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Ice Amice Syllabus

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The document covers topics related to engineering mathematics, strength of materials, landscape architecture and computer applications for architecture.

The document discusses topics like differential calculus, partial differential equations, matrices, integral calculus, probability and statistics and numerical methods in the section on Advanced Engineering Mathematics.

The document discusses concepts like 3D stress and strain, indeterminate structures, curved beams, unsymmetrical bending, rotating disks and cylinders, helical and leaf springs in the section on Advanced Strength of Materials.

Section A (Civil)

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHMATICS (AC 1.1) Differential Calculu ! Introduction, functions of several variables, Partial Differentiation, Homogeneous function, Euler's Theorem, Total derivatives, Taylor's theorem for function of two variables, Maxima Minima of function of the variable, !agrange's method of undetermined multi"liers# "artial Differential E#uation ! Introduction, formation of "artial differential e$uations, method of se"aration of variables, differential e$uation of the first order first degree# %""lication of differential e$uations of first higher degree# Matrice ! Definition, Pro"erties of matrix, addition, subtraction multi"lication# Inverse of a matrix, elementary transformation and theorem# &an' of a matrix, (aley Hamilton Theorem# Inte$ral Calculu ! Integration by substitution, by "arts and by "artial fractions# Integration of trigonometric and irrational functions# &eduction formulae for indefinite integrals involving "owers of circular functions of x and "roducts of )in x and (os x# Elementary ideas of definite integrals and their calculations# )im"son rule for a""roximate integration# !engths of sim"le curves# *olumes and surfaces of solids of revolution# Mean value and root+means+s$uare value# Double and tri"le integrals and their sim"le a""lications# "ro%a%ilit& ' Stati tic ! (once"t of "robability, laws of "robability, ,inomial, Poisson, -ormal Distribution# The t+ distribution, wor'ing rule# -ature Pur"ose of Mathematical statistics, Tabular .ra"hical re"resentation, sam"le mean variance# Nu(erical Met)o* ! Introduction, -umerical analysis including solution of e$uations gra"hically, iterational+-ewton &a"hson's or successive substitution methods, &ule of false "osition /&egula 0abi1# -umerical integration and differentiation# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3%dvanced Engineering Mathematics4l H#5# Dass, )# (hand (o# !td# -ew Delhi# 6# 3%dvanced Engineering Mathematics4l, Ervin 5reysvi7, -ew %ge International /P1 !td# -ew Delhi##

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ADVANCED STRENGTH /0 MATERIA1S (AC 1.2) Intro*uction! (once"t of 8 d stress and strain, their relationshi", com"atibility relation, %irys function, )t#*enanat's "rinci"le, (astigliano's theorem In*eter(inate Structure ! (onditions for statically indeterminacy, integration method, continuous beams and the "rinci"le of three moments, use of energy methods for solving indeterminate beam "roblems, redundant frames# Curve* +ea( ! ,ending of beams with largomitial curvature, circumferential stress, location of the neutral axis, a""lication to beams with rectangular and tra"e7oidal cross+ section, stress in crane hoo's, a""lication to the indeterminate case of circular rings and chain lin's# 3n &((etrical +en*in$! Pro"erties of beam, cross+section, slo"e of the neutral axis, stress a deflection in unsymmetrical bending, determination of shear center and the flexural axis /for symme about both axis and for symmetry about only one axis1 for I section and channel section# Rotatin$ Di , an* C&lin*er ! )tresses in uniform rotating dis', rotating dis's of uniform streng stresses in rotating cylinders# Helical ' 1eaf S4rin$ ! Deflection of s"rings by energy method, helical s"rings under axial load a under axial twist /res"ectively for circular and s$uare cross+sections1, axial load and twisting mom acting simultaneously on circular cross+section of o"en and closed s"rings, laminated s"rings# Tor ion of Non5Circular Section ' Hollo6e* Section ! Torsion of a general Prismatic ,ar,Pran Membrane %nalogy, Torsion of thin rectangular solid bar sub9ected to a Tor$ue 'T'# Torsion of Hal section /,redt ,atho Theory1, Torsion of Thin :alled Multi"le (ell (losed )ections, )hafts with one more Holes at any (ross+)ection# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3%dvanced )trength of Materials3 , Praveen Pachavri, Pragati Pra'ashan Meerut# 6# 3)trength of Material3, P# )# !ehri , )# 5# 5ataria -ew Delhi 8# 3)trength of Material3 , P# )# 5hurmi, )# (hand (o# -ew Delhi#

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C/M"3TER "R/GRAMMING AND N3MERICA1 METH/DS 5 (AC 1.7) Co(4uter "ro$ra((in$! ,loc' diagram of com"uter, associated "eri"herals, memories, &%M, & secondary storage devices; Introduction to com"uter languages, o"erating system, com"ilers assemblers# Introduction to D<), its features, basic internal and external commands# Introduction to windows and its features, Introduction to M)+:ord, document creating, editing, "rin' and saving, s"ell chec' and mail' merge# Introduction to (== language, structure of (== "rogramme, creating source file and com"iling lin'ing, to'ens, 'eywords, identifiers and data structures, symbolic constants, variables, o"erators, control structures# 0unctions and their ty"es, conce"ts of ob9ect oriented "rogramming structures /<<P)1, classes and ob9ects# <"erator overloading conce"ts and ty"e conversions, Inheritance, Pointers, virtual functions "olymor"h ism# In"ut <ut"ut o"erations, files, file "ointers and their mani"ulations, se$uential in"ut4out"ut o"erations, random access, error handling during com"ilation# Programme develo"ment tools and im"lementing sim"le "rogrammes# Nu(erical Met)o* ! Si(ultaneou 1inear Al$e%raic E#uation ! .aussian Elimination, .auss >ordan Method, >acobi and .auss )eidel iterative methods, )olution of ill conditioned e$uations, Errors and a""roximations, &ound off and truncation errors, com"uter a""lication to truss analysis "roblems# Ei$en Value ' Ei$en Vector ! Power method, )wee"ing Techni$ues, >acobi iteration, (om"uter a""lication to stability and Dynamics Problems# Solution of Tran cen*ental An* "ol&no(ial E#uation ! .raffe's root s$uaring method, ,airstow's method, -ewton and Modified -ewton &a"hson methods, Iterative methods, (om"uter a""lications to the calculation of bac' water curve in o"en channel flow# Nu(erical Differentiation An* Inte$ration! -umerical differentation, -umerical Integration, <"en and closed ?uadrature, .aussuan $uadrature, Tra"e7oidal and )im"son's rule, (om"uter a""lication to the calculation of deflection for a non "rismatic beam, (om"utation of earth volume in surveying# Inter4olation! -ewton's forward and bac'ward inter"olation, !ong range inter"olation, curve fitting method of least s$uares, com"uter a""lication to fit stress and strain curve of concrete# Ne6(ar, 8 Met)o*! Deflected sha"e of statically determinate beams, "rismatic, non "rismatic beams concentrated load, udl, varying loads using -ewmar''s method# /r*inar& 0ir t /r*er Differential E#uation ! Taylor's series method, Euler's method, Modified Euler's method, &unge 5utta's method, Milne's "redictor corrector method, %dams "redictor corrector method, (om"uter a""lication to dynamics+:ater tan' to blast loading# +oun*ar& Value "ro%le( 3 in$ 0inite Difference A44roac)! 0inite Difference o"erators, %""lication to deflection of beams, ,uc'ling of columns, Partial differential e$uations, Elli"tic e$uations, Ex"licit method, com"uter a""lication to tem"erature distribution and see"age "roblems, (ran' -icholson method for "arabolic e$uations,

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%""lication to consolidation "roblems, Ex"licit method to Hy"erbolic e$uation, %""lication to vibration of a string and water hammer "roblems# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3-umerical Methods in )cience and Engineering + % Practical %""roach Edition3, &a9ase'aran, ), :heeler Publishing, 2@@@#

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0/3NDATI/N ENGINEERING (AC 1.9) Soil E:4loration an* Selection of 0oun*ation! Introduction+<b9ectives of soil ex"loration+disturbed and un disturbed sam"ling+de"th of soil ex"loration+number and dis"osition of bore holes+.eo"hysical methods+"enetration tests+&e$uirements of good foundation+factors governing location and de"th of foundation+Different ty"es of foundation+choice of ty"es of foundation, 0oundation in ex"ansive soil +earin$ Ca4acit&! ,earing ca"acity, Ty"es of 0ailure+Ter7aghi's formula+)'em"ton's formula+I) formula+Effect of water table, sha"e of foundation, inclination of load and eccentricity of load on bearing ca"acity+%llowable bearing "ressure+bearing "ressure based on '-' *alue+"late load test+meth im"roving bearing ca"acity+contact "ressure distribution below footing and raft# Eart) "re ure! !ateral earth "ressure+"lastic e$uilibrium in soil+&an'ines theory+ )urcharge+Ir bac'fill+)oil stratification+(oulomb's Theory+.ra"hical methods /&ebhans (ulmann's1+Drainc bac'fill+)heet "ile walls+ty"es+cantilever sheet "ile walls in cohesion less and cohesive soil+anc sheet "ile walls+free earth su""ort method and fixed earth su""ort method# "ile 0oun*ation! 0unctions of "ile+(lassification of "iles+relative merits+static and dynamic formulae "ile load test+"ile s"acing and grou" action+Design of "ile grou"+ settlement of "ile grou"+negative s'in friction+under reamed "ile foundation# ;ell An* Raft 0oun*ation ! :ell 0oundation+sha"es of wells+.ri"length and bearing ca"acity+forces, acting on well foundation+,aner9ees and .ango"adhayay's analysis+I&( method+individual com"onents of a well+sin'ing of wells+Eractification of titles and shifts &aft 0oundation+common ty"es of raft, foundation+"rinci"le of design# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3)oil Mechanic and 0oundation Engineering3 Punmia, ,# (, %# )aurav (o# Madras, 2@AA# 6# 30oundation Engineering'B 5asmal'ar, ,# >, *idyarthi .riha Pradahar, Pune,2@A@ 8# 3)oil Mechanics and 0oundation Engineering3 %rora# 5#&, )tandard Publishers and Distributors, 2@@C#

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REIN0/RCED C/NCRETE STR3CT3RES AND ADVANCED C/NCRETE TECHN/1/G< 5 (AC 1.-) Material! .eneral Introduction, !oads forces, &einforced cement concrete, %dvantages disadvantages of &(( construction, concrete and reinforcing materials, grade and "ro"erties of concrete, ,asis for Design, Ins"ection Testing of structures# De i$n %& ;or,in$ Stre Met)o*! Introduction, end su""orts, assum"tions, Permissible stresses concrete steel reinforcement# Design consideration for shear stresses, bond Torsion in bean .eneral consideration of design of slab flanged beams, columns, foundations, stairs, retaining walls al reinforced bric'wor'# ;ater Stora$e Tan,! Introduction, Design, re$uirements of materials Design considerations of tal' on ground, overhead tan's and underground tan's# "re tre e* Concrete! Introduction, %dvantages Disadvantages of "restressed concrete over &((, steels and concrete for "restressed concrete# .eneral design re$uirements of "restressed concrete# A*vance* Concrete Tec)nolo$&! Concrete Ma,in$ Material ! (om"osition and "ro"erties of Portland cement, tests on "hysical "ro"erties, consistency, setting time, soundness, strength, cements of different ty"es, com"osition "ro"erties and uses with s"ecial em"hasis for different constructional and weather conditions, I) s"ecifications# A$$re$ate ! (lassification, Mechanical Pro"erties, deleterious substances in aggregates, ,ul'ing of sand, %l'ali %ggregate reaction, .rading re$uirements, I) (ode s"ecifications# ;ater! &e$uirements of water for concrete ma'ing, I) (ode s"ecifications# A*(i:ture ! + %ccelerators, &etarders, water reducing agents, Plasticisers, air entertaining agents# 0resh (oncrete and Hardening of (oncreteD :or'ability, 0actors affecting wor'ability, Tests for wor'ability, )egregation, ,leeding, Mixing of concrete, (om"action of concrete, &eady mixed concrete, Pum"ed (oncrete, )hotcrete# 0actors affecting strength of concrete, (uring of concrete, Matrurity of concrete, Micro crac'ing and autogeneous healing, Evolution of heat and ex"ansion, )hrin'age of concrete, 0actors affecting shrin'age of concrete Dura%ilit& of Concrete An* Te tin$ of Har*ene* Concrete! Permeability, (hemical attac', )ul"hate attac', $uality of water, Marine atmos"here, Methods to im"rove durability, thermal "ro"erties of concrete, fire resistance, &esistance to abrasion and (avitations, %coustics "ro"erties, (om"ression test, )"litTension test, 0lexure Test, Test for ,ond strength, I) (ode "rovisions, 0actors affecting strength test results, %ccelerated strength test, stress strain characteristics, Determination of modulus of elasticity+ electrodynamics determination method, In situ strength determination, variation in test results, Distribution of strength, standard deviation + cree" of concrete and factors which influence it# Mi: De i$n! ,asic considerations, 0actors in the choice of mix "ro"ortions, Mix design methods, %(I method, I) method, Mix "ro"ortions for weigh batching and volume batching, correction for moisture content and bul'ing, yield of concrete, Design of high strength concrete mixes# S4ecial Concrete An* Concrete Co(4o ite ! !ight weight concret, Ty"es, !ight weight concrete, %erated concrete, -o fines concrete, High )trength concrete, Heavy

