silt, clayey silt Silty clay, clay Assumptions made defining Darcy law. The flow is laminar that is, flow of fluids is described as laminar if a fluid particles flow follows a definite path and does not cross the path of other particles. Water & soil are incompressible that is, continuity equation is assumed to be valid The soil is saturated The flow is steady state that is, flow condition do not change with time. Coefficient of permeability (mm/s) 10 103 102 10 104 102 105 104 108 105


Seepage velocity and Superficial velocity

Figure 4.3: Seepage velocity and superficial velocity

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Consider flow of water through soil medium of length L and cross sectional area A as shown in Figure 4.3. If v is the velocity of downward movement of a drop of water from positions 1 to 2 then velocity is equal to ki, therefore k can be interpreted as the approach v velocity or superficial velocity for unit hydraulic gradient, i.e.,. k = =k (i = 1) Drop of water flows from positions 3 to 4 at faster rate than it does from positions 1 to 2 because the average area of flow channel through the soil is smaller. The actual velocity of water flowing through the voids is termed as seepage velocity, vs . By the principle of continuity, the velocity of approach v, may be related to the seepage velocity or average effective velocity of flow, vs by equating Qin and Qout as follows,

Q = vA = vs Av vs = v vs = A AL V =v =v Av Av L Vv

v 1+ e ki 1+ e = v= = ki n e n e

Where, Av = Area of pores, V = total volume of soil, Vv = volume of voids, e = voids ratio and n = porosity. Thus seepage velocity is the superficial velocity divided by the porosity. Above equation indicates that the seepage velocity is also proportional to the hydraulic gradient.

vs =

k (1+ e)k i= i = k p i, n e
k (1+ e)k = n e

That is, v s k p , where k p is called coefficient of percolation given by,

kp =

Thus, coefficient of percolation is defined as the ratio of coefficient of permeability to porosity.


Factors affecting permeability

The coefficient of permeability as used by geotechnical engineer is the approach or superficial velocity of the permeant flowing through soil medium under unit hydraulic gradient hence it depends on the characteristics of permeant, as well as those of the soil. Considering the flow through a porous medium as similar to a flow through a bundle of straight capillary tubes, the relationship showing the dependency of soil permeability on various characteristic parameters of soil and permeant was developed by Taylor as given below,

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

e3 k=D C (1+e)

This equation reflects the influence of permeant and the soil characteristics on permeability. In the above equation D is the effective diameter of the soil particles, is the unit weight of fluid, is the viscosity of fluid and C is the shape factor. Therefore, with the help of above equation, factors affecting permeability can be listed as follows, Permeant fluid properties i. Viscosity of the permeant ii. Density and concentration of the permeant. Soil characteristics i. Grain-size Shape and size of the soil particles. Permeability varies with the square of particle diameter. Smaller the grain-size the smaller the voids and thus the lower the permeability. A relationship between permeability and grain-size is more appropriate in case of sands and silts. 2 Allen Hazen proposed the following empirical equation, k(cm / s) = C D10 , C is a constant that varies from 1.0 to 1.5 and D10 is the effective size, in mm ii. Void ratio Increase in the porosity leads to an increase in the permeability. It causes an increase in the percentage of cross-sectional area available for flow. iii. Composition The influence of soil composition on permeability is generally insignificant in the case of gravels, sands, and silts, unless mica and organic matter are present. Soil composition has major influence in the case of clays. Permeability depends on the thickness of water held to the soil particles, which is a function of the cation exchange capacity. iv. Soil structural Fine-grained soils with a flocculated structure have a higher coefficient of permeability than those with a dispersed structure. Remoulding of a natural soil reduces the permeability Permeability parallel to stratification is much more than that perpendicular to stratification v. Degree of saturation Higher the degree of saturation, higher is the permeability. In the case of certain sands the permeability may increase three-fold when the degree of saturation increases from 80% to 100%. vi. Presence of entrapped air and other foreign matter. Entrapped air reduces the permeability of a soil. Organic foreign matter may choke flow channels thus decreasing the permeability 5

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Hence, it is important to simulate field conditions in order make realistic estimate of the permeability of a natural soil deposit, particularly when the aim is to determine field permeability in the laboratory.


