Electronic Mail
One of the most frequently used applications on the Internet today is
e-mail. When you sign up for internet access through your ISP,
employer/school you are assigned a user name that identifies you as the
indiidual at that organi!ation "ho holds the e-mail account.
#our school e-mail address is$ truongt%ds&n.elearningontario.ca
#our personal e-mail address is$ tommytruong'%hotmail.com
Select one of the a&oe and fill in the &lan(s &elo"$
#our user name is truongt
% separates the user name from the host name to allo" for multiple address at the same
#our hosts name is ds&n.elearningontario.ca
Advantages of using e-mail are:
) It*s easy to send an email and "ill get there fast all around the "orld.
) It* relia&le and has simply languages.
) It*s a fast "ay to reply &ac( to them.
) It*s saes your messages as long as you need them.
) It*s a fast "ay to ma(e copies of your "or(.
Concerns regarding the use of e-mail:
When "e conerse, "e e+pect other people to o&sere certain rules of &ehaior. ,he same is true
for e-mail, the most popular form of online communication. -ere are a fe" pointers to help you
communicate more effectiely. In the space provided, explain why each etiquette tip should
be followed
.. /learly summari!e your message in the su&0ect line.
1. 2o not use the // 3/ar&on /opy4 function to copy your message to eeryone.
5. 6se the 7// 37lind /ar&on /opy4
8. 9eep your message short and focused.
:. ;oid using all /;PI,;< <E,,E=S>>>
?. 2on*t "rite anything you "ouldn*t say in pu&lic.
'. 6se emoticons/smiley*s to ensure that your message is properly understood.
@. ;oid sending e-mail to large num&ers of people unless you hae a legitimate reason to do it.
A. ;oid nasty e-mail.
.B. Include your name at the &ottom of the message.