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weight concrete for radiation shield, 0ibre reinforced concrete, 0errocement, Polymer concrete, High Performance (oncrete, Their "ro"erties and a""lications# Re)a%ilitation of Concrete Structure ! (rac's in concrete, Ty"es E Intrinsic crac'ing, structural crac'ing, causes and remedies, Plastic crac's, causes and remedies, Thermal contraction crac's, !ong term drying shrin'age crac's, (ra7ing, )ul"hate attac' crac's, %l'ali aggregate reaction crac's# &e"air techni$ues, Materials for re"air, E"oxy adhesive in9ections and mortars, &e"air and strengthening of concrete structures by bonded steel "lates# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3(oncrete Technology3, <rchard, D#0#, *ols#2 6, 2@F8# 6# 3(oncrete Technology 3,)hetty , M#G, )# (hand (o#, -ew Delhi, 2@@A 8# 3Design of (oncrete Mixes3, 5rishnara9u, -# )ehgal Educational (onsultants Publishers Pvt# !td#, 0aridabad,2@AA#

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DESIGN /0 STEE1 STR3CT3RES (AC 1.=) Introduction to )tability and E$uc'ling (once"ts; )tructural steel and "ro"erties; &iveted, bolted and welded connections; :or'ing stress and "lastic design methods; Design of tension, com"ression and flexural members /including built u" members1; (olumn bases; &oof trusses#

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Section + (Civil)
A""1IED H<DRA31ICS AND 013ID MACHINES + /,( 6#2 1 3nifor( 0lo6 in /4en C)annel ! Ty"es of flow + Hniform flow + (he7y's and Manning's E$uations + Hydraulically best sections+uniform flow com"utations# Varie* 0lo6 in /4en C)annel ! )"ecific energy + (ritical flow + mild and stee" slo"es + (ritic de"th + Hydraulic 9um"+gradually varied flow + Energy e$uations and solutions + ,ac'water and draw down curves + study of flow "rofiles +oun*ar& 1a&er an* 0lo6 Aroun* Su%(er$e* +o*ie ! Definition + Dis"lacement, momentum, Energy + ,oundary layer e$uations+boundary layer se"arations + !aminar and Turbulent boundary layers I forces on submerged bodies I Ex"ression for drag and lift "ressure drag I friction drag I stream lined and bluff bodies# Mo(entu( "rinci4le! Im"ulse Momentum E$uation + %""lication of linear momentum "rinci"le + im"act of 9et+force exerted by a 9et on normal, inclined and curved surfaces for stationary and moving a cases only# ;ater Tur%ine ! (lassification + wor'ing "rinci"les and design of Pelton wheel, 0rancis and 5al"an Turbine + *elocity Triangles + Head and Efficiency + draft tube + theory and ty"es +similarity laws I s"ecific s"eed + o"erating characteristics + .overning of turbines +)election of turbines + model studies# "u(4 ! (lassification + centrifugal "um" + com"onents and wor'ing + *elocity triangles, "riming + Head losses and efficiencies + Minimum starting s"eed + "erformance curves+ s"ecific s"eed+cavitations + selection of "um"s, Positive Dis"lacement "um" &eci"rocating Pum" + ty"es + com"onents and wor'ing+sli"+indicator diagram+air vessel+ miscellaneous Pum"s /o"erating Princi"les only1 Multistage Pum"s + submersible "um"s + 9et "um"s + airlift "um"s+gear oil "um" +hydraulic ram, Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3% Textboo' of 0luid Mechanics'B &a9"ut &#5#, )#(hand and (o, -ew Delhi# 6# 3Hydraulic %nd 0luid Machines3 Modi, P#-, and )eth# )#M3 )tandard boo' house, -ew Delhi, 8 30luid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines' ,ansal,&#5#, !axmi Publications, -ew Delhi,2@@A

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MACHINE 0/3NDATI/NS 5 (+C 2.2) 0un*a(ental of Vi%ration! 0undamentals, definitions, single degree of freedom system, free and forced vibration of a s"ring, mass system, dam"ing, two degrees of freedom systems# Re#uire(ent of Mac)ine 0oun*ation An* Evaluation of De i$n "ara(eter ! Ty"es of foundations+ .eneral re$uirements of machine foundations, "ermissible am"litudes, "ermissible bearing "ressures, evaluation of design "arameters, geometrical "ro"erties of machine foundations + determination of co+efficient of elastic uniform com"ression based on bloc' vibration and cyclic "late load test results, dam"ing coefficient from bloc' vibration test# Anal& i an* De i$n of +loc, 0oun*ation ! Modes of vibrations of bloc' foundations, %nalysis and design of bloc' foundations sub9ected to vertical vibrations and roc'ing and sliding by ,ar'an's method# 0oun*ation for Mi cellaneou Mac)ine ! Design "rinci"les for foundations su""orting rotary ty"e machines with low fre$uency, im"act ty"e machine /hammers and other than hammers1, fans, blowers and looms# Vi%ration I olation! %ctive and "assive ty"es of isolation, Isolation in existing machine, foundations, counter balancing the existing loads, stabili7ation of soil, use of structural measures, isolation by trend barriers# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Handboo' of Machine 0oundations3, )rinivasalu P#, and *aidyanathan (#*#, Tata Mc.raw Hill ,oo' (o !td#, -ew Delhi, 2@AF 6# 3Dynamics of ,ases and 0oundations3, ,ar'an, D#D#, Mc .raw Hill boo', -ew Jor', 2@F6 8# 3*ibration %nalysis and Design of 0oundations for Machines and Turbines3 Ma9or, %#, (ollet's Holding !td#, !ondon, 2@F6

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ADVANCED REIN0/RCED C/NCRETE DESIGN (+C 2.7) De i$n of +ea( ! Design of sim"ly su""orted and continuous dee" beams, Design of corbels, Design of continuous beams# Sla% Tan, an* "i4e ! Design of flat slabs, ribbed slabs and orthogonal grid floors, Design of tunnel ty"e water tan's, Design of "i"es# Silo A +un,er an* C)i(ne& ! Design of silos, bun'ers and chimneys# "ri (atic 0ol*e* "late an* S)ell ! %nalysis and design of "rismatic folded "lates and circular cylindrical shells using beam theory# 1i(it State De i$n of Staticall& In*eter(inate Structure ! 0undamental "rinci"les, moment, rotation characteristics of reinforced concrete, moment redistribution, limit analysis and design of continuous beams and sim"le "ortal frames, chec' on rotation ca"acity# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3%dvanced &einforced (oncrete Design3, 5rishnara9u, -#, (,) Publishers Distributors, Delhi# 2@AA 6# 3Plain and &einforced (oncrete *ol# II3, >ai'rishna and >ain a#"# -emchand ,ros, &oor'ee, 2@GA# 8# 3&einforced (oncrete )tructures3, Par', &#T#, >ohn :iley and )ons, -ew Jor', 2@CG#

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/"TIMIBATI/N IN STR3CT3RA1 DESIGN (+C 2.9) Intro*uction! Definition, techni$ues, Engineering %""lications, )tatement of a "roblem, design vector and constraints, (onstraint surface, ob9ective function, classification of "roblems, ,asic conce"t of minimum weight, minimum cost designs# 1inear "ro$ra((in$! Problem formulation, .ra"hical solution, %nalytical methods, standard slac' sur"lus and artifical variables, (anonical form, ,asic feasible solution, Degenerate solution, E solution, two "hase sim"lex method, Kig method, Penalty method, Primal dual algorithm, Duals "roblem# Non5linear "ro$ra((in$ (Cla ical Met)o* )! Differential calculus, o"timality criteria, single variable o"timi7ation, Multivariable unconstrained o"timi7ation, Multivariable o"timi7ation with e$uality constraints /!agrange multi"lier method1 and ine$uality constraints /5hun Tuc'er (riteria1# Non51inear "ro$ra((in$ (Nu(erical Met)o*) ! Hnidimensional, unimodal function, Exchaustive and unrestricted search, dichotomous search, 0ibonacci search, .olden )ection algorithm, unconstrained multivariable functions, univariate methods, (auchy's stee"est descent method# (on9ugate .radient method /0letcher and &eeves1 variable metric methods# Geo(etric An* D&na(ic "ro$ra((in$! Polynomials, Degree of difficulty, reducing .#P#P# to a set of simultaneous e$uations, Hnconstrained and constrained "roblems with 7ero difficulty, conce"t of solving "roblem with one degree of difficulty, ,ellman's "rinci"le of o"timality, re"resentation of a multistage decision "roblem, conce"t of sub+ o"timi7ation in dynamic "rogramming "roblems by tabular and classical method# A44lication of /4ti(iCation Tec)ni#ue in Structural De i$n! Problem formulation and solution of the design of &((, P)( and steel structural elements, slab, beam, column, Truss, frame, )ub+o"timi7ation# <"timi7ation by structural theorems, Maxwell, Mitchell and Heyman's theorems for trusses and frames, 0ully stressed design with deflection constraints, o"timality criterion method# Structural /4ti(iCation 3 in$ Genetic Al$orit)(! .enetic %lgorithms, <"erators re"roduction mutation, crossover, evolution strategies methods for o"timal design of structures, continuous beams and single storage frames, minimum weight design for truss members# Reco((en*e* +oo, 2# 3<"timi7ation Theory %""lications 3, &ao, G#G#, :iley Eastern 2@@G# 6# 3<"timum )tructural Design3, Hri 5irch, Mc.raw Hill ,oo' (o#2@A2,

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ENVIR/NMENTA1 ENGINEERING (+C 2.-) ;ater ' Noi e "ollution an* Control! -atural "rocesses, Pollution due to industrial, agricultural and munici"al wastes, limitations of dis"osal by dilution, ,<D consideration in streams, <xygen sag curve, water "ollution control legislation# -oise "ollution+)ources and effects (ontrol measures# Air "ollution an* Control! Pollution and their sources, Effects of "ollution on human health, vegetation and climate, Prevention and control of air "ollL>tion, (ontrol of "articulates, Industry and air "ollution, %ir "ollution surveys and sam"ling + %ir $uality monitoring, %ir "ollution contrallegislation# Environ(ental Healt)! *ector (ontrolD 0undamentals of e"idemiology, vector borne disease, ty"es of vectors, Mos$uitoes, flies, rodents, rationale of control and naturalistic methods of control# Hses and limitations of "esticides, engineering measures of vector control# 0oo* an* Mil, Sanitation ! &elation of food to disease, Princi"les of food sanitation, )anitation of 'itchens, restaurants and other catering establishments, ?uality changes in mil', mil' as carrier of infection, Pasteuri7ation of mil', HT)T and !T!T "rocesses, (attle shed sanitation# Di 4o al Effect on Environ(ent! Effects of industrial wastes on streams, land, air, wastewater treatment "lant, :ater $uality criteria, Effluent standards, Process modification, ,ioassay studies, Environmental legislation# "u%lic ;ater Su44l& Source of ;ater Su44l&! )urface and underground sources, reclamation and develo"ment of source in r4o $uality and $uantity of water# Develo"ment of wells# )torage reservoir, balancing and service storage, ca"acity determination by mass curve method# Inta'e and transmission systemD distribution systemD networ' design# ;ater Su44l& an* Draina$e of +uil*in$ ! )ystem of water su""ly, house connections, metering, internal distribution, sanitary fittings, "i"e 9oints, Different ty"es of "i"es and "i"es materials, :ater Treatment# Hnit <"erations in water treatment screening; sedimentation and its theory, sedimentation aided with coagulation, flocculation; sand filtration, slow, ra"id, gravity and "ressure filters, Disinfections, -ecessary; re$uirements of a disinfectant, methods of disinfecting, different "ractices of chlorination# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Environmental )anitations3, )alvato, >ohn :iley )ons, -ew Jor' 2@A6# 6# 3:aste Treatment3, &ao M#-# and Dutta <xford and I,H Publishing !td#, (alcutta, 2@C@# 8# 3)ewage :aste Dis"osal Engg#3 )#5# .arg# M# 3:ater )u""ly :aste :ater Dis"osal3.#M# 0air >#c# .eyer#

