Copyright Woods Air Movement Limited. England 2000
WOODS AIR MOVEMENT LIMITED FANS IN AIR HANDLING UNITS by S.D. Desmond C Eng., M.C.I.B.S.E. Senior Applications Engineer of Woods of Colchester Limited Tufnell Way Colchester CO4 5AR United Kingdom March 1993 AI R M O V EM EN T 2 FANS IN AIR HANDLING UNITS Introduction People tend to be creatures of habit and to use equipment they have used before. Air handling unit manufacturers will tend to offer units containing the type of fan requested by a customer. Therefore, fans in air handling units are either of the type normally supplied by the manufacturer of the air handling unit or of a type used previously by the customer. The purpose of this paper is to enable Engineers who specify fans, to compare the installation effect, space limitation and silencing requirement of the three main types of fan when mounted in Air Handling Units. The three main types of fan compared are:- Centrifugal Mixed Flow Axial General comparisons can be taken from this paper but the specific comparisons in section 6 are for specific duties and compare Woods Axcent 2 mixed flow fans, Woods Varofoil axial flow fans, and backward curved centrifugal manufactured by others. For particular projects it would be advisable to approach the fan manufacturer direct. Each of the different types has advantages and disadvantages depending on the installation. The overall benefits should be considered before final fan selection. 3 Contents 1. Description Of The Three Main Fan Types : Centrifugal, Mixed Flow and Axial 2. Test Methods: BS848:1963, ducted fans BS848:1980, type A, B, C & D connections 3. Fan Outlet Velocity Profile: Why non-ducted outlets generate extra losses 4. Installation Effects: a. Centrifugal fans b. Mixed flow fans c. Axial flow fans 5. Recommended Minimum Distances Upstream, Downstream And Sides, Below Which Fan Performance Will Be Adversely Affected 6. Comparisons Of Fans In Air Handling Units Showing: a. Absorbed power b. Length of air handling units c. Noise levels 7. Other Aspects: a. Direct drive / Belt drive b. Stall characteristics c. Non-overloading characteristics d. Variable duty e. Dynamic pressure regain f. Motor location on belt driven fans g. Multi-staging 8. Sketches And Photographs Of Various Installations 4 Fig.2 Performance Characteristics Of Centrifugal, Mixed Flow And Axial Flow Fans Of A Specified Power P r e s s u r e Volume Flow Centrifugal Mixed Flow Axial Fig.3 BS848:1963 For the same power a centrifugal fan will develop higher pressures at lower volume flows than the axial flow fan with the mixed flow fan coming in between. Fig. 2 indicates the relative coverage in performance of the three types of fan. 1) Description of the Three Main Fan Types There is a tendency to consider a fan in which the outlet air flows at right angles to the inlet air as a centrifugal fan, and a fan in which the outlet air flows in the same direction as the inlet air as an axial flow fan. In fact, centrifugal fans impart motion to the air by centrifugal force and axial flow fans by compressive force. An impeller using both centrifugal and compressive force to move the air is a mixed flow fan. Fig. 1 shows the flow pattern through the three types. Fig.1 Flow Pattern Through Different Types Of Fans Centrifugal Axial Mixed Flow It should be noted that volume flow is the prime requirement of a fan and that pressure is simply a function of the system when the required volume flow is passed through it. For example, some Variable Air Volume systems have terminal units which, for their operation, depend on a duct pressure immediately upstream. When these terminal units fail to operate there is a tendency to argue that the fan is not producing enough pressure. However, the pressure immediately upstream of the terminal unit is a function of the volume flow through the unit and the downstream ducting. Therefore, to make the terminal unit work, it is necessary to increase the volume flow through it and not the fan pressure. 2) Test Methods Fans of all types, and origins, are tested to various standards. In Germany, it is the DIN standard. In the U.S.A., it is the A.M.C.A. standard. In the U.K. the standard that all fans are tested to is British Standard 848. Fans designed prior to 1980 were tested to BS848:1963. Fans designed after 1980 are tested to BS848:1980. Fig. 3 indicates, in simplified form, the 1963 test method. Note that straight inlet and outlet ducting is used. If a fan is installed without ducting there will be an installation loss, or system effect factor, which will reduce the useful fan performance. 2 x Dia. Long 4 x Dia. Long Axial Fan Flow 4
D i a .