Validity or limitations of Darcys law

Darcys law given by v = k i is true for laminar flow through the void spaces. A criterion for investigating the range can be furnished by the Reynolds number. For flow through soils, Reynolds number Rn can be given by the relation, vD Rn = g Where, v=discharge (superficial) velocity in cm/s, D = average diameter of the soil particle in cm, = density of the fluid in g/cm3, = coefficient of viscosity in g/cms, g = acceleration due to gravity, cm/s2 For laminar flow conditions in soils, experimental results show that, vD Rn = 1 g with coarse sand, assuming D = 0.47 mm and k 100D2 = 100(0.047)2 = 0.2209 cm/s. Assuming i = 1, then v = ki = 0.2209 cm/s. Also, water 1g/cm3, and ( at 200C) g = 105 (980) g/cms. Gives, Rn = 1.059 1 From the above calculations, we can conclude that, for flow of water through all types of soil (sand, silt, and clay), the flow is laminar and Darcys law is valid. With coarse sands, gravels, and boulders, turbulent flow of water can be expected 4.7

Measurement of coefficient of permeability Laboratory tests

There are two types of tests available for determining coefficient permeability in the laboratory, namely, i. Constant-head permeability test - suitable for coarse grained soils, ii. Falling or Variable -head permeability test - suitable for fine grained soils, Constant-head permeability test The constant-head test is suitable for more permeable coarse grained soils. The basic laboratory test arrangement is shown in Figure 4.4. The soil specimen is placed inside a cylindrical mold, and the constant-head loss h of water flowing through the soil is maintained by adjusting the supply. The outflow water is collected in a measuring cylinder, and the duration of the collection period is noted. From Darcys law, the total quantity of flow Q in time t can be given by
Q = qt = kiAt


Q L At h

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Figure 4.4: Constant-head permeability test Where, A is the area of cross-section of the specimen and i = h/L, where L is the length of the specimen. Falling or Variable -head permeability test The falling-head permeability test is more suitable for fine-grained soils. Figure 4.5 shows the general laboratory arrangement for the test. The soil specimen is placed inside a tube, and a standpipe is attached to the top of the specimen. Water from the standpipe is let to flow through the soil specimen. The initial head difference h1 at time t = t1 is recorded, and water is allowed to flow through the soil such that the final head difference at time t = t2 is h2. The rate of flow through the soil is
Velocity of fall of water level; v = dh dt dh dt h A L

Flow of water into the sample; qin = a

From Darcy's law flow out of the sample; qout = kiA = k For continuity; qin = qout a dh = k h A dt L

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Figure 4.5: Falling or Variable -head permeability test

Seperating the variables and integrating over the limits, A t h dh a 1 = k 1 dt ; h2 h L t2 h A a ln 1 = k (t1 t2 ) h2 L

( )


h aL ln 1 h2 At

( ) ( )

where t = t - t , interms of (log ) 1 2 10 h1 aL k = 2.303 log At 10 h2 Thus measuring h1 and h2 during time t, k can be computed. Note: For constant t, at two instances, let water level fall from h1 to h2 and h2 to h3 , then, h2 = h1h3


Measurement of coefficient of permeability Field tests

The coefficient of permeability of the permeable layer can be determined by pumping from a well at a constant rate and observing the steady-state water table in nearby observation wells. The steady-state is established when the water levels in the test well and the observation wells become constant. When water is pumped out from the well, the aquifer gets depleted of water, and the water table is lowered resulting in a circular depression in the phreatic surface. This is referred to as the Drawdown curve or Cone of depression. The analysis of flow towards such a well was given by Dupuit (1863).