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ADVANCED DESIGN /0 REIN0/RCED C/NCRETE STR3CT3RES (+C/ 7.1) 1i(it State De i$n of +ea( 0or 0le:ure! !imit state design, conce"ts+statistical and "robabilistic conce"ts of safety + ,ehavior of reinforced concrete beam under gradually increasing flexural loads u" to colla"se, !imit state design of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular and flanged beams for flexure chec', for deflection and crac' width as "er I#)#MGF code# 1i(it State De i$n of +ea( 0or S)earA Tor ion An* +on*! )hear strength of beams + Interaction diagrams for combined bending and torsion, Design of members sub9ected to combined bending, shear and torsion + )'ew bending theory+bond anchorage and s"licing of reinforcement# 1i(it State De i$n of Colu(n ! ,ehaviour, strength and Design of axially loaded and eccentrically !oaded short and long columns+Design of columns carrying axial load and biaxial moments 1i(it Anal& i an* De i$n of Sla% ! ,ehaviour of &#( slabs under gradually increasing loads+%ssum"tions made in yield line theory of slabs, %nalysis of isotro"ically and orthotro"ically reinforced slabs of various sha"es under different edge conditions by virtual wor' method and e$uilibrium method %""lication to "ractically design "roblem+ effect of corner levers, Hillerborg's sim"le stri" method of analysis# De i$n of Multi%a& Multi tore& 0ra(e ! %nalysis for vertical loads ado"ting substitute fr %nalysis for wind forces using "ortal method, design of "lane frames, Detailing of 9oints+9oints of frames, )hear walls+use of shear walls in high rise buildings, Ty"es of shear walls, ,ehaviour of can walls+Interaction of shear walls and rigid 9ointed frames, Design for earth$ua'e forces# 1i(it Anal& i An* De i$n /f Staticall& In*eter(inate Structure ! 0undamental "rinci"les, Moment redistribution+!imit analysis and design of continuous beams and sim"le "ortal frames+chec' on rotation ca"acity# De i$n of Mi cellaneou Structure ! )im"ly su""orted and continuous dee" beams+grid floors + :affle slab + (orbels# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3&einforced (oncrete+!imit )tate Design3 %sho' 5# >ain, -emchand and ,ros, &oor'ee, 2@A8# 6# 3&einforced (oncrete )tructural Elements3, Purushotaman P#, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Publishing (o# Pvt# !td 8# 3!imit )tate Design of &einforced (oncrete3, *arghese P#(, Prentice Hall of India !td# -ew Delhi 2@CC# ADVANCED DESIGN /0 STEE1 STR3CT3RES (+C/ 7.2) Structural Connection ! Design of high strength function gri" bolts + Design of riveted and bolted connections at the 9unctions of beams and columns in frames + Design of un stiffened and stiffened seat connections + :elded connections + eccentric connections, ,eam end (onnections+Direct web fillet welded connections + Direct web ,utt welded connections + Double "late web connection + Double angle web connection unstiffened and stiffened seat connection + Moment resistant connection, ,ehaviour of welded connections + Problems# +ea( ! Design of beams to resist biaxial bending moments + Design of section to resist unsymmetrical bending + ,eam s"lices + !attice beams + Elastic lateral torsional buc'ling# Page 19 of -.

+ea( Colu(n ! Differential E$uations, Moment Magnification, 0actor for end moments + )ide way + -ominal strength + Interaction E$uations + ,iaxial bending# In*u trial +uil*in$! Industrial ,uilding 0rames, .eneral + 0raming, ,racing + (rane girders and columns +analysis of trussed bents + Design exam"le, Design of rigid 9oints 'nee for gable frames Structure of Multi torie* +uil*in$ 5 ,racing of multistory frames, !oads, !ateral load of frame# Stron$ Structure an* Tran (i ion To6er! Design of steel bun'ers and silos, >anssen's theory %ry's Theory + Design "arameters+Design .iteria + %nalysis of ,ins + Ho""er bottom + Design of bins, Design and detailing of guyed steel chimneys# Transmission line Towers + Introduction, ty"es of towers + tower configuration, load analysis and design of members# 1i$)t Gau$e Section! Design of cold+formed sections, conce"ts + effective width + stiffened sections, multi"le stiffened sections + design of flexure + design of light gauge columns + beam column+connections# "la tic Anal& i An* De i$n! Plastic design of tension and com"ression members + Theory of "lastic bending + "lastic hinge+ redistribution of moments + failure mechanisms + "lastic analysis and design of fixed beams, continuous beam and "ortal frames by mechanism method# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Design <f )teel )tructure3, Dayaratnam P#, %#H :heeler (o# !td# %llahabad, 2@@F 6# 3Design of )teel )tructure3, %rya and %9mani, -emchand ,rothers, &oor'ee, 2@A@# 8# 3Design of )teel )tructures,3 *ol# I *ol# II, Punmia, ,#(, %sho' 5umar >ain %run 5umar >ain, %rhant Publications

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"RESTRESSED C/NCRETE STR3CT3RES (+C/ 7.7) De i$n for 0le:ure! Definition of Ty"e I, Ty"e II, Ty"e III structures + ,asic assum"tions I Permissible )tresses in steel and concrete as "er I)D 28M8 (ode+0our basic re$uirements+Design and choice of sections of "ost tensioned beams+!ayout of cables+ (hec' for limit state of colla"se+!ocation of "osition of :ires in "re tensioned beams# Deflection! )hort term deflection of uncrac'ed members+long term deflections+ Deflection due to cree" in members+code re$uirements for the limit state of deflection# De i$n 0or S)ear An* Tor ion! )hear and "rinci"al stresses, !imit state shearing resistance of crac'ed and uncrac'ed sections+Design of shear reinforcement by the limit state a""roach, Interaction diagrams under combined bending, torsion and transverse shear# Tran fer of "re tre ! Transmission of "restressing force by bond+Transmission !ength + 0actors affecting transmission length+(hec' for transmission length+%nchorage, 7one stresses in "ost+tensioned members+(alculation of bearing stress and bursting tensile forces and reinforcement in anchorage 7one based on r#) 28M8 code and .uyon's method# Co(4o ite Con truction of "re tre e* an* In itu Concrete! Ty"es of com"osite construction, %nalysis for stresses, Effect of differential shrin'age, Design for 0lexure and shear# Staticall& In*eter(inate "re tre e* Concrete Structure ! Methods of achieving continuity, + %ssum"tions in Elastic %nalysis, Pressure line+linear transformation+ concordant cables+.uyonNs theorem + %nalysis and design of continuous beams, (ircular Prestressing in li$uid retaining tan's I %nalysis for stresses Design of tan' wall incor"orating the recommendations of I)D 88CE "art III (ode I Ty"es of "restressed concrete "i"es, Design of "i"es# /t)er Structure ! Methods of achieving "artial "restressing, %dvantages and Disadvantage I Design of "restressed concrete columns, slee"ers, "oles and tension members+Hse of nonstressed reinforcement# Reco((en*e* +oo, 2# 3Prestressed (oncrete3 5rishna &a9u -#, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing (om"any !td#, -ew Delhi 2@@G# 6# 3Prestressed (oncrete3 Malli' )#5,%nd .u"ta %#P, <xford and I,H Publishing com"any

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ANA1<SIS AND DESIGN /0 "1ATE AND SHE11 STR3CT3RES 5 (+C/ 7.9) Cla ical T)eor& of "late ! Differential e$uation of laterally loaded and thin rectangular "lates, !evy and -avier solution of "lates, small deflection theory of "lates, analysis of lateral loaded /concentrically loaded 1circular, thin "lates with sim"ly su""orted or clam"ed edge# De i$n of 0ol*e* "late Roof ! %ssum"tions in the analysis of folded "lates+%nalysis of folded "late roofs as "er the %)(E tas' committee recommendation, Design )te"s, Minimum Thic'ness and reinforcements as "er 2#) s"ecifications for &#(# folded "lates# Cla ical T)eor& of S)ell ! )tructural ,ehaviour of thin shells+classification of shells, Translational and rotational shells, &uled surfaces, Methods of generating the surface of different shells li'e hy"erbolic, "arabolic, conoids etc+Membrane theory of doubly curved shells+Edge disturbances# De i$n of S)ell ;it) Dou%le Curvature! Design of the following ty"es of shells + )"herical shell, (onical )hell, Paraboloid and Elli"soid, Design of (ylindrical shellsD Design of &#( cylindrical shells with edge beams using theory for long shells, Design of shells with %)(E manual coefficients# De i$n of H&4er%olic "ara%oloi* S)ell ! )urface Definition, Determination of 0orces, 0orces in the Edge Members+,uc'ling consideration+Design Exam"le+Detailing of reinforcement, Design of &#( -orthlight )hellsD %nalysis of stresses in -orthlight shells+ Design Exam"le Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Theory and Design of (oncrete )hells,3 (hatter9ee, ,#5, 3<xford and I,H Publishing (o#2@C2, 6 3Design and (onstruction of (oncrete )hell &oofs,3 &evised Ed &amaswamy, .#G,#&E 5riegger,Malabar,0lorida, 2@AM 8# 30undamentals of the %nalysis and Design of )hell )tructures3, 5el'er, *#) and )ewell, &#T#, Prentice Hall, Inc, -ew >ercy, 2@AC

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DESIGN /f TA11 +3I1DINGS 5 (+C/ 7.-) Intro*uction! History, %dvantages and disadvantages, economics + essential amenities fire safety + water su""ly + drainage and garbage dis"osal, miscellaneous services+ systems + structural and foundation systems# 1oa* ! !oads on High &ise buildings + code recommendations + wind and earth$ua'e forces +gust factors + 5arman vortices + fire $uality assurance# Structural S& te( in Steel an* Concrete! )teelD ,eam, column, frames + vertical shear truss + framed tubes + column diagonal truss tube + bundle tube systems# Concrete! )hear walls + framed tubes + tube in tube system + effects of torsional loads on shear walls# Static Anal& i ! )tatic %nalysis + High rise structural systems in steel, analysis of braced and unbraced frames + a""roximate analysis of framed and bundled tube systems, High &ise )tructures in concrete + &oman's analysis of shear wall frame interaction + sim"lified method of analysis of frame wall systems# Sta%ilit& Anal& i ! )tability consideration of unbraced tall buildings + laterally loaded asymmetric shear buildings, a""roximate methods of stability analysis# D&na(ic Anal& i ! Dynamic res"onse of braced tall buildings + building with shear walls + &oman analysis + %nalysis to earth$ua'es, !ateral drift limitations in tall buildings, Design of chimneys, T* towe and tall towers# 0oun*ation S& te( ! Dee" 0oundations + (aissons and high ca"acity "iles + )oil structure Interaction# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Proceedings of the International (onference on Tall ,uildings3, )inga"ore 2@AM# 6# 3%nalysis %nd Design of Tall ,uilding3, Taranath,,#G#, Mc.raw+Hili ,oo' (o,2@AA 8# 3High &ise ,uildings3 Mehta, ,, M) )'yline, 2@CA#

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"RE0A+RICATED C/NCRET STR3CT3RES (+C/ 7.=) Intro*uction! .eneral Princi"les of "refabrication + ty"es of "refabrication, s"ecific re$uirements of "lanning and layout of "refabrication "lant+ 2#) code s"ecification+ Modular coordination+Trans"ortation Erection+)tages of loading and codal "rovisions+ Material Pro"erties, Deflection control+!ateral load resistance# 0loor A Stair A an* Roof ! Ty"es of floor, slabs %nalysis and design of cored and "anel ty"es and two way systems, stair case slab system and design + Ty"es of roof slabs and Insulation re$uirements +)hort term and long term deflection control# ;all ! Ty"es of wall "anels + ,loc's and large "anels + curtain "artition and load bearing walls, load transfer from floor to wall "anels, *ertical loads + Eccentricity and stability of wall "anels+Design of &#( crane gantry girders, corbels, column and wind bracing design+9oints between columns and foundations# "refa%ricate* S)ell Roof 0or In*u trial S)e* ! Hand boo' based design of cylindrical and by "ar "refabricated shells+folded "lates, erection and 9ointing+9oint design E$ui"ment for Hoisting and Erection Techni$ues for erection of different ty"es of members such as beams, slabs, wall "anels and columns+Design for handling and erection stresses+Methods of minimi7ing erection stresses# 2# 3Prefabricated (oncrete for Industrial and Public )ectors,3 !asslo Mo'', %'ademi 5iada, ,uda"est 2@FM

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+3I1DING SCIENCE (+C/ 7..) De i$n for Cli(ate! (limatic factors+classification of tro"ical climates + site climates, microclimate of human settlement# Ventilation! Elements of air and the effect on human being+limit of comfort and heat tolerance Oventilation re$uirement for health, mechanisms and estimation of natural ventilation, air flow "atterns in buildings# T)er(al Co(fort ! Thermal comfort factors + comfort indices, thermal $uantities, heat exchange in buildings+"eriodic heat flow+mechanical and structural means of thermal control, moisture control of buildings# Da& li$)tin$! Day lighting, Princi"le of day lighting design + Design of fenestration in buildings of various ty"es+$uality of day lighting+illumination design + luminaries and their characteristics + code re$uirements# Artificial li$)tin$! Ty"es of sources and luminaries + design for interiors + determination of illumination level+ !umen method, %rtificial lighting to su""lement day lighting + Energy conservation# Acou tic an* Soun* In ulation! Pro"agation of )ound + sound absor"tion and insulation + absor"tion and transmission reverberation + design of floor and walling and roofing systems for sound absor"tion insulation + functional absorbers + bHilding standards, design of auditorium# Noi e an* Vi%ration Control! -oise + -oise and vibration sources, noise and vibration control in buildings of various ty"es + "lanning and design against outdoor and indoor noise, measuring instruments+isolation systems, effectiveness of base isolation# Intelli$ent +uil*in$ ! )mart materials + micro"rocessor controlled automatic ad9ustment of light ventilation + fire safety and security + crisis management + exam"les of intelligent buildings# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# -ational ,uilding (ode of India, 2@A8 6# 3Day !ighting In %rchitecture3 ,en9amin, %#E#,' Mc.raw Hill ,oo' (o# 2@A2#

