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Endo SCHC Eaxam

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1. Actual destruction of micro-organisms in the root canal is attributed mainly to: a. Proper antibiotic thereby. b. Effective use of medicament.

ent. c. Mechanical preparation and irrigation of the canal. *** d. None of the above. 2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. c. RCT contraindicated in: Vertical fracture of root. *** Diabetic Pt. Unrestored teeth. Periodontally involved teeth. Gutta percha contain mainly: Gutta percha 20%. ZINC oxide %. *** ZINC phosphate. .transpolyisoprene, barium sulfate, zinc oxide :

4. Component of Gutta percha: a. 50% Gp & 50% ZOE b. 20% Gp & 70% ZOE. *** Elsevier: Article Locator + Endodontics : : inorganic )Gutta percha & barium sulfate( %75 organic (gutta percha) %23 transpolyisoprene 5. a. b. c. d. Single rooted anterior teeth has endodontic treatment is best treated by: Casted post and core. *** Performed post and composite. Performed post and amalgam. Composite post and core

6. Post fracture decrease with prefabricated post ready made post casted post. *** metal post 7. Teeth with RCT and you want to use post, which post is the least cause to fracture: 1. Ready made post. 2. Casted post. 3. Fiber post. *** 4. Prefabricated post. 8. During post removal the first thing to do is: A) remove the G.P B) remove all the old restoration & undermined enamel & caries. *** C) insertion of post immediately 9. For root canal treated tooth u choose to put post & amalgam this depend on remaining coronal structure *** root divergencepresence of wide rootothers 10. Post length increasing will .increase retention. *** .increase resistant .increase strength of restoration 11. Post retention depends on: a. Post length. b. Post diameter. c. Post texture. d. Core shape. e. Design of the preparation. f. A and b g. A, b and c. *** h. All of the above. i. A.

- 4 : 1 .

12. For post preparation we should leave mm of GP: a. ???? b. 10mm c. 5mm. *** : Http: //www.experts123.com/q/how-much...placement.html Post and core - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13. Amount of G.P should after post preparation: a. 1 mm. b. 4-5 mm. c. 10 mm. d. None of the above. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) page 154 As a general guide the post should be at least equal to the anticipated crown height, but a minimum of 4 mm of well-condensed GP should be left. A periodontal probe is helpful to check prepared canal length. 14. Which of the following endodontic failure may be retreated only with surgery: a. Missed major canal. b. Persistent interappointment pain. c. Past and core. *** d. Short canal filling.

15. Which of the following failure may be treated nonsurgically: a. Post filling that has removed. *** b. Severe apical perforation. c. Very narrow canal with a periapical lesion and the apex can not be reached. d. None of the above.

16. In post and core preparation must: a. Extend to contrabevel. b. Extend to full length tooth preparation. c. Take same shape of natural tooth. d. Take shape of preparation abutment. e. A & d. *** f. A & b. g. D & c. h. B & c. . 17. After RCT, for insertion of post dowel: a. Post applied pressure. b. Post should be lose. c. Insert it without pressure but with retention. *** 18. The best restoration for max central incisor that has received RCT through conservatively prepared access opening would be: Post-retained metal-ceramic crown. Post-retained porcelain jacket crown. Composite resin. *** None of the above.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

19. Endodontically treated 2nd maxillary premolar with moderate M & D caries is best restored by: Amalgam. 3/4 crown. Full crown. *** Onlay.

