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Name of The Experiment: Mathematical Operations Using Op-Amp Objective

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4 EEE 214
NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS USING OP-AMP OBJECTIVE Any kind of mathematical operations can be done using OP-AMP. In this experiment only three i.e. addition, differentiation and integration operations will be performed. THEORY he property of infinite impedance and infinite gain of an operational amplifier results in a situation of !ero "oltage between the two input terminals. he effect is known as a "irtual ground. #ue to this effect, the op-amp can be used to perform some mathematical operations. Additi !$ %sing the concept of in"erting amplifier, the op-amp can be used as an adder & actually in"erting adder ' to sum up some input signals. In (ig.) the output of the op-amp is *+ , - & -) . -/ . -0 ' I) )+ k I/ )+ k I0 )+ k (ig. ) Adder circuit Integration and #ifferentiation$ "oltage is gi"en as$
) vi &t ' dt RC


I). I/. I0 )+ k



*+ , - &-). -/. -0'

he circuit in (ig. / acts as an integrator where the output

v+ &t ' =

i )+ ( i vi /+ k v+

(ig. / Integrator circuit 1imilarly, the circuit in (ig. 0 acts as a differentiator and the output "oltage is gi"en as$

v+ &t ' = RC

dvi &t ' ) dt

i /+ k i vi )+ ( (ig. 0 #ifferentiator circuit APPARATUS rainer board OP-AMP &34)' 5esistance PROCE"URE ). Implement the adder circuit as shown in (ig.). Apply the supply "oltages as .)/* and -)/* at pin no. 3 and 4 respecti"ely. Apply the input "oltages - ), /*, -/, 0* and -0, 4* , and measure the output "oltage. /. Implement the integrator circuit as in (ig. /. 0. Apply a sinusoidal wa"eform of 6 "olt p-p in the input. Obser"e the output. 4. 2hange the resistance to 6+k and obser"e the output "oltage wa"eshape. 6. 5epeat step 0 and 4 for a s7uare wa"e input signal. 8. 5epeat step 0 and 4 for a sawtooth input signal. 3. Implement the differentiator circuit in (ig. 0. 9. 5epeat steps 0 to 8. REPORT ). #raw the input and output wa"eforms of the integrator and differentiator circuit. /. #esign a circuit which will take two inputs " )&t' and "/&t': producing an output of "+&t' , +.6")&t' ./+"/&t'dt. ) 2apacitor )+( ) Oscilloscope 6+k, )+k, /+k v+

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