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Grou4 II Hi$)6a& En$ineerin$ R/AD TRANS"/RT MANAGEMENT (+C/ 7.>) Intro*uction! <rgani7ation structure of trans"ort cor"orations, Management by ob9ectives, Delegation of "owers in trans"ort underta'ings, Man"ower "lanning# 0inance of Tran 4ort! Methods of financing, ,uild o"erate and transfer conce"t, ,udgeting and recounting, %nnual financial statement, fare structure, &e"lacement "rogrammes I (ollection + )ystems %nd Public &elations+ 0are collection systems, &evenue lea'age "revention+ (ash incentives, Public relations, citi7en "artici"ation# Surve& an* Sc)e*ule ! &oute surveys and "lanning, "re"aration of schedule and duty roc time study, accident analysis and "reventive measures# Maintenance an* Total Dualit& Mana$e(ent 0leet maintenance, De"ot location, organi7ation and o"eration, Inventory control, Total $uality Management in "ublic trans"ort underta'ings, Performance im"rovement# 2# 3Productivity in &oad Trans"ort3, )anthosh )harma, %)T&H Publication -ew Delhi# 6# 3Highway Trans"ortation Management3, .ayton E# .ermane, -icholas %# .lasbursy and Herthall, ! 8# 3Public Trans"ortation Planning, <"eration and Management3 E# .ray and !eiser %# Hoel Prentice Hall, Inc# -ew >ersey#

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TRA00IC ENGINEERING (+C/ 7.?) Intro*uction! Historical develo"ments of roads, (haracteristics of traffic elements, road user, vehicle highway and street system and environment, role of trans"ortation in )ociety, economic, social, "olitical and environment role+Indian &oad (ongress, the twenty year road develo"ment "lan, 2@A2 I 6EE2# Geo(etric De i$n! .eometric design of roads+ alignment+grades+!and widths+building lines I camber + gradient+ signal distance curves, su"er elevation slo"es, sto""ing distance+overta'ing, sight distances, ty"es of vertical and hori7ontal curves, vehicle dimensions and "assenger car unit as "er I&( &ecommendation, vehicle characteristics# Roa* Cro in$ an* Acci*ent ! %cute angle and J 9unctions, turning radii at 9unctions, T 9unctions, visibility at corner and bends, Minimum turning radii for different classes of vechicle, round abuts, causes of accidents, driver and "edestrian behavior, "reventive measure for accidents, the chi s$uared test, accident characteristics# Traffic Volu(e An* S4ee* Stu*&! )"eed time relationshi"+ definition of various s"eeds, design s"eed on classified road surveys for evaluating average s"eeds of vehicles, "ur"ose and methods of traffic volume study, factors affecting ca"acity, measurement of traffic volume, methods of traffic volume study analysis and "resentation of volume rate "edestrian studies# Traffic Mana$e(ent! )ha"e, si7e and design of traffic islands, traffic mar'ings and road sign classification, design+sha"e, colour, legibility, "lacement and letter height reflection, Illumination and maintenance of signs+ "avement mar'ing, white lines, reflecting road studs, street+ tidal flows cycle trac's and exclusive bus lanes off street "ar'ing control and on street "ar'ing control traffic control at Intersection, oneway control# Reco((en*e* +oo, 2# 3% (ourse in Highway Engineering3, Dhan"at &ai and sons, -# Delhi, 2@@2 6# Traffic Engineering and Trans"ort Planning, 5adiyali, !#&#, 5hanna Tech Publications, -# Delhi, 2@A8

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HIGH;A<S AND RAI1;A<S ENGINEERING (+C/ 7.1@) Hi tor& of Roa* Develo4(ent! (lassification E2 roads, Hrban &oad Patterns, <rgani7ations for Highway "lanning, design, and construction# 0actors governing selection of highway route, surveys, "re"aration of "ro9ect re"ort# Geo(etric De i$n! Introduction, terrain Design, s"eed Design, vehicle cross sectional elements of road, sight distance, Design of hori7ontal curve, Problems, Design of vertical curve "roblems# "ave(ent De i$n! Pavements ty"es, com"onents of flexible and rigid "avement, Design of flexible "avement using (,& method, Problems, Design of rigid "avement, "roblems, soil stabili7ed roads, Maintenance of roads# Intro*uction to Rail6a& En$ineerin$! Develo"ment of railways in India, (om"arison of &oad &ailways .auges, Trac' alignment and gradient, com"onents of "ermanent way, &ail )lee"er, ,allast, &ail fastenings, Trac' drainage, Maintenance of Trac'# "oint an* Cro in$ ! Design "rinci"les, )ignals and its wor'ing in railway, interloc'ing facility, station and yards + facilities to be "rovided in a station, control system ado"ted in railway station, control system ado"ted in railway for movement of trains, Trac' circuiting# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Highway Engineering3, 5hanna, )#5#, and >usto (#E#.#, -em (hand and ,ros# 2@@A# 6# 3Trans"ortation Engineering3*a7irani and (handola, )#P#, *ol#2 5hanna Publishers 2@@F# 8# 3Princi"le of Trans"ortation Highway Engineering3, &ao, .#*#, Tata Mc .raw Hill "ublishers, 2@@F# M# 3% (ourse in Highway Engfheering3 ,indra )#P#, Dhan"at &ai and )ons, 2@A6#

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AIR"/RTSA D/CES AND HAR+/3RS 5 (+C/ 7.11) Intro*uction to "lannin$! %ir trans"ortation in India, (ategories of air"orts and air services, agencies controlling national and international aviation and their functions, air"ort regional "lanning, factors to be considered for "ro"er "lanning of air"ort, air"ort site ca"acity, various survey to be conducted, air"ort site selection# Ele(ent of Air4ort an* De i$n! !anding and terminal area and their com"onents, standard for "lanning air"orts as "er I(%<, Ty"ical layout of an air"ort and its com"onents, runways, taxiways and a"rons, different ty"es, "attern and layout, general "rinci"le of design, loading a"ron, holding a"ron "ar'ing aircrafts# Navi$ational Ai* ! Traffic aids and air"ort mar'ing, lighting air"orts, runway lighting, taxiway lighting air traffic control, *isual and instrument landing systems, air"ort drainage, ty"ical layout of existing air"ort terminal and service bloc's, (hennai, (oimbatore, (alcutta, -ew Delhi and Mumbai# Doc, an* Mana$e(ent! Doc', different ty"es of wet and dry doc's, functional design and various ty"es and their usage, navigational aids, necessity and ty"e of signals, fixed and floating signals, ,uoys, ,eacons, different ty"es dredges and their a""lication# Har%our ! (lassification and re$uirements of harbours, choice of site and general "rinci"les governing their design, entrance to harbour, ,rea'waters, classification and construction, wharves, "iers and ,ul'heads, Dol"hins, 0ender and other mooring devices, ty"ical layout of Existing harbours, (hennai, (ochin, Tuticorin, Mumbai# 2# 3%ir"ort Engineering3 &angwala, P#G#, (harotar Publishing House, %nanad 2@@6 6# 3Harbour Doc' and Tunnel Engineering3 )rinivasan &and &angwala, )#c#, (harotar Publishing House %nand,2@@2 8# 3Doc's and Harbour Engineering3, ,indra, )#P#, Dhan"at &ai and )ons, -ew Delhi, 2@@6 M# 3%ir"ort Techni$ues3, )hahni, <xford and I,H Publishing (o# Pvt# !td#, 2@@G

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+RIDGE ENGINERING 5 (+C/ 7.12) Anal& i An* De i$n of Concrete +ri*$e ! !oading standardsD I&( and &ailway loadings, &einforced concrete bridge dec'sD slab, T+beam and slab, arch, bow string, girder ty"es, Prestressed concrete bridgesD sim"le s"ans, continuous dec's; cantilever construction; anchorage of tendons; grounding of tendons# Steel +ri*$e ! )teel su"erstructureD Plate girder, box girder trus) and arch ty"es, (able stayed bridges and sus"ension bridges; "rinci"les of design, aerodynamic stability and vibrations; sim"lified designs # Su% tructure An* 0oun*ation ! )ubstructure designD "iers and abutments of different ty"es, 0oundationsD )hallow foundations, dee" foundations, "iles, wells and "neumatic caisons, &iver training wor's# Con truction An* Maintenance! ,earing; metallic and elastomeric ty"es; fixed and movable bearings, >ointsD ex"ansion 9oints; (ontraction 9oints; 9oint seals, Innovative construction methods; incremental "ush launct22ng; cantilever construction; erection of "recast elements of ,ridge maintenance managementD inventory, ins"ection and rehabilitation# Ca e Stu*ie ! (ase studies of recently constructed ma9or bridges (ritical studies of failure of ma9or bridges# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Essentials of ,ridge Engineering3, >ohnson *ictor, D#, <xford I,H Publishing (o#, -ew Delhi, 0ourth Edition, 2@@2# 6# 3,ridge Dec' %nalysis )im"lified3, ,a'ht, ,# and >aegar, !#.#, Mc.raw Hill International edition, )inga"ore, 2@AC# 8# 3,ridge Engineering3 Ponnuswamy,),Tata Mc.raw Hill, -ew Delhi, 2@AF M# 3Design of ,ridges3, 5rishna &a9u, -#, <xford I,H Publishing (o#, -ew Delhi, Third Edition, 2@@A#

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DESIGN /0 0/3NDATI/NS STR3CT3RES 5 (+C/ 7.17) "ile 0oun*ation ! Introduction, ,earing ca"acity of "iles and "ile grou"s, I) method, )ettlement of "iles, negative s'in friction, !ateral load resistance of individual "iles and "ile grou"s, 0inite difference method, -on dimensional method# S)eet "ile ;all An* Coffer*a( ! )heet "ile structures, cantilever sheet "ile walls in granular soils and cohesive soils,+ %nchored ,ul' head, free earth su""ort method, 0ixed earth su""ort method, lateral earth "ressure on ,raced sheet "ile walls, (offerdams, Ty"es, (ellular cofferdams, com"onents, dimensions, (ell fill, stability of cellular cofferdams, cofferdams in roc', cofferdams on dee" layers of sand or clay# Mac)ine 0oun*ation ! Introduction, Ty"es of machine foundation, :aves and wave "ro"agation, Dynamic "ro"erties of soil, *ibration analysis of machine foundations, -atural fre$uency, Design of foundation for &eci"rocating machines and Im"act machines, &einforcement and construction details, *ibration isolation, (odal "rovisions# Marine Su% tructure! Introduction, Ty"e of marine structures, ,rea'waters, :harves, seawalls, Doc's, ?uay walls, + design loads, wave action, :ave "ressure on vertical wall, )hi" in "iled :harf structure, Design of &ubble mount brea' water and wall ty"e brea' water# S4ecial 0oun*ation! 0oundations Ex"ansive )oilsD+ Introduction, Identification of ex"ansive soil, Indian ex"ansive soils, )well "otential and swelling "ressure, Methods of foundation in ex"ansive Hnder reamed "ile foundation# Reinforce* Eart)! + Introduction, ,asic Mechanism of reinforced earth, (hoice of soil and &einforcement, &einforced earth retaining walls# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3%nalysis and Design of )ubstructure3 )wamy )ran, <xford and I)H Publishing (o# Pvt# !t#, -ew Delhi 6# 3)oil Mechall'ics and 0oundation Engineering *oI#63*#H#)# Murthy# 8 3Hand ,oo' of Machine 0oundations', )rinivasulu# P and *aidyanathan# (#*#, Tata Mc.raw Hill (o#, !td#, -ew Delhi#

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Grou4 III Environ(ental En$ineerin$ "/113TI/N AND C/NTR/1 ENGINEERING (+C/ 7.19) ;ater ' Noi e "ollution an* Control! -atural "rocesses, Pollution due to industrial, agricultural and munici"al wastes, limitations of dis"osal by dilution, ,<D consideration in streams, <xygen sag curve, water "ollution control legislation# -oise "ollution + )ources and effects, (ontrol measures# Air "ollution an* Control! Pollution and their sources, Effects of "ollution on human health, vegetation and climate, Prevention and control of air "ollution, (ontrol of "articulates Industry and air "ollution, %ir "ollution surveys and sam"ling, %ir $uality monitoring, %ir "ollution control legislation# Soli* ;a te Mana$e(ent! )ources, (haracteristics, ?uantities, (ollection methods and dis"osal techni$ues, )ource &eduction, )anitary land fill, Incineration and "yrolysis, (on2"osting a %erobic and anerobic, Economics of com"osting, recycling and reuse# HaCar*ou ;a te Mana$e(ent! -uclear :aste, ,iomedical :aste, (hemical :astes, sources and effects, Dis"osal techni$ues# Ecolo$& an* Eco & te( ! Im"act of develo"ment, &elationshi"s of environmental $uality, !and use and natural resources management, (auses and effects of environmental "ollution# Ele(ent of Environ(ental I(4act Anal& i ! Environmental Im"act %nalysis of Hrbani7ation industriali7ation Environmental im"acts of thermal Power Plants, Mining and &adio %ctivity# Environ(ental Healt)! *ector (ontrolD 0undamentals of e"idemiology, vector borne diseases, ty"es of vectors, Mos$uitoes, flies, rodents, rationale of control and naturalistic methods of control# Hses and limitations of "esticides, engineering measures of vector control# 0oo* an* Mil, Sanitation ! &elation of food to disease, Princi"les of food sanitation, )anitation of 'itchens, restaurants and other catering establishments, ?uality changes in mil', mil' as carrier of infection, Pasteuri7ation of mil', HT)T and !T!T "rocesses, (attle shed sanitation# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Environmental )anitations3, )alvato, >ohn :iley )ons, -ew Jor' 2@A6# 6# 3Munici"al &ural )anitation3, Eulers, *#M# and )teel, E#:#, M(.raw Hill ,oo' (o# -ew Jor'# 2@FM 8# 3Text ,oo' of Preventive and )ocial Medicine3, Par'# I#E#and Par' 5# Messrs ,anarsidas ,hanot, !atest Edition# 3NIT "R/CESSES IN ENVIR/NMENTA1 ENGINEERING (+C/ 7.1-) Soli* Se4aration An* 0lo6 E#ualiCation! )creening, Design of ,ar )creen, !imiting velocity, air classification, Magnetic se"aration, flow e$uali7ation, design of e$uali7ation tan'# Mi:in$ an* Coa$ulation! Princi"les of Mixing, Design of turbine and "ro"eller mixing tan's, 0locculators, Peri 'inetic, and <rtho'inetic, design of "addles, velocity gradients# Settlin$ an* 0loatation! Princi"les of discrete "article, flocculant, Kone, (om"ression settling, )to'es law, design of grit chamber and "rimary settling tan'+"erformance studies, "rinci"les of floatation dissolved air floatation vaccum floatations, design of floatation tan's# Page 2. of -.