20. In maxillary 1st molar 4th canal is found in: a. MB canal. *** b. DB canal. c. Palatal root.

21. The irrigation solution is good because: a. Lubricate the canals. b. Flushes the debris. c. None of the above. d. All of the above. *** http://medind.nic.in/eaa/t03/i2/eaat03i2p19.pdf Root canal irrigants are used during biomechanical preparation of the root canal to remove the organic/inorganic debris, lubricate endodontic instruments and minimize the number of micro-organisms. 22. 21 years old Pt with pathological exposure in 35. Management: a. Direct pulp capping. b. Indirect pulp capping. c. Root canal treatment. *** 23. During instrumentation, sudden disappear of root canal due to: a. Bifurcation of main canal. *** b. Apical perforation. c. Calcification. Dental decks 154 . 24. In combined endo-perio problem: a. Start with endodontic IX. *** b. Start with periodontic IX. 25. AH26 is root canal sealer consist of: a. ZOE. b. Epoxy resin. *** 1. Buccal object role in dental treatment of maxillary teeth: a. MB root appear distal to P if cone is directed M to D. *** b. DB root appear mesial to P if cone is directed M to D.

a. b. c. d. e.

26. Diagnosis prior to RCT should always be based on: Good medical and dental history. Proper clinical examination. Result of pulp vitality test. A periapical radiographs. All of the above. *** 27. Which of the following may be used to disinfect gutta percha points Boiling. Autoclave. Chemical solutions. *** Dry heat sterilization. Endodontics 4th edition page 126-128 The primary GP point selected should be sterilized with NaOCL or H2O2 or Chlorhexidine

a. b. c. d.

28. Disinfection of GP is done by: a. Autoclave. b. Dry heat. c. Sodium hypochlorite. *** 29. The radiographic criteria used for evaluating the successes of endodontic therapy Reduction of the size of the periapical lesion. *** No response to percussion and palpation test. Extension of the sealer cement through lateral canals. None of the above. 30. What is the basis for current endodontic therapy of a periapical lesion: Due to rich collateral circulation system, the perpical area usually heals despite the condition of the root canal. If the source of periapical irritation is removed, the potential for periapical healing is good. *** Strong intracanal medications are required to sterilized the canal and periapical area to promote healing. Periapical lesions, especially apical cyst, must be treated by surgical intervention.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

31. Bacteria in endodontic pathosis mostly is: a. Porphyromonas endodontalis obligate anacrobe: *** b. Streptococcus mutans. c. Streptococcus anaerobius. 32. Bacteria in root canal: a) mixed**** b) anaerobes obligatory c) aerobes only 33. Bacteria in root canal pathosis: a. Mixed anaerobe and aerobe. *** b. Single obligate anaerobe. c. Aerobic. d. None of the above. Dental pulp 2002 page 294 When intact teeth with necrotic pulps were cultured, over 90% of the bacteria were strict anaerobes. Because bacteria isolated from root canals are usually a subgroup of the bacteria found in the sulcus or periodontal pockets, it is believed that the sulcus is the source of bacteria in root canal infections. 34. Irrigation solution for RCT cause protein coagulation is: 1- Sodium hypochlorite. 2- Iodine potassium. 3- Formocresol. *** 4- None of the above. 35. Emergency endodontic should not be started before: a. Establishing the pain. b. Check restorability of the tooth. c. Establishing the diagnosis. *** The most common cause of endodontic pathosis is bacteria: d. True. *** e. False. .

36. Palatal canal in upper molars is curved: a. Buccally. *** b. Palatally. c. Distally. 37. To obturate the canal the most important step is: a. Cleaning and shaping of the canal. *** b. Irrigation of the canal. 38. The most common endodontic cyst is: a. Radicular cyst. *** b. Keratocyst. c. Acute apical periodontitis. 39. The most important in RCT is seal: a. Apical 1/3. *** b. Middle 1/3. c. Cervical 1/3. 40. Broken instrument during RCT, best prognosis if broken at: a. Apical 1/3. *** b. Middle 2/3. c. Cervical 3/3.

41. Lateral canal is detected by: a. Radiograph. *** b. Tactile sensation. c. By clinical examination. 42. Among the reasons that molar teeth are more difficult to treat endodontically than anterior teeth: a. Molar have more complex canal configuration. b. Molar tend to have greater canal curvature. c. A and b. *** d. None of the above.