L o n g Flow Centrifugal Fan 2 x Dia. Long 5 Fig. 4 indicates, in simplified form, the 1980 test method. Fans designed after 1980 and tested to this standard have four different connection types: - A, B, C and D. When identical fans are tested to both the 1963 method and the 1980 method, different duties are recorded. This is due to a different inlet cone calibration and to a flow straightener downstream. The 1980 type D Category indicates a reduced performance, compared with the 1963 ducted method, even though the fans are identical. For two particular designs the differences are:- Centrifugal Fans = 2% lower volume flow. 2 to 4% lower static pressure. 3 percentage points lower efficiency. Axial Flow Fans = 4% lower volume flow. 5 to 10% lower static pressure. 4 percentage points lower efficiency. For either test, the BS848 Class B tolerance, which allows minus 5% volume flow, minus 3% efficiency, and plus 10% input power, is the accepted tolerance unless otherwise agreed in advance. A majority of fans sold in this country were designed and tested before 1980 and their performances are therefore based on the 1963 method. Specifications calling for fans tested to BS848:1980 could prevent a majority of fans being offered unless additional tests are conducted at considerable extra cost. Symbol V V V V = Fan A B C D Type Free Inlet - Free Outlet Free Inlet - Ducted Outlet Ducted Inlet - Free Outlet Ducted Inlet - Ducted Outlet Connection Fig.4 BS848:1980 3) Fan Outlet Velocity Profile When fans discharge into a plenum chamber without any outlet duct, there is an uneven velocity profile which reduces the effective fan performance. Fig.5 shows the velocity profile of centrifugal and axial flow fans when followed by ducting. As can be seen, it can take a straight length of duct up to 10 fan diameters long before this profile is equalised. The severity of this loss depends on the degree of distortion to the velocity profile and the residual swirl at the fan outlet. It is often calculated as a percentage of the nominal fan dynamic pressure, although the situation is actually much more complex. It should be noted that the side tapping of a pitot tube in the downstream duct or plenum chamber will not indicate the available static pressure because some of the high velocity profile will be converted into static pressure. Axial Velocity Distribution G ro s s Total Pressure F a n Total Pressure F a n S tatic Pressure Excess Velocity Pressure Conventional Velocity Pressure Fan Static Pressure 2 4 6 L
D Fig.5 Fan Outlet Velocity Profile 6 4) Installation Effect Fig.6 shows the installation effect on a backward curved DIDW centrifugal fan in a plenum or AHU. Four curves are shown indicating catalogue total pressure, static pressure (ducted), static pressure (un-ducted), and finally laboratory measured static pressure each side of an air handling unit fan section. The fan was mounted with the inlet at 0.25 diameters from the side walls and with inlet guards. This indicates how extensive the installation effect can be for a typical installation. Table A shows typical installation effects on fan performances as a function of the nominal fan dynamic pressure, Pdf. It should be taken as a general guide for comparison purposes only because different manufacturers advise different installation effects. Note that the last item is a regain cone and the effect is to convert fan annular dynamic pressure into static pressure possi bl y reduci ng motor power requirements. Attention should be paid to the effect of uneven air flow over other items of plant located upstream or downstream of the fan. Fig. 7 shows the installation effect on an Axcent 2 mixed flow fan, based on laboratory tested