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The aquifer is homogeneous. Darcys law is valid. The flow is horizontal. The well penetrates the entire thickness of the aquifer. Natural groundwater regime remains constant with time. Dupuits theory is valid that is, i = dz/dr

Case 1: Unconfined Aquifer

Let r and z be the radial distance and height above the impervious boundary at any point on the drawdown curve as shown in Figure 4.6. At steady state, the rate of discharge due to pumping can be expressed as, q = kiA dz Hydraulic gradient at any point is given by Dupuits theory, i = dr

Figure 4.6: Field permeability test Pumping out test in an unconfined aquifer
dz 2 rz dr

q = k

(Q A = 2 rz ) r2 integrating both sides

dr 2 k = ( z.dz ), r q


dr 2 k = r q

z2 z1


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

k =

2.303q r log10 2 2 2 ( z2 z1 ) r1

Note: z1 = (h d1) & z2= (h d2) k =

r2 log10 r1 [(d1 d 2 )(2h d1 d 2 )]


If the values of r1, r2, z1, z2, and q are known from field measurements, the coefficient of permeability can be calculated using the above relationship for k.

Case 2: Confined Aquifer

Let r and z be the radial distance and height above the impervious boundary at any point on the drawdown curve as shown in Figure 4.7. At steady state, the rate of discharge due to pumping can be expressed as, q = kiA

Figure 4.7: Field permeability test Pumping out test in confined aquifer
q = k dz 2 rH (Q A = 2 rH ) dr H is depth of confined aquifer z2

q dr kdz = integrating both sides, k 2 H r


q dz = 2 H



dr r

k[ z ]

r2 q z2 = log e r z1 2 H r1


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

k =

r 2.303q log10 2 ; r1 2 H ( z2 z1 )

k =

r q log10 2 r1 2.7283 H ( z2 z1 )

Note: z1 = (h d1) & z2= (h d2)

k =

r q log10 2 r1 2.7283 H (d1 d1 )

If the values of r1, r2, z1, z2, and q are known from field measurements, the coefficient of permeability can be calculated using the above relationship for k.


Permeability of stratified soils

Case 1: Flow perpendicular to the layers.

Figure 4.7: Effective Permeability of stratified soils - perpendicular to the layers.

If H1, H 2 , H i , H n1 H n are head lost in each of the corresponding layers Then the total head lost H is given by, H = H + H + + Hi +H + H n 1 2 n1


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Hydraulic gradients in each of these layers are, H H H n1 , i = H n 1, i = 2 , i = H i , i i = = n i 1 H 2 n 1 H Hi H Hn 1 2 n1 Since discharge q is same in all the layers, the velocity is the same in all layers ie., v = v = = vi = = v =v 1 2 n1 n Let kv be the average permeability perpendicular (vertical) to the bedding planes then, v = kvi = k i = k i = = ki ii = = k i =k i 11 2 2 n1 n1 n n

ie., H H H H n1 = k H n 1 =k 2 = = k H i = = k =k n i H 1 H 2 H n1 H H Hn i 1 2 n1 vH vH vH vH n1 , H = vH n 2 , , H = vHi , H , H = 1 , H = H = = n i 1 2 1 n kv k k ki k kn 1 2 n1 Substituting in the equation, H = H + H + + H i + +H + H n 1 2 n1 vH vH vH vH vH1 vH 2 = + + + i + + n1 + n kv k k ki k kn n1 1 2 v = kv Effective permeability for flow in the direction perpendicular to layers is, kv = H H H H H H 1 + 2 + + i + + n-1 + n k k k kn k n-1 1 2 i

Case 2: Flow parallel to the layers.

Figure 4.8: Effective Permeability of stratified soils parallel to the layers


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

q If q , q , qi , q n1 n 1 2 are rate of flow in each of the corresponding layers Then the total rate of flow q is given by, q = q + q + + qi + q +q n1 n 1 2 Hydraulic gradients in each of these layers are same. i = i = ii = = i =i =i 1 2 n1 n Since discharge, q = q + q + + qi + q +q 1 2 n1 n
ie., q = k iH + k iH + + ki iH i + + k iH + k iH 1 1 2 2 n1 n1 n n Let k be the average permeability parallel (Horizontal) h to the bedding planes then, Note that for flow in the horizontal direction (which is the direction of stratification of the soil layers), the hydraulic gradient is the same for all layers. k iH = k iH + k iH + + ki iHi + + k iH + k iH 1 1 2 2 n1 n1 n n h + k H + + k H + k nHn k H + k H + n-1 n-1 i i k = 1 1 2 2 h H kv and kh are effective are equivalent permeability coefficients for flow in parallel and perpendicular directions to the bedding Planes respectively [Note: kv< kh].