43. The basic difference between K files and reamers is: a. The number of spirals or flutes per unit length. b. The geometric cross section. *** c. The depth of flutes. d. The direction of the spirals. 44. The root canal treated teeth has the best prognosis when the root canal is instrumented and obturated: a. To the radiograph apex. b. 1 mm beyond the radiograph apex. c. 1-2 mm short of the radiograph apex. *** d. 3-4 mm short of the radiograph apex. " Clinical Endodontics TRONSTAD" : 45. Teeth that are discolored as a result of internal resorption of the pulp may turn: a. Yellow. b. Dark brown. c. Pink. *** d. Green. Dental Decks - page 244

46. Sensitivity to palpation and percussion indicates: a. Reversible pulpitis. b. Irreversible pulpitis. c. Neurotic pulp. d. Hyperplastic pulpitis. e. Inflammation of the periradicular tissues. *** 47. Trauma lead to fracture in the root between middle cervical and apical third: a) poor prognosis b) good prognosis *** .

48. Endomethasone is a root canal sealer that: a. Dissolve in fluid so it weaken the root canal filling. b. Very toxic contain formaldehyde. c. Contain corticosteroids. d. All the above. *** 49. Cause that master G.P not reach working length although it is the same size of last file: a. Dentin debris. b. Ledge formation. c. A & b. *** d. None of the above Endodontics Problem solving in clinical practice 2002 page 135 Master Cone Will Not Fit to Length: Dentine chips packed into the apical extent of the root canal preparation will lead to a decrease in working length, and consequently the master cone will appear to be short. This can be avoided by using copious amounts of irrigant during preparation. A ledge in the root canal wall can prevent correct placement of the cone. If the cone hits an obstruction during placement then the end may appear crinkled. It may be possible to remove or smooth a ledge by refining the preparation with a greater taper instrument. If the canal is insufficiently tapered, the master cone may not fit correctly because it is binding against the canal walls coronally or in the mid-third. The completed root canal preparation should follow a gradual taper along its entire length. Further preparation may be required with Gates-Glidden burs, orifice shapers or a greater taper instrument.

50. Small access opening in upper centeral incisor lead to: a. Complete removal of the pulp. b. Incomplete removal of the pulp. *** c. Conservative restoration.

a. b. c. d.

51. All are irrigation for canals EXCEPT: Saline. Hydrogen beroxide. Naocl RC prep. *** EDTA

52. Properties of ideal endo obturation material are all EXCEPT: a. Biocompatible. b. Radiolucent. *** 53. Very important part in endo treatment: a. Complete debridement of the canal 54. Perio endo lesion the primary treatment: a. Endo treatment. *** b. Deep scaling and root planning. Dental decks - page 216

14. Tooth requires RCT with bone resorption. Terminate RCT at: a. Radiographic apex b. 0.5-1 mm short of radiographic apex. c. 0.5-1 mm beyond radiographic apex d. "ENDODONTICS Fifth Edition page 515" Weines recommendations for determining working length based on radiographic evidence of root/bone resorption. A, If no root or bone resorption is evident, preparation should terminate 1.0 mm from the apical foramen. B, If bone resorption is apparent but there is no root resorption, shorten the length by 1.5 mm . C, If both root and bone resorption are apparent, shorten the length by 2.0 mm. Color atlas of endodontics page 54

Some researchers suggest calculating the working length 1 mm short of the radiographic apex with normal apical anatomy, 1.5 mm short with bone but no root resorption, and 2 mm short with bone and root resorption. 79. File #40 means: a. 0.40 is the diameter at d1 *** b. 0.40 is from d1 to d16 To locate the canal orifice use a-barite probe b-endo spreader c-endo file with curved tip d-round bur

Color atlas of endodontics page 14 - Conventional stainless steel files can be precurved and "hooked" into canals. Pathway of the pulp 9ed 1st part page 197-215-227 - examining the pulp chamber floor with a sharp explorer. (maxillary molar) - An oval orifice must be explored with apically curved small instruments. The clinician should place the file tip in the orifice with the tip to buccal when trying to locate the buccal canal. A curved file tip is placed toward the palate to explore for the palatal canal.