measurements. TABLE A. TYPICAL FAN INLET AND OUTLET LOSSES (Catalogue Performances Are Based On Ducted Inlet And Outlet) CONNECTION CENTRIFUGAL AXCENT 2 VAROFOIL No Inlet Duct 1 Pdf (Spigotted) 0.5 Pdf (Flanged) 0 (Integral Bellmouth) 0.9 Pdf Added Bellmouth 0 0 0.06 Pdf (Negligible) Bellmouth Guard & Bellmouth 0.03 Pdf (Negligible) 0.3 Pdf 0.16Pdf No Outlet Duct 0.5 to 3 Pdf (Depends on throat to outlet ratio) 0.5 Pdf 0.3 to 0.8 Pdf (Depends On Hub Dia.) Outlet Guard 0.1 Pdf 0.5 Pdf 0.1 to 0.3 Pdf Open Outlet Damper 1 Pdf 0.5 to 1 Pdf 0.5 Pdf Outlet Cone Up to 0.75 Pdf (Regain) Up to 1 Pdf (Regain) Up to 0.5 Pdf (Regain) 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Axcent 2 BS848 Part 1: 1980 Type A Test Rig Axcent 2 In Air Handling Unit Test Rig Volume Flow (m 3 /s) S t a t i c
P r e s s u r e
( P a ) 10 0 20 30 40 50 O v e r a l l
E f f i c i e n c y
% Fig.7 Axcent 2 Comparison Of Measured Performances 16% Short Fall On System Line 4 7 % R e d u c t i o n I n
A v a i l a b l e E x t e r n a l P r e s s u r e
A t G i v e n F l o w r a t e 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 F a n
P r e s s u r e s
a n d
( P a ) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 q v Volume Flow (m 3 /s) Fan Total Pressure P TF From Catalogue Fan Static Pressure P SF Calculated From Catalogue (P TF - P D ) Fan Static Pressure P SF Unducted (Catalogue Minus 2P D ) Measured P SF Of Fan In Box (AHU) PF
qv 2 Fig.6 RZR 560 mm DIDW Centrifugal Fan @ 2050 rev/min Handling Air 1.2 kg/m 3 Duty 8.0 m 3 /sec @ 1.5 kPa 7 Fig. 8 shows further variations in performance of an Axcent 2 mixed flow fan mounted in an air handling unit section. Note that there is little variation in fan performance due to the proximity of plant items upstream and downstream. There is a reduction in performance, though fairly small, if the discharge from the downstream section is at right angles and not in a straight line. 5) Recommended Minimum Distances Upstream, Downstream and at the Sides below which Fan Performance will be Adversely Affected. Fig. 9 shows a sketch of fan position in an air handling unit. The table indicates minimum recommended distances, for various types of fan, below which the installation effect factors previously discussed would no longer apply. Before using these distances the fan manufacturer should be consulted as these recommendations vary between manufacturers. 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Volume Flow (m 3 /s) S t a t i c
P r e s s u r e
( P a ) 330 mm Or 170 mm Fan Installed Without Downstream Splitters Downstream Splitters At 270 mm From Fan Outlet Upstream Coil At 125 mm From Fan Inlet Side Discharge With Side Wall At 330 mm From Fan Inlet Side Discharge With Side Wall At 170 mm From Fan Inlet
- Little Change - Little Change - Little Change - As Sketch - As Sketch Fig.8 Effect On Performances Due To System Components B A C Fan Flow Fig.9 Recommended Minimum Distances Upstream, Downstream And Sides Below Which Fan Performance Will Be Adversly Effected Dim. A B C Minimum Normal Critical Minimum Normal Critical Minimum Varofoil D D 1D 1D 1 D 1 D D 1 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 Axcent 2 D D 1 D D 1D 1D 100 mm 1 2 1 4 1 2 (* If D Max. Then Add VH To The Required Pressure) D = Fan Inlet Diameter Minimum: Is Minimum Distance Below Which Fan Performance Will Be Reduced. Allowance Must Be Made For Turbulence Through Other Components. Normal: Is As Minimum But No Allowance Is Required On Other Components. Critical: Is If Unit Width Or Height To Fan Diam Exceeds 3 To 1. 