0iltration! Princi"les of flow through "orous media+sand filtration+ hydraulics of filter washing, vacuum filtration# Di infection! Princi"les of disinfection, chemical and "hysical agents, Mechanism and factors influencing disinfection, Time of contact, "H, concentration, ty"e of organism in chemical disinfection# Ga Tran fer! Mechanism of gas transfer, 0ixed and floating aerators, design of aerators, %ir stri""ing Pac'ed columns and trays# A* or4tion! Theory of adsor"tion Isotherms, fixed bed+fluidised beds, brea' through curves, counter current "rinci"les, e$uilibrium batch adsor"tion, system design, !eaching, definition and ty"es, !eaching calculation# Princi"les of eva"oration, design of drying beds# Einetic of +iolo$ical Gro6t)! 0undamentals of Microbiology of waste water+aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic systems, sus"ended growth and attached growth "rocesses# Ty"es of biological reactors batch, "lug flow, com"letely mixed reactors, "rinci"les of substrate removal, Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Hnit <"erations in Environmental Engineering3, Elangoven, &#, and )aseetharan, M#5#, -ew %ge International Publishers, -ew Delhi, 2@@C# 6# 3Hnit <"erations of )anitary Engineering3, !in *ii &ich, >ohn :iley )ons#, -ew Jor', 2@F2# 8# 3:aste :ater Engineering Treatment Dis"osal &euse3, Metcalf and Eddy, Tata Mcgraw Hill#

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IND3STRIA1 ;ASTE TREATMENT AND DIS"/SA1 (+C/ 7.1=) Di 4o al Effect on Environ(ent! Effects of industrial wastes on streams, land, air,+ wastewater treatment "lant, water $uality criteria, Effluent standards, Process modification, ,ioassay studies environmental legislation# "ollutant Re*uction! :aste minimi7ation, House 'ee"ing, *olume and strength reduction, Material and "rocess modifications, recycle, reuse and by "roduct recovery, environmental audit# Effluent Treat(ent! (onventional methods of treatment and dis"osal of industrial wastes, E$uali7ation and -eutrali7ation, )e"aration of solids, sedimentation and filtration# (oagulation and flocculation, absor"tion, chemical "reci"itation, chemical oxidation, Physico chemical treatment methods,+ &emoval of dissolved im"urities, &esidue management, (ombined treatment of industrial and munici"al wastes# +iolo$ical Treat(ent Met)o* ! Princi"les and methods for removal of sus"ended im"urities and organics, aerobic and anaerobic decom"osition of organic matteB )tabili7ation Ponds, activated sludge "rocess, <xidation ditch# A*vance* ;a te ;ater Treat(ent! -itrogen removal+ Phos"horous removal, &emoval of refractory <rganics, removal of dissolved inorganic substances, (hemical "reci"itation, ion exchange, reverse <smosis, Electrodialysis# In*u trial "roce an* ;a te Treat(ent! Manufacturing "rocess, waste water characteristics, com"osition, Effects and %""ro"riate treatment+ flow sheets for chemical industries, Petro+chemical industries, refineries, Pharmaceutical, Textiles, %""arel industries, Metallurgical industries, )teel "lants, mines, Power industries, 0ertili7er "lants, (ement industry, Pul" and "a"er industry, %gro+industries, )ugar Distilleries, food "rocessing industry, meat "ac'ing, "ic'les, "oultry, Dairy, !eather tanning# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3:aste Treatment3, &ao M#-# and Dutta <xford and I)H Publishing !td# (alcutta, 2@C@# 6# 3Industrial :aste Pollution (ontrol3, Ec'enfelder, :#:#, Mc.raw Hill ,oo' (o#, -ew Delhi, 2@A@#

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ENVIR/NMENTA1 ENGINEERING STR3CT3RES (+C/ 7.1.) "u%lic ;ater Su44l& Source of ;ater Su44l&! )urface and underground sources, reclamation and develo"ment of source in r4o $uality and $uantity of water# Develo"ment of wells# )torage reservoir balancing and service storage, ca"acity determination by mass curve method# Inta'e and transmission systemD distribution systemD networ' design# Dualit& ' E:a(ination of ;ater! -ecessity for examination of im"urities in water# )am"ling of water, "hysical, chemical bacteriological $uality for domestic water su""ly# Drin'ing water $uality standards and criteria# ;ater Su44l& An* Draina$e of +uil*in$ ! )ystem of water su""ly, house connections, metering, internal distribution, )anitary fittings, "i"e 9oints, Different ty"es of "i"es and "i"e materials, :ater Treatment# 3nit /4eration in ;ater Treat(ent Screenin$F sedimentation and its theory, sedimentation aided with coagulation, flocculation; sand filtration, slow, ra"id gravity and "ressure filters, Disinfections, -ecessary re$uirements of a disinfectant, methods of disinfecting, different "ractices of chlorination# Intro*uction ' De i$n of e6er ! Terms definitions, systems of sanitation and their merits and demerits, system of sewerage, choice of sewerage system and suitability to Indian conditions# ?uantity of sanitary and storm sewage flow, forms of sewers, conditions of flow in sewers, laying of sewers of e$uivalent section, self cleansing and limiting velocity, hydraulic formulae for flow of sewerage in sewers and their design# Con truction ' Maintenance of Se6er ! )ewer a""urtenances, Materials for sewers, laying of sewers, testing of sewer "i"es, Maintenance, <"erations and "recaution before entering a sewer# Hou e Draina$e ' Treat(ent of Se6a$e! Princi"les of House drainage, tra"s, Ins"ection chamber Indian and Euro"ean ty"e :#(# 0lushing cisterns, soil waste and anti+sy"horage "i"es, "lumbing systems, Hnit "rocesses of waste water treatment, screens, grit+chambers, detritus tan', grease s'imming tan', grease tra"s, sedimentation, chemical treatment, aerobic biological treatment, tric'ing filter /!&T0 H&T01, activated sludge "rocesses, anaerobic treatment, units sludge digesters and biogas "lants# Se6a$e Di 4o al! Dilution, self "urification of streams, oxygen deficiency of "olluted streams, oxygen sag curve, Deoxygenation and reoxygenation# Dilution in sea water, Dis"osal by land treatment, Effluent irrigation and sewage farming# )ic'ness and its "reventive measures# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3)ewage :aste Dis"osal Engg#3 )#5# .arg# 6# 3:ater )u""ly )anitary Engg#3 .#)#,irdi 8# 3:ater )u""ly :aste :ater Dis"osal3 .#M# 0air >#c# .eyer#

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SANITAR< ENGINEERING (+C/7.1>) Se6a$e An* Se6era$e En$ineerin$! Definition (lassification of )ewage, ?uantity of )anitary )ewage and )torm :ater, 0luctuations in 0low "attern, Design 0low of )ewage, Physico chemical and biological (haracteristics, %ssessment of <rganic )olids by ,<D, (<D, T<(, TH<D T<D, microbiology of )ewage, )ystems and !ayouts of )ewerage, %nalysis and Design of )ewers under different flow situations, )ewer )ections, Materials for sewers + !aying, >ointing, and Testing of )ewers, %""urtenances and Maintenance, Pum"ing of )ewage and Pum"ing )tations# "reli(inar& An* "ri(ar& Treat(ent of Se6a$e! Princi"les and <b9ectives of )ewage Treatment, <"eration and Design of ,ar &ac' and .rit (hamber with *elocity (ontrol Devices, Princi"les of Primary Treatment and Design of Primary )edimentation Tan', Dis"osal of &ac'ings, .ritty tvlaterials, and )ludge )olids# +iolo$ical Treat(ent "roce e ! <b9ectives of ,iological Treatment, Path ways of Decom"osition, %erobic, %naerobic, and %noxic Processes, <"eration of Design of (onventional %ctivated )ludge Process with diffuser and Mechanical %erators, Process Modifications, %nalysis and Design of Tric'ing 0ilter, High rate and )tandard &ate 0ilters, !ow (ost :aste :ater Treatments, Princi"les and Design of )tabili7ation Ponds, <xidatio3 Ponds and %erated !agoons, &ural )anitations + <"eration and Design of )e"tic and Imhoff Tan's, Excreta Dis"osal )chemes# En$ineerin$ Met)o* of Slu*$e Di 4o al! <b9ectives of sludge dis"osal, Ty"es and (haracteristics of )ludges in a Ty"ical Treatment Plant, <"eration and Design of )ludge Digestions, Energy &ecovery %s"ects regarding Methane Production, )ludge !agooning, Hnconventional Methods of Dis"osal, Dis"osal of )ewage by Dilution in )treams, &ivers, and Estuaries, )elf "urification and <xygen )ag+curve %nalysis, Tro"hic )tatus of %$uatic ,odies# Hou e Draina$e ;or, ! )anitary 0ittings, <ne Pi"e and Two Pi"e )ystems, .eneral !ayout of house Drainage :or's, )treet (onnections# &ecycling of :aste water# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3:ater )u""ly and )ewerage3, Gth Edn#, )teel# E# :# and Mc.hee, T#>#, Mc.raw Hill International Editions, -ew Jor', 2@AA#

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ENVIR/NMENTA1 ASSESSMENT METH/D/1/GIES (+C/ 7.1?) Environ(ental I ue Relate* to Develo4(ental Activitie F -ature and characteristics of environmental im"acts of urban and industrial develo"ments# !in'ages between technology, environmental $uality, economic gain and societal goals# Environmental indices and indicators for describing affected environment# Methodologies and environmental systems modeling tools for "rediction and assessment of im"acts on environmental $uality /surface water, ground water, air, soil1# Monitoring and control of undesirable environmental im"lications# Environmental cost benefit analysis# Decision methods for evaluation of environmentally sound alternatives# Environ(ental Healt) an* Safet&! ,asic conce"ts of environmental ris' and definitions# Ha7ard identification "rocedures# (onse$uence analysis and modeling# Environ(ental Mana$e(ent! Environmental Management )ystems, Environmentally sound technology transfer, and international resource sharing issues# International environment treaties and "rotocols# (ase )tudies#

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Grou4 IV Irri$ation an* Draina$e En$ineerin$ IRRIGATI/N ENGINEERING (+C/ 7.2@) Met)o* of Irri$ation! %dvantages and disadvantages of irrigation, water re$uirements of cro"s, factors affecting water re$uirement, consum"tive use of water, water de"th or delta and cro" relation, duty of water, relation between delta, duty and base "eriod# )oil cro" relationshi" and soil fertility, s"rin'ler irrigation+advantages limitations, "lanning and design of s"rin'ler irrigation, dri" irrigation, advantages limitation, )uitability# (lassification of canals, canal alignment, inundation canals, advantage and disadvantage# )ilt theories 5ennedy's theory, !acey's theory, Drawbac's in 5ennedy's !acey's theories, com"arison of !acey's and 5ennedy's theories, Design of unlined canals based on 5ennedy's and !acey's theory, sus"ended and bed loads# 1ine* Canal Ty"es of lining, )election of ty"e of lining, economics of lining, maintenance of lined canals, silt removal, strengthening of channel ban's, measurement of discharge in channels, design of lined canals# 1o e in Canal A ;ater 1o$$in$ an* Draina$e! !osses in canals+Eva"oration and see"age, water logging, causes and ill effects of water logging+anti water logging measures# Drainage of land classification of drains+surface and subsurface drains, Design consideration for surface drains %dvantages and maintenance of tile drains# Inve ti$ation an* "re4aration of Irri$ation "roGect ! (lassification of "ro9ects, Pro9ect "re"aration+investigations, Design of wor's and drawings, conce"t of multi+ "ur"ose "ro9ects# Ma9or medium and minor "ro9ects, "lanning of an irrigation "ro9ect, economics financing of irrigation wor's, Documentation of "ro9ect re"ort# Tu%e5;ell Irri$ation! Ty"es of tube+wells+strainer ty"e, cavity ty"e and slotted ty"e# Ty"e of strata, a$uiclude, a$uifuge, a$uifer, "orosity, uniformity coefficient+ Theim Du"uit's formulae, interference of tube wells with canals or ad9oining tube wells, o"timum ca"acity, duty and delta of a tube well rehabilitation of tube well# River Trainin$ ;or, ! <b9ectives, (lassification of river training wor's, Design of guide ban's, (roynes or s"urs+their design and classification, I)I recommendation of a""roach emban'ments and afflux emban'ments, "itched islands, %rtificial cut+offs, ob9ects and design consideration, river control ob9ectives and methods# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Princi"les Practice ofIrrigation Engg3, )#5#Gharma 6# 3Irrigation Engg# Hydraulics3, )# &# )ahasrabudhe 8# 3Irrigation :ater Power :ater &esources Engg#3 5# &# %rora M# 3Irrigation :ater Power Engg#3 ,# (# Punmia Pande, ,# ,# !al