Total Stress, Effective Stress and Pore Pressure

External loading increases the total stress at every point in a saturated soil above its initial value. The magnitude of this increase depends mostly on the location of the point The pressure transmitted through grain to grain at the contact points through a soil mass is termed as inter-granular or effective pressure. It is known as effective pressure since this pressure is responsible for the decrease in the void ratio or increase in the frictional resistance of a soil mass. If the pores of a soil mass are filled with water and if a pressure induced into the pore water, tries to separate the grains, this pressure is termed as pore water pressure or neutral stress. It is the same in all directions

The total stress, either due to self-weight of the soil or due to external applied forces or due to both, at any point inside a soil mass is resisted by the soil grains as also by water present in the pores or void spaces in the case of a saturated soil.

Total stress = Effective stress + Pore water Pressure (Neutral stress)

= +u


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

If b and w are soil bulk unit weight and unit weight of water respectively, then at any depth, z , Effective, total and neutral stresses relationship may be expressed as

' = u = bz wz ' = z ( b w ) = ' z where, u = w z .

Usually the unit weight of soil varies with depth. Soil becomes denser with depth owing to the compression caused by the geostatic stresses. If the unit weight of soil varies continuously with depth, the vertical stress at any point, v can be evaluated by means of the integral:

v = .dz

If the soil is stratified, with different unit weights for each stratum, v may be computed conveniently by summation:

v = .(z )i
i =1


Upward flow Quick sand condition and Critical hydraulic gradient

Consider a case of water flowing under a hydraulic head x through a soil column of height H as shown in the Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9: Computation of critical hydraulic gradient at point O.


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

The state of stress at point O situated at a depth of h2 from the top of soil column may be computed as follows, Vertical stress at O is,

v = h1 w + h2 sat

If w is the unit weight of water then pore pressure uO at O is, uo = (h1 + h2 + x) w If sat and ' saturated and submerged unit weights of the soil column respectively, Then effective stress at O is,

' = v uo = (h1 w + h2 sat ) (h1 + h2 + x) w


= h2 ( sat w ) x w = h2 ' x w
For quick sand condition(sand boiling) the effective stress tends to zero; that is, ' = 0 We get critical hydraulic gradient icritical as,


' = h2 ' x w = 0; x ' w (G 1) 1 G 1 icritical = = = = w 1+ e h2 w 1+ e

Where G is the specific gravity of the soil particles and e is the void ratio of the soil mass. Therefore critical hydraulic gradient corresponds to hydraulic gradient which tends to a state of zero effective stress. Hence critical hydraulic gradient is given by icritical = G 1 1+ e

4.12 Capillary water in soil

Capillary rise results from the combined actions of surface tension and intermolecular forces between the liquid and solids. The rise of water in soils above the ground water table is analogous to the rise of water into capillary tubes placed in a source of water. But, the void spaces in a soil are irregular in shape and size, as they interconnect in all directions. The pressure on the water table level is zero, any water above this level must have a negative pressure. In soils a negative pore pressure increases the effective stresses and varies with the degree of saturation

Capillary rise in glass tube:

Consider capillary tube of diameter d, capillary rise, hc in the tube can be computed equating the surface tension forces to weight of water column that is raised due to capillary action as follows, (Refer to Figure 4.10)


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

( d ) Ts cos =


hc w

hc =

4Ts cos 4T ; For pure water and a glass tube of very small diameter, = 0, hc = s d w d w

Figure 4.10: Capillary rise due to surface tension

The maximum negative pore pressure is: u = hc w = 4Ts d

The surface tension, TS for water at 20 C is equal to 75 x 10-8 kN/cm.