- Micro-Openers (Dentsply Maillefer, Tulsa, OK) are excellent instruments for locating canal orifices when a dental dam has not been placed.

- An endodontic explorer is used to search for canal orifices.

5.Contraindication for endo treatment EXCEPT: -non strategic tooth -non restorable teeth -vertical fracture teeth -tooth with large periapical lesion *** 55. Irrigant that kills e-foecalis 1-naoh 2-mtad. *** 2-saline 3-chlorohexidine Pathway to the pulp New irrigants are being developed in an attempt to address some of the shortcomings of past and current materials. MTAD is a mixture of a tetracycline isomer (i.e., doxycycline), an acid, and a detergent. In an in vitro study, MTAD was found to be an effective solution for killing E. Faecalis.

14-weeping canal we use 1-g.p 2-caoh *** 3-. 4- Clinical Endodontics textbook TRONSTAD page 224 This situation is often referred to as a weeping canal and is annoying in that the apical part of the canal cannot be dried properly. The right therapy is a

discontinuation of the use of the tissue-irritating antiseptics followed by 23 weeks of calcium hydroxide in the root canal. The chemically-induced exudation will then have stopped and the root canal can be dried and obturated.

7-Tug back refers to: 1. Retention of GP inside the canal. *** 2. Fluibilty of GP. 15-dental student using thermoplastized g.p. What is the main problem he may face; 1-extrusion of g.p. From the canal *** 2-inability to fill the proper length 3- failure to use maser cone at proper length 4- ledge Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005)- page 177 It is difficult to control the apical extent of the root filling and in addition some contraction of the GP occurs on cooling. Useful for irregular canal defects .

17-during endo pt is complaining of pain with percussion what u suspect? 1-apical periodontitis 2-secondery apical periodontitis. 3-over instrumentation. *** 4-over medication Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) page 178 Pain following instrumentation: This is usually due to instruments or irrigants, or to debris being forced into the apical tissues. "Pathway of the pulp 9ed 1st part page 217"

Postoperative discomfort generally is greater when this area (apical constriction) is violated by instruments or filling materials, and the healing process may be compromised.

15- During doing Rct, pt complains from pain during percussion due to: A- Apical infection. B- Impact debris fragment c- Over instrumentation

"Pathway of the pulp 9ed 1st part page 406" Shaping to the radiographic apex is likely to produce overinstrumentation past the apical foramen, with possible clinical sequelae of postoperative pain and inoculation of microorganisms into periapical spaces. .Over instrumentation

28. Over extended GP should remove using: - ultrasonic vibrating. - dissolving agent. *** - rotary or round bur - surgery

56. tracing of GP used for : 1/source of periapical pathosis *** 2/acute periapical periodontitis 3/ periodental abscess 4/ none ) (

57. What is the disadvantages of Mcspadden technique in obturation requires much practice to perfect. *** Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) - page 177 And: Disadv's of mcspadden Tech: 1. Use of speed higher than recommended>> poor seal. 2. Extrusion of the filling material. 3. Fracture of thermocompactor. 4. Gouging of the canal wall. 5. Inability to use the technique in curved canals. 6. Heat generation may lead to PDL damage, resorption and ankylosis.. 7. Voids in final filling

And: If the file is turning in reverse, it can screw itself into the canal and periapical tissues Endodontic Obturation What are the disadvantages of mcspadden technique in obturation: a) Increase time. B) Increase steps. C) Difficult in curved canals. *** D) All the above.

