This document provides an overview of the upcoming week's schedule and activities for a 4th grade class. It details that students will be working on refining their narrative writing and reading comprehension strategies while preparing for their upcoming MCAS math tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reminders are provided about early release on Monday and there being no science or social studies this week due to MCAS testing. Upcoming events through the end of the school year are also listed.
This document provides an overview of the upcoming week's schedule and activities for a 4th grade class. It details that students will be working on refining their narrative writing and reading comprehension strategies while preparing for their upcoming MCAS math tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reminders are provided about early release on Monday and there being no science or social studies this week due to MCAS testing. Upcoming events through the end of the school year are also listed.
This document provides an overview of the upcoming week's schedule and activities for a 4th grade class. It details that students will be working on refining their narrative writing and reading comprehension strategies while preparing for their upcoming MCAS math tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reminders are provided about early release on Monday and there being no science or social studies this week due to MCAS testing. Upcoming events through the end of the school year are also listed.
This document provides an overview of the upcoming week's schedule and activities for a 4th grade class. It details that students will be working on refining their narrative writing and reading comprehension strategies while preparing for their upcoming MCAS math tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reminders are provided about early release on Monday and there being no science or social studies this week due to MCAS testing. Upcoming events through the end of the school year are also listed.
8eadlng Wrlung 1hls week ln readlng we be worklng on pumng our comprehenslon sLraLegles whlle readlng our gulded readlng novels. 1he novels belng read are: 1he 8esL School ?ear Lver 8y 8arbara 8oblnson 1he SecreL School 8y Avl 1uck Lverlasung by naLalle 8abblu
uue Lo MCAS we wlll be worklng on readlng for Monday, 1hursday, and lrlday. ln wrlung Lhls week, we wlll conunue Lo work on and rene our narrauve wrlung . 1he sLudenLs have chosen Lhelr own Loplcs Lo wrlLe abouL and are worklng on revlslng and edlung wlLh Lhe help of Lhelr peers.
Reminders Upcoming Events:
Pictures of our Chorus Concert: Read Aloud Book: The read aloud book we are sharing this week is The Giver. It is one of my favorites! It is also coming out this summer as a movie and I wanted the kids to experience the book before seeing it on the big screen!
May: 12: Early Release Day 13: Math MCAS 14: Math MCAS 22: Sing and Swing 26: No School Memorial Day 30: Field Day
June: 5: Wax Museum 6: No School 13: 4 th Grade Celebration 19: Last Day of School
lL ls golng Lo sLarL gemng hoL ln Lhe classroom, please send ln waLer boules! Character Quote Everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their life because we all overcometh the World. August Pullman, Wonder
Math Science Social Studies 1hls week we are Laklng our MaLh MCAS. l am golng Lo walL Lo go onLo unlL 12 ln maLh unul Monday. lor Lhe 1hursday and lrlday of Lhls week, we wlll be golng over Lhe formulas for ndlng Lhe area of a paralleogram and rlghL Lrlangle.
l know Lhe sLudenLs wlll do well on 1uesday and Wednesday. As always, Lhey may brlng ln gum Lo chew durlng Lhe LesL. uue Lo MCAS and Lhe Larly 8elease day we wlll be mlsslng boLh Sclence and Soclal SLudles Lhls week!