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GR/3ND ;ATER H<DR/1/G< (+C/ 7.21) /ccurrence of Groun* ;ater! .round water in the hydrologic cycle, &oc' "ro"erties affecting ground water, vertical distribution of ground water, ty"es of a$uifer, )torage (o+efficient, s"ecific yield# Groun* ;ater H&*raulic ! Darcy's e$uation+ "ermeability and transmissibility, steady unidirectional flow+ steady radial flow to a well unsteady radial flow in a confined, unconfined and lea'y a$uifer# Multi"le well systems, characteristics of well losses# ;ater ;ell! Methods of construction of shallow well, methods of drilling dee" wells, well com"letion, well develo"ment+ yield test "rotection of well, well rehabilitation, Hori7ontal wells, .round water $uality, sources of salinity and its analysis, (auses for ground water "ollution and its evaluations# +a in Mana$e(ent Groun* ;ater! (once"t of basin management, ground water management, ground subsidence, (once"t of artificial recharge, Methods of recharge, waste water recharges for reuse, occurrence of saline water intrusion, (ontrol of saline water intrusion+exam"les of salt water intrusion Groun* ;ater Mo*elin$ Tec)ni#ue ! )urface investigations of ground water, .eological methods, &emote methods, &emote sensing, geo"hysical ex"loration, electrical resistivity method, seismic refraction method, subsurface investigation of ground water, Ty"es of logging techni$ues, Process media, %nalog, Electric analog, Digital (om"uter models# 2# 3.round :ater Hydrology3, Todd, D#5#, >ohn :illey )ons, -ew yor', 2@@G 6# 3.round :ater3, &agunath, H#M#, :iley Eastern !td, -ew Delhi, 2@@6# 8# 3.round :ater &esource Evaluation3, :alton, w#e# Mc.raw Hill ,oo' (o# -ew Jor', 2@CE

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/"ERATI/N AND MAINTENANCE /0 IRRIGATI/N STR3CT3RES (H<DRA31IC STR3CT3RES) 5 (+C/ 7.22) Divi ion Hea* ;or, :eirs and barrages, layout of a diversion head wor' and its com"onents, failures of hydraulic structures founded on "ervious foundations, cree" theory for see"age flow+ /,ligh's, !acey's and 5hosla's1 Da( Design of gravity dams, modes of failure and criteria for structural stability of gravity dams, diversion "roblems in dam, construction of galleries, 9oints, foundation treatment, ty"es of earthendams, methods of construction, causes of failure of earthendams, s"illways, energy dissi"ators, see"age analysis, see"age control in earthendams# Canal 0all Re$ulator /utlet E ca4e Ty"es of falls, Design "rinci"les, (anal &egulation wor's, %lignment of the off ta'ing canal, Design of cross regulation and distributary head regulator, Ty"es of canal Esca"es, ty"es of canal outlets, (riteria for 9udging the "erformance of outlet# 0loo* 0oreca tin$ an* 0loo* Control Introduction, need, basic data re$uirements, "rocedures, )"eciali7ed 0orecasting Techni$ues Time series %nalysis, flood regulation, regulation of flood "lain use# Re ervoir Re$ulation Pur"ose, classification, reservoir design studies, o"erating schedules and guides, o"erating organi7ation Hydrologic networ', Maintenance of hydraulic structures, Ty"es "rocedure charts, %nnual maintenance# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic )tructures3, .arg, )#5#, 5hanna Publishers, -ew Delhi, 2@@C# 6# 3%""lied Hydrology3, (how, *#T# M( .raw Hill ,oo' co#, 2@AA 8# 3Irrigation and :ater Power Engineering3, Punmia, ,#(# !a'shmi Publications, -ew Delhi#

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DESIGN AND DRA;ING (IRRIGATI/N AND ENVIR/NMENTA1 ENGINEERING) (+C/ 7.27) Irri$ation En$ineerin$! Design of the following irrigation wor's are to be wor'ed out and detailed drawings are to be drawnD 2# Earthen Dams, )ections of different ty"es of earth dams, "lan showing drainage systems# 6# Tan' sluice, wing ty"e 8# Tan' sur"lus weir M# (anal &egulator /Head regulator1 G# (anal dro" F# )y"hon a$uaducts# Environ(ental En$ineerin$ ;or, ! Designs of the following Environmental Engineering wor's are to be wor'ed out and detailed drawings are to be drawn# 2# .eneral layout of water su""ly scheme# 6# Mixing basin, flocculation and sedimentation tan's# 8# )low and ra"id filters, service and clear water reservoirs# M# .eneral layout for drainage scheme# )# Manholes, "um"ing station, se"tic tan' with dis"ersion trenches and imhoff tan'# F# Primary and secondary settling tan's tric'ling filter and storm water se"arator# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3)tructural Design Drawing3 5rishnamurthy, P# 6# 3Design of Minor Irrigation and (anal )tructures3, )atyanarayanamurthy, (# :iley Eastern !imited# 8# 3% Text ,oo' of :ater )u""ly Engineering3, .har"ure, *#-#, %llied Publishers !imited# ;ATER RES/3RCES MANAGEMENT (+C/ 7.29) )co"e of water resources management, global trends in water utili7ation, cro" water re$uirements and irrigation "lanning, modern irrigation methods, water logging ha7ard mitigation# Drainage design, hydro"ower systems management, economic analysis of water resource "ro9ects# 0lood control studies#

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;ATER "/;ER ENGINEERING (+C/ 7.2-) ,asic "rinci"le of hydro "ower generation, Hydro"ower Pro9ect Planning, )ite selection, Hydro"ower develo"ment, &eservoir storage, %ssessment of "ower "otential, Hydrologic %nalysis# 0low duration and "ower duration curves, de"endable flow, design flood, reservoir o"eration # Hydraulic design of hydro"ower "lants, inta'es, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal and axial flow "um"s, conduits and water conveyance# Performance characteristics of turbines, s"ecific and unit $uantities, electrical load on hydro turbines, Power house dimension and "lanning, :ater hammer and surge analysis, )urge tan's, small hydro "ower develo"ment, tidal "lants current scenarios in hydro"ower develo"ment, socioeconomic conditions and national economy#

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Section A (Arc)itect)
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHMATICS (AA 1.1) Differential Calculu ! Introduction, functions of several variable, Partial Differentiation, Homogeneous function, Euler's Theorem, Total derivatives, Taylor's theorem for function of two variables, Maxima Minima of function of the variable, !agrange's method of undetermined multi"liers# "artial Differential E#uation ! Introduction, formation of "artial differential e$uations, method of se"aration of variables, differential e$uation of the first order first degree# %""lication of differential e$uations of first higher degree# Matrice ! Definition, Pro"erties of matrix, addition, subtraction multi"lication# Inverse of a matrix, elementary transformation and theorem# &an' of a matrix, (aley Hamilton Theorem Inte$ral Calculu ! Integration by substitution, by "arts and by "artial fractions# Integration of trigonometric and irrational functions# &eduction formulae for indefinite integrals involving "owers of circular functions of x and "roducts of )inx and (osx# Elementary ideas of definite integrals and their calculations# )im"son rule for a""roximate integration# !engths of sim"le curves# *olumes and surfaces of solids of revolution# Mean value and root+means+ s$uare value# Double and tri"le integrals and their sim"le a""lications# "ro%a%ilit& ' Stati tic ! (once"t of "robability, laws of "robability, ,inomial, Poisson -ormal Distribution# The t+ distribution, wor'ing rule# -ature Pur"ose of Mathematical statistics, Tabular .ra"hical re"resentation, sam"le mean variance# Nu(erical Met)o* ! Introduction, -umerical analysis including solution of e$uations gra"hically, iterational -ewton &a"son's or successive substitution methods, &ule of false "osition /&egula 0abi1# -umerical integration and differentiation# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3%dvance Engineering Mathematics3 by H#5# Dass, )# (hand (o# !td# -ew Delhi# 6# 3%dvance Engineering Mathematics3 by Ervin 5reysvi7, -ew %ge International /P1 !td# -ew Delhi#

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ADVANCED STRENGTH /0 MATERIA1S (AA 1.2) Intro*uction (once"t of 8 d stress and strain, their relationshi", com"atibility relation, %irys function, )t#*enanatNs "rinci"le, (astigliano's theorem# In*eter(inate Structure ! (onditions for statically indeterminacy, integration method, continuous beams and the "rinci"le of three moments, use of energy methods for solving indeterminate beam "roblems, redundant frames# Curve* +ea( ! ,ending of beams with largomitial curvature, circumferential stress, location of the neutral axis a""lication to beams with rectangular and tra"e7oidal cross+section, stress in crane hoo's, a""lication to the indeterminate case of circular rings and chain lin's# 3n &((etrical +en*in$! Pro"erties of beam, cross+section, and slo"e of the neutral axis, stress and deflection in unsymmetrical bending, determination of shear center and the flexural axis /for symmetry about both axis and for symmetry about only one axis1 for I section and channel section# Rotatin$ Di , an* C&lin*er ! )tresses in uniform rotating dis', rotating dis's of uniform strength, stresses in rotating cylinders# Helical ' 1eaf S4rin$ ! Deflection of s"rings by energy method, helical s"rings under axial load and under axial twist /res"ectively for circular and s$uare cross+sections 1 axial load and twisting moment acting simultaneously on circular cross+section of o"en and closed s"rings, laminated s"rings# Tor ion of Non5Circular Section ' Hollo6e* Section ! Torsion of a general Prismatic ,ar, Prandtl's Membrane %nalogy, Torsion of thin rectangular solid bar sub9ected to a Tor$ue 'T'# Torsion of Hollow section /,redt ,atho Theory1, Torsion of Thin :alled Multi"le (ell (losed )ections, )hafts with one or more Holes at any (ross+)ection# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3%dvanced )trength of Materials3 Praveen Pachavri Pragati Pra'ashan Meerut# 6# 3)trength of Material3 P# )# !ehri )# 5# 5ataria -ew Delhi 8# 3)trength of Material3 P# )# 5hurmi )# (hand (o# -ew Delhi#

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C/M"3TER "R/GRAMMING AND N3MERICA1 METH/DS 5 (AA 1.7) Co(4uter "ro$ra((in$! ,loc' diagram of com"uter, associated "eri"herals, memories, &%M, secondary storage devices; Introduction to com"uter languages, o"erating system, com"ilers and assemblers# Introduction to D<), its features, basic internal and external commands# Intro*uction to 6in*o6 an* it feature Introduction to M)+:ord, document creating, editing, "rinting and saving, s"ell chec' and mail merge# Introduction to (== language, structure of (== "rogramme, creating source file and com"iling and lin'ing, to'ens, 'eywords, identifiers and data structures, symbolic constants, variables, o"erations, control structures# 0unctions and their ty"es, conce"ts of ob9ect oriented "rogramming structures /<<P)1, classes and ob9ects# <"erator overloading conce"ts and ty"e conversions, Inheritance, "ointers, virtual functions and "olymor"hism# In"ut out"ut o"erations, files, file "ointers and their mani"ulations, se$uential in"ut4out"ut o"erations, random access, error handling during com"ilation# Programme develo"ment tools and im"lementing sim"le "rogrammes# -umerical Methods Nu(erical Met)o* Si(ultaneou 1inear Al$e%raic E#uation .aussian Elimination, .auss >ordan Method, >acobi and .auss )eidel iterative methods, solution of ill conditioned e$uations, Errors and a""roximations, &ound off and truncation errors, com"uter a""lication to truss analysis "roblems# Ei$en Value ' Ei$en Vector ! Power method, )wee"ing Techni$ues, >acobi iteration, (om"uter a""lication to stability and Dynamics Problems# Solution of Tran cen*ental an* "ol&no(ial E#uation .raffe's root s$uaring method, ,airstow's method, -ewton and Modified -ewton &a"hson methods, Iterative methods, com"uter a""lications to the calculation of bac' water curve in o"en channel flow# Nu(erical Differentiation An* Inte$ration! -umerical differentation, -umerical Integration, <"en and closed ?uadrature, .aussuan $uadrature, Tra"e7oidal and )im"son's rule, (om"uter a""lication to the calculation of deflection for a non"rismatic beam, (om"utation of earth volume in surveying# Inter4olation! -ewton's forward and bac'ward inter"olation, !ong range inter"olation, curve fitting method of least s$uares, com"uter a""lication to fit stress and strain curve of concrete# -ewmar'Ns MethodD Deflected sha"e of statically determinate beams, "rismatic non "rismatic beams, concentrated load, udl, varying loads using -ewmar''s method# /r*inar& 0ir t /r*er Differential E#uation ! Taylor's series method, Euler's method, Modified Euler's method, &unge 5utta's method, Milne's "redictor corrector method, %dams "redictor corrector method, (om"uter a""lication to dynamics, water tan' to blast loading# +oun*ar& Value "ro%le( 3 in$ 0inite Difference A44roac)! Page 9@ of -.