493) thermo mech. Tech of obturation is: A) thermafil B) obtura C) ultrafil D) mcspadden. *** (source : Endodontic obturation materials)

58. all these are contraindicated to RCT EXCEPT: a- Non restorable tooth b- Vertical root fracture c- Tooth with insufficient tooth support d- Pt who has diabetes or hypertension 59. Perforation during endo space preparation what is the most surface of distal root of lower molar will have tendency of perforation: 1/ M SURFACE. *** 2/ Distal surface. 3/ Buccal surface. 4/ Lingual surface. Dental decks 144 Mandibular molare trapezoid out line 40% 4 canal Maxillary molar triangle out line 146 Max 12 pain forehad area Max3 4 pain nasolabial area max 5 pain tempregon Man 12345 pain mental man 678 pain ear

60. Crown and root perforation: 1/ respond to MTA 2/ use matrix with hydroxyapatite and seal with G I 3/1&2. *** 4/root canal filling

61. Follow up of RCT after 3 years , RC failed best treatment is to: a) Extraction of the tooth b) Redo the RCT . *** c) Apicectomy

Endodontics . 62. mechanochemical prep'n during RCT main aim: 1) widening of the apex 2) master cone reaches the radiographic apex 3) proper debridement of the apical part of the canal******

63. At which temperature that gutta percha reach the alpha temp: a- 42-48 c ****** b- 50-60 c- 70-80 d- 100c 1. In a curved root u bent a file by. A. Put gauze on the file & bend it by hand *** b. Bend the file by pliers c by bare finger d. By twist

64. How do you know if there are 2 canals in the same root: a) Radiographically with 2 files inside the root. *** b) The orifices are close to each other. C) x

65. The best way to remove silver point a) Steiglitz pliers. *** c) Ultrasonic tips d) H files e) Hatchet

A grasping tool such as the Stieglitz pliers (Henry Schein) can generally get a strong purchase on the coronal end of a silver point and then, utilizing the concept of fulcrum mechanics, elevate the silver point out of the canal. Indirect ultrasonics is another important method to remove silver points. It is not wise to place any ultrasonic instrument directly on the silver point because it will rapidly erode away this soft material. And Endodontics Problem solving in clinical practice 2002 page 142 Cement can be removed carefully from around the point using a Piezon ultrasonic unit and CT4 tip or sealer tip. Great care must be taken not to sever the point and damage the coronal end. The point is withdrawn using Stieglitz forceps or small-ended artery forceps.

3.The tip of size 20 endo file is: - 0.02 m.m - 0.2 m.m*** 28) continuous condensation technique in gp filling is: obtura I obtura II ultrafill System B. *** . 45) outline of 2nd molar Access Opening LOWER Triangular with the base mesially*** 397) The outline form of upper maxillary molar access opening is Triangular, The base of this triangle is directed toward : A) Buccal. *** B) Palatal C) Mesial D) Distal

Irrigation solution for RCT ,when there is infection and draining from the canal is a) Sodium hypochlorite b) Iodine potassium c) sodium hypochlorite and iodine potassium. *** "Pocket Atlas of Endodontics page 154" Therefore, like citric-acid rinsing, EDTA solution is recommended before the placement of calcium hydroxide. At a 15% concentration, citric acid has been shown to be very effective against anaerobic bacteria. Solvidont, a bisdequalium acetate, exhibits good antibacterial properties, but also an unfavorable relationship between cytotoxicity and antibacterial efficiency. Physiologic saline (nacl) is by far the most tissue-friendly rinsing solution, but its antibacterial effect is quite low. Iodine and also potassium iodine are good antiseptics with equally good tissue biocompatibility. Betadine is the commercially available product. With paraformaldehyde or phenol-containing solutions, on the other hand, the tissue toxicityis higher than the antibacterial efficacy.