1 2 1 2 * Cent. D D D 1D 1 D 1 D D 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 8 6) Comparisons of Centrifugal, Mixed Flow and Axial Flow Fans in Air Handling Units. Five typical duties have been selected for specific comparison. As specific duties have been used, it is necessary to compare specific fans and not fans in general. Therefore all the fans compared are as would be offered commercially. The RZR backward curved centrifugal fan, the Woods Axcent 2 mixed flow fan, and the Woods Varofoil axial flow fan, are the fans being considered. Three aspects are compared:- (a) Absorbed Power: including belt losses where necessary but not inverter losses where inverters are required. Higher efficiency centrifugal fans could have been selected but would be larger, further increasing AHU size. (b) Air Handling Unit Length: including minimum recommended lengths of upstream and downstream plenums. (c) Sound Power Levels (Ref: 1 pW): in each octave band, at the fan outlet. Overall sound power levels are shown in brackets. A full system acoustic analysis for a typical installation, for each of the fans for example 6.3 follows the comparisons. This shows that even more unit length can be saved because of the shorter silencers required in units with mixed flow or axial fans. Example 6.1: DUTY 3 m 3 /s at 500 Pa SP. FAN ABS.POWER AHU LENGTH CENTRIFUGAL 5.1 kW 1705 mm AXCENT 2 3.1 kW 1485 mm VAROFOIL 4.2 kW 2260 mm SOUND POWER LEVEL Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k CENTRIFUGAL 100 94 95 89 85 83 78 74 (102) AXCENT 2 77 90 92 93 88 81 79 73 ( 98) VAROFOIL 85 87 98 97 96 93 88 82 (102) Example 6.2: DUTY 7 m 3 /s at 700 Pa SP FAN ABS.POWER AHU LENGTH CENTRIFUGAL 16.1 kW 2230 mm AXCENT 2 12.3 kW 1760 mm VAROFOIL 14.2 kW 2260 mm SOUND POWER LEVEL Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k CENTRIFUGAL 106 100 101 95 91 89 84 80 (109) AXCENT 2 85 96 101 103 97 90 88 84 (107) VAROFOIL 89 91 102 101 100 97 92 86 (106) Example 6.3: DUTY 12 m 3 /s at 1000 Pa SP FAN ABS.POWER AHU LENGTH CENTRIFUGAL 26.2 kW 2630 mm AXCENT 2 22.5 kW 2322 mm VAROFOIL 20.0 kW 2562 mm SOUND POWER LEVEL HZ 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k CENTRIFUGAL 109 104 104 97 92 87 87 83 (111) AXCENT 2 92 100 104 104 99 94 90 89 (109) VAROFOIL 97 98 107 106 105 102 97 91 (111) 9 Example 6.4: DUTY 15 m 3 /s at 1500 Pa SP. FAN ABS.POWER AHU LENGTH CENTRIFUGAL 33 kW 3500 mm AXCENT 2 36 kW 2450 mm VAROFOIL 41 kW 2825 mm SOUND POWER LEVEL Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k CENTRIFUGAL 108 103 103 97 94 91 87 82 (111) AXCENT 2 93 102 106 105 100 95 92 91 (111) VAROFOIL 99 99 102 110 108 106 102 96 (114) Example 6.5: DUTY 20 m 3 /s at 1500 Pa SP A single centrifugal fan and a single Varofoil fan are used for comparison but, due to the relatively high duty, two Axcent 2 fans and two smaller Varofoil fans, mounted in parallel, are also compared. With two fans in parallel the comparisons take into account both fans and not a single fan. FAN ABS.POWER AHU LENGTH CENTRIFUGAL 47 kW 4300 mm AXCENT 2 (2 FANS) 47 kW 2240 mm VAROFOIL (1 FAN ) 48 kW 3420 mm VAROFOIL (2 FANS) 50 kW 2409 mm SOUND POWER LEVEL Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k CENTRIFUGAL 110 104 105 99 96 93 89 83 (112) AXCENT 2 (2) 94 102 106 106 101 96 92 91 (111) VAROFOIL (1) 98 101 108 109 107 104 99 95 (113) VAROFOIL (2) 98 98 102 110 108 106 102 96 (114) 10 Full System Acoustic Analysis For Example 6.3 To attain NC35 on this system with a centrifugal fan requires a silencer 2100 mm long. 11 To attain NC35 on this system with a mixed flow fan requires a silencer 1050 mm long. 12 To attain NC35 on this system with a Varofoil requires a silencer 1350mm long. 13 Noise Levels Fig. 10 shows a general comparison of sound pressure levels, measured in a free field, at 1.5 m distance from the fans. Fans were selected for the same duty. Although both