The capillary process starts as water evaporates from the surface of the soil. The capillary zone is comprised of a fully saturated layer with a height of usually less than hc, and a partially saturated layer overlain by wet or dry soil. Negative pore pressure results in an increase in the effective stress and is termed soil suction. In granular materials (gravels and sands) the amount of capillary rise is negligible while in fine grained soils the water may rise up to several meters. EXAMPLE: 4.1 The results of a constant head permeability test on fine sand are as follows: area of the soil specimen 180 cm2, length of specimen 320 mm, constant head maintained 460 mm, and flow of water through the specimen 200mL in 5 min. Determine the coefficient of permeability.

Data: L = 320 mm = 32 cm, Q = 200 ml.=200 cm3, A =180 cm2, t = 5 minutes = 300 s h = 460 mm = 46 cm Q L 200 32 k = = = 0.00258 cm / s At h 180 300 46 k = 0.0258 mm / s


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

The discharge of water collected from a constant head permeameter in a period of 15 minutes is 400 ml. The internal diameter of the permeameter is 6 cm and the measured difference in heads between the two gauging points 15 cm apart is 40. Calculate the coefficient of permeability. If the dry weight of the 15 cm long sample is 7.0 N and the specific gravity of the solids is 2.65, calculate the seepage velocity. Data I: Data II: L = 15 cm G = 2.65 2 2 A = D /4 = (36)/4=28.27 cm L=15 cm h = 40 cm Wdry = 7.0 N 3 Q = 400 ml.=400 cm t = 15 minutes = 900 s Q L 400 15 k = = = 0.0059 cm / s At h 28.27 900 40

Volume of the sample is = AL = 28.27 15 = 424.05 cm3 Dry density dry = 7 kN 1000 = 16.51 3 424.05 m G w G w 2.65 9.81 = ; 1 + e = = = 1.575; e = 0.575 dry 1+ e 16.51


e 0.575 = = 0.365; Superficial velocity, 1 + e 1.575 Q 0.0059 v= = = 0.016 cm / s At 28.27 900 v 0.016 seepage velocity, vs = = = 0.0438 cm / s n 0.365
In a falling head test permeability test initial head of 1.0 m dropped to 0.35 m in 3 hours, the diameter being 5mm. The soil specimen is 200 mm long and 100 mm in diameter. Calculate coefficient of permeability of the soil. Data: L = 200 mm A =D2/4 = (1002)/ 4 = 7853.98 mm2; a =D2/4 = (52)/ 4 = 19.635 mm2 t = 3 hours=180 minutes = 10800 s h1 = 1 m = 1000 mm, h2 = 0.35 m = 350 mm aL h k = 2.303 log10 1 At h2
k = 2.303 19.635200 1000 5 log10 = 4.8610 mm 7853.9810800 350


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

A falling head permeability test is to be performed on a soil sample whose permeability is estimated to be about 3 105 cm/s. What diameter of the standpipe should be used if the head is to drop from 27.5 cm to 20.0 cm in 5 minutes and if the cross-sectional area and length of the sample are respectively 15 cm2 and 8.5 cm ? Will it take the same time for the head to drop from 37.7 cm to 30.0 cm ? Data I: L = 8.5 cm A = 15 cm2; t = 5 minutes = 300 s h1 = 27.5 cm, h2 = 20.0 cm Data II: h1 = 37.7 cm, h2 = 30.0 cm

k = 2.303

h aL log10 1 At h2

27.5 a8.5 5 ; 310 = 2.30315300 log10 20


3105 15300 = 0.049864 cm2; 27.5 2.3038.5log10 20 40.049864 d = 10 = 2.52 mm

Time required for h1 = 37.7 cm to h2 = 30.0 cm aL h 0.0498648.5 37.7 log10 t = 2.303 log10 1 ; t = 2.303 5 Ak 15310 h2 30 t = 215.22 s < t = 300 s it requires less time
A sand deposit of 12 m thick overlies a clay layer. The water table is 3 m below the ground surface. In a field permeability pump-out test, the water is pumped out at a rate of 540 liters per minute when steady state conditions are reached. Two observation wells are located at 18 m and 36 m from the centre of the test well. The depths of the drawdown curve are 1.8 m and 1.5 m respectively for these two wells. Determine the coefficient of permeability. Data: r1 = 18 m, r2 = 36 m h = 12 3 = 9.0 m d1 = 1.8 m, d2 = 1.5 m z1 = 9.0 1.8 = 7.2 m & z2 = 9.0 1.5 = 7.5 m q = 540 lit / min = 540 /(601000) = 0.009 m3/s