40 - Sealer is used in RCT to: 1- Fill in voids. *** 2- Increase strength of RC filling. 3- Disinfect the canal. .... : Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). *** ca oh formocresol

Pt come with siuns u make gp tracing & take radiograph the gp appear in lateral surface of the root periodontal abscess periodontitis lateral acessory canal. ***

Tech of endo fill where we use continuous condensation vertical condensation Principles and Practice of Endodontics WALTON page 273 "Continuous wave of condensation" in the vertical condensation paragraph 401) what is the concept of Pro-taper system : A) Step down tech. B) Step back tech. C) Crown down tech.. *** 594. Naocl is used in RCT: A. Oxidative effect. B. Ordinary irrigant solution. C. Better used diluted. *** D. Better result when used combined with alcohol.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry, 4th Edition page 172 Dilute sodium hypochlorite is generally considered to be the best irrigant as it is bacteriocidal and dissolves organic debris.

11 - The narrowest canal found in a three root maxillary first molar is the: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mesio-buccal canal. Disto-buccal canal. Palatal canal. Disto-palatal canal. Mesio-palatal canal. ***

12 - The following canals may be found in an upper molar: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) b) c) d) Mesio-buccal. Disto-buccal. Mesio-palatal. Disto-lingual. Palatal. 1+2+4. 1+2+4+5. 2+3+4+5. 1+2+3+5. *** adding of surfactant to irrigation solution during RCT to increase wettability of canal walls by: a-lowering surface tension*** b-increasing surface tension c-passing through dentinal tubules Surfactant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
EDTA Plus with Surfactant Endodontic Intracanal Lubricant

EDTA Plus with Surfactant Endodontic Intracanal Lubricant

Essential Dental Systems, Inc.

EDTA Plus with Surfactant is formulated to remove the smear layer, thus allowing penetration into the dentin tubules. The surfactant--17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid sodium salt--reduces surface tension thereby improving penetration into the canal. Its light peach color ensures easy recognition

during the irrigation procedure. The lubricant is supplied in a convenient dropper bottle for ease of use.

Added 01/05/2009

66. patency filling a-push the file apically to remove any block at the apex *** b-rotate the file circumferentially at the walls to remove any block of lateral canals. c-rotary files circumferentially at the walls to remove any block of lateral canals. D-file with bleaching agent.

51. The access opening in lower incisor: a. Round. b. Oval.***** c. Triangular.

While u were preparing a canal u did a ledge, then u used EDTA with the file, this may lead to perforation of the strip

67. You make ledge in the canal. you want to correct this. what is the most complication occur in this step: Creation false canal apical zip stripping perforation 68. Removing of dentine in dangerous zone to cementum is: 1/ perforation. *** 2/ledge. 3/stripping. 4/zipping.

child patient with oblitration in the centeral permenant incisor. What will you do: RCT pulpotomy pulpectomy careful monitoring******

15.Bacteria release from bacteria in endo canal..: -from dentin bacteriods ?? - ..

The fundamental rule in the endodontic emergencies is : control pain by inflammatory non steroid. diagnosis is certain. ***

10 - To get file size 24, the following length should be cut from file size 20: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1mm. 2mm. *** 3mm. 4mm.

69. Best Root Canal Material primary central incisor: a-iodoform. b-Guttapercha c-Formacresol. IODOFORM (KRI) PASTE Resorbs rapidly & has no undesirable effects on succedaneous teeth. Material extruded into periapical tissue is rapidly replaced by normal tissue.

Has superior antimicrobial action. Does not set into hard mass & can be removed if re-treatment is required.

1 8-4 2-***** 12-24 3 4

-213-2-2 4-3-3 8-6-4****

the decision to retreat substandard endodontics should be based on 1-radiographic evaluation of the endodontic treatment quality * 2-----------------------------------periapical pathology 3-patient symptoms 4-physical exploration of the root canal type and quality seal 5-restorative treatment plan

a. b. c. d.

How many canals can be present in mandibular second molars: 1, 2, 3 or 4. 2, 3 or 4***** 3 or 4. *** 3. 71. Primary teeth had trauma, tooth change in color become white yellowish ,what should you tell the parents: Pulp is dead Inflammation of pulp. Calcification of dentin. B& c. *** 407 36" Principles and Practice of Endodontics WALTON " : .

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d. e.

