The document outlines steps in developing a marketing plan for a service firm. It discusses:
1) Conducting market and competitive analyses to address the markets the firm is involved in or considering entering, and evaluating the allocation of existing resources and identification of additional needs.
2) Creating a marketing assets statement detailing the firm's customer portfolio, market knowledge, and positioning strategies for each offered service.
3) Matching identified market opportunities against an operating assets statement to determine if the firm can allocate needed physical, technological, and human resources.
4) Developing a service marketing concept considering core/supplementary services and customer access points, as well as an operating concept outlining service processes and resource leverage options.
The document outlines steps in developing a marketing plan for a service firm. It discusses:
1) Conducting market and competitive analyses to address the markets the firm is involved in or considering entering, and evaluating the allocation of existing resources and identification of additional needs.
2) Creating a marketing assets statement detailing the firm's customer portfolio, market knowledge, and positioning strategies for each offered service.
3) Matching identified market opportunities against an operating assets statement to determine if the firm can allocate needed physical, technological, and human resources.
4) Developing a service marketing concept considering core/supplementary services and customer access points, as well as an operating concept outlining service processes and resource leverage options.
The document outlines steps in developing a marketing plan for a service firm. It discusses:
1) Conducting market and competitive analyses to address the markets the firm is involved in or considering entering, and evaluating the allocation of existing resources and identification of additional needs.
2) Creating a marketing assets statement detailing the firm's customer portfolio, market knowledge, and positioning strategies for each offered service.
3) Matching identified market opportunities against an operating assets statement to determine if the firm can allocate needed physical, technological, and human resources.
4) Developing a service marketing concept considering core/supplementary services and customer access points, as well as an operating concept outlining service processes and resource leverage options.
The document outlines steps in developing a marketing plan for a service firm. It discusses:
1) Conducting market and competitive analyses to address the markets the firm is involved in or considering entering, and evaluating the allocation of existing resources and identification of additional needs.
2) Creating a marketing assets statement detailing the firm's customer portfolio, market knowledge, and positioning strategies for each offered service.
3) Matching identified market opportunities against an operating assets statement to determine if the firm can allocate needed physical, technological, and human resources.
4) Developing a service marketing concept considering core/supplementary services and customer access points, as well as an operating concept outlining service processes and resource leverage options.
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Sl c] )- 2: At (ci speci f y ini' (lie ohjcclivc.
Ilie IIIIIII.IJ/CMK-III NI M mlil conduct m.ukct
:mtl cumpclilivj analysis. This task involves addressing each of the markets in which the firm is involved or thinking of entering. Simultaneously in this step management needs to conduct resource allocation analysis. It is necessary to evaluate the firm!s e"isting resources and how they are #eing allocated as well as identification of additional resources that might #e needed. I his pair ol task can #e thought ol collectively as a form of analysis. Iiacli task however leads to a statement of assets. Stcp$%: Marketing assets statement includes details of the firm!s e"isting customer postfolio (i.e. si&e characteristics and needs' knowledge a#out the market its product line and its positioning strategy. I he positioning strategy must develop for each service that the firm offers. (owever market opportunities identilied #y the a#ove analysis must now #e matched against an operating assets statement. )an the organi&ation a#le to allocate the physical technological and human resources needed to market service product more efficiently. Step$ *: The ne"t step in transforming an opportunity into reality involves creating a service marketing concept. This concept considers #oth core and supplementary services their characteristics and when where and how customers will #e a#le to have than. The related cost of users i.e. price time mental effort etc. are to #e cindered here. (owever side$#y$side a statement is to esta#lish a#out service operations concept. This task involves Ihc nature of the processes unci how the various types of operating assets should #e employed to perform specific task. The operating concept also addresses opportunities for leveraging the firms! own resources through use of intermediaries or the customer themselves. + Step$,: necessary modification and adjustment #etween the marketing and operating concepts have to #e made in order to #ring the two into the harmony needed to pioceul ha ill t$ spocific service. The planning task then move into service dclivciy process.