(Refer to Figure E-4.5)


2.303q r 2.3030.009 log 36 = 4.504104 m / s log10 2 = 10 2 2 r1 18 (7.52 7.22 ) ( z2 z1 )


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Figure E-4.5 EXAMPLE: 4.6

A pumping test carried out in a 50 m thick confined aquifer results in a flow rate of 600 lit/min. Drawdown in two observation wells located 50 m and 100 an from the well are 3 and 1 m respectively. Calculate the coefficient of permeability of the aquifer Data: r1 = 50 m, r2 = 100 m H = 50 m d1 = 3.0 m, d2 = 1.0 m z1 = 70.0 3.0 = 67.0 m & z2 = 70.0 1.0 = 69.0 m q = 600 lit / min = 600 /(601000) = 0.010 m3/s (Refer to Figure E-4.6)

Figure E-4.6

r 100 q 0.01 log10 2 = log10 r1 2.728350(6967) 50 2.7283 H ( z2 z1) 5 k =1.103410 m / s k=


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

A pump test was carried out in an unconfined aquifer of k = 3 x 10-6 m/s with a flow rate of 20 m3/hour. The radius of the well is 0.4 m and the aquifer has a depth of 80 m above an impermeable stratum. The drawdown in an observation well at a distance of 150 m from the well is 2.5 m. Calculate the radius of influence and the depth of water in the well. Data: r1 = rw = 0.4 m, r2 = 150 m, R = ? h = 80.0 m d2 = 2.5 m, d1 = dw = ? z2 = 80.0 2.5 = 77.5 m, z1 = zw? 1 q = 20.0 m3/hour = m3/s, k = 3 x 10 -6 m/s 180

1 2.303 2.303q r2 180 log 150 = 3.0106 m / s log = k= 10 r 10 2 2 2 0.40 w zw ( z2 ) (77.52 zw )

2 = 77.52 2.303log10 (375.0) z = 50.12 m d = 80 50.12 = 29.88 m zw w w 1803.0106 1 q 180 R= R = 3.0106 m / s k= log loge e 2 2 2 r 0.40 (80 50.12 ) w (h z w )

R = 0.40 exp 3.010 (80 50.12 )180 R = 292.81 m

The following data relate to a pump-out test: Diameter of well = 24 cm (rw) Thickness of confined aquifer = 27 m (H) Radius of circle of influence = 333 m (R) Draw down during the test = 4.5 m (zw = h - 4.5 ) Discharge = 0.9 m3/s. What is the permeability of the aquifer ?

R = 3.0106 (802 50.122 )180 loge 0.40 6 2 2


r q log10 2 for z1 = h d1; z2 = h d2 r1 2.7283 H ( z2 z1) r q log10 2 r1 2.7283 H (d 2 d1)

k =


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.


R 333 q 0.9 log10 = log10 rw 2.728327(4.50) 0.12 2.7283 H (d w 0) 3 k = 9.3510 m / s

A soil profile consists of three layers with the properties shown in the table below. Calculate the equivalent coefficients of permeability parallel and normal to the stratum. Layer 1 Thickness (m) 3.0 2 4.0 3 3.0 Parallel to the layers. k (m/s) 2.0x 10 -6 5.0x 10 -8 3.0x 10 -5

k H + k 2 H 2 + k 3 H3 (210-6 3) + (510-8 4) + (310-5 3) -6 kh = 1 1 = = 9.6210 m / s (H + H + H ) (3 + 4 + 3 ) 1 2 3 Normal to the layers.

