This document discusses the components and operation of air handling units (AHUs) and their role in HVAC systems. It describes the basic components of an AHU including filters, coils, fans, dampers and sensors. It explains the purpose of mixed air AHUs and provides examples of typical damper sequences for controlling outdoor air intake and maintaining indoor air quality. Chiller and boiler plant systems are also summarized including key components such as chillers, cooling towers, boilers and pumps.
This document discusses the components and operation of air handling units (AHUs) and their role in HVAC systems. It describes the basic components of an AHU including filters, coils, fans, dampers and sensors. It explains the purpose of mixed air AHUs and provides examples of typical damper sequences for controlling outdoor air intake and maintaining indoor air quality. Chiller and boiler plant systems are also summarized including key components such as chillers, cooling towers, boilers and pumps.
This document discusses the components and operation of air handling units (AHUs) and their role in HVAC systems. It describes the basic components of an AHU including filters, coils, fans, dampers and sensors. It explains the purpose of mixed air AHUs and provides examples of typical damper sequences for controlling outdoor air intake and maintaining indoor air quality. Chiller and boiler plant systems are also summarized including key components such as chillers, cooling towers, boilers and pumps.
This document discusses the components and operation of air handling units (AHUs) and their role in HVAC systems. It describes the basic components of an AHU including filters, coils, fans, dampers and sensors. It explains the purpose of mixed air AHUs and provides examples of typical damper sequences for controlling outdoor air intake and maintaining indoor air quality. Chiller and boiler plant systems are also summarized including key components such as chillers, cooling towers, boilers and pumps.
Fundamentals j.ilangumaran Objectives Review primary components of an AHU Understand the basic progression and advantages of advanced AHU control Understand the basic control sequences Review key operating concepts Review key operating concepts HVAC System in a Building HVAC Air Systems HVAC air systems are made up of: AHU - Air handling units Dampers Coils and Valves Fans Distribution ducts and terminal boxes Pumps and Plumbing Pumps and Plumbing Control devices and control loops Unitary equipment: fan coils, perimeter radiation, unit ventilators, unit heaters, etc. AHU - Components & Terminology RA EA Return From Space OA Filter Cooling Coil Heating DA AHU components Heating coil & valve Cooling coil & valve Mixed air dampers section Mixed Air sensor Discharge air sensor Discharge air Duct Supply fan Return air Duct Return Air sensor AHU components Types of Air Handlers Air Handling Units Mixed Air Types of Air Handlers Air Handling Units Mixed Air A Single Duct AHU variation The exhaust air damper is not in this air handler; the building air is exhausted elsewhere, but the basic mixed air and other functions are unchanged. Air Handler Components The fan section with access door open. Air Handler Components The filter section. Notice the cross stacking of the filters to increase surface area. Air Handler Components Temperature Sensor: Temperature sensors are used for measurement of temperatur of a Room, Air Duct, Hot /Cold Water, Outside Air etc. Models are available with PT1000, NTC20K, BALCO500 sensing elements. LF20 : AIR DUCT TEMP. SENSOR (NTC 20k) elements. T7412 : ROOM TEMP. SENSOR (PT1000/NTC 20k) T7413A : IMMERSION TEMP. SENSOR (PT1000) Air Handler Components Relative Humidity Sensor: Relative Humidity sensors are used for measurement of Relative humidity of a Room, Air Duct, Outside Air etc. Sensor Type : Capacitance Combined Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensors are available H7015 : DUCT RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR Temperature Sensors are available with PT1000, NTC20K, BALCO500 sensing elements. H7015 : DUCT RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR H7012 : ROOM RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR Air Handler Components Differential Pressure Switch: Differential Pressure switches are used for monitoring of Filter, Fan, Pump, Fire Damper, Water Flow, Air Flow Status of air handling systems. DPS1000 : AIR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH DPS1000 : AIR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH TDIAP SERIS : AIR FLOW SWITCH Air Handler Components Differential Pressure Sensors/Transmitter: Used for measuring diff. Pressure, positive pressure and vacuum. DPT1000 : AIR DIFF. PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DPT1000 : AIR DIFF. PRESSURE TRANSMITTER ST 3000 Pressure Transmitter Air Handler Components Coils : Heating Coils Cooling Coils Coil Construction Copper with Aluminium fins, 13 Fins /inch Number of