72. Treatment of internal resorption involves: Complete extirpation of the pulp to arrest the resorption process. *** Enlarging the canal apical to the resorbed area for better access. Utilizing a silver cone and sealer to fill the irregularities in the resorbed area. Filling the canal and defect with amalgam. Sealing sodium hypochlorite in the canal to remove the inflammatory tissue necrotic in the area of the resorption. Clinical Endodontics textbook TRONSTAD page 150 Irrigation with copious amounts of 5 % sodium hypochlorite may have some effect, but the treatment of choice is to pack the canal and the resorption lacuna with calcium hydroxide paste. By the next visit, the calcium hydroxide will have necrotized any remaining tissue in the lacuna, and the necrotic remnants are readily removed by irrigation with sodium hypochlorite.

Female pt come with endo treated upper central with m, d caries & have incisal abrasion. Porcelain veneer is planned with modification to cover incisal edge. veneer should end: fourth lingualy 0.5 mm before centric occlusal. *** fourth 1.5 before centric occlusion fifth 1.5 before centric occlusion

: 1 2 3 4after endo pt is complaining of pain with percussion what u suspect? -apical periodontitis -secondery apical periodontitis.*** - abcess -reversable pulpitis

to located the canal orfice 1_briate probe 2_endo spreader 3_endo fil with curved tip 4_roun bur ....2 ...

probe la pointe endo fil The endodotic explorer is use to detect the openings of the canals. If difficulty to located an ultrasonic probe is useful. In extremely difficult case we can use a round bur in a low speed handpiece.

most easy of endo re treatment 1 over obturation 2 silver point 3 weeping canal 4 short obturation .... 4 short obturation silver poin

.. silver point ... GP .. ...

.... silver point ... short obturation ... ... principal and partical of endo

method used to remove an existing root filling will depend on the type of the material.

Gutta-percha Gutta-percha is relatively simple to remove (Fig. I). A gap may be made between a poorly condensed filling and the root canal wall with an explorer. A Hedstroem file (size 20 or above) is then screwed into the space. A second and, if possible, a third files are inserted to engage the mass of the gutta-percha.. .... Metal points The method of removing silver or titanium points is dictated by their position within the root canal. Single point root fillings are easy to remove if they extend into the pulp chamber with the coronal end long enough to be grasped by either the Steglitz forceps, narrow-beaked artery forceps, or a pair of pliers with fine beaks. If the metal point lies in the root canal below the pulp chamber but in the straight part of the canal, the Masserann fragment remover kit may be used

root apical thired and middle thired in root ... endo.. ... canal for both.... ****************** Root Fractures The noncommunicating fracture occurs in the apical or middle third of the root. Perform a vitality test, check for color change in the crown, and record the degree of mobility of each traumatized tooth. If the pulp is vital, then immobilize the tooth by splinting it to the adjacent teeth................... .......If the fracture of any part of the root is coronal to the periodontal attachment,The fractured part should be removed during the emergency visit, and endodontic treatment should be done in one visit. Once the emergency has been taken care of, plans must be made for restoring the tooth.

. 99 . Endodontics

which of the following is the least effective to kill HIV: a.naocl b.ultraviolet chamber. c.autoclave d.chimoclave

. Irrigation solution for RCT cause protein coagulation is: 1- Sodium hypochlorite . 2- Iodine potassium. *** 3- Formocresol. 4- None of the above. surface protein H2O2 4

Irrigation H2O2

* ** ][LEFT

318. Barbed broach in endodontic is used for pulp examination in straight canals: *** a. True. b. False.

171 Broaches These are either smooth for exploring or barbed for pulp extirpation. smooth Broaches . .

11 - The narrowest canal found in a three root maxillary first molar is the: 1. Mesio-buccal canal. 2. Disto-buccal canal. 3. Palatal canal. 4. Disto-palatal canal. 5. Mesio-palatal canal. *** . Mesio-buccal 1 Mesio-palatal canal 3 canala,

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