H 10 = 1.2310-7 m / s kv = = H1 H 2 H 3 3 4 3 + + + + -6 -8 -5 k1 k 2 k 3 210 510 310
The data given below relate to two falling head permeameter tests performed on two different soil samples: (a) stand pipe area = 4 cm2, (b) sample area = 28 cm2, (c) sample height = 5 cm, (d) initial head in the stand pipe =100 cm, (e) final head = 20 cm, (f) time required for the fall of water level in test 1, t = 500 sec, (g) for test 2, t = 15 sec. Determine the values of k for each of the samples. If these two types of soils form adjacent layers in a natural state with flow (a) in the horizontal direction, and (b) flow in the vertical direction, determine the equivalent permeability for both the cases by assuming that the thickness of each layer is equal to 150 cm.

Test 1 : k = 2.303 Test 2: k = 2.303 aL h 2.30345 100 log10 1 = log = 76.65103 cm / s At 2815 20 h2 h 2.30345 100 aL log10 1 = log = 2.3103 cm / s At 20 h2 28500


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

Horizontal direction flow

k H + k 2 H 2 (2.310-3 150) + (76.6510-3 150) kh = 1 1 = = 0.0395 cm / s (150 +150) (H1 + H 2 )

Vertical direction flow

H 300 = 4.46610-3 cm / s kv = = H1 H 2 150 150 + + -3 -3 k1 k 2 2.310 510

A layer of clay of 4 m thick is overlain by a sand layer of 5 m, the top of which is the ground surface. The clay overlay an impermeable stratum. Initially the water table is at the ground surface but it is lowered 4 meters by pumping. Calculate v at the top and base of the clay layer before and after pumping. For sand e = 0.45, G = 2.6, Sr (sand, after pumping) = 50%. For clay e = 1.0, G = 2.7.

( b )sand ( S =50%) =

G w (1 + w) 2.6 9.81 (1 + 0.08654) = = 19.113 kN / m3 r 1+ e 1 + 0.45 eS 0.45 .50 w= r = = 0.08654 G 2.7

9.81 (2.6 + 0.45) = 20.635 kN / m3 1+ e 1 + 0.45 (G + e) 9.81 (2.7 + 1.0) = w = = 18.15 kN / m3 1+ e (1 + 1) = =

( sat )sand ( sat )clay

w (G + e )

At the top of the clay layer before pumping:

v = 20.6355.0 = 103.175 kPa,

u = 9.815.0 = 49.0 kPa,

v = 103.175 - 49.0 = 54.175 kPa.

At the base of the clay layer before pumping:

v = 103.175 + 18.15x4.0 = 175.775 kPa.

u = 9.819.0= 88.3 kPa,

v = 175.775 - 88.3 = 87.475 kPa

At the top of the clay layer after pumping:

v = 19.1134.0+ 20.6351.0 = 97.087 kPa,

u = 9.811.0 = 9.81 kPa, 22

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

v = 97.087 - 9.81 = 87.277 kPa.

At the base of the clay layer after pumping:

v = 97.087 + 18.154.0 = 169.687 kPa,

u = 9.815.0 = 49.05 kPa,

v = 172.99 -49.05 = 120.637 kPa. v (at the top) = 87.277 54.175 = 33.102 kPa. v (at the base) = 120.637 87.475 = 33.162 kPa.
The increase in the effective vertical stress throughout the clay layer is uniform.

A soil profile is shown in figure. Plot the distribution of total stress, pore pressure and effective stress up to a depth of 12 m.

0.0 m 2.0 m

dry =

G w 2.65 9.80 = = 16.23 kN / m3 1 + e 1 + 0.6 ( ) ( )

2.0 m 5.0 m

sat =

(G + e) w (1 + e )

(2.65 + 0.6) 9.80 = 19.91 kN / m3 (1 + 0.6 )