Rows, I.e 4/6/8 depending on the latent heat load & Bypass Factor. Air Handler Components The coil section of a AHU. Note: There may be a wide variety of actual configurations Air Handler Components Valves & Actuators Valve Types 2 Way or 3 Way Actuator Types Motorised Magnetic Pneumatic Operation On - Off,Floating, Modulating Air Handler Components Heat Recovery : A heat-recovery system is often used in buildings where a significant quantity of outdoor air is used. Several types of heat-recovery systems are available Runaround systems Heat pumps Runaround systems Rotary heat exchangers Heat pipes. Heat Wheel Air Handler Components Heat Recovery : Heat Wheel Typical AHU Damper Sequences Manually adjustable quantity of outdoor air: Similar to Fixed, but with a user adjustment device for adjusting damper setting from 0% to damper setting from 0% to 100% outdoor air. No automatic control. W/WO exhaust or return air ducts. Typical AHU Damper Sequences Mixed Air Dampers: Mixes OA and RA to maintain a mixed air setpoint via direct acting controller. Modulates 0% to 100%. Provides ventilation for IAQ. Provides free cooling. Provides proper temperature for Provides proper temperature for H/C coil operation. OA and EA dampers close via relay with fan off. RA damper opens via relay with fan off. Typical AHU Damper Sequences Example of operation: Setpoint = 55 deg. MAT = 55 deg. Proportional Controller output = 50% 50% Fan = On Dampers: OA = 50% RA = 50% Typical AHU Damper Sequences Example of operation on temperature rise: Setpoint = 55 deg. MAT = 57.5 deg. Controller output = 75% Fan = On Dampers: Dampers: OA = 75% RA = 25% More outdoor air! Typical AHU Damper Sequences Example of operation on temperature fall: Setpoint = 55 deg. MAT = 50 deg. Controller output = 0% Fan = On Dampers: Dampers: OA = 0% RA = 100% No outdoor air; no fresh air in the building! Mixed Air Dampers with a Minimum Position Setting Maintains a minimum outdoor damper position via a minimum adjustment device when building is occupied. (fan on) Meets IAQ code requirements. requirements. Typical AHU Damper Sequences - Mixed Air 75% 75% 75% 75% Example of operation on temperature fall: Setpoint = 55 deg. MAT = 50 deg. Controller output = 0% Min. Position Setpoint = 25% Fan = On Dampers: 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% OA = 25% RA = 75% Even though the Mixed Air controller is sending a control signal to completely close OA dampers, the minimum position controller or logic is maintaining setpoint. Fresh air is maintained in the building! 50% 50% 50% 50% Typical AHU Damper Sequences . Economizer Override of Outdoor Air: Requires an additional reverse acting controller in the outdoor air. Brings OA damper to minimum when outdoor air temperature is high. 50% 50% 50% 50% temperature is high. Provides for economical operation of the cooling coil. Typical AHU Damper Sequences 50% 50% 50% 50% Example of economizer operation with low outdoor temp. MA StPt = 55 deg MA temp = 55 deg MA controller out = 50% OA StPt = 70 deg OA temp = 67 deg 50% 50% 50% 50% OA temp = 67 deg OA controller out = 100% Min. Pos. StPt = 25% OA damper = 50%: MA controller is in control of the OA damper due to OAT acceptable for efficient use of mechanical cooling. Typical AHU Damper Sequences 75% 75% 75% 75% Economizer Override with outdoor temperature high: MA StPt = 55 deg MA temp = 55 deg MA controller out = 50% OA StPt = 70 deg OA temp = 74 deg OA controller out = 0% Min. Pos. StPt = 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Min. Pos. StPt = 25% OA damper = 25%: OA controller is in control of the OA damper due to OAT unacceptable for efficient mechanical cooling. Typical AHU Damper Sequences Enthalpy controlled override of Mixed Air control: Total heat (enthalpy) of outdoor air is compared to total heat of return air to total heat of return air to decide which is more economical for efficient cooling coil operation. Typical AHU Damper Sequences Example of operation with OA enthalpy lower: MA StPt = 55 deg MA temp = 55 deg MA controller out = 50% OA humidity = 35% OA temp = 60 deg RA humidity = 39% RA temp = 71 deg Outdoor air enthalpy is lower than return air enthalpy, so relay passes MA controller signal. Min. Pos. StPt = 25% OA damper = 50% 100%Outside Air AHU : Practical Example OA AHU Seq Mixed Air AHU : Practical Example Seq of Oper AHU Chiller Plant Plant Chiller Plant systems are made up of: Chiller/Condenser Unit Chilled Water Pumps Condenser Water Pumps Cooling Towers Makeup Water Tank A/C Expansion Water Tank Chiller Plant A/C Expansion Water Tank TRANE Chiller Chiller Plant Chiller Plant Concept : Typical Cooling Tower Typical Chiller Plant Example Chiller Plant Seq of Oper CHILLER Example Chiller Plant (THL New Building) Example Chiller Plant Boiler Plant systems are made up of: Boiler Units Primary Pumps Secondary Pumps Boiler Plant Typical Firetube Boiler Boiler Plant Boiler Plant Example Seq of Oper BOILER Boiler Plant Example Boiler Plant Example end