0inite Difference o"erators, %""lication to deflection of beams, ,uc'ling of columns, Partial differential e$uations, Elli"tic e$uations, Ex"licit method, com"uter a""lication to tem"erature distribution and see"age "roblems, (ran' -icholson method for "arabolic e$uations, %""lication to consolidation "roblems, Ex"licit method to Hy"erbolic e$uation, %""lication to vibration of a string and water hammel "roblems# Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3-umerical Methods in )cience and Engineering, % Practical %""roach, Edition 63, &a9ase'aran, G, :heeler Publishing, 2@@@# Soil E:4loration an* Selection of 0oun*ation! Introduction+<b9ectives of soil ex"loration+disturbed and undisturbed sam"ling+de"th of soil ex"loration number and dis"osition of bore holes+.eo"hysical methods+"enetration tests+&e$uirements of good foundation+factors governing location and de"th of foundation+Different ty"es of foundation+choice of ty"es of foundation, 0oundation in ex"ansive soil +earin$ Ca4acit&! ,earing ca"acity, Ty"es of 0ailure+Ter7aghi's formula+)'em"ton's formula+I) formula+ Effect of water table, sha"e of foundation, inclination of load and eccentricity of load on bearing ca"acity+%llowable, bearing "ressure+bearing "ressure based on '-' *alue+"late load test+methods of im"roving bearing ca"acity+contact "ressure distribution below footing and raft# Eart) "re ure! !ateral earth "ressure+"lastic e$uilibrium in soil+&an'ines theory+)urcharge+Inclined bac'fill+)oil stratification+(oulomb's Theory+.ra"hical methods /&ebhans (ulmann's1+Drainage of bac'fill, )heet "ile walls+ty"es+cantilever sheet "ile walls in cohesion less and cohesive soil+anchored sheet "ile walls free earth su""ort method and fixed earth su""ort method# "ile 0oun*ation! 0unctions of "ile+(lassification of "iles+relative merits+static and dynamic formulae+"ile load test+"ile s"acing and grou" action+Design of "ile grou"+settlement of "ile grou"+ negative s'in friction+under reamed "ile foundation ;ell an* Raft 0oun*ation ! :ell 0oundation+sha"es of wells+.ri" length and bearing ca"acity+forces acting on well foundationn,aner9ees and .ango"adhayay's analysis+I&( method+individual com"onents of a well+sin'ing of wells Eractification of titles and shifts &aft 0oundation+common ty"es of raft foundation+"rinci"le of design Reco((en*e* +oo, ! 2# 3)oil Mechanis and 0oundation Engineering3, Punmia, ,#(, %# )aurav (o# Madras, 2@AA# 6# 30oundation Engineering3 5asmal'ar, ,>, Pune *idyarthi .riha Pradahar, Pune,2@A@ 8# 3)oil Mechanics and 0oundation Engineering3 5#& %rora, )tandard Publishers and Distributors, 2@@C#

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REIN0/RCED C/NCRETE STR3CT3RES AND ADVANCED C/NCRETE TECHN/1/G< 5 (AA 1.-) Material .eneral Introduction, !oads forces, &einforced cement concrete, %dvantages disadvantages of &(( construction, concrete and reinforcing materials, grade and "ro"erties of concrete, ,asis for Design, Ins"ection Testing of structures# De i$n %& ;or,in$ Stre Met)o*! Introduction, end su""orts, assum"tions, Permissible stresses in concrete steel reinforcement# Design consideration for shear stresses, bond Torsion in beams# .eneral consideration of design of slab flanged beams, columns, foundations, stairs, retaining walls and reinforced bric'wor'# ;ater Stora$e Tan,! Introduction, Design, re$uirements of materials Design considerations of Tan' resting on ground, overhead Tan's and underground tan's# "re tre e* Concrete! Introduction, %dvantages Disadvantages of "restressed concrete over &((, steels and concrete for "restressed concrete# .eneral design re$uirements of "restressed concrete # A*vance* Concrete Tec)nolo$& Concrete Ma,in$ Material ! (om"osition and "ro"erties of Portland cement, tests on "hysical "ro"erties, consistency, setting time soundness, strength, cements of different ty"es, com"osition, "ro"erties and uses with s"ecial em"hasis for different constructional and weather conditions, I) s"ecifications# %ggregates, (lassification, Mechanical Pro"erties, deleterious substances in aggregates, ,ul'ing of sand, %l'ali %ggregate reaction, .rading re$uirements, I) (ode s"ecifications# ;ater! &e$uirements of water for concrete ma'ing I) (ode s"ecifications# A*(i:ture ! + %ccelerators, &etarders, water reducing agents, Plasticisers, %ir entertaining agents# 0re ) Concrete an* Har*enin$ of Concrete! :or'ability, 0actors affecting wor'ability, Tests for wor'ability, )egregation, ,leeding, Mixing of concrete (om"action of concrete, &eady mixed concrete, Pum"ed (oncrete, )hotcrete# 0actors affecting strength of concrete, (uring of concrete, Matrurity of concrete, Micro crac'ing and autogeneous healing, Evolution of heat and ex"ansion, )hrin'age of concrete, 0actors affecting shrin'age of concrete Dura%ilit& of Concrete An* Te tin$ of Har*ene* Concrete! Permeability, (hemical attac', )ul"hate attac', $uality of water, Marine atmos"here, Methods to im"rove durability, thermal "ro"erties of concrete, fire resistance, &esistance to abrasion and (avitations, %coustics "ro"erties, (om"ression test, )"lit Tension test, 0lexure Test, Test for ,ond strength, I) (ode "rovisions, 0actors affecting strength test results, %ccelerated strength tests, stress strain characteristics, Determination of modulus of elasticity, electrodynamics determination method, In situ strength determination, variation in test results, Distribution of strength, standard deviation + cree" of cone and factors which influence it# Mi: De i$n!

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,asic considerations, 0actors in the choice of mix "ro"ortions, Mix design methods, %(I method, I) method, Mix "ro"ortions for weigh batching and volume batching, correction for moisture content and bul'ing, yield of concrete, Design of high strength concrete mixes# S4ecial Concrete An* Concrete Co(4o ite ! !ight weight concrete, Ty"es, !ight weight concrete, %erated concrete, -o fines concrete, High )trength concrete, Heavy weight concrete for radiation shield, 0ibre reinforced concrete, 0errocement, Polymer concrete, High Performance (oncrete, Their "ro"erties and a""lications# Re)a%ilitation of Concrete Structure ! (rac's in concrete, Ty"es a Intrinsic crac'ing, structural crac'ing, causes and remedies, Plastic crac's causes and remedies, Thermal contraction crac's, !ong term drying shrin'age crac's, (ra7ing, )ul"hate attac' cra(i's, %l'ali aggregate reaction crac's# &e"air techni$ues, Materials for re"air, E"oxy adhesive in9ections and mortars, &e"air and strengthening of concrete structures by bonded steel "lates# Reco((en*e* %oo, ! 2# 3(oncrete Technology3 <rchard, D#0#, *ols#2 6,2@F8# 6# 3(oncrete Technology3 )hetty, M#)#, )# (hand (o#, -ew Delhi, 2@@A 8# 3Design of (oncrete Mixes3, 5rishnara9u, -# )ehgal Educational (onsultants Publishers Pvt# !td#, 0aridabad,2@AA

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DESIGN /0 STEE1 STR3CT3RES 5 (AA 1.=) Introduction to stability and buc'ling conce"ts, )tructural steel and "ro"erties, &iveted, bolted and welded connections, :or'ing stress and "lastic design methods, Design of tension, (om"ression and flexural members /including built u" members1, (olumn bases, &oof trusses#

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Section + (Arc)itec))

"R/0ESSI/NA1 "RACTICE P Profession+ vocation, trade union vis+a+vis "rofessional activities, social obligations of "rofession, architectural "rofessional association its role and res"onsibilities# P %rchitects %ct 2@C64AC# (ouncil of %rchitecture+ its roles res"onsibilities P (ode of "rofessional conduct P (ondition of engagement and scale of "rofessional fee# P (o"yright %ct as a""licable to architectural wor'# P %rchitectural com"etition# P (once"t of (ontract and %rbitration P Duties and liabilities of architects and contractors# P %rticles of agreement, execution of wor' and "ayments# P %rbitration %ct, its a""lication and sco"e# P *aluation and valuation methods# P Tenders, ty"es and the "rocess of calling, scrutiny and selection system# P Pre+tender $ualification and registration of contractors# P <ffice organi7ation and management, ex"enses, structure, salaries and overheads, role of designs staff and su""orting managerial staff# P Personal management and training res"onsibilities# +3I1DING +<E1A;S P ,uilding rules regulations a""licable to im"ortant Metro"olitan centres# P -eed for controls at various levels of Town Develo"ment# P )tudy of ,yelaws of Hrban Estates of Im"ortant states# P )tudy of -ational ,uilding code of I#)#I# P )tudy of re$uirements of submission, drawings with services as re$uired by Estates <fficer#

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0INISHESA MATERIA1S AND S"ECI0ICATI/NS (+A 2.2) Material ' 0ini )e +uil*in$ Material ! /a1 TimberD Ty"e of timber, seasoning of timber, defects and decay of timber, mar'et rate and uses of timber# /b1 :ater "roofing materials, such as ,itumen and water "roofing felts /c1 )urface finishesD :hite wash, Distem"er, "aints and varnishes, /ty"e, a""lication, advantages, disadvantages1 Material ! The study of manufacturing "rocess, casting, characteristics, form and uses of cast iron, wrought iron, steel, stainless steel, aluminum as building materials, various structural member sections and 9oinery in steel and aluminum S4ecification Introduction to the im"ortance of s"ecifications, their functions, different ty"es of s"ecifications, detailed s"ecifications for various basic building materials, studio exercise related to s"ecifications for small building "ro9ect, standard P#:#D s"ecifications# :riting s"ecifications for (ivil wor's asD P Dam" "roof course P ,ric' masonry P (oncreting P 0looring P Plastering and "ointing P Timber doors and windows P )teel doors and windows P Painting, *arnishing P )ervices, )anitary fixture and Electrical wiring

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+3I1DING SERVICES (+A 2.7) Sanitation! Im"ortance and basic a""roach# !ocation of sanitary units# House drainage system# )ewers materials, wor'manshi", se"tic tan's, testing of drains, gradients, ventilation, local bye+laws, maintenance tra"s of various ty"es# Planning and layout of lavatory bloc's, different ty"es of sanitary fittings and their installation, selection and testing of fittings# !ayout of sewers and drains in various ty"es of buildings# Do(e tic ;ater Su44l&! Meter chambers, overhead and underground tan's, "um" houses, installation, selection and testing of "ressure fittings# Domestic hot water su""ly# !ayout of water su""ly system in buildings of various ty"es# Draina$eA Se6era$e an* Se6a$e Di 4o al! )ewage dis"osal, systems for small "ro9ects, treatment "lants, gas "lants, dis"osal of refuse, incinerator, refuse dis"osal in high rise buildings, treatment of industrial refuse# &efuse and "ollution "roblem# External drainage and sewerage and sewerage systems# Acou tic ! ,asic "roblems, criteria and terminology Transmission of sound in rooms, s"eech "rivacy between offices, co+efficient, classification and selection of acoustical materials, acoustics of auditorium, schools, religious buildings, recommendation for acoustical treatment# Air5con*itionin$A Heatin$ an* Ventilation! Different ty"es of heating e$ui"ment vi7 radiators, converters, electric radiant "anel heaters, &e$uirements of comfort conditions, tem"erature control, humidity control# Mechanical ventilation, "lenum system, exhaust system, fans exhaust and blower fans, air filters of different ty"es, air+conditioning "lants and layout of ducts for cinema, auditoriums, offices, hotels etc# 0ire 0i$)tin$! (ause of fire, s"read of fire, fire fighting e$ui"ment and different methods of fire fighting, s"rin'les, fire regulation and re$uirements of fire insurance, fire fighting in high rise buildings# Electrical Service ! .eneral distribution of electric "ower in towns, sub+stations for small schemes and industrial units, meter rooms, electrical installations in buildings, electrical :iring+ different materials em"loyed and s"ecifications, electrical a""liances and electrical services, earthing, bye+laws "ertaining to electrical installations# Different ty"es of artificial lighting systems# !ighting systems for residential building, "ublic buildings, hotels, cinemas, hos"itals, exhibition halls, libraries, schools, colleges, scientific laboratories etc# Reco((en*e* %oo, ! 2# Q,uilding MaterialsR &angwala 6# Q,uilding MaterialsR Parbin )ingh

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ADVANCED STR3CT3RA1 DESIGN (+A 2.9) Design of &einforced (ement (oncrete /&((1 )tructures ,uilding 0rames, li$uid retaining structures, Earth retaining walls, 0lat slabs, )taircases# Design of steel structures + Plate grinders, gantry grinders and steel bridges#