5.0 m 8.0 m

sat = 20.5 kN / m3
8.0 m 12.0 m

sat = 22.0 kN / m3

Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

z = 0.0 m u = 0.0, = 0.0, = 0.0 z = 2.0 m u = 0.0, = 16.23 2 = 32.46 kN / m3 ,

= 32.46 0.0 = 32.46 kN / m3

z = 5.0 m u = 3 9.8 = 29.4 kN / m3 , = 32.46 + 19.91 3 = 92.19 kN / m3 ,

= 92.19 29.4 = 62.79 kN / m3

z = 8.0 m u = 6 9.8 = 58.80 kN / m3 , = 92.19 + 20.50 3 = 153.69 kN / m3 ,

= 153.69 58.80 = 94.89 kN / m3

z = 12.0 m u = 10 9.8 = 98.0 kN / m3 ,

= 153.69 + 22.0 4 = 241.69 kN / m3 , = 241.69 98.0 = 143.69 kN / m3

Depth (m)
0.0 2.0 5.0 8.0 12.0
u = z w (kPa)

= z sat (kPa)
0.00 32.46 92.19 153.69 241.69

= -u (kPa)
0.00 32.46 62.79 94.89 94.89

0.00 0.00 29.40 58.80 98.00

Figure: Example: 4.12 - Pore pressure, Total stress and Effective stress Distribution


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

If a glass tube of 0.002 mm diameter is immersed in water, what is the height to which water will rise in the tube by capillary action? Derive the necessary expression for capillary rise and use the same. TS = 75 x 10-8 kN/cm. = 75 x 10-6 kN/m. D = 0.002 10-3 m w = 9.80 kN/m3 4T 4 75 106 hc = s = d w 0.002 10 3 9.80 hc = 15.36 m

What is the height of capillary rise in a soil with an effective size of 0.06 mm and void ratio of 0.72 ?
Effective size = 0.05 mm Volume of solids = (0.05)3 mm3 voidratio = 0.72 Volume of voids = 0.72 (0.05)3 = 9 105 mm3 Approximately, void size, d = (9 10 ) = 0.0448 mm
1 5 3

Capillary rise, hc =

4Ts 4 75 106 = = 0.683 m d w 0.0448 9.80 10 3

Water is flowing at the rate of 50 mm3/s in an upward direction through a sample of sand whose coefficient of permeability is 2x10 -2 mm/s. The sample thickness is 120 mm and cross section area is 5000 mm2. Determine the effective pressure at the middle and at bottom sections of the sample. Take the saturated unit weight of sand as 19 KN/m3.

q = 50 mm3 / s; k = 210- 2 mm / s; A = 5000 mm 2 ; z = 120 mm ' = sat - w = 19.0 - 9.80 = 9.2 kN / m3 q 50 = = 0.5 -2 kA 210 5000 For upward flow, ' = z (' - i w ) Hydraulic gradient = i = At the bottom; z = 120 mm; ' = 12010- 3 (9.2 - 0.59.8)

( )


= 0.516 kPa

At the middle; z = 60 mm; ' = 6010- 3 (9.2 - 0.59.8)

( )


= 0.258 kPa


Author: K.V. Vijayendra Department of Civil Engineering, BIT, Bangalore.

A 1.60 m layer of the soil of specific gravity, G = 2.66 and porosity, n= 38% is subject to an upward seepage head of 2.0 m. What depth of coarse sand would be required above the soil to provide a factor of safety of 1.5 against quick sand condition assuming that the coarse sand has the same porosity and specific gravity as the soil and that there is negligible head loss in the sand?

n 0.38 = = 0.613 1 n 1 0.38 G 1 2.66 1 Critical hydraulic gradient ; ic = = = 1.029 1 + e 1 + 0.613 h 2 Length of flow required is, L = = = 2.916 m i 0.686 Available thickness of soil = 1.60 m G = 2.66; n = 38% e = Additional thickness of sand layer required d = 2.916 1.60 = 1.316 m Additional thickness of sand layer required = 1.316 m

1. V. N. S. Murthy, Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2. Braja M. Das, Advanced Soil Mechanics, Third edition, Taylor & Francis 3. T.W. Lambe & R.V. Whitman, Soil Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons 4. B.C. Punmia, Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 5. C. Venkatramaiah, Geotechnical Engineering, Newage International (P) Limited, Publishers, Third ed., 2006.



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