the Axcent 2 mixed flow fan and the Aerofoil axial flow fan show higher noise levels above 250 Hz, both types have lower noise levels below 250 Hz when compared with the centrifugal fan. The higher frequencies are more detectable to the human ear and therefore appear subjectively noisier but they are easier to attenuate. On most systems requiring air handling units, attenuation is necessary. Invariably the size of the attenuator is dictated by the lower frequencies, ie 125 Hz. The reason for this is that attenuators have poor noise absorption at low frequencies but good noise absorption at high frequencies. This means that shorter attenuators, compared to those used on centrifugal fans, can frequently be used on mixed flow and axial flow fans. as with centrifugal and mixed flow impellers, then there is a distinct advantage with using a belt and pulley drive because fan duties can be changed, within the power limits of the motor, by changing pulley ratios. With belt driven fans motors are external to the fan and are not connected directly to the impeller. The motor can therefore be easily replaced. Axial flow fan impellers can be easily adjusted for different duties, within the motor power, but the impeller must be removed if the motor needs replacing. Belt drive fans have additional power losses, due to the belts, over direct drive (average 5%). Belts can be mis-aligned, and can wear, making them slip or break. Switched reluctance or eddy current speed controlled motors can only be used with belt drive because of their physical size. Additional floor space may be required for the base frame of a belt driven fan. The motor on a belt driven fan could be mounted outside the air stream. (b) Stall Characteristics: Generally, axial flow fans containing aerofoil section blades set above specific blade angles, have a stall characteristic where performance becomes unstable. Selection should be avoided within 5% of the stall point pressure. Generally, mixed flow fans do not have stall characteristics and are stable throughout their performance curve down to zero flow. Fig. 11 shows typical mixed flow performance curves. Backward curved centrifugal fans often suffer from rotating stall at low flows. This should be shown as a discontinuity in the pressure/flow curve, although not all catalogues admit to it's presence. It is, however, rarely a problem except at low speeds on a speed controlled fan, or at high turn down ratios when the fan is fitted with radial vane inlet control. (c) Non-overloading Characteristics: Unlike forward curved centrifugal fans, all backward curved centrifugal, mixed flow and axial flow fans have non-overloading characteristics. This means that the motors will not burn out if the system characteristics are changed providing there is no contra-swirl in the air approaching the fan. 7) Other Aspects (a) Direct Drive / Belt Drive: Most types of fan can be either direct drive or belt drive. Medium to large centrifugal fans are normally belt driven. Mixed flow fans can be direct drive but are normally belt driven . Axial flow fans can be belt driven but are normally direct drive. Advantages/Disadvantages: If the impeller of a fan gives only a fixed performance, Octave Band Mid-Frequency (Hz) S o u n d
P r e s s u r e
L e v e l
( d B )
A t
1 . 5
F r e e
F i e l d 80 75 70 65 85 60 55 50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Axcent 2 Aerofoil Centrifugal Competitor A Centrifugal Competitor B Fig.10 Comparison Of Sound Levels 14 3000 2000 1000 500 250 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 75 85 95 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 P S F
F a n
S t a t i c
P r e s s u r e
( P a ) q v - Volume Flow (m 3 /s) %
M a x .
