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Weekly News Week of May 19

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Fourth Grade Rocks

Week of May 19, 2014

1hls week ln readlng we
are conunulng Lo work on
pumng our comprehenslon
sLraLegles whlle readlng
our gulded readlng novels.
1he novels belng read are:
1he 8esL School ?ear Lver
8y 8arbara 8oblnson
1he SecreL School 8y Avl
1uck Lverlasung
by naLalle 8abblu
Cur whole class focus wlll
be on maklng lnferences.
We wlll also be readlng
abouL 8eLheney PamllLon,
a Leen aged surfer who
survlved a shark auack Lo
compare lL Lo a fable abouL
an old donkey.
ln wrlung Lhls week, we wlll
conunue Lo work on and rene
our narrauve wrlung . 1he
sLudenLs have chosen Lhelr own
Loplcs Lo wrlLe abouL and are
worklng on revlslng and edlung
wlLh Lhe help of Lhelr peers. We
wlll also be beglnnlng Lo work on
an oplnlon plece abouL wheLher
or noL Lo have unlforms ln school.

lor word work, we wlll be
worklng on synonyms and

Character Quote
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your
face and you will always look lovely
-Roald Dahls The Twits
Math Science
Social Studies
I am so proud of the
hard work the students
put into their MCAS
testing! They did a
phenomenal job
This week we will be
starting our last unit in
our Everyday Math
curriculum. This unit
revolves around data
and rates. We will be
collecting and
displaying data. We will
also be learning about
how to be a strategic
shopper and how to get
the best deal.
We are resumlng our regular
Sclence and Soclal SLudles
schedule Lhls week. We wlll be
nlshlng up our sLudy of Lhe
MldwesL by creaung a posL card
as lf we were a LourlsL. 1hls
allows us Lo pull ouL Lhe mosL
lmporLanL ldeas from our
MldwesL sLudy.

ln Sclence Lhe sLudenLs wlll be
conunulng Lhelr sLudy of
elecLrlclLy and magenLs.


Pictures of our
Read Aloud Book:
The read aloud book we are sharing this
week is The Giver. It is one of my
favorites! It is also coming out this
summer as a movie and I wanted the kids
to experience the book before seeing it on
the big screen!

22: Sing and Swing
26: No School Memorial Day
30: Field Day

2: 5
Gr. Pen pal picnic
5: Wax Museum
6: No School
13: 4
Grade Celebration
19: Last Day of School

lL ls golng Lo sLarL gemng hoL ln Lhe
classroom, please send ln waLer boules!

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