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ENVIR/NMENTA1 ENGINEERING (+A 2.-) Sanitation Im"ortance and basic a""roach# !ocation of sanitary units# House drainage system# )ewers materials, wor'manshi", se"tic tan's, testing of drains, gradients, ventilation, local bye+laws, maintenance tra"s of various ty"es# Planning and layout of lavatory bloc's, different ty"es of sanitary fittings and their installation, selection and testing of fittings# !ayout of sewers and drains in various ty"es of buildings# ;ater Su44l& an* Draina$e of +uil*in$ ! )ystem of water su""ly, house connections, metering, internal distribution, sanitary fittings, "i"e 9oints, Different ty"es of "i"es and "i"es materials, water treatment# Hnit <"erations in water treatment screening; sedimentation and its theory, sedimentation aided with coagulation, flocculation; sand filtration, slow, ra"id gravity and "ressure filters, Disinfections, -ecessary; re$uirements of a disinfectant, methods of disinfecting, different "ractices of chlorination# Environ(ental Healt)! *ector (ontrolD 0undamentals of e"idemiology, vector borne diseases, ty"es of vectors, Mos$uitoes, flies, rodents, rationale of control and naturalistic methods of control# Hses and limitations of "esticides, engineering measures of vector control# 0ood and Mil' )anitationsD &elation of food to disease, Princi"les of food sanitation, )anitation of 'itchens, restaurants and other catering establishments, ?uality changes in mil', mil' as carrier of infection, Pasteuri7ation of mil' HT)T and !T!T "rocesses, (attle shed sanitation# Di 4o al Effect on Environ(ent! Effects of industrial wastes on streams, land, air wastewater treatment "aint, water $uality criteria, Effluent standards, "rocess modification, ,ioassay studies, Environmental legislation# "u%lic ;ater Su44l& Source of ;ater Su44l&! )urface and underground sources, reclamation and develo"ment of source in rlo $uality and $uantity of water, Develo"ment of wells# )torage, reservoir, balancing and service storage, ca"acity determination by mass curve method, Inta'e and transmission systemD distribution systemD networ' design# Reco((en*e* %oo, 2# 3Environmental )anitations3 )alvato, >ohn :iley )ons, -ew Jor' 2@A6# 6# 3:aste Treatment3 &ao M#-# and Dutta <xford and I,H Publishing !td#, (uScutta, 2@C@# 8# 3)ewage :aste Dis"osal Engg#3 )#5# .arg M# 3:ater )u""ly :aste :ater Dis"osal3 .#M# 0air >#c# .eyer E1EMENTS /0 T/;N "1ANNING AND ARCHITECT3RE (+A/ 7.1) Intro*uction .eneral Planning conce"ts in Town Planning, History of town Planning in India, Early settlements to -ew towns, elements of city "lan, "lanning attributes and level of "lanning, survey for town "lanning, Im"ortance of climate, To"ogra"hy, Drainage and water )u""ly in selection of site for develo"ment# Content of Develo4(ent "lan ! )co"e and (ontent of Master "lan, &egional "lan, )tructure "lan, Detailed develo"ment "lan, Hrban renewal, "lanning standards for -eighborhood, ,asic Princi"les in "lanning Page 9? of -.

various land uses, &esidential, (ommercial, Industrial, + Trans"ortation, &ecreational, %griculture, Htility and services# "lannin$ 1e$i lation ! Evolution of "lanning legislation in India, <rgani7ations and administration of "lanning agencies at -ational, )tate, &egional level and Metro"olitan !evel, Tamil -adu Town and (ountry Planning %ct Intro*uction to Arc)itecture! ,uilding ,ye !aws + 0unction of !ocal %uthority, Provision of ,uilding regulations + ,uilding Materials, )ocio, (ultural (onditions, Economic and Technological factors in %rchitecture, Princi"les of ,uilding Planning, %s"ect, Pros"ect, 0urniture re$uirements, &oominess + .rou"ing, (irculation+ 0lexibility, Privacy, )anitation, Elegance, Economy, Practical (onsideration# +a ic Ele(ent of Arc)itecture! Princi"les of %rchitectural (om"osition, Hnity, + (ontrast, &hythm, Pro"ortion, )cale, ,alance and )ymmetry, (haracter, Harmony, (olour + !ight and )hade, )olids and *oids# Princi"les relating to function, strength, a""earance# Interior "lanning and treatment, Interior Decoration, 0urniture and fittings, thermal and acoustics insulation# Reco((en*e* %oo, 2# 3Town Planning'B &angwala )#c#, 5rishanara9u, -# (harlour Publishing House, %nand, .u9arat 2@AG # 6# 3Design 0undamentals in %rchitecture', Pramar *#)#, somaiya Publications Pvt# !td, -ew Delhi# 8# 30undamentals ofTown Planning3, Hiras'ar .5# Dhan"at &ai )ons -ew Delhi# M# 3Hrban and &egional Planning3, .owda, )#, Prasaranga, Hniversity of Mysore, 2@AF REHA+I1ITATI/N /0 STR3CT3RES 5 (+A/ 7.2) Intro*uction )trength, "ermeability, volume changes and thermal "ro"erties of concrete# Crac, ! (rac's in concrete, intrinsic crac'ing and structural crac'ing, + causes and remedies, "lastic crac's, causes and remedies, Thermal contraction crac's, !ong term drying shrin'age crac's, )ul"hate attac' crac's, %l'ali aggregate reaction crac's# Material for Re4air! Materials for &e"airD (oncrete chemicals, s"ecial elements for accelerated strength gain, Ex"ansive cement Polymer concrete, )ul"hur infiltrated concrete, 0errocement, 0iber reinforced concrete# Re4air Tec)ni#ue ! &e"air techni$uesD &ust eliminators and "olymers coating for steel bars during re"airs, foamed concrete, mortar and dry "ac', *acuum concrete, .unite and shotcrete,+ e"oxy in9ection, Mortar re"air for crac's, shoring and under "inning# Non5 De tructive Te tin$! -on+ Destructive TestingD Hltrasonic and sonic tester, 0law detectors, &ebound test hammers, strength evaluation of existing structures# Reco((en*e* +oo, !

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2# 3Pro"erties of (oncrete3, -eville %M, The English !anguage ,oo' )ociety Pitman Publishing# 6# 3&e"air of (oncrete )tructures3, %lien &T and )( Edwards ,la'e )ons H5#

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ADVANCED ARCHITECT3RA1 DESIGN 5 (+A/ 7.7) +3I1DING! a1 (ommunity center /,an', Post office, Panchayat .har, Dis"ensary, *illage house, )chool etc#1 b1 The study of a historical buildings and design of small buildings in a historical set u" li'e library, museum art gallery or sarai C/NTENT! Design of "ublic building with com"lex functions and technicalities, -ature of urban com"lexes, scale and other elements of urban design to be incor"orated# T/"ICS! The design "rogramme includes a1 %uditorium, (inemas, Theatres b1 )"eciali7ed laboratories and housing )tudy of an urban com"lex as a "rototy"e so as to have a detailed study of various as"ects in "lanning eg# Hrban activity services and construction methods and "henomena of social utili7ation, growth and change shall be the focus of the study#

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INTERI/R DESIGN (+A/ 7.9) Intro*uction -ature + Pur"ose of interior design decorations, human environment, nature of good design, elements of interior design, line, form, texture, "ro"ortion, balance, rhythm unit, re"etition, gradation, em"hasis, unity, "attern, character, contrast, "rinci"les of design# SelectionA Circulation an* Hu(an Scale! (om"onents of building orientation, building entrance, configuration of "ath, "aths"ace relationshi"s, form of circular s"ace with building exam"les, Human scale and movement with reference to function and furniture# Interior De i$n in Current "ractice! 0unction and "lanning, wor'ing s"ace, living s"ace, "ublic s"aces and s"ecial "ur"ose interior, s"ace re$uirements; of various "ur"oses such as hotel, restaurant, office, auditorium, ban's, schools with reference to I) codes# )am"le design of household furniture, interior layout of living room, dinning room, bed room, 'itchen, toilet, office, library and show room# Colour an* Interior! Effect of colour in interior, colour scheme, emotional effect of colour, matching colour with furniture, flooring material and environmental choice of "aints, murals, scul"tures and related matters, use of natural and synthetic bHilding material, thermal and acoustic treatment, wall and floor coverings# 1i$)tin$! (lassification of lighting, general and load lighting, artificial light sources, s"ectral energy distribution, colour tem"erature, colour reading study of lighting accessories and their choice, Design of modern lightings, Iightings of stores, offices, schools, hos"itals and houses# Electrical and "lumbing layout of a residential building# 2# 3Design )trategies in %rchitecture an %""roach to %nalysis 0orm'B .eoffrey, H#, ,a'er, *an -ostrand Publications, !ondon 6# 3%coustics Design and Practice3, )uri )#!#, %sia Publishing house, -ew Jor'# 8# 3IneriorsD Per"es"ective in %rchitectural Design .ra"hics3 )M% Publishing (+o#, !td# M# 3%rchitectural Design3, Pic'ering# E#, >ohn :iley and sons, !ondon#

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1ANDSCA"E ARCHITECT3RE (+A/ 7.-) Hi tor& an* Mo*ern Tren* ! Introduction to landsca"e architecture, its im"ortance for human well+being# Early ex"eriments and develo"ment# Integrating buildings and landsca"e, indoor and outdoor s"aces, form, colour and texture# 1an* ca4e "lannin$! !andsca"e "lanning of large townshi" and estates# !andsca"e "lanning for individual building "ro9ects# !andsca"e "lanning for "ublic s"aces, educational institutions# )ite develo"ments by ex"loiting natural forms# Problems of earthwor', grading of alignments, circulation and utilities# "lantation! !ocal "lants, materials and ado"tion for landsca"ing with reference to behaviour and climate, field identification of a few Indian "lants and flowers and study of their ecological characteristics# Environ(ental De i$n! %""lication of "rinci"les of architecture #and landsca"e for environmental design of "ro9ects#

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DISASTER MANAGEMENT 0/R +3I1DINGS (+A/ 7.=) %n introduction to Disaster Management Disaster training Im"act of disasters (ommunity based a""roach to co"e with disasters )afety management Disaster mitigation Disaster management in the new millennium Problems and design issues .eneral re$uirements, "rinci"les and measures for building design for fire, floods, cyclones, avalanche and earth$ua'e )"ecial construction techni$ue

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ADVANCED C/M"3TER A""1ICATI/N 0/R ARCHITECT3RE 5 (+A/ 7..) To4ic :hat is (%D, %uto (%DT %dvantage of %uto (%D, Invo'ing %uto (%D, %uto (%D )creen !ayoutD )tatus bar, tool bar, screen menu, Pull down menus, dialogue boxes, .ra"hic cursor, .ra"hics area, labeled buttons, radio buttons, chec' boxes, list boxes, drawing editor, file handling, commands /utility commands1 0ile! <"ening new file, editing on existing file, saving existing4$uitting %uto (%D /o"en, new, save, $uit, end commands1 E*itin$ Co((an* ! (ut (o"y, Paste, and Draw (ommandsD line, Trace, <rtho mode D line, M line M 2 style, P line, )"line U line# &ay, )'etch, (ircle, %rc, Donut, Elli"se, )olid, Polygon, ,li" mode, %"erture, color selection Procedure, Select /%Gect! Prom"t sna""ingD end, mid, center, node, nearest, tangent, $uadrant# Trans"arent commands re"eat commands, Hel", Hndo, &edo, <o"s, erase, &edraw, &egen, fill, absolute, &elative Polar Hnits, !imits .rid, )na" ob9ect sna"s, I)< mode, filters/Drawing aids1,function 'eys, Editing commands, trim, brea', extend, offset, stretch, fillet, chamfer, move, rotate, scale, ex"lode, P line, P edit, mirror, (o"y, "oint,array,hatch,8d face, gri"s, 8d <b9ects, )etting variableD Pd mode, Pd si7e, fill, Koom, center, left, dynamic, scale, &t 7oom# Elevation, thic'ness !ine ty"e, It )cale !ayers, DD!, modes+change, ch"ro", En$uiry commandD 2E !ist, Db list, %rea, Dist, v+"oint 2, 2, 2, "lan# +a ic S,ill ! E$uivalent of traditional design related activities of drafting "oints and linesD Tracing and s'etching in new design environment# Re4re entation )cale, "lans, sections, elevations, axonometric and obli$ue "ro9ections and "ers"ective "ro9ections# Mani4ulation Transformation, re"etition, extension#

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C1IMAT/1/G< AND ARCHITECT3RE (+A/ 7.>) 0un*a(ental ! P Im"ortance of studying ,uilding (limatology P Elements of climate P Interrelationshi" of climatic elements and "sychometric chart Cli(atic Bone P Tro"ics and climatic 7ones in the tro"ics P Macro and micro climate P &ole of climate with res"ect to shelter P )tudy of various indigenous shelters in res"onse to various climate 7ones in the tro"ical belt in general and of India in "articular P Princi"al of town "lanning in Hot dry and Hot humid climatic 7ones# T)er(al Co(fort P Definition and ex"lanation of thermal com"ort P Human heat balance, "hysiological com"ort P &elationshi" of climatic elements with thermal com"ort P Thermal stress index P ,io+c2imatic chart, effective tem"erature and corrected effective tem"erature histogram and the uses# Move(ent of u( P Hnderstanding the movement of sun across the s'y P )olar chart its im"ortance

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