P o w e r BS848:1980 V (e) Dynamic (velocity) Pressure Regain: As shown earlier, mixed flow and axial flow fans can be provided with regain cones to convert some of the fan dynamic pressure to useful static pressure. Also, by reducing the fan outlet velocity a better air distribution may be obtained on downstream items of equipment. (f) Motor Location on Belt Drive Fans: Generally, motors and drives on centrifugal fans take up floor space on a base frame. Heavier motors on mixed or axial flow fans would also be belt driven and be mounted the same way but smaller motors with belt drives can be mounted on top of the fan casing saving floor space. (g) Multi-staging: Centrifugal fans can be mounted in parallel to increase volume flows. Mixed flow and axial flow fans can be mounted both in parallel and in series to increase both volume flow and pressure. Consideration should be given to using two, or more, mixed flow or axial flow fans, in parallel, in place of one large fan. The advantages are that a better aspect ratio of the air handling unit may be possible, mounting one fan above the other will increase usable floor area, and up to 65% volume flow stand-by could be available if one of the two fans fail. In addition, on a variable air volume system, it would be possible to run one fan only during the winter, when lower flows are required, to give increased power saving. Backdraught dampers should be used if one fan is to be switched off. Fig.11 Typical Mixed Flow Performance Curves With a forward curved centrifugal fan maximum power occurs at maximum volume flow and zero static pressure. Motors are typically selected for operation some way up the performance curve, where the power required is lower than at maximum volume flow. Therefore, opening dampers in the system could overload the motor. Some axial flow fans with anti-stall devices draw excessive power at the low volume flow/high pressure part of their characteristic. Motors may not be selected for this condition and closing dampers in the system could overload the motor. (d) Variable Duty: All fan duties can be varied using the relatively out-of- date variable inlet guide vane units. Both centrifugal and mixed flow fan performances can be varied using frequency converters (inverters), switched reluctance drives or eddy current couplings, ie. speed control devices. Axial flow fans can also be speed controlled. As an alternative, they can be built with a mechanism to vary their blade angle whilst in motion, ie. variable pitch in motion. One advantage of this is that the fan can develop maximum pressures at low volume flow which is useful for systems with variable duty requiring a high fixed pressure at low volume flows. 15 8) Sketches and Photographs of Specific Installations: Installation of 1 m diameter Mixed Flow fan. Dimensions in Millimetres H E I G H T
2 5 0 0 MX100B AXCENT 2. 7.5-9.0 m 3 /s LENGTH 3600 SIDE VIEW W I D T H
3 3 0 0 - + PLAN 16 CONTROL PANEL C C 1 2 2 5 0 0 SHELL & TUBE CONDENSERS C MX80 FAN + - H R D X 2000 2 6 0 0 + SIDE VIEW PLAN Dimensions in Millimetres Mixed Flow fan with air discharging vertically. 1 7 A 2 1 0 0 2400 OVERALL 7250 NR80 600 1800 400 OVERALL 6500 + + - NR75 (NR55 IN EQUIVALENT LENGTH) Dimensions in Millimetres C o m p a r i s o n
o f
M i x e d
F l o w
w i t h
C e n t r i f u g a l
f a n .
( 1 ) 1 8 OVERALL 5200 OVERALL 5800 AXCENT 2 - Also available side discharge Dimensions in Millimetres C o m p a r i s o n
o f
M i x e d
F l o w
w i t h
C e n t r i f u g a l
f a n .
( 2 ) 1 9 80KG D 80KG D 508 1 3 4 1060 200 762 TOTAL LENGTH APPROX. 2840 WITH GASKETS 125KG 1016 2 1 0 1390 1 6 2 1016 TOTAL LENGTH APPROX. 3815 WITH GASKETS 1 5 8 Dimensions in millimeters C o m p a r i s o n
o f
t w o
V a r o f o i l
f a n s
w i t h
s i n g l e ,
l a r g e r
V a r o f o i l . 2 0 AXCENT 2 2 5 0 0
a p p r o x . 910 MX80 MX80 Min Width AHU - 1000 A68 DIDW 1080 510 510 Min. Width AHU - 2100 Dimensions in Millimetres DIDW Centrifugal T w o
M i x e d
F l o w
f a n s
i n
p a r a l l e l
( m o u n t e d
o n e
a b o v e
t h e
o t h e r ) i n
c o m p a r i s o n
w i t h
C e n t r i f u g a l
f a n . 21 Two Axcent 2 Mixed Flow fans in parallel Further Reading: WOODS PRACTICAL GUIDE TO FAN ENGINEERING. Marketing Department Woods Air Movement Limited Tufnell Way Colchester Essex CO4 5AR Telephone:- 01206 244377 HEVAC GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICE AIR HANDLING UNITS. HEVAC Association The Federation of Environmental Trade Associations Sterling House 6 Furlong Rd Bourne End Buckinghamshire SL8 5DG Telephone:- 06285 31186/7 WOODS PRACTICAL GUIDE TO NOISE CONTROL. Marketing Department Woods Air Movement Limited Tufnell Way Colchester Essex CO4 5AR Telephone:- 01206 244377 Ref: WTP38 Whilst all appropriate care has been taken in the preparation of this document, neither Woods Air Movement Ltd. or the author